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Lesson 01: Hello-Chào hỏi

Những câu chào hỏi thông dụng hằng ngày, hello, Where are you from, How are you, how do you spell your name?, The alphabet song...

Hello. My name’s Jenny. What’s your name?: Xin chào, tôi là Jenny. Tên bạn là gì?

Anna: Anna

Where are you from, Anna?: Bạn từ đâu đến, Anna?

I’m from New York: Tôi đến từ New York.

Hello. My name’s Thomas. What’s your name?: Xin chào, tôi là Thomas. Tên bạn là gì?

Johann: Johann

Where are you from, Johann?: Bạn từ đâu đến, Johann?

I’m from Berlin. Where are you from? Tôi đến từ Berlin. Bạn từ đâu đến?

I’m from Oxford.: Tôi đến từ Oxford

My name’s Mayumi Kimura, and I’m a student. I’m 19 years old. I’m not married. I have two brothers and a sister. I live in a flat in Osaka, Japan. I want to learn English because it’s an international language.

Tôi tên là Mayumi Kimura. Tôi là sinh viên. Tôi 19 tuổi. Tôi chưa lập gia đình. Tôi có 2 anh(em) trai và 1 chị(em) gái. Tôi sống trong căn hộ ở Osaka, Nhật Bản. Tôi muốn học tiếng Anh vì đó là ngôn ngữ quốc tế.

France: Pháp

Spain: Tây ban nha

Greece: Hy Lạp

England: Anh Quốc

Egypt: Ai cập

Russia: Nga

Brazil: Bra-xin

Japan: Nhật bản

Germany: Đức

Mexico: Mê hi cô

Hungary: Hung Ga ri

Italy: Ý

He’s from Spain: Tôi đến từ Tây ban nha

I’m sixteen.: Tôi 16 tuổi

Her name’s Pat.: Tên tôi là Pat

They’re from Britain: Tôi đến từ Anh

Where’s she from? Cô ấy từ đâu đến?

He’s a teacher in France: Anh ấy là giáo viên ở Pháp.

Hello, Mary. How are you?: Xin chào Mary. Bạn khỏe không?

Fine, thank you. And you?: Tôi khỏe, cảm ơn, còn bạn?

I’m OK, thanks: tôi khỏe. Cảm ơn

Hi, Dave. How are you?: Chào Dave, bạn khỏe không?

Not bad, thanks. And you?: Không đến nỗi, cảm ơn. Còn bạn?

Very well. How are the children?: Rất khỏe. Mấy đứa nhỏ khỏe không?

They’re fine.: Chúng ổn cả.

Goodbye, Chris.: Tạm biệt Chris

Goodbye, Anne. Have a nice evening.: tạm biệt Anne, chúc một buổi tối tốt đẹp

Thanks, Chris. See you tomorow: Cảm ơn Chris, mai gặp lại.

a stamp: Con tem

a bag: túi xách

a map: bản đồ

a key : chìa khóa

an apple: quả táo

a postcard: thiệp

a ticket: vé

a notebook: cuốn tập

an orange: trái cam

a letter: lá thư

a suitcase: va li

a camera: máy quay phim

a dictionary: từ điển

an envelope: bao thư

a newspaper: tờ báo

a magazine: tạp chí

The letters of the alphabet

/ei/ a h j k

/i:/ b c d e g p t v

/e/ f l m n s x z

/ai/ i y

/OU/ o

/u:/ q u w

/a:/ r

The alphabet song: Bài hát bảng chữ cái

a b c d e f g

h i j k l m n o p

l m n o p q r s t

l m n o p q r s t

u v w x y z

That is the English alphabet.

name N-A-M-E : tên

sister S-I-S-T-E-R: Chị (em) gái

flat F-L-A-T: căn hộ chung cư

student S-T-U-D-E-N-T: sinh viên

doctor D-O-C-T-O-R: bác sĩ

house H-O-U-S-E: nhà

letter L-E-double T-E-R: chữ, ký tự

married M-A-double R-I-E-D, kết hôn, lập gia đình

apple A-double P-L-E: quả táo

job J-O-B: công việc

The conversation: đàm thọai

How do you spell your first name?: Bạn đánh vần tên thế nào?


How do you spell your surname?: bạn đánh vần họ thế nào?

H-A-double R-I-S-O-N.

James Harrison.

That’s right: Rất tốt.

Lesson 02: PeopleĐàm thoại tiếng Anh căn bản, tập đọc các con số, nói số điện thoại, mua thức ăn, viết thư, nghi thức chào hỏi, nói giá tiền, ...

Numbers: các con số

5: five

20: twenty

16: sixteen

32: thirty-two

50: fifty

12: twelve

Phone numbers: số điện thọai

791463: seven nine one four six three

8596double2: 859622: eight five nine siz double two (2 số 2 đọc là double two)

503971: five zero three nine seven one

010 double 3 1 46589394: 010 33 1 46589394: zero one zero double three (2 số 3 đọc là double three) one four six five eight nine three nine four

What’s her surname?: cô ta họ là gì?


What’s her first name?: Cô ta tên gì?


Where’s she from?: Cô ta từ đâu đến


What’s her job?: Cô ta làm công việc gì?

She’s a journalist.: Cô ta là ký giả

What’s her address?: Địa chỉ cô ta?

35, North Street, Bristol.

What’s her phone number?: Số điện thọai cô ta?

0272 478 2209.: zero two seven two four seven eight double two zero nine

How old is she?: Cô ta bao nhiêu tuổi?

Twenty-three.: 23

Is she married? Cô ta lập gia đình chưa?

No, she isn’t.: Chưa, cô ta chưa lập gia đình

This is a photo of Martin, his wife, and his children. His wife’s name is Jennifer. She’s a dentist. His daughter’s name is Alison. She’s twenty-three and she’s a hairdresser. His son’s name is Andy. He’s nineteen and he’s a student. Alison’s boyfriend is a travel agent. His name is Joe.

Đây là ảnh của Martin, vợ và con cái. Vợ anh tên là Jennifer. Cô ta là nha sĩ. Con gái anh tên là Alison. Cô bé 23 tuổi và là thợ làm tóc. Con trai anh tên là Andy. Cậu ấy 19 tuổi và đang là sinh viên. Bạn trai của Alizon là nhân viên du lịch. Tên cậu là Joe.

It’s big.: (Nó, cái đó) to. hoặc chỉ cần hiểu To

It’s small.: (Nó, cái đó) nhỏ. hoặc chỉ cần hiểu Nhỏ

She’s old: Bà ấy già

She’s young.: cô ấy trẻ

They’re expensive.: Chúng (những cái này) mắc tiền. hoặc chỉ cần hiểu mắc tiền

They’re cheap. Chúng (những cái này) rẻ tiền. hoặc chỉ cần hiểu rẻ tiền

It’s horrible.(Nó, cái đó) thật kinh khủng hoặc chỉ cần hiểu thật kinh khủng

It’s lovely.(Nó, cái đó) thật dễ thương hoặc chỉ cần hiểu thật dễ thương

It’s easy. (Nó, cái đó) thật dễ hoặc chỉ cần hiểu thật dễ

It’s difficult. (Nó, cái đó) thật khó hoặc chỉ cần hiểu thật khó

They’re old. Chúng (những cái này) cũ hoặc chỉ cần hiểu cũ

They’re new. Chúng (những cái này) mới hoặc chỉ cần hiểu mới

They’re hot. Chúng (những cái này) nóng hoặc chỉ cần hiểu nóng

They’re cold. Chúng (những cái này) lạnh hoặc chỉ cần hiểu lạnh

It’s right. (Nó, cái đó) đúng hoặc chỉ cần hiểu đúng

lt’s wrong. (Nó, cái đó) sai hoặc chỉ cần hiểu sai

72 Newton Drive

London Sw 6

3ed October

Dear David,

How are you? I’m fine. I’m in London, at the International School of English. I’m in class 3 with eight other students. They’re all from different countries: Spain, France, Japan, Argentina, Switzerland and Thailand. Our teacher’s name is Peter Briscall. He’s very nice. He’s funny and he’s a very good teacher.

My new address is at the top of the letter. I’m with an English family, the Browns. Mr and Mrs Brown have three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is twelve, and Andrew is seven. They are all very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them!

London is very big and very interesting. The weather is good: cold but sunny and the parks are beautiful! Hyde Park, Green Park, and St James’ Park are all in the centre. It isn’t easy to use the Underground, but I understand it now. It’s very expensive! English food is OK, but the coffee is horrible!

Write to me soon.

Love, Paola.

P.S. Is my English OK?

72 Newton Drive

London Sw 6

3ed October

Anh David mến,

Anh có khỏe không? Em vẫn khỏe. Em đang học tại trường Anh ngữ Quốc tế ở London. Em thuộc lớp 3 với 8 học viên khác. Họ đến từ nhiều nước khác nhau: Tây ban nha, Pháp, Nhật, Ác hen ti na, Thụy sĩ và Thái lan. Thầy dạy chúng em là Peter Briscall. Ông ấy rất tốt. Ông rất vui tính và là một giáo viên giỏi.

Địa chỉ mới của Em ở đầu thư. Em đang ở với gia đình Browns. Ông bà Brown có 3 người con. Thomas 14 tuổi, cathrine 12 và Andrew 7. Cả nhà rất thân thiện, nhưng chẳng mấy dễ hiểu họ nói.

London rất to lớn và thú vị. Thời tiết tốt: lạnh nhưng có nắng và các công viên thật đẹp! Hyde Park, Green Park, và St James’ Park đều nằm ở trung tâm thủ đô. Thật khó dùng tàu điện ngầm, nhưng bây giờ thì Em đã biết. Và cũng mắc tiền lắm. Đồ ăn ở Anh cũng được, nhưng cà phê thì dở ơi là dở.

Nhớ hồi âm cho Em sớm.

Thương nhiều, Paola.

Tái bút: Tiếng Anh của em được chứ?


Paola: Hello. My name’s Paola.

Kurt: Hello, Paola. I’m Kurt.

