Chapter 1

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Have you ever had your heart ripped into a million pieces then glued back together only to shred it in a food processor?

Yeah, I thought so. Well, unfortunately for me, I had mine repeat that whole process not once, not twice, but ten times. I'll tell you straight up, it hurt like a bitch. What's worse is that I even used my award-winning smile and angelic face! Like, what the fuck?! I'm perfect, I'm THE man everyone wants to sleep with! How could you dump me for an ex-lover and stomp all over my feelings?!

I know what you're thinking and I'll say it myself, don't worry about it. We don't want you thinking I'm ashamed when I'm such a fine specimen of a man. That's right, I'm in love with myself. The most handsome narcissist in this entire planet, as my manager calls me.

My platinum blonde hair was soft and luscious, giving off this magical look that had shampoo companies craving for. Sharp nose, luscious lips, and black eyes that drown you, I'd say my face was the perfect package. Add in my toned body, topped off with my perfect tan, and you get Eric Giordanio.

No one was as beautiful as I was. Everyone was trying to meet me and appreciate the 9th wonder of the world that I was. I was constantly showered with appreciative glares and suggestive smirks, even when I was at my less beautiful state. Frankly, I don't use the word 'ugly' on me because there's never a time where you'd find me like that. Not that I'm boasting or anything, just stating a fact. And even with all these compliments, praises, and leers, I can't help but think it isn't enough.

Sighing loudly, I combed my hair with my fingers, staring at my reflection as I watched myself do that simple action. God, did I look good just combing my hair. I can't believe someone like me just had my heart broken 16 months ago. Riley must've been sick in the head to even consider letting someone like me go.


Riley Lancaster. A name that to this day still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. He was my childhood best friend and this perfect angel's first love. With his auburn hair, blue eyes, and pale skin, he captivated me. He was smart and witty before he met the bastard that stole him from me, got him pregnant, and made him a cold and uncaring prick. In the end, Riley chose the asshole and dumped my gorgeous self to kingdom come.

Now, I'm on the road to healing; however, I haven't even reached a checkpoint and have been running in circles ever since.

Can you blame me? All I ever wanted was for Riley to love me and only have me in his heart. But, you can't force someone else to fall in love with you, no matter how gorgeous of a person I am. Cruel as it may seem, he allowed me some time to heal before returning to 'best friends'. And, I was wasting that time when all I ever wanted to do was go back and whisk him away.

Nah, it wouldn't suit me being the bad guy. Just like in every movie, the protagonist is always the most breath-taking. All I have to do is move on.

"Eric, honey, you've got three photoshoots for today and two commercial shoots; so I suggest you take that delicious bum of yours to makeup and get on with your life. Boy, you got a magazine to shoot and you're not getting paid to stare at your spicy-hot reflection." Raphael called out, his sassy tone making the corners of my lips twitch into a smile.

Raphael Parkers, certified woman-hater and sass-mouthed manager. He was witty and clever with all his retorts that you wouldn't be able to blink at the speed they left his mouth. His head was shaven, sun-kissed skin with toned muscles formed his physique. A short man, only coming up under the tip of my nose. I admired his striking green eyes, his button nose, and full lips. Damn, he looked good for a 40-something man that wasn't me.

"Yeah, yeah. My delicious bum is making its way to makeup." I joked, walking past him as I raised both my hands and stretched them out. Raphael eyed me hungrily, his smirk playful as he smacked my ass. I hated when he did that, despite being one of my good friends. But I wasn't going to show it. Hell, I could keep up this perfect facade even in my sleep.

 "And what a delicious bum it is. Rawr!" He growled behind me as he leaned on the door frame with his arms across his chest. I raised an elegant brow at him before making my way to makeup.

Being an international model was tiring work and I was just about ready to retire if I had any other skills than standing and looking gorgeous. Nope. Sadly, the Eric Giordanio was a talentless man in everything that he did, aside from modelling. I do have businesses everywhere, but I needed a bit more leverage and modelling was giving me what I needed. Plus, I love the attention.

