Winds of Change

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AN: The amazing masterpiece fanart above is a depiction of Y/N by our queen LavenderKingdom110! I think it looks amazing so go follow her and read her fanfics! ily Lav! <333


"Link, wake up!"

Y/N took a hold of the sleeping boy's arm and tried in vain to drag him out of bed. She shook his shoulder "Come on! Don't you remember? You have to solve the stupid riddle!" Y/N pulled his hair, in an effort to get him to at least open his eyes. Link just slapped her hand away and mumbled "Five more minutes,"

"Yeah, you'll get five more minutes when you actually FIND Zelda!" she hit him on the head with a nearby pillow. Link rubbed his eyes "Ow..." he groaned, rubbing his head, he sat up with a disgruntled expression on his face. Y/N rolled her eyes "Hylia Link, it was only a pillow!" she nudged him "Stop being so dramatic."

"Cut me some slack..." Link sighed, standing up and adjusting his clothes. Y/N chided him "See? I'm already up and ready! And we have to get Zelda, so cut you WHAT slack, exactly?" Link walked up to his closet, Y/N didn't even give him the chance to speak, shaking him by the shoulders "You had me worried, and now all you can do is sleep!"

Link waited for her patiently to finish her scolding, looking at her with faint amusement. Y/N narrowed her eyes, finally finishing her chiding and Link looked at her, wryly "Done? Now can I go shower?" he took out a towel from one of his drawers.

"But there's no time, Zelda could be way back in time by now."

Link rolled his eyes "Then I assume you like the smell of bokoblin guts and water and sweat and-" he smiled in satisfaction, seeing Y/N's expression "Okay then, but hurry up- I'm not waiting all day!" she got ready to leave "I'll wait for you at the goddess statue!" Y/N called out, shutting the door behind her.

Link breathed in deeply, inhaling the familiar aromas of sawdust, soap and the air freshner that Y/N had sprayed in the morning to get him to wake up. He woke up late, he glanced at the clock, it read 11am. Y/N had let him sleep in, he smiled, making a note to make it up to her. He picked out another set of the Knight's uniform in the closet, he wondered who put it there, and he left to go to the bathroom.

Link was glad to get out of his bloodstained clothes and the purified water soothed his cuts and bruises. He'd been relying on rivers his entire journey so it felt good to shampoo his hair. He even snuck a bit of Groose's conditioner. 

He felt a sharp pain, and looked at the gash at the side of his ribs. Hissing in pain, he got out of the shower and surveyed it in the mirror. It was a deep cut, and it ran from his right side all the way to his mid-back. Link rolled his tunic back down 'Probably from the Lizalfos' he deduced.

It looked bad, and it hurt to touch. And Link, being the idiot that he is, decided not to tell Y/N.

He ran a hand through his hair, it finally felt as silky as it used to be. He took Y/N's hairbrush from her drawer and used it for good measure. As he looked at the wooden brush, he got a wave of nostalgia.

When they were kids, Y/N refused to comb her hair. So Zelda would ask Link to hold Y/N against the chair while Zelda would brush Y/N's hair. He could just hear Y/N's angry yelling and imagine her stomping on his foot in an effort to break free. Zelda would try and calm her down by singing her a lullaby, but it would never work.

Link smiled at the memory, putting the brush back. He wished things could just go back to normal. All of this, being the chosen hero of the goddess... it was too much. All he wanted in the world was to hang around in Skyloft with his best friend, Zelda, and Y/N.

---10 minutes later---

"Yo, I think Cawlin's capping me." Groose said to Y/N, seriously. Y/N nodded in agreement "Yeah, he's always been ew. And he keeps saying he hears voices from the bathroom at night." she rolled her eyes at the memory.

"Ya think that dope's gonna let you go down with him?" Groose asked her, adjusting his hair. Y/N looked at him confused "Dope? Oh! you mean Link!" her voice dropped "... I hope so." she admitted, a flash of green caught her eye and she looked behind Groose. Link was running to them, a smile on his face.

His smile dropped when he saw Groose.

Link motioned for Y/N to go with him to the diving board. Y/N looked at Groose apologetically "Catch you later, the weather's bussin' today!" she said in an effort to soften the blow. Groose nodded and left to apply more conditioner.

"We have to go do something before the riddle." Link said to Y/N, she tipped her head "Do what? And wait- what do you mean by 'we'?" Link put his hands on his hips "You're coming with me," he smiled "Obviously." he added.

'his smile is cute' said a voice in Y/N's head, she promptly shut it up and decided to ignore it. Y/N's lips parted open, in surprise "What? Really?" then she herself broke into a smile "You sure went through some character developement!" she teased him.

Link just rolled his eyes and looked at her. The wind stirred Y/N's hair on her face making her push it behind her ears, her eyes seemed to stare beyond his, as if into his very mind. Her blue skyloftian dress complimented her eyes perfectly, making them stand out even more. And the backdrop of flowers framed her perfectly.

Link almost felt like to take a step closer, but he shook those thoughts out of his head, embarrassed. He'd already stared at her for a minute or so 'Hylia, what the hell is my brain thinking?' he asked himself, feeling ashamed.

Link turned his head away from Y/N towards the sky, to hide his pink cheeks. He coughed in embarrassment "Let's get, uh, going then." he stammered out.

"But you haven't even told us where to go." Y/N deadpanned.

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