Paola: Where are you from?

Kurt: I’m from Switzerland. And you? Where are you from?

Paola: I’m from Rome.

Kurt: Ah! I’m from Zurich.

Paola: Zurich is very beautiful.

Kurt: Yes, it is.


T = ticket seller: người bán vé

P: A ticket to Green Park, please: làm ơn bán cho 1 vé vào công viên Green park

T: Two pounds fifty: 2 đồng 50 xu

P: One... two... and fifty p: 1...2 và 50 xu

T: Thank you. Here’s your ticket. Cảm ơn, Vé anh đây.

P: Thanks: cảm ơn


B = Peter Briscall C = class

B: Good morning! Xin chào cả lớp

C: Good morning! Xin chào Thầy

Good morning, Peter! : Chào thầy Peter

Hello! : Chào

B: How are you today?: Hôm nay các em khỏe không?

C: Fine. OK: Dạ Khỏe

B: How are you, Paola?: Paola khỏe không?

P: I’m fine thank you, Peter. And you?: Em khỏe, cảm ơn thầy. Còn thầy khỏe không?

B: Very well! Now, the lesson today is going to be about... Rất khỏe, bài học hôm nay là về......


C = assistant in cafe K = Kurt

C: Yes? : Xin hỏi gì ạ.

P: A coffee, please.: Cho một tách cà phê

C: Black or white? Đen hay trắng.

P: Sorry? : Xin lỗi?

C: Black or white? Milk? Cà phê đen hay trắng? Có sữa không?

P: Ah! Black, please. No milk. À, Cà phê đen, không sữa.

C: Sixty p, please.: 60 xu

P: Thanks. Cảm ơn

P: Urgh! It’s horrible! Ui da, thật là kinh khủng

K: English coffee is very bad! Cà phê Anh dở ẹt.


C = Catherine T = Thomas

C: Is your teacher good, Paola?: Thầy bạn giỏi không, Paola?

P: Pardon? : Xin lỗi không nghe rõ

C: Your teacher. At the school of English.: Thầy của bạn ở trường tiếng Anh đó.

P: Ah! Yes! Peter.: À, Vâng, Thầy Peter hả.

C: Is he OK? : ông ấy được không?

P: Yes. He’s very nice. He’s funny. Được lắm. Ông rất tử tế. Ông ấy khôi hài lắm.

T: What’s your dad’s job, Paola?: Ba của bạn làm nghề gì, Paola?

P: Pardon? I... Xin lỗi không nghe rõ.

T: Your dad. What’s his job? Ba của bạn đó. Ông ấy làm nghề gì?

P: My dad ...? Ba tôi ấy à?

C: Say father, Thomas, not dad. Nói là Father, anh Thomas, không dùng chữ Dad.

T: Ah, OK. What’s your father’s job, Paola? À, Ok, Ba của bạn làm nghề gì Paola?

P: Now I understand. My father’s job, yes. Giờ em hiểu rồi, à vâng công việc của ba em à.

Um... He’s a doctor, yes.: Ông ấy là bác sĩ, vâng.

T: Ah, right! À, đúng rồi.

a ham sandwich :1.50 - bánh mì kẹp thịt 1 đồng 50 xu

a cheese sandwich :1.30 - Bánh mì kẹp phó mát: 1 đồn 30 xu.

a tuna sandwich :1.70: - Bánh mì kẹp cá tuna: 1 đồng 70 xu

a chicken sandwich :2.00 - bánh mì kẹp thịt gà: 2 đồng

a piece of pizza 90p - Một lát pizza: 90 xu

a hamburger :2.50 - một cái ham bơ gơ 2 đồng 50 xu

an ice-cream 80p: một cây kem 80 xu

a cup of tea: một tách trà

a cup of coffee: một ly cà phê

a Coke: một lon cô ca

an orange juice: một hộp nước cam

a mineral water: một chai nước khóang

A: How much is a cup of tea?: Một tách trà bao nhiêu?

B: 50p: 50 xu

A: How much is a cup of coffee?: Một tách cà phê bao nhiêu

B: 70p 70 xu

A: How much is a Coke? Một lon cô ca bao nhiêu?

B: 60p 60 xu

A: How much is an orange juice? Một hộp nước cam bao nhiêu?

B: 60p 60 xu

A: How much is a mineral water? Một chai nước khóang bao nhiêu?

B: 80p 80 xu

A: Hello. Chào

B: Hello. Can I have a ham sandwich, please? Chào, bán cho tôi cái bánh mì kẹp thịt

A: Here you are. Anything else? Đây, thưa ông, Cần gì nữa không?

B: No, thanks. Không cảm ơn

A: One pound fifty, please.: Cho một đồng 50 xu

B: Thanks.: Cảm ơn

A: Thank you. Cảm ơn

A: Hi. Chào

B: Hello. Can I have a cheese sandwich, please? Chào, bán cho tôi cái bánh mì kẹp phó mát.

A: Anything to drink? Có uống gì không?

B: Yes. A cup of tea, please. Có, cho 1 tách trà

A: OK. Here you are. : Vâng, Đây.

B: How much is that?: bao nhiêu tiền vậy?

A: One pound eighty, please. Cho 1 đồng 80 xu

B: Thanks.: cảm ơn

A: Good morning. Chào

B: Morning. Chào

A: Can I have a hamburger and a cup of coffee, please? Bán cho tôi 1 cái ham bơ gơ và 1 tách cà phê

B: OK. Here you are. Vâng, đây thưa ông

A: Thanks. How much is that?: Cảm ơn, bao nhiêu tiền vậy?

B: Three pounds twenty. 3 đồng 20 xu

A: One, two, three pounds ... twenty p. 1, 2, 3 đồng ... 20 xu

B: Thanks. Cảm ơn

A: Thank you. Cảm ơn

Lesson 03: Work - Làm việcĐàm thoại căn bản về công việc làm, what do you do? what is your job?, nói giờ giấc: what time is it? Can you tell me the time please?, it’s five o’clock ....

Sister Mary comes from Ireland. She is a nun and she lives and works in a girls’ school in Cork. She teaches French and Spanish. She likes her job and she loves the green countryside of Ireland. She goes walking in her free time.

Sơ Mary đến từ Ái nhĩ lan. Bà là tu sĩ, bà sống và làm việc trong trường nữ ở Cork. Bà dạy tiếng Pháp và tiếng Tây ban Nha. Bà thích công việc và yêu miền quê xanh thắm Ái nhĩ lan. Bà thường tản bộ vào lúc rảnh rỗi.

Hans Huser is a ski-instructor. He is Swiss and lives in Villars, a village in the mountains. In summer he works in a sports shop and in winter he teaches skiing. He speaks four languages, French, German, Italian, and English. He is married and has two sons. He plays football with them in his free time.

Hans Huser là huấn luyện viên môn trượt tuyết. Anh là người Thụy sĩ và sống ở Villars, một ngôi làng trên núi. Vào mùa hè anh làm trong cửa hàng dụng cụ thể thao và vào mùa đông anh dạy trượt tuyết. Anh nói 4 thứ tiếng: Pháp, Đức, Ý và Anh. Anh đã lập gia đình và có 2 con trai. Anh chơi đá banh với chúng vào lúc rảnh rỗi.

Sister Mary: Sơ Mary

A- Where does Sister Mary come from?: Sơ Mary từ đâu đến?

B- Ireland. : Ái nhĩ lan

A- What does she do?: Bà ấy làm nghề gì?

B- She’s a teacher.: Bà là cô giáo

A- Does she speak French?: Bà ấy biết nói tiếng Pháp không?

B- Yes, she does. : Có, bà biết

A- Does she speak German?: Bà ấy biết nói tiếng Đức không?

B- No, she doesn’t. không, bà không biết.

Hans Huser: Hans Huser

A- Where does Hans come from?: Hans từ đâu đến?

B- Switzerland.: Thụy sĩ

A- What does he do?: Ảnh làm nghề gì? (ảnh= anh ấy)

B- He’s a ski-instructor.: Anh ấy làm hướng dẫn viên trượt tuyết.

A- Does he speak French and German? Anh ấy biết nói tiếng Pháp và tiếng Đức không?

B- Yes, he does.: Có, ảnh biết. (ảnh= anh ấy)

A- Does he speak Spanish?: Anh ấy biết nói tiếng Tây ban nha không?

B- No, he doesn’t.: Không, ảnh không biết. (ảnh= anh ấy)

Georges, Keiko and Mark - Georges, Keiko và Mark

1- Georges comes from Paris.: Georges đến từ Paris (Hoặc Georges từ Paris đến)

2- Georges lives in London: Georges sống ở London

3- He works in the centre of Paris: Anh ấy làm việc tại trung tâm thủ đô

4- In his free time he plays tennis.: Vào lúc rảnh rỗi anh chơi tennis

5- Keiko comes from China.: Keiko đến từ Trung Quốc (hoặc Keiko từ Trung Quốc đến)

6- She lives in Washington.: Cô ấy sống ở Washington

7- She speaks French and German.: Cô nói tiếng Pháp và tiếng Đức

8- She’s married to an American.: Cô kết hôn với một người Mỹ

9- Mark comes from England.: Mark từ xứ England đến (Hoặc mark đến từ xứ England)

10- He works in Liverpool. Anh ấy sống ở Liverpool

11- He speaks Italian. Anh ấy nói tiếng Ý

12- In his free time he goes walking. Và lúc rảnh rỗi anh ấy đi bộ.

Hear the sentences: nghe các câu

1- She likes her job. Bà ấy thích công việc

2- She loves walking.: Bà rất thích đi bộ

3- She’s married. Cô ấy đã lập gia đình

4- Does he have three children? Anh ấy có 3 người con phải không?

5- Where does he go? Anh ấy đi đâu?

6- She watches the television. : Cô ấy xem ti vi

Frank Garret’s day: Một ngày của Frank Garret


A- Good morning, sir. Can I see your ticket? Xin chào ngài. Cho tôi xem vé.

