Chapter XXXV: New Students

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"Well isn't that girl trans, too?" Alfonzo asked, pointing to Chloe. "EXCUSE ME?!" she yelled. "Kidding," he said as he grinned. "I SWEAR MAKE A JOKE LIKE THAT AGAIN, AND YOU'RE DEAD, GOT THAT!?" Chloe yelled more. "Fine, fine, I'll stop." Alfonzo laughed. "Hey, Chloe. One question; What do you think Lilian will react when she hears that Benjamin died?" Ceen asked, remembering that Lilian and Benjamin kissed under the mistletoe on Christmas. "Let's just say he committed suicide." Chloe replied, trying to keep the truth away. "Good idea, he always wanted to do that so..." Aracely smirked. "Good point," Ceen agreed. 

Principal Glendan was outside waiting for the students' arrival. "Ah, you're back! Where's Benjamin?" he asked. Chloe's eyes widened. "Well we can't just lie to him like we are to to Lilian!" Chloe thought. "Averill killed Benjamin...." she said. Principal Glendan. "And I assume these are Marie and Lucifer's kids?" he asked, looking at Alfonzo and his siblings. "Yes, sir. We asked if they would join Whitson Academy and Lucifer wants them to call them every weekend to let him know what's happening." Aracely explained. "Promising," Principal Glendan said. "I'll register them, come here Bloomer kids." he said as Alfonzo, Ladonna, Caesar, Brandi, and Jarebi went with him. "You four can go to your dorms," he said as he was looking at Chloe. She nodded and the four went back to their dorm. 

To be continued....

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