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"Well, at least no one can say I didn't warn you." DAD chuckled.

Everyone was quiet focusing their gaze on anything but not what was on their mind.

He sighed and put his hands in his pockets, "I can see how devastated and shaken you all are, and believe me, I'd like to be more understanding but I can't. You all almost died back there..." A sob filled the room, "because you all know nothing. You have no training or equipment to fight." DAD took in a deep breath before continuing, "You have to abide by our rules now if you want to be safe and continue staying here."

With his last sentence, everyone looked at him but remained silent.

"This place will protect you as long as you follow our rules and stay within its walls. You'll stay here till you're fully trained and can slay a real Medusa and not a," he turns to look at EHB, "simulation."

He walked closer to where everyone was gathered, sitting on the floor, his hands still in his pocket. "Those simulations were not meant to mess with anyone but to show you what you're dealing with. It's to help you understand but unfortunately, you had to see your fellow trainees die first."

"Now for the rules, you'll be given in a moment but I can assure you they aren't much or unreasonable. It's for everyone's safety actually. But I must warn you, failure to follow the rules or breaking them will have you serve a punishment."

"What punishment is that?" ROG asked.

"You'll be locked up in a room with a Medusa." He answered and everyone gasped.

"So everyone has two choices right now; stay and accept the rules or leave and hope you survive. It's that simple."

ROG buried his face in his palms while SOX ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Damnit." ANT spoke up, "Meaning we don't have a choice. We're stuck here."

"Is that a bad thing? Everyone here is in your position right now and we agreed to follow the rules. Here we are today, alive and fine. Strong and equipped. We can protect ourselves and loved ones now."

"Loved ones?" Athena repeated, "That's right. We have families! Where are they? Are they safe?" Athena asked curiously, her heart pounding inside her ribcage, scared of what she'd hear.

"Unfortunately, we don't know. They could be safe and protected by the government or they may have already turned to stone, died from starvation, or committed suicide. We are in an apocalypse."

Someone let out a sob but she covered her mouth so her cry was muffled but since the room in silent, her muffled cry was heard regardless.

"We could have known," Athena spoke up again.

"What?" DAD asked.

"What happened to our families? We could have known if you didn't take our memories. Would we ever get it back?"

"Of course, dear. Everyone will get theirs back. Actually, we don't have to give it to you, you all will remember eventually and gradually. After the training, your families will be looked for if there's still a chance and you can see them again but when you start remembering anything, let us know so we can help you regain it quickly."

"You all need to remember that we are on your side. We are also at the risk of getting petrified by Medusa and we are all fighting. And we all have loved ones. The system of this place may seem weird now but in time, you'll all understand why everything is the way it is. "

"I'll use myself as an example. I had nothing to fight for except for myself. Knowing that from the beginning would have made me weak. Thinking I had the chance to see a loved one and protect them made me give the training my all. Now, I fight now because of the fifty-fifty chance of meeting a loved one but for my life, to avenge them and for those who still need me. For you all right now."

The room was silent again, SET just scrutinizing everyone with her eyes.

SOX took in a deep breath then got up on his feet, "We have to survive. Even if it's just a small chance plus I really don't want to die." SOX said to DAD who nodded and removed his hands from his pocket. "So what are the rules?"


Everyone, except the unfortunate ones that were turned into stones, was at the cafeteria in a straight line waiting to be served.

"You had to just run out, didn't you?" SOX said from behind Athena as she walked to stand in line. She stood behind WHI while SOX was behind her and ROG stood behind him.

Athena rolled her eyes but SOX didn't see it. "I thought we were free." She defended herself.

"Yeah right. You take every chance to escape but this time you nearly died, don't forget that."

"Actually I don't remember almost dying and crying just hours ago. I have amnesia." Athena retorted back.

"Wow, you help someone and this is what you get? Attitude." SOX crossed his arms around his chest and shook his head.

"No." Athena turned to face him, her eyes welled up in tears. "I was scared." A lump formed in her throat making it hard for her to speak. Her lips trembled and a tear rolled down her cheek, "I was last night and I was a few minutes ago." She took in a deep breath and blinked back the tears in her eyes, "Thank you, for helping me. For helping all of us out there."

Athena hugged him and cried while SOX stood there frozen. "Woah, I know we went through a traumatic experience but I didn't expect you to be suddenly this soft."

Athena pulled away and gave him a small smile, "I'm not. Just thank you." She punched his shoulder slightly with the smile still on her face.

"Yeah." ANT walked over to them and gave him a punch in the back, "Thanks for that even though you were a baby last night." He joked.

DIK cleared her throat behind ROG and everyone turned their attention to her, "Well I'll only call this even. We aren't friends or anything. I just won't try to kill you." DIK said to SOX with a glare.

"Hurray! We're all friends now." ROG exclaimed and DIK punched him in the stomach.

"We aren't. I said I just won't kill him." She corrected him angrily and ROG nodded while massaging his stomach. SOX chuckled slightly and ROG straightened up.

"Well, I thank you." He placed his hand on his shoulder and patted it.

"Yeah, yeah, he still tried to kill me before. That act doesn't change the fact that he attempted to kill someone." DIK spoke up again, "We all were saved but I'm sure it's because he was trying to save his girlfriend there." DIK tilted her head to Athena, "If she was inside and we were out, do you think he would have helped us?"

A blush crept up Athena's cheeks, "I'm not his girlfriend!" She shouted at DIK.

SOX turned to Athena and a smirk appeared on his lips, "Then why are you blushing."

"I... Ah... I... I am not blushing!" She denied while covering her cheeks, she felt them getting even more heated and ANT and ROG laughed at her.

"Wow. Look at you all enjoying your time at this fancy hotel on your vacation. We didn't see people die or anything." WHI angrily turned to them and said. When she was done, she walked away with her tray of food.

Everyone was silent and after that and Athena was next in time to get her food.

She walked over to the counter and the man behind, whose name on his tag: was HAM, took a tray and placed it in front of her. "I trust you're not here for complaints?" He asked with a smug smile on his face.

"No, not this time," Athena answered as he served her the greenish soup again. "But I will if the quality goes down." She added and HAM rolled his eyes.

"I'm the best chef in the world. Probably the only but who cares, I'm awesome, and don't worry this isn't the only thing we'll serve."

"Oh, that's so great!" Athena exclaimed then carried her tray away. She looked around for a spot to sit and opted to sit at a table not too far from the counter.

The table beside it was occupied by a young man whom she hadn't seen before. He had silky dark hair, amber-brown eyes, and pale skin. He looked clean, not like them who hadn't taken a shower and looked like mad people.

She came to the conclusion he wasn't new like her.

She was caught staring as she placed her tray down and sat. He rolled his eyes at her when she didn't look away and she felt embarrassed.

She cursed herself for being weird but her eyes shot back to him when he spoke up again.

A woman had walked to his table and tried to sit down but he stopped her, "Honey, I sit alone. Leave now." He said to her.

His voice, it sounded familiar to her.

Guys don't forget to comment what you think 🥰

Also, this chapter marks the end and beginning of a new part of the story so buckle your seatbelts for the ride. Things has been going smoothly for everyone and now it's time for everyone to be serious, smart and fight! Dangers and mysteries ahead!

Also what are you thoughts on WHI and DIK?

How do you think EHB is doing now?

I'll love to read all your thoughts!

Bye for now, 💝

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