B- Yes, of course. Here you are.: Vâng, đây ạ.

A- Thank you. Maidstone next stop. Cảm ơn. Maidstone bến kế tiếp

B- Thank you. Cảm ơn

A- Good morning, boys and girls. : Chào các cô cậu

B- Good morning, Mr Garret. Chào ông Garret

A- Can I have your homework, please?: Nộp cho tôi bài tập về nhà.

B- It’s on your desk, Mr Garret. Ở trên bàn đó ông Garret

A- Thank you. Cảm ơn


A- Goodbye, Frank. Have a good journey! Tạm biệt Frank. Chúc đi đường bình an.

B- Thank you very much. Cảm ơn rất nhiều.

A- See you next Monday. Hẹn gặp lại thứ Hai tới.

B- Yes, of course. Goodbye! Vâng, dĩ nhiên rồi. Tạm biệt


A- Excuse me. Is this seat free? Xin lỗi, chỗ này còn trống chứ?

B- Yes, it is. Vâng, còn trống.

A- Thank you. It’s cold this evening. Cảm ơn. Tối nay trời lạnh thế.

B- It certainly is. And the sea’s very black! Vâng chắc vậy. Và biển cả rất u ám.

A- Hello darling! Are you tired? Chào cưng, anh (em) mệt hả?

B- Yes, I am. And cold. Vâng(dạ) mệt, và lạnh nữa.

A- Sit down and have a glass of wine. Ngồi đây uống ly rượu đi

B- Mmmm! Thank you. I’m hungry, too. Hừm, cảm ơn nha. Anh (em) đói bụng nữa.

Listen to the time: Nghe giờ giấc

It’s five o’clock.: 5 giờ

It’s eight o’clock. 8 giờ

It’s half past five. 30 phút qua 5 giờ tức là: 5 giờ 30, năm giờ rưỡi (có thể nói It’s five thirty)

It’s half past eleven. 11 Giờ rưỡi

It’s quarter past five. 15 phút qua 5 giờ tức là: 5 giờ 15 ( cũng có thể nói: it’s five fifteen)

It’s quarter past two. 15 phút qua 2 giờ tức là: 2 giờ 15 (cũng có thể nói: it’s five fifteen)

It’s quarter to six. 15 phút đến 6 giờ tức là 6 giờ kém 15 (cũng có thể nói it’s five forty-five)

It’s quarter to nine. 15 phút đến 9 giờ tức là 9 giờ kém 15 (cũng có thể nói it’s 8 forty-five)

It’s five past five. 5 phút qua 5 giờ tức 5 giờ 5 (cũng có thể nói it’s five five)

It’s ten past five. 5 giờ 10

It’s twenty past five. 5 giờ 20

It’s twenty-five past five. 5 giờ 25

It’s twenty-five to six. sáu giờ kém 25

It’s twenty to six. sáu giờ kém 20

It’s ten to six. sáu giờ kém 10

It’s five to six. sáu giờ kém 5

Conversation about the time: Đàm thọai về giờ giấc

A- Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?: Xin lỗi, làm ơn cho biết mấy giờ rồi

B- Yes, of course. It’s six o’clock. Ừ, đuợc mà. 6 giờ.

A- Thanks. Cảm ơn

A- Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please? Xin lỗi, làm ơn cho biết mấy giờ rồi?

B- I’m sorry. I don’t know. I don’t have a watch. Tiếc thật. Tôi không biết, tôi không có đồng hồ.

Lesson 04: Free Time - Thời gian rảnh rỗiĐàm thoại tiếng Anh hằng ngày. Nói về việc làm, vui chơi, giải trí: go out, chat, go fishing, go skiing... thực hành những câu thông dụng hằng ngày...

Ann McGregor

On Fridays I come home from the BBC at about 2.00 in the afternoon and I just relax. On Friday evenings I don’t go out, but sometimes a friend comes for dinner. He or she brings the wine and I cook the meal. I love cooking! We listen to music or we just chat.

On Saturday mornings I get up at 9.00 and I go shopping. Then in the evenings I sometimes go to the theatre or the opera with a friend I love opera! Then we eat in my favourite Chinese restaurant.

On Sunday... Oh, on Sunday mornings I stay in bed late, I don’t get up until 11.00! Sometimes in the afternoon I visit my sister. She lives in the country and has two children. I like playing with my niece and nephew, but I leave early because I go to bed at 8.00 on Sunday evenings!

Ann McGregor

Vào những ngày thứ Sáu, tôi từ Đài BBC về nhà khỏang 2 giờ chiều và nghỉ ngơi. Vào buổi tối tôi không đi chơi nhưng thỉnh thỏang có bạn đến nhà ăn tối. Họ mang đến rượu và tôi nấu ăn. Tôi rất thích nấu ăn. Chúng tôi nghe nhạc hoặc trò chuyện.

Vào Chủ nhật, Ồ, những buổi sáng chủ Nhật tôi ngủ nướng. Tới 11 giờ tôi mới dậy. Thỉnh thỏang chiều tôi đi thăm chị gái. Chị sống ở quê và có 2 con. Tôi thích chơi đùa với các cháu, nhưng tôi phải về sớm vì phải đi ngủ lúc 8 giờ tối Chủ nhật.


A Do you go out on Friday afternoons? Chiều thứ Sáu bạn có đi chơi không?

B No, I don’t. Không, tôi không đi.

A What do you do? Vậy bạn làm gì?

B I just relax. Tôi chỉ nghỉ ngơi

A Do you stay at home on Friday evenings? Tối thứ Sáu bạn ở nhà không?

B Yes, I do. Vâng, tôi ở nhà

A What do you do? Vậy bạn làm gì?

B I cook dinner for friends. Tôi nấu bữa ăn tối cho các bạn.


1 What does he do on Sundays? Vào các ngày Chủ nhật anh ấy làm gì?

2 I stay at home on Thursday evenings. Vào những tối thứ năm tôi ở nhà

3 He lives here. Tôi sống ở đây

4 I eat a lot. Tôi ăn nhiều

5 Where do you go on Saturday evenings? Vào những tối thứ bảy bạn đi đâu?

6 She likes cars. Cô ấy thích xe hơi.

Mr Forrester

Mr and Mrs Forrester have a son and a daughter. The son lives at home, and the daughter is a student at university. Mr Forrester is a journalist. He works for The Times. He writes articles about restaurants. I love food! he says.

Mr Forrester’s holidays

Every spring the children go skiing, so my wife and I go to Paris on holiday. We stay in a hotel near the River Seine. We have breakfast in the hotel, but we have lunch in a restaurant. French food is delicious! We walk a lot, but sometimes we go by taxi. After four days we don’t want to go home and go back to work.

Ông Forrester

Ông bà Forrester có có 1 trai 1 gái. Cậu con trai ở nhà còn đứa con gái là sinh viên ở trường đại học. Ông Forrester là ký giả. Ông làm việc cho tờ The Times (Thời báo). Ông viết bài về nhà hàng. Tôi thích đồ ăn, ông ấy nói.

Những ngày nghỉ của ông Forrester

Mỗi mùa xuân mấy đứa con đi trượt tuyết, nên vợ chồng tôi đi nghỉ ở Pháp. Chúng tôi ở khách sạn gần Sông Xen. Chúng tôi dùng điểm tâm trong khách sạn, nhưng ăn trưa ở nhà hàng. Đồ ăn Pháp ngon lắm. Chúng tôi đi bộ nhiều, nhưng thỉnh thỏang chúng tôi đi taxi. Sau bốn ngày chúng tôi không muốn về nhà và đi làm lại.

The Seasons : Các mùa


We have long, cold winters and short, hot summers. In summer I go sailing and I play baseball, but in winter I play ice hockey and go ice-skating. We have a holiday home near a lake, so I go fishing a lot, too. My favourite season is autumn, or fall, as we say in North America. I love the colours of the trees-red, gold, orange, yellow, and brown.


Chúng tôi có những mùa đông dài, lạnh lẽo và những mùa hè ngắn ngủi, oi bức. Vào mùa hè, tôi đi du thuyền và chơi bóng chày, nhưng mùa đông tôi chơi khúc côn cầu và trượt băng. Chúng tôi có nhà nghỉ ở gần hồ, vì thế tôi cũng đi câu cá nhiều. Mùa thu, hay là fall, theo cách Bắc Mỹ, là mùa tôi thích nhất. Tôi rất thích màu sắc của cây-đỏ, vàng, cam, và nâu.


People think it’s always warm and sunny in Portugal, but January and February are often cold, wet, and grey. I don’t like winter. I meet friends in restaurants and bars and we chat. Sometimes we go to a Brazilian bar. I love Brazilian music. But then suddenly it’s summer and at weekends we drive to the beach, sunbathe, and go windsurfing. I love summer.


Người ta nghĩ là thời tiết ấm áp và chói chang ở Bồ đào Nha, nhưng vào tháng giêng và tháng hai trời hay lạnh, ẩm ướt và u ám. Tôi không thích mùa đông. Tôi gặp gỡ bạn bè trong nhà hàng và quán bar (quán rượu) và chúng tôi trò chuyện. Thỉnh thỏang chúng tôi vào quán bar Braxin. Tôi thích nhạc Braxin. Nhưng bất chợt hè đến và và cuối tuần chúng tôi lái xe ra biển, tắm nắng và chơi lướt buồm. Tôi yêu mùa hè.


I work for Pentax cameras, in the export department. I don’t have a lot of free time, but I have one special hobby taking photographs, of course! I like taking photographs of flowers, especially in spring. Sometimes, after work, I relax in a bar near my office with friends. My friend, Shigeru, likes singing pop songs in the bar. This has a special name, Karaoke. I don’t sing. I’m too shy! I just watch him.


