08. daylight

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The next morning when I woke up, I could see the sun shining brightly in the sky. Making its way through a window in my room, the daylight greeted me, reminding me of the resolution I had made yesterday night before I fell asleep.

I was supposed to take my blindfold off and find my daylight today. Probably slowly, but surely.

I don't know what it is about the sun that instantly puts me at ease. My lips naturally curled upwards in spite of all the pain and upsetting feeling gnawing in the back of my mind. It was as if a ray of daylight was all I needed to hold the horses of my overthinking brain.

For I knew that whenever I would look at the sky outside, no matter how downhill everything was going, until the sun would keep shining in its full glory, I would never be alone. Because unless the sun stopped rising, there was still hope left. Just like my silly little wish that came true, the sun that made it happen would also give me courage to hold on and fight my own battles while I helped Lyra survive through hers.

I can't understand why. Something about this alluring source of light pushes away all my dark thoughts. Maybe it's the way a single ray of sunlight can eradicate all darkness or maybe it was the way I liked being able to see things clearly.

And now that I've seen how the cards play, now that I know how this game ends, I need to acknowledge that the love of my life can never see the daylight with her eyes sewn shut. Not until she realises and chooses to accept that she is blindfolded as well.

But I couldn't risk it this time. If things don't work out in this second chance I got, my last chance, I will have to be the one who takes the blindfold off for her. And though the sunlight may scare her initially, she will slowly adapt to my world — the kind filled with hopes and possibilities.

Where lives are lost and battles are fought to regain lost love. Where the craziest wishes come true and where everything that lives and breathes conspires against death to reunite you with your love.

Somehow, I realised we were meant to be the X and Y axis of a graph that intersected just at one point — the origin. That was our destiny, together for one moment and never supposed to meet ever again. But who knew the Y axis would get so adamant and try to coincide itself with the X axis for togetherness till infinity?

As impossible as it sounded, this very sun outside my window had given this Y axis, me, a second chance to meet my X axis — the love of my life, my best friend Lyra. And even if this would somehow put all other lines in our life out of place and make the graph paper of this universe nothing but a green checkered page with scattered, meaningless lines, I was granted my wish for a second chance with Lyra and that's all that mattered to me now.

I didn't care about the consequences as long as I had Lyra with me.

I had no idea how the rest of these events would flow but I was already creating alternate realities with the girl I fell in love with. As if we were holding hands and simply laughing into the chaos as we ran away from everything holding this world in a balance, branching into our own unique timeline to create the ending our story deserved all along.

And just like that, some things will never make sense. Some relationships are strange, for they cannot be summed up in words. After all, what are words if not a mere form of expression of one's thoughts and emotions?

Just like different people have different ideologies, unique ways of thinking; the words we choose to explain our experiences become nothing but a fixed pattern of letters that are just put together a certain way. Ultimately, left to our own interpretation.

Such is my relationship with the sun; undefined, unbelievable but somehow, faintly visible. And I wish that the daylight that gives me a reason to begin again can become a part of Lyra's life someday, too.

Truth be told, I was nervous as heck.

Though it was just another day for everyone else, none of it was normal or usual for me anymore. I was way too conscious after what I had read yesterday because how was I supposed to stop the worry from slipping away into my actions? If I showed the slightest bit of concern, acted even the least bit out of character, Lyra would know I knew. There was no way I would be able to face Lyra without losing my mind after the cursed words I had read the previous night.

It's so strange, rather astonishing, how we cross paths with so many people in our lives and judge them at the first look. We form opinions based on chance encounters, ticking off the mental lists in our head when we first meet someone. They're too shy; they're too confident; probably too bold.

We realise — a little too late sometimes — that no matter how composed a person looks, there's always a silent battle they're fighting. There's always a hurricane in them that's quietly eating them up, threatening to carry them away with the wind's wild flow. Always a lava hiding deep within, eager to burst out given a chance. Trapped under the mountain of worries, we don't even register the avalanche approaching until it is too late.

And the very ground we keep ourselves balanced on shakes, ready to bury all our optimism down somewhere — in a place so deep that it would be nearly impossible to locate it ever again.

I found myself looking at the rays of the sun for courage once more when I got out of the shower. I was supposed to accompany Lyra to the airport but something in me was terrified to let her go out of sight. I don't think I would ever get used to the normalcy that existed between us ever again. Because each passing moment of my life would witness me praying that she wouldn't leave again. I couldn't let that happen.

A random quote appeared on my phone's lock screen due to a recent android update, thanks to Lyra who always kept my technological appliances up-to-date. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

I wondered if I could ever do that again.