Tôi làm việc cho hãng máy ảnh Pentax, ở bộ phận xuất khẩu. Tôi không có nhiều thời gian rảnh, nhưng dĩ nhiên tôi có một sở thích đặc biệt là chụp ảnh. Tôi thích chụp những tấm hình của hoa nhất là vào mùa xuân. Thỉng thỏang sau giờ làm việc tôi xả hơi trong quán rượu gần văn phòng với bạn bè. Bạn tôi, Shigeru, thích hát nhạc pop trong quán. Nó có cái tên riêng là karaoke. Tôi không hát, tôi rất nhút nhát. Tôi chỉ coi anh ấy.

Conversations: Đàm thoại


M = Manuela J = Jane

F = Manuela’s friends P = Portuguese man

M Hello, everybody! This is my friend Jane, from England. Chào mọi người, đây là bạn tôi Jane, từ xứ England đến.

F Hi! : Xin chào

Hello, Jane! Chào Jane

Hello! Chào

J Hello. Pleased to meet you. Xin chào, hân hạnh được gặp bạn.

M Sit down here, Jane. Ngồi xuống đây, Jane

J Thanks. Cảm ơn

P Do you like this music, Jane? Jane có thích nhạc này không?

J Mm. Is it American? Ừm, Nhạc Mỹ à?

P No, it’s Brazilian jazz! Không phải, nhạc jazz Braxin

M Come and have a drink, Jane... Mời tới uống nước Jane...


T = Toshi J = Jones

T Mrs Jones! How do you do? Bà Jones, chào bà

J How do you do? Chào

T Please, come in. You’re from our office in London, aren’t you? Xin mời vào. Bà từ văn phòng London đến phải không?

J Yes, that’s right. Vâng, đúng vậy.

T Welcome to Tokyo! Do you like our headquarters here? Hoan nghênh bà đến Tokyo! Bà có thích trụ sở ở đây không?

J Yes. It’s very big. How many people work here? Vâng, rất to lớn. Có bao nhiêu người làm việc trong đây?

T About six thousand people. Do you want to see our offices?... Khỏang sáu ngàn người. Bà muốn xem văn phòng không?....


A = Al M = Mick

A What do you want to do today, Mick? Mick, hôm nay bạn muốn làm gì?

M Ooh, I don’t know. What do you ... Ồ, chẳng biết nữa. Thế còn bạn....

A Well, do you like fishing? À, bạn thích câu cá không?

M Yes. I sometimes go fishing in a river near my house in Scotland. Vâng, thỉnh thỏang tôi đi câu nơi sông gần nhà ở Scotland.

A Well, here it’s different. This is a very big country. I go fishing on a lake. It’s hundred kilometres long! Ẹ, ở đây thì khác. Đây là một đất

nước rộng lớn. Tôi đi câu ở hồ dài cả trăm cây số.

M A hundred kilometres! Đến cả trăm cây số à!

A Yeah! There are fish this big! Are you interested? Do you want to go? Thiệt mà, có cá bự vậy nè.

M OK! Ok đi

A Right. You want a fishing line ... Được, bạn muốn một dây câu....

Social English: Tiếng Anh hằng ngày


A Excuse me! Xin lỗi

B Yes? Gì thế?

A Do you have a light? Anh có lửa không?

B I’m sorry. I don’t smoke. Rất tiếc, tôi không hút thuốc.

A That’s OK. Không sao.

A I’m sorry I’m late. The traffic is bad today. Xin lỗi tôi đến trể. Hôm nay kẹt xe.

B Don’t worry. Come and sit down. We’re on page 25. Chẳng sao. Vào chổ ngồi đi. Chúng ta đang ở trang 25.


A Can I open the window? It’s very hot in here. Tôi mở cửa sổ nha. Trong này nực quá.

B Really? I’m quite cold. Thiệt hả? Tôi lạnh nè.

A OK. It doesn’t matter. Thôi, chẳng sao


A Excuse me! Xin lỗi.

B Can I help you? Anh cần chi à?

A Can I have a film for my camera? Bán cho tôi cuốn phim cho máy ảnh.

B How many exposures? Lọai mấy tấm?

A Pardon? Nói gì không nghe

B How many exposures? Lọai mấy tấm?

A What does exposures mean? Mấy tấm nghĩa là gì?

B How many pictures? 24? 36?. Là bao nhiêu ảnh 24 hay 36?

A Ah! Now I understand! 36, please. À, hiểu rồi, cho cuốn 36 đi.

Lesson 05: Places

Đàm thoại tiếng Anh hằng ngày. Headway Level A, nói về chỗ ở, học những từ vựng mới như comfortable, balcony, magazines, building, washing machine, a fridge, a cooker, a diswasher...

A Is there a stereo?

B Yes, there is.

A Is there a clock?

B No, there isn't.

A Are there any book?

B Yes, there are.

A Are there any magazines?

B No, there aren't.

Picture A

There are four pictures on the walls and a mirror. There are three people in the room, a man, a woman, and a girl. There's a lovely fire and the cat is in front of the fire, sleeping. There's a lamp near the window, and a clock on the wall near the mirror. There's a photo on the television and there are some newspapers on the floor near the television. There's a glass of beer on the table in front of the man. The television isn't on.

Picture B

There are two people in the room. There's a man on the sofa and a woman next to him. The cat's in front of the fire. There are four pictures on the walls. There are two plants, one on the left of the fire and one on the right. On the table in front of the man there are some cups and some books and on the table next to the sofa there is a telephone.

It's a modern kitchen, nice and clean with a lot of cupboards. There's a washing machine, a fridge and a cooker, but there isn't a diswasher. There are some lovely pictures on the walls, but there aren't any photographs. There's a radio near the cooker. There are some flowers, but there aren't any plants. On the table there are some apples and oranges. Ah! And there are some cups and plates next to the sink.

What's in my bag? Well, there's a newspaper a French newspaper and there's my dictionary. I have some pens, three, I think. There's a photo of my wife and a photo of my children. I have my notebook for vocabulary, of course. I write words in that everyday. I have some keys, and that's all! I don't have any stamps and I don't have a bus ticket. Oh, and I have a letter, from my bank manager. He wants my money!

Where they live...


I live in a house in the country in Provence in the south of France. It's an old farmhouse, about five hundred years old, with very thick walls, so it's warm in winter and cool in summer, but it's difficult to look after because it's so old. There are three bedrooms, two quite big and one small, and they have wonderful views over the countryside. I have a garden where I grow flowers and vegetables. I live with my animals! I have two dogs and eight cats.


Where I live things are big. I live in Texas that's the second biggest state in the USA and I live with my wife and our four children. We have ten cars because we all like driving. Sometimes we drive 150 kilometres to go to a restaurant! Our house is three years old, and it's kind of big. There are fourteen or fifteen bedrooms, I don't know exactly, and outside there are two swimming pools and... a golf course ... and some grass for my plane to land on.

Dave and Maggie

Maggie We have a small house in an area of Dublin called Donnybrook. It's quite a small house. There's a living room and a kitchen downstairs, and then two small bedrooms upstairs, but it's big enough for us. There's my husband and me, and our son, Thomas.

Dave The houses around here are about a hundred years old and people are very friendly. People don't want to move away, they want to live near their family, so my parents are very close...

Maggie ...and my mother lives next door! We have a small garden where Thomas plays, and I go out and have a chat with my mother!


I live in a flat on the fourth floor. I live alone. There's a kitchen where I cook and eat, a living room with a balcony, and two small bedrooms. I live in Athina you say Athens in English but not in the centre of town because there are too many cars. It's a nice area. The shops aren't too far, and the flat is comfortable. It's about five years old, which I like. I don't like old buildings.

Everyday English


A Excuse me! Is there a chemist's near here?

B Yes. It's over there.

A Thanks.

A Excuse me! Is there a sports club near here?

B Yes. It's in Queen Street. Take the second street on the right.

A Thanks.


A Excuse me! Is there a newsagent's near here?

B Yes. There's one in Church Street next to the bank and there's one in Park Lane opposite the swimming pool.

A Is that one far?

B No. Just two minutes, that's all.


A Is there a cinema near here?

B Take the first left, and it's on the left, opposite the flower shop.

A Thanks a lot.   Lesson 06: What can you do?Đàm thoại tiếng Anh căn bản-Headway Level A: Bạn có thể làm gì? Học cách nói về khả năng của bạn trong công việc, các hoạt động hàng ngày, các từ vựng: drive a car, musical instruments, airport ... a

A Can you speak Japanese?

B No, I can't.

I can't hear you. The line's bad.


A Can you use a word processor?

B Yes, I can.


I can't spell your name.

Cats can see in the dark.


She can type fifty words a minute.

a I can type, but I can't spell.

b He can sing and he can dance.

c A Can you cook?

B Yes, I can.

d They can ski, but they can't swim.

e We can read and we can write.

f A Can she drive?

B No, she can't.


Well, there are a lot of things I can't do! I can't draw and I can't drive a car, but I want to have lessons. I can... I can type and I can use a word processor, because I have one at work and I use it all the time. What about sports? Mm. Well, I certainly can't ski, but I'm quite good at tennis, yes, I can play tennis. Well, I usually win when I play with my friends. And I can swim, of course. And I can cook. I think I'm a very good, well, no, just good... a good cook! Now, then ... languages. I can speak French and German, I don't know any Italian at all, and I know about five words in Spanish adios, maana, paella no, I can't speak Spanish! And I can't play any musical instruments, not the piano, the guitar, or anything.

A What day was it yesterday?

B It was Thursday.

A Where were you yesterday?

B I was at school.

A Were you at home yesterday?

B Yes, I was.

A The restaurant was cheap. But the food wasn't very good.

B Could you play the piano when you were six?

A No, I couldn't.

Sue Were you at Eve's party last Saturday?

Bill Yes, I was.

Sue Was it good?

Bill Well, it was OK.

Sue Were there many people?

Bill Yes, there were.

Sue Was Tom there?

Bill No, he wasn't. And where were you?

Sue Oh... I couldn't go because I was at Adam's party! It was brilliant!

At the airport

This is flight information for today, 24 June. British Airways flight BA 516 to Geneva at gate 14, last call. Flight BA 516 to Geneva, last call, gate 14. Scandinavian Airlines flight SK 832 to Frankfurt at gate 7, last call. Flight SK 832 to Franfurt, last call, gate 7. Air France flight AF 472 to Amsterdam is delayed thirty minutes. Flight AF 472 to Amsterdam, delayed thirty minutes. Lufthansa flight LH 309 to Miami, now boarding at gate 32. Flight LH 309 to Miami now boarding at gate 32. Virgin flight VS 876 to New York, now boarding at gate 20. Flight VS 876, now boarding at gate 20. Passengers are reminded to keep their luggage with them at all times. Thank you.

A Ah!... BA 476 to Madrid. That's our flight.

B Was it gate 4 or 14?

A I couldn't hear. I think it was 4.

B Ssssh! There it is again. It is gate 4.

A OK. Come on!

A Can I see your passport, please?

B Yes, of course. Here you are.

A Thank you very much. That's fine.

A Can I have your ticket, please?

B Yes, of course. Here you are.

A Do you have just one suitcase?

B Yes. This bag is hand luggage.

A That's fine. Smoking or non-smoking?

B Non-smoking, please. Oh... and can I have a seat next to the window?

A Yes, that's OK. Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight!

A Can I have your tray please, madam?

B Yes. Here you are.

A Thank you. And can you fasten your seat belt? We land in ten minutes.

B Yes, of course.

A Excuse me. I think that's my suitcase.

B I'm sorry. My suitcase is red, too.

A Is this yours?

B Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

A Hello. Are you Marie-Thrse Scherer from Switzerland?

B Yes, I am. Are you Mr and Mrs Barnes?

A Yes, we are. Welcome to England, Marie-Thrse. Was your flight good?

B Yes, it was, but I don't like flying.

C Never mind. You're here safely now. Come on, the car's outside.

a Was it Gate 4 or 14?

b Can I see your passport, please?

c Smoking or non-smoking?

d Can I have your tray please, madam?

e Excuse me. I think that's my suitcase.

f Welcome to England! Was your flight good?   Lesson 07: Then And NowHồi đó và bây giờ. Nói về những sự việc trong quá khứ, học cách dùng các động từ quá khứ đơn, một số động từ quá khứ thông dụng: worked, lived, died, started, loved, finished, looked, visited, cleaned, liked, stayed, moved... Ellen Peel

Ellen's father died in the war in 1915 and her mother died a year later. Ellen was twelve years old. Immediately she started work as a housemaid with a rich family in London.

She worked from 5.30 in the morning until 9.00 at night. She cleaned all the rooms in the house before breakfast. She earned $25 a year.

In 1921 she moved to another family. She liked her new job because she looked after the children. There were five children, four sons and one daughter. She loved them, especially the baby, Robert. She stayed with that family for twenty years. Ellen never married. She just looked after other people's children until she retired when she was seventy years old.

a I was only twelve years old when my mother died and I started work.

b I was always tired in my first job because I worked very long hours.

c I started work at 5.30 in the morning and I finished at 9.00 in the evening.

d Now I live in a village, but in 1920 I lived in London.

e Now I look after my five cats. In the 1920s I look after five children.

f I loved all the children, but I loved Robert especially.

g Robert's over seventy now and I still see him. He visited me just last month.

Past Simple verbs

worked lived died started

loved finished looked visited

cleaned liked stayed moved

Where was she born?

When did she die?

When did her father die?

When did she marry Prince Albert?

Where did they live?

How many children did they have?

Past Simple verbs

had came worked went

left hated got gave

become wrote changed won

lost found bought sold


What can I remember? Well, I left school in 1982. I was unemployed for two years, but then I found a job in an office. I sold computer software to businesses.

Suddenly computers were everywhere! Banks, hotels, hospitals, schools, homes. My Mum and Dad bought video recorder in 1985, and my little brother got a computer video game for his birthday in 1986.

Near the end of the 1980s things got worse and in 1990 I lost my job.

Now, sport. Well, in 1980 the United States didn't go to the Olympics in Moscow, and in 1984 the USSR didn't go to the Olympics in Los Angeles, but they both went to Seoul in 1988.

Argentina won the World Cup in 1986, and Germany won it in 1990.

What about politics? Well, Mrs Thatcher was our Prime Minister for the whole of the 1980s. Reagan became the US president in 1981, Gorbachev gave the world glasnost and perestroika, and the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Then all sorts of things changed.

Silent leters

a walk d writer g work j half

b listen e autumn h short k foreign

c know f farm i high l daughter

a talk f white

b born g knife

c bought h wrong

d world i cupboard

e anwser j Christmas

Special occasions

A Ugh! Work again! I hate Mondays!

B Me too. Did you have a nice weekend?

A Yes. It was wonderful.

Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday, dear Kate.

Happy birthday to you.

A How many Easter eggs did you get?

B Six. What about you?

A Five. I had them all on Easter morning before lunch.

B Did you?

A And then I was sick!

B Ugh!

A Congratulations!

B Oh... thank you very much.

A When's the happy day?

B Pardon?

A Your wedding day. When is it?

B Oh! We're not sure yet. Some time in June, probably.

A Hello! Merry Christmas, everyone!

B Merry Christmas! Come in, come in. It's so cold outside.

A Wonderful! It's Friday!

B Yes. Have a nice weekend!

A Same to you.

a Did you have a nice weekend?

b Happy birthday!

c Merry Christmas!

d Have a nice weekend!

e Congratulations!   Lesson 08: How Things Begin? Đàm thoại tiếng Anh căn bản-Headway Level A: Sự việc bắt đầu thế nào? Kể về một sự kiện, một phát minh, học các nói số thứ tự, ngày tháng của năm.   THE HAMBURGER

An American chef from Connecticut, Louis Lassen, made and sold the first hamburgers in 1895. He called them hamburgers because sailors from Hamburg in Germany gave him the recipe. Students from Yale University and businessmen loved them and bought them. Kenneth Lassen, Louis' grandson still sells hamburgers in Connecticut.


A Scotsman, John Logie Baird, transmitted the first television picture on 25 October, 1925. The first person on television was a boy who worked in the office next to Baird's workroom in London. In 1927 Baird sent pictures from London to Glasgow. In 1928 he sent pictures to New York and also produced the first colour TV pictures.


A Hungarian, Laszlo Biro, made the first ball-point pen in 1938. In 1944 the Bristish Army bought thirty thousand because soldiers could write with them outside in the rain. At the end of the war Biros' quickly became very popular all over the world. In 1948 a shop in New York sold ten thousand on one day.

A Did you know that Marco Polo brought spaghetti back from China?

B Really? He didn't! That's incredible!

A Well, it's true!

A Did you know that Napoleon was afraid of cats?

B He wasn't! I don't believe it!

A Well, it's true!

On 1 June 1992 a French burglar broke into a house in Paris. He went into the living room and stole two pictures. Then he went into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and saw some cheese. He was hungry, so he ate all the cheese. Next he saw two bottles of champagne. He was very thirsty, so he drank both bottles. Then he felt sleepy. He went upstairs for a rest, but he was tired and he fell asleep. When he woke up the next morning, there were four policemen around the bed.


Wendy Mint

Well, it was five years ago. A Sunday evening five years ago. I was in the bath and the radio was on. Er... I always listen to pop music in the bath. Suddenly I heard this voice, the disc jockey's voice. It was beautiful, really beautiful. Warm and friendly. I thought, Oh! What a lovely voice!' I think I fell in love then, with his voice. Well, I listened to the end of the programme and I heard his name, Oliver Mint. I loved the name, too.

Well, er... usually I'm quite shy, but this time I wasn't. I went to the telephone and I rang the radio station. I couldn't believe it! Suddenly there was his voice on the telephone! And we talked and talked, for about half an hour. And he said, Where do you live?' so I told him, and then he said, Can we meet?' And I said Yes, please!' So we met in an Italian restaurant the next evening. I was so nervous, but it was wonderful! We got married a month later and now we have a lovely baby boy. He's nearly two!

Trevor Richards

Well, I have a baker's shop. I make all the bread and cakes for it. And one day ... it was a very hot day in summer, er ... the summer of 1976, and it was lunchtime and er ... this beautiful girl came into the shop. She was with some friends and I could hear that they weren't English, but they spoke English very well and er ... they all bought sandwiches and went to the park. Well, I couldn't forget her. The way she smiled, the way she laughed, her blue, blue eyes. I waited and watched every lunchtime but she didn't come back into the shop.

Then suddenly, there she was again, and so I said, 'Hello again. You're still in England, then?' And she said, 'Yes. But this is my last day. I go back to Sweden tomorow.' And she smiled. Now, usually I'm shy, but I took a small pink cake and I wrote I love you on it. And when she asked for a chicken sandwich, I looked into the blue, blue eyes and I gave her the cake! She laughed and said, 'I didn't know English men were so romantic!' Well, after that she went back to Sweden, but we wrote letters and in 1978 we got married. Now we work together in the shop and we have three children.

The ordinals

first second third

fourth fifth sixth

tenth twelfth thirteenth

sixteenth seventeenth twentieth

twenty-first thirtieth thirty-first


the first of April April the first

the second of March March the second

the sevententh of September September the seventeenth

the nineteenth of November November the nineteeth

the twenty-third of June June the twenty-third

the fifteenth of July, nineteen sixty-seven

the twenty-ninth of February, nineteen seventy-six

the nineteenth of December, nineteen eighty-three

the third of October, nineteen seventy

the thirty-first of May, nineteen ninety-three

1 The fourth of January

2 May the seventh, nineteen twenty-two

3 The thirtieth of August, nineteen sixty-five

4 A It was Friday. I know it was Friday!

B No, it wasn't. It was Saturday!

A No. I remember. It was Friday the thirteenth. The thirteenth of October!

5 A Oh no! I forgot your birthday.

B It doesn't matter, really.

A It was last Sunday, the second. June the second. Oh I am sorry!

6 A Hey! Did you know this? Shakespear was born and died on the same day!

B That's not possible!