Honestly, I don't think it's possible. Though I agree life is beautiful like the daylight, staring too much at the sun can make you lose your eyesight too. Maybe life came hand-in-hand with the fears, doubts and problems. The only struggle being defeating the monsters inside us. The monsters that strike our brain off balance and make everything look wrong, distorted than the actual reality. The monster we know by the name of suicide.

Somehow, I felt like suicidal instincts are so much like the sky on a new moon night. They blind you like the sky without a sun, the moonlight being the only thing guiding you when nothing else makes sense. But on the days where the sky is without a moon, you're blindfolded all over again and the vicious cycle draws you deep into its trenches once again.

Because this darkness is familiar, this darkness is comforting. And though it would slowly poison you, you would want to drink this sweet poison for a momentary relief.

Day by day, as I slowly kept shaking my own inhibitions away, I realised it wasn't going to be easy to help Lyra leave hers either. Especially when the monster to be killed was lying in her own body, in her own headspace. Her thoughts of escape and helplessness would tempt her to misjudge everything in a negative light.

It was so easy for Lyra to fake a smile when she met me right now. It made me question if the one I usually saw was the same as this one. Like nothing happened to her last night. As if all she saw yesterday was peaceful, sound sleep and not the scary monsters hiding under her bed. Like she never wrote that note or cried herself to sleep again at all.

Who was Lyra, really?

The email on her laptop said a whole different story but I couldn't decipher if it was anything important. Because it was a lot like Lyra to juggle a lot of things at once and there was no way to tell which of those were truly important to her. I tried to find a way to bring it up on our ride to the airport but she had earphones stuffed into her ears.

Was she deliberately trying to avoid me?

How was I to know?

Lifting her bag and placing it on the carrier cart, I held her wrist once again. Not because I needed reassurance this time. But because she needed just a little bit of my faith. "It's going to go well, okay? I'm sure Nicola will understand."

"Thanks." She placed a palm over my hand momentarily and leaned into my touch, as if trying to hold faith in my words when she had already stopped believing in herself. A rush of sadness pulled her in and I could only wonder what she was thinking at this particular moment.

"Come back soon. I'll miss you." I squeezed her palm and shrugged when she nodded.

Unwillingly, I watched her go.

It took me everything to turn and walk in the opposite direction. But if I wanted her to make it, if I wanted her to fight death this time, I had to let her face her fears in solitude too. Because if she got habituated to fighting them with me, she could spiral again the moment we parted ways. And I wanted to be someone Lyra loved, not someone she got habituated to over time. So, the only thing I could do now is hope that she would choose to confide in me, tell me if she ever needed me-

Cold hands wrapped around my waist as I felt a face bury into my back. Softly, she whispered into my back and hugged me tighter. "I'm going to miss you too, idiot. So, so much. You have no idea."

The grin that formed on my face was way too obvious and silly. But only Lyra could have that kind of an effect on me.

And just like that, I was relieved that sooner or later, my words would register in her head. And someday, hopefully, she would see the daylight that had gone missing from her life, turning all her nights a dark, cold shade of grey. The pain wouldn't last forevermore because come morning light, we would be safe again.

As long as we were together.

Though I let her walk away from me to the airport security check-in, I wasn't going to let her go this time. Come what may. My eyes followed her inside the airport until she was no longer visible from outside and the distance from her hit me slowly, and then all at once.

The gaping hole, the empty space in my heart felt all too real now. But I was happy by the way she chose to leave this time. I was relieved that she was going to miss me and knew that I would be waiting for her, right where she left me.

My actions may not speak the loudest but my words sure did. And if I wished to help her, I would have to pick the twigs of my words, one by one, to form the nest of perfect, meaningful ideologies that she could believe in. A nest so strong that no breeze could shake it. A wish to live so firm that no negative thought could break it. A love so pure that even death couldn't take it away.

This was going to be tough, but this would be worth it. She was worth it. And our love was worth the fight. After all, every rose comes with its share of thorns. Every coin has two opposite sides. Every cheerful day ends with a lonely night.

So who said this love was supposed to be easy?

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Random Question: What's your favourite celestial body?

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Author's Note - Heya, guys! As promised, I am here with another update!

Tell me what you feel about this chapter. If you feel that I shouldn't have mentioned so much about Diego and the sun since it was irrelevant, you'll soon know why I did what I did. There's a reason for writing so many paragraphs about this and when you'll know why, you'll be like- Shit, this was right in front of my eyes but I never noticed!

What is your say on this story's plot? I know the scientific and logical reason for Diego living those 3 months again is yet to be explained, but how is the progress?

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