A Yes, it is. He was born on April the twenty-third, fifteen sixty-four and he died on April the twenty-third, sixteen sixteen!   Lesson 09: Food And Drink Đàm thoại tiếng Anh căn bản-Headway Level A: Học từ vựng về các thức ăn uống, cách nhận xét... cách mua thực phẩm hằng ngày... A I don't like tea.

B Oh, I do. Well, sometimes. But coffee's horrible.

A Yeah.

B I don't like wine, either.

A My dad does, and my mum. They have it every day.

B I quite like apple juice, but it can be really sweet and yuk.

A I love beer! When my dad has some, I always take some.

B Milk, I like milk.

A Me, too, especially on cereal.

B Water's just water. It's boring.

A I like bread, but only if there's nothing else.

B Mmm! I love bread and cheese.

A I hate cheese. But I adore ice-cream. Mmm! Any ice-cream! All ice-cream! Yummy!

B So do I. And chocolate. Lovely chocolate!

A Mmm, chocolate! I quite like rice, but not a lot.

B Me, too. But I like fruit.

A Yeah, I like fruit, especially strawberries and apples.

B Oranges are boring, but bananas are OK.

A I like bananas with a bit of milk and sugar.

B Oh, yuk! That's disgusting!

A No, it isn't. ... I don't like eggs at all.

B What about the rest? Biscuits, yes. Sandwiches, no. Tomatoes, yuk.

Both Hamburgers, YES!

A I'm thirsty.

B Would you like some tea?

A No, thanks.

B Would you like some apple juice?

B Oh, yes, please!

A I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?

B Would you like a biscuit?

A No, thanks. I'd like a sandwich.

B Cheese? Ham?

A Cheese and ham, please!

1 Good afternoon. Can I help you?

2 Who's your favourite writer?

3 What would you like for Christmas?

4 Do you like animals?

5 Here's the wine list, sir.

6 Have some cream with your strawberries!

A Good afternoon. Can I help you?

B Yes. I'd like some fruit, please.

A Who's your favourite writer?

B I like books by John le Carr.

A What would you like for Christmas?

B I'd like a new bike.

A Do you like animals?

B I like cats, but I don't like dogs.

A Here's the wine list, sir.

B We'd like a bottle of French red wine.

A Have some cream with your strawberries!

B No, thanks. I don't like cream.

A Morning.

B Good morning.

A How can I help you?

B I'd like some orange juice, please.

A Er... sorry. There's apple juice, but no orange juice.

B Oh! What's that? Isn't that orange juice?

A Oh, yes. So it is! My eyes! There you are.

B Thank you. And some potatoes, please.

A A bag like this?

B Yes, fine. Now, some milk.

A Sorry, I sold the last bottle just two minutes ago.

B Oh, dear! What about some coffee?

A Yes. There you are.

B Thanks. Orange juice, potatoes, milk, coffee ... A kilo of apples, please.

A I don't sell apples.

B Really? That's strange. What about cheese? Do you have any cheese?

A No, I don't sell cheese, either.

B No cheese? That's incredible! OK. Now, I want some pizza, but I'm sure you don't sell pizza, do you?

A Yes, sir. Pizza with mushrooms, pizza with cheese and ham, pizza with sausage, and pizza with tomatoes.

B Wow! Can I have some ... pizza with cheese and ham, please?

A Sorry, sir. Usually I have pizza, but not on Thursday. Today's Thursday.

B I see. I don't suppose you have any bread.

A You're right.

B Pardon?

A You're right. There isn't any bread.

B Tell me. Do you do a lot of business?

A Oh, yes, sir. The shop's open all the time.

B What do people buy?

A All the things you can see.

B Well, that's all for me. How much?

A One pound twenty, please.

B Thank you. Goodbye.

A See you again soon, sir.

B (to himself) I don't think so.

A Have another cream cake, my dear. They're delicious!

B I couldn't. I'm full.

A Oh, go on!

B Well, all right. Just one more. That chocolate one.

A Yes, please. Who's next?

B Hello. Can I have a chicken and salad sandwich in a brown roll, please?

A Salt and pepper?

B Yes, please.

A Anything else?

B Yes. An apple and a mineral water.

A Two, three... three pounds forty.

B Thanks.

Mum Tom! Lily! You're late. It's 8.30!

Tom I know, I know. I'm ready.

Mum Where's Lily?

Tom In the bathroom, I think.

Mum Still? Lily? Lily?

Lily Yes, Mum?

Mum Come on! It's 8.30.

Lily OK

Mum Are you ready, Tom?

Tom Yes, Mum.

Mum Don't yes Mum me.

Tom No, Mum.

Mum Right, Lily, are you ready?

Lily Where's my school bag?

Mum I don't know. It's your bag.

Tom Here it is.

Mum Right. See you later. Give me a kiss. Bye, see you.

All Bye! See you!

A Yes, please.

B Hello. Can I order a take-away, please?

A Yes, sir. What would you like?

B A chicken curry ... not too hot.

A Yes, sir.

B And some rice. That's all...

A Thank you, sir. About fifteen minutes. Is that OK?

B That's fine, thanks.

Dad Come on! It's ready.

Lily Pardon?

Dad It's ready. Dinner's on the table.

Lily OK.

Tom Mm! It smells good! What is it?

Dad Spaghetti Bolognese. Come and sit down.

Mum How was school today?

Tom OK.

Mum Were you late?

Lily No. Well, a little.

Same family + G = Grandmother

G Mm. That beef was lovely, my dear.

M Thank you, Mother.

D Some more wine, Mum.

G No, thank you, James. One glass is enough for me. Really, Jane, I don't know how you make your gravy, but it's always so delicious!

M You say that every time, Mother, and I tell you how I cook it every time. It's always the same way. Meat juices and vegetable juices. Now, Mother, what about some desert? There's fruit salad or apple pie and cream. What would you like?

G Well, just a little, then.

M Which one?

G Both, of course.

A Good evening. Can I help you?

B Yes, please. Could I have a room for the night?

A Certainly. A single room or a double?

B Single, please.

A Would you like a room with a shower or a bath?

B A shower. How much is the room?

A 72 for the room and breakfast. Would you like an evening meal?

B No, thanks. Just breakfast. Can I pay by credit card?

A Yes, of course. We take Visa and Access. Could you sign the register, please?

B Yes, sure. Do you want my address, too?

A No. Just a signature. Do you have any luggage?

B Just this one bag.

A Here's your key. Your room number is 311. I hope you enjoy your stay.

B Thanks.   Lesson 10: Describing Places Đàm thoại tiếng Anh căn bản-Headway Level A: Học các nói về nơi chốn, các từ vựng để miêu tả 1 nơi nào đó, sử dụng các dạng so sánh ... Học từ: farm factory, traffic, bridge, car, park, theatre, Underground, tram, concert, river, lake, mountains, buildings, statue, village, cottage ...   The country is cheaper than the city.

The country is safer than the city.

The city is noisier than the country.

The country is healthier than the city.

The city is more expensive than the country.

The city is more interesting than the country.

The city is better than the country.

A The country is quieter than the city.

B Yes, that's true. The city is much noisier.

A New York is safer than Lodon.

B No, it isn't. New York is much more dangerous.

A The streets of New York are cleaner than the streets of Paris.

B No, they aren't. They're much dirtier.

A Paris is bigger than Madrid.

B No, it isn't. It's much smaller.

A Madrid is more expensive than Rome.

B No, it isn't. Madrid is much cheaper.

A The buildings in Rome are more modern than the buildings in New York.

B No, they aren't. They're much older.

A The Underground in London is better than the Metro in Paris.

B No, it isn't! The Underground is much worse.

Fran Why did you leave? You had a good job in London.

Amy Yes, but I've got a better job here.

Fran And you had a beautiful flat in London.

Amy Well, I've got a house here.

Fran Really? How many bedrooms has it got?

Amy Three. And it's got a garden. It's nicer than my flat and it's cheaper. Everything is much cheaper here.

Fran But you haven't got any friends!

Amy I've got a lot of friends here. Everybody is very friendly. People are much friendlier than in London.

Fran But the country's so boring!

Amy No it isn't. It's much more interesting than London. Seaton has got shops, cinemas, theatres, and parks. And the air is cleaner and the streets are safer.

Fran OK. OK. Everything is wonderful! So when can I visit you?

a Seaview is the most expensive house.

b Park House is the most modern house.

c Seaview is the biggest house.

d Seaview has got the biggest garden.

e Park House is the nearest to the town centre.

f Park House is the farthest from the sea.

A The Ritz is a very expensive hotel.

B Yes, it's the most expensive hotel in London.

A Hambledon is a very pretty village.

B Yes, it's the prettiest village in England.

A Everest is a very high mountain.

B Yes, it's the highest mountain in the world.

A Meryl Streep is a very popular actress.

B Yes, she's the most popular actress in America.

A Mr Clark is a very funny teacher.

B Yes, he's the funniest teacher in our school.

A Maria is a very intelligent student.

B Yes, she's the most intelligent student in our class.

A This is a very easy exercise.

B Yes, it's the easiest exercise in the book.

a The Ritz is a very expensive hotel.

b Hambledon is a very pretty village.

c Everest is a very high mountain.

d Meryl Streep is a very popular actress.

e Mr Clark is a very funny teacher.

f Maria is a very intelligent student.

g This is a very easy exercise.

Pronounce the words

farm factory traffic

bridge car park theatre

Underground tram concert

river lake mountains buildings

statue village cottage

Robert talks about his driving lesson

Oh, it was terrible! At first it was fine. I drove out of the garage, along the road, and under the bridge. Then I drove past the pub, up the hill, and down the hill. Everything was still OK. But then I drove over the river and and I turned left not right and I went through the hedge, and into the lake! Oh, it was terrible!

Directions to Louisa's house

Go out of the school and turn left. Walk along Station Road past the railway station and the bank. Turn left again at the traffic lights and walk over the bridge and up the hill. Turn right into Park Avenue. My house is the first on the left. It's number fifty. It takes ten minutes.   Lesson 11 : Describing People Trong bài này chúng ta học các mô tả người như tên người đó, cá tính, nghề nghiệp và nơi làm việc hoặc các sự việc mà người đó đang thể hiện như nói chuyện, cách ăn mặc... P = Peter M = Mary

P: Gosh! All these people, and I don't know any of them!

M: Don't worry! First things first. What would you like to drink?

P: A glass of wine, please. Thank you. Could you tell me one or two names?

M: Of course. Right. Can you see that man over there, sitting at the table? His name's Paul and he's really nice. He's a musician and he works in LA.

P: Sorry, where?

M: Los Angeles.

P: Uh huh.

M: And he's talking to Kathy. She's on the other side of the table. She's wearing a red and white T-shirt. Kathy's very interesting. She has an art gallery in London, she's incredible rich, and she lives in a beautiful house. Married, unfortunately for you.

P: Yes.

M: And then on Kathy's right there's Suzie. She's drinking some wine. She's one of my oldest friends. We were at school together.

P: And what does she do?

M: She's writer, actually.

P: Oh! What does she write?

M: She writes children stories. Not very successful ones, but never mind. Now, she's talking to Alex. Alex is smoking a cigar, and Alex travels all over the world. He's a film producer.

P: And who are the children?

M: They're Suzie's girls, Laura and Ellie. They go to St Mary's School. Do you know it?

P: Yes, I do.

M: And they're eating crisp and dropping them all over the carpet, aren't you?

A: Excuse me! Is this your ball?

B: No, it isn't mine. It's his.

A: Is this yours?

C: No, it isn't mine. It's hers.

A Excuse me! Is this your ball?

D No, it isn't mine. I think it's theirs.

A: Hello. Is this yours?

F: No, it isn't ours. It's the dog's!

a- Who's on the phone?

b- I'm going to the pub. Who's coming?

c- There's a ten pound note here. Whose is it?

d- This is a good book. Who's reading it?

e- Wow! Look at that sports car. Whose is it?

f- I found these on the floor. Whose clothes are they?

g- Who's that standing near the door? That man with glasses.

h- Who's your favourite football team?

bread head steak wake lamb

ham lose shoes sign wine

half laugh soap hope when

again near beer suit boot

wait late heart part meat

feet dead said hair wear

war door ball Paul list kissed

Wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton

It's late in the evening

She's wondering what clothes to wear.

She puts on her make up,

Then brushes her long blond hair.

And then she ask me,

'Do I look all right?'

And I say 'Yes, You look wonderful tonight.'

We go to a party

And everyone turns to see

This beautiful lady

That's walking around with me.

And then she asks me,

'Do you feel all right?'

And I say 'Yes, I feel wonderful tonight.'

I feel wonderful

Because I see

The lovelight in your eyes.

And the wonder of it all

Is that you just don't realize

How much I love you.

It's time to go home now

And I've got an aching head.

So I give her the car keys,

She helps me to bed.

And then I tell her

As I turn out the light,

I say 'My darling, You were wonderful tonight.'

A Can I help you?

B No, thanks. I'm just looking.

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'm looking for a jumper.

A: What colour are you looking for?

B: Blue.

A: What size are you?

B: Medium.

A: What about this one?

B: No, I don't like the colour.

A: This one's a bit darker.

B: Mm, that's nice.

B: Can I try it on?

A: Yes, the changing rooms are over there.

A: Is it the right size?

B: It's a bit too big.

A: Is it the right size?

B: Yes, it feels fine.

B: Have you got something bigger?

A: That's the last we've got, I'm afraid.

B: I'll leave it, thanks.

B: How much is it?

A: ? 19.99.

B: I'll have it, please.

A: Thank you. How would you like to pay?

B: By credit card.   Lesson 12: Planning The Future GEMMA (age 11)

When I grow up I'm going to be a ballet dancer. I love dancing, I go dancing three times a week. I'm going to travel all over the world and I'm going to learn French and Russian because I want to dance in Paris and Moscow. I'm not going to marry until I'm 35 and then I'm going to have two children. I'd like first a girl and then a boy ? but maybe I can't plan that! I'm going to work until I'm 75. I'm going to teach dancing and I'm going to open a dance school. I like planning my future ? it's very exciting!

MISS BLACK (age 62)

When I retire ? well ? first ? er, two things ? I'm going to learn Russian ? I can already speak French, Italian, and German and I want to learn another language ? and I'm going to learn to drive. I never had time to learn when I was younger. Then I'm going to buy a car and a tent and travel all over the world. I'm not going to wear boring clothes, I'm tired of blouses and skirts ? I'm going to wear jeans and tracksuits all the time. And when I come home from my travels I'm going to write a book and become a TV star and tell everyone about the places I visited and the people I met.

A:What's she going to be?

B:A ballet dancer

A:What is she going to do?

B:Travel all over the world.

A:Why is she going to learn French and Russian?

B:Because she wants to dance in Paris and Moscow.

A:When is she going to marry?

B:Not until she's thirty-five.

A:How many children is she going to have?


A:How long is she going to work?

B:Until she's seventy-five.

A:What is she going to teach?


a - Take an umbrella. It's going to rain.

b - Hurry up! We're going to miss the bus!

c - I'm very worried about this exam. I know I'm going to fail.

d - Jack is studying very hard. I know he's going to pass.

e - Careful! You're going to drop the plates!

f - Look at all that wine and food! They're going to have a party.

g - There's my sister and her boyfriend. Yuk! They're going to kiss.

h A: Oh dear! I'm going to sneeze. Aaatishoo!

B:Bless you!

B = Miss Black A = Arthur

B:First I'm going to Holland.


B:To see the tulips, of course!

A:Oh yes! How wonderful! Where are you going after that?

B:Well, then I'm going to Norway to see the midnight sun.

A:What's the weather like today?

B:It's cold and snowing.

A:What was it like yesterday?

B:Oh, it was cold and cloudy.

A:It's a lovely day! What shall we do?

B:Let's play tennis!

A:It's raining again! What shall we do?

B:Let's stay at home and watch a video.

A:It's a lovely day! What shall we do?

B:Let's play tennis!

A:Oh, no! It's too hot to play tennis.

B:Well, let's go to the beach.

A:OK. I'll get my swimming costume.

A:It's raining again! What shall we do?

B:Let's stay at home and watch a video.

A:Oh no! We watched a video last night.

B:Well, let's go to the cinema.

A:OK. What's on at the Odeon cinema?   Lesson 13: Did you know that? This is a British Rail talking timeable, giving train times from London King’s Cross to Newcastle, Monday to friday. For weekend train times, phone 071 276 2477. Here are the departure times from King’s Cross and the arival times in Newcastle.   General Knowledge Quiz

A: When did the Berlin Wall come down?

B: 1989.

A: When did the first American walk on the moon?

B: 1969.

A: Where are the Andes mountains?

B: In South America.

A: Who did the actress Elizabeth Taylor marry twice?

B: Richard Burton.

A: Who won the 100 metres in the Seoul Olympics?

B: Carl Lewis.

A: How many countries are there in the European Community?

B: Twelve.

A: How much does an African elephant weigh?

B: Five to seven tonnes.

A: How fast does Concorde fly?

B: 2,500 kilometres an hour.

A: How far is it from London to New York?

B: Six thousand kilometres.

A: How old was Charlie Chaplin when he died?

B: Eighty-eight.

A: What languages do Swiss people speak?

B: German, French, Italian, and Romansch.

A: What did Columbus discover in 1492?

B: America.

A: What sort of music did Elvis Presley play?

B: Rock ?n' roll.

A: What happens at the end of the story Cinderella?

B: She marries the prince.

A: What happened in Chernobyl in 1986?

B: There was a nuclear explosion.

A: Why do birds migrate?

B: Because the winter is cold.

A: Which newspaper does Queen Elizabeth read?

B: The Times.

A: Which language has the most words?

B: English.

1 Why do you want to go?

2 Where does he work?

3 She works in a bank.

4 Who won the match?

5 Did she marry him?

6 How old is she?

7 Johnny Page played the guitar

8 Where did you go last night?

It was about two o'clock in the morning, and... and suddenly I woke up. I heard a noise. I got out of bed and went slowly downstairs.

There was a light in the living room. I listened very carefully. I could hear two men speaking quietly. ?Burglars!' I thought. ?Two of them!'

Well, I was really frightened, so I went back upstairs, and immediately phoned the police from my bedroom. The police arrived quickly.

They opened the front door with a special key and went into the living room. Then they came upstairs. ?It's all right now, sir,' they explained. ?We turned the television off for you!'

A: What's the title of the book?

B: It's called The Monkey's Paw.

A: What sort of story is it?

B: It's a horror story.

A: Who are the main characters?

B: Old Mr and Mrs White and their son, Herbert.

A: What's it about?

B: A monkey's paw which is magic. It can give people three wishes, but the wishes don't bring happiness.

A: What happens in the end?

B: The son dies in an accident at work.

A: Did you enjoy it?

B: Yes, I did. It was very interesting.

A: Do you recommend it?

B: Yes, I do.

The Girl with Green Eyes

Part 1

Of course,' the man in the brown hat said, ?there are good policemen, and there are bad policemen, you know.'

You're right,' the young man said. ?Yes. That's very true. Isn't it, Julie?'

Julie didn't answer and looked bored. She closed her eyes.

There were seven people in the carriage. There was the man in the brown hat; the young man and his wife, Julie; a mother and two children; and a tall dark man in an expensive suit. The young man's name was Bill. He had short brown hair and a happy smile. His wife, Julie, had long red hair and very green eyes ? the colour of sea water. They were very beautiful eyes.

Part 2

Bill and the man in the brown hat talked and talked. The tall dark man took out his newspaper and began to read. Julie opened her eyes and looked at the back page of his newspaper. She read about the weather in Budapest and about the football in Liverpool. She wasn't interested in the weather and she didn't like football, but she didn't want to listen to Bill and the man in the brown hat. ?Talk, talk, talk,' she thought. ?Bill never stops talking.'

Then suddenly she saw the tall man's eyes over the top of his newspaper. She could not see his mouth, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Quickly, she looked down at the newspaper again. She read about the weather in Budapest for the third time. Then she looked at the tall man's hands. They were long, brown hands, very clean. ?Nice hands,' she thought. He wore a very expensive Japanese watch. ?Japan,' she thought. ?I'd like to go to Japan. ?She looked up and saw the man's eyes again over the top of his newspaper. This time she did not look away. Green eyes looked into dark brown eyes for a long, slow minute.

Part 3

Bill and his new friend went to buy something to eat and drink. The train was nearly at Plymouth. The tall dark man stood up, put the newspaper in his bag, and left the carriage. The train stopped at the station. A lot of people got on the train, and two women and an old man came into the carriage.

The train moved slowly away from Plymouth station, and Bill came back to the carriage. ?Where's Julie?' he said. ?She's not here.'

The little girl looked at Bill. ?She got off the train at Plymouth,' she said. ?With the tall dark man. I saw them.' ?Of course she didn't!' Bill said. ?She's on this train. She didn't get off.'

?Yes, she did,' the children's mother said suddenly. ?I saw her too. The tall man waited for her on the platform.'

?He waited for her?' Bill's month was wide open.

?But ... But he read his newspaper all the time. He didn't talk to Julie. And she never talked to him. They didn't say a word.'

?People don't always need words, young man,' the children's mother said.

?But I don't understand,' said Bill. ?She's my wife. Why did she go? Why did she leave me? What am I going to do?'

(Adapted from a story by Jennifer Bassett)

This is a British Rail talking timeable, giving train times from London King's Cross to Newcastle, Monday to friday. For weekend train times, phone 071 276 2477. Here are the departure times from King's Cross and the arival times in Newcastle.

0700 arriving 1005

0840 arriving 1130

0945 arriving 1245

1130 arriving 1437

1200 arriving 1455


A: Good morning. Can you tell me the times of trains back from Newcastle, please?

B: Afternoon, evening? When do you want to come back?

A: About 5 o'clock this afternoon.

B: About 5 o'clock. Right. Let's have a look. There's a train that leaves at 4.45, and there's another one at 5.25.

A: And what time do they get in?

B: Back at King's Cross at 7.15 and 8.20.

A: Thanks a lot.

A: Hello. I'd like a ticket to Newcastle, please.

B: Single or return?

A: Return, please.

B: Day return or period return?

A: I want to come back this evening, so a day return.

B: How do you want to pay?

A: Cash, please.

B: Forty-eight pounds fifty, please.

A: Twenty, forty, sixty pounds.

B: Here's your change and your ticket.

A: Thank you.

This is a British Rail announcement. The train from Edingbrugh arrives on platform eight at 0830. Edinburgh train, platform eight 0830.

The train from Hertford arrives on platform six at 0835. Hertford train, platform six, 0835.

The train from Newcastle arrives on platform fifteen at 0845. The train is forty minutes late. Newcastle train, platform fifteen, 0845. Forty minutes late.

The train from Darlington arrives on platform nine at 0855. Darlington train, platform nine 0855.

The train to Peterborough is on platform twelve, departs 0825. The train to Peterborough, platform twelve, 0825.

The train to Newcastle is on platform seventeen, departs 0840. The train to Newcastle, platform seventeen, 0840.

The train to York is on platform five, departs 0900. The train to York, platform five, 0900.t's on at the Odeon cinema?   Lesson 14: In My Life I’ve driven a tractor. When I was seventeen, I worked on a farm for a few months. I’ve been to hospital a few times. When I was six, I broke my leg, and when I was twenty-two I had a car accident, and I was in hospital for a couple of weeks. And I have never, ever, in my whole life, never won a competition. A: I've been to England. I haven't been to Scotland.

B: I've been to the United States. I've never been to Mexico.

C: I haven't been to any of the countries!

A: Have you ever been to Ireland?

B: No, I haven't.

A: Have you ever been to Scotland?

B: Yes, I have.

A: When did you go?

B: Two years ago.

Roger's life

Yes, I've lived in a foreign country. In Japan, actually. I lived in Osaka for a year. I really enjoyed it. I loved the food! Now, then. Have I orked for a big company? It depends what you mean by big. I've worked in a factory, and I've worked in an office, but they weren't very big companies. I've never stayed in an expensive hotel, but I'd love to one day. A big room, breakfast in bed, it'd be lovely!

I've been in a jumbo jet. I went in one when I flew to Japan. The plane stopped in Moscow. The flight was about twelve or thirteen hours!

Cooking. Mmm. Well, I can't cook very well, but once when I was a boy scout I cooked for us all. There were about thirty of us, and I made beans on toast. It was delicious because everyone was so hungry. I've never met anyone famous, and I don't really want to. Mm, I've only ever seen one Shakespeare play, and that was Hamlet. I saw it while I was at school. We studied it for an exam.

I've driven a tractor. When I was seventeen, I worked on a farm for a few months. I've been to hospital a few times. When I was six, I broke my leg, and when I was twenty-two I had a car accident, and I was in hospital for a couple of weeks. And I have never, ever, in my whole life, never won a competition.

Lilian and her father on the phone

L: = Lilian F = Father

L: We're having a lovely time, Dad.

F: I'm sure there's a lot to do!

L: There is! We've been for a walk in Central Park. It's so big! Everything here is big. And we've climbed the Empire State Building. The view was fantastic. We haven't been to Greenwich Village yet, and we haven't been to Chinatown, either. We're going to do that tomorrow.

F: Have you seen the Statue of Liberty yet?

L: Oh, yes, we have. We've just had a helicopter tour of the city, and we flew really close to it.

F: What about a show? Have you seen a show on Broadway yet?

L: No, we haven't. We're going to one on our last night here, but we haven't decided what to see yet.


A: Hello. 276694.

B: Hello. Can I speak to Jo, please?

A: This is Jo speaking.

B: Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Pat. I'm just ringing to check that Sunday is still OK for tennis.

A: Yes, that's fine.

B: Great! See you on Sunday at 10. Bye!

A: Bye!

A: Hello. Chesswood 4576.

B: Hello. Is that Liz?

A: No, it isn't. I'll just get her.

C: Hello. Liz here.

B: Hi, Liz. It's Tom. Listen! I'm having a party on Saturday. Can you come?

C: Oh, sorry, Tom. I can't. I'm going to my cousin's wedding.

B: Never mind. Perhaps next time. Bye!

C: Bye.

A: Hello. Barclays Bank, Chesswood.

B: Hello. Can I speak to the manager, please?

A: Hold on. I'll put you through... I'm afraid Mr Smith isn't in his office. Can I take a message?

B: Don't worry. I'll ring back later.

A: All right. Goodbye.

B: Goodbye.   Lesson 15: Thank You and Goodbye We never thought of ourselves is leaving "...Never a thought of ourselves home. We struggled hard all our lives to get by. She’s leaving home after living alone for so many years. Friday morning at nine o’clock she is far away Waiting to keep the appointment she made Meeting a man from the motor trade... A = Alice B =Barbara

A: Hi Barbara! Did you and Raymond enjoy Margo's dinner party?

B: No, we didn't. It was awful!

A: What about the food?

B: Oh, the food was disgusting! We hated it. We had Duck and Banana Curry!

A: Duck and what?! Ugh!

B: I know. I don't like duck and Ray doesn't like bananas!

A: And their friends? Tell me about their friends. Were they nice?

B: Oh, Alice! They were friendly, but they were so boring! They talked for three hours about their house and their dog and their dishwasher! And they didn't ask one question about us. We said very little, only 'Yes?' and 'No!'

A: Oh dear! What a terrible evening!

She's leaving home by the Beatles

Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begins,

Silently closing the bedroom door

Leaving the note that she hoped would say more

She goes downstairs to the kitchen

Clutching her handkerchief

Quietly turning the backdoor key

Stepping outside she is free.


We gave her most of our lives is leaving

Sacrificed most of our lives home.

We gave her everything money could buy. She's leaving home after living alone for so many years.

Father snores as his wife gets into her dressing gown,

Picks up the letter that's lying there

Standing alone at the top of the stairs

She breaks down and cries to her husband,

'Daddy, our baby's gone.

Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly?

How could she do this to me?'


We never thought of ourselves is leaving

Never a thought of ourselves home.

We struggled hard all our lives to get by.

She's leaving home after living alone for so many years.

Friday morning at nine o'clock she is far away

Waiting to keep the appointment she made

Meeting a man from the motor trade.


What did we do that was wrong? is having

We didn't know it was wrong. fun.

Fun is the one thing that money can't buy.

Something inside that was always denied for so many years.

She's leaving home. Bye bye.

Problems with officials

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes. Can I change this jumper please? I bought it last week and it's too small.

A: Have you got the receipt?

B: No. I'm sorry, I've lost it.

A: Oh dear! You have to give us the receipt. We can't change anything without a receipt.

B: But...!

A: Can I send this parcel to Greece, please?

B: Yes, of course. That's ?3.50. Thank you. Have you filled in the customs form?

A: Customs form? What customs form?

B: You have to fill in a customs form when you send a parcel overseas.

A: Can you give me a form then, please?

B: No, I don't have any. They're over there on that table.

A: Sorry? Where?

B: Over there. They're the green forms.

A: That's ?104.50 altogether. How do you want to pay?

B: Can I pay by cheque?

A: Yes, but have you got any identification? You have to show identification with cheques over ?100.

B: Oh dear! Let me see. I've got a photo of me and my aunt at the seaside.

A: No, no, no. Have you got a passport or a driving licence?

B: No, I haven't.

A: Then I'm afraid we can't take your cheque.

B: But ... !

A: What's the purpose of your visit?

B: Oh, I'm going to study English and have a holiday.

A: And how long are you staying?

B: For a month.

A: And where are you going to stay? What's your address?

B: I'm not sure. The language school is going to find me somewhere to stay.

A: Mmm! You have to give us an address. You can't enter the country without an address!

B: But ... !

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