I took my seat in the chair laid out for me, watching myself as I sat on it. Even my make-up artist was stunned just from me sitting down, and he was a guy! Don't tell me I had no effect on Riley Lancaster. God couldn't be that cruel to someone as handsome as I was.

"I like watching myself sit down, too." I said, looking at the man behind me through the mirror. I saw him swallow roughly and knew there was a raging hard-on somewhere down there. There was no need to confirm that by looking at the bulge, his shakiness was enough reaction to me and I was satisified. 

One for Eric, zero for humanity. 

"Look, I got work to do so can you hurry this up?" I muttered, looking boredly at him as he woke up from his sick fantasies. 

Geez, what the hell? If you want to fantasize about someone, make sure they aren't in the same room as you, dickface.

He muttered his apology and quickly did my make-up. His fingers ghosted across my skin, making me want to break his arm off so he wouldn't get any ideas. I hated it when people touched me without asking. Even if it was his job. He could've worn gloves like all my other make-up artists do. I wasn't something you could squeeze and smack whenever you felt like it. Just beacuse I'm a living male version of Barbie, doesn't mean I enjoy being touched and undressed by strangers. 

Disgusting filths. Only Riley is permitted to touch me without asking. He was special.

And still is.

The frown on my face dampened my charms that it made me want to crack the mirror. I do not look like that when I'm upset. I'm awesome and gorgeous and godly in everything that reflected me. There was no ugly in Eric Giordanio. 

None. At. All.

"Sweet ass." Raphael called out to me, his smile hinting suggestively. I immediately swallowed my insult for him and smiled my out-of-this-world smile at him. "The photographer over there will tell you what to do."

When I turned around, I rolled my eyes at Raphael. He may be a good friend of mine, but sometimes he didn't know where his boundaries were. Just because he was my manager, and I was stuck with him for another year, didn't mean I was going to give him free passes. Who does he think he is? He ain't that lucky, that's for sure.

I made my way to the makeshift beach and the photographer instructed me on different poses I was to do. He even stood behind me and held unto my hips as he guided me to the differents spots, his fingers sliding subtly under my skimpy underwear. 

The anger was boiling me inside and I had to stomp the son of a bitch, which I did minutes later. He quickly retracted his fingers as he eyed me angrily, taking a step back and just walking away. How in the fucking hell did he think that a scruffy photographer like him was getting inside my pants?! I didn't even know the guy and he was getting too familiar.

"Okay, let's get the lights fixed. Everyone not needed in the photoshoot, get out or get lost. I'm about to start." the scruffy photographer yelled. Bringing his camera up, he pointed his lens at me and I worked my magic.

I was doing something for an underwear brand, so naturally I was naked except for the product. It was a leather, rhinestone-studded G-string. It hugged my little 'buddy' down there perfectly and the way the thin fabric slid between my cheeks was just poison to anyone who was watching. Even the photographer had to gulp loudly as he took pictures of me, his bulge protruding in his denim jeans.


Standing up, I slid my thumbs in the garter and leant to the side, giving more focus to the product than my face. There was no point in wearing something if the model was the one they were focusing on rather than the underwear. As I did so, I noticed all eyes staring up and down my legs, licking me with their hungry gaze that it was tempting to lash out. But, I was a professional. I wouldn't have done modelling if I wasn't prepared to be ogled at.

The only good thing about this was that I get paid for looking good.

"That's a wrap! We got everything we need here. Let's go, let's go, let's go." The photographer yelled after a while. 

I got up and the same make-up guy handed me my robe. Is he on drugs or something? He even tried to slip it on me and he would've succeeded if I didn't pinch his arm. He backed off and I donned my robe gracefully, not looking back as I headed to my dressing room. 

We had to get to the next set in 30 minutes and I had 5 minutes to dress up. Nothing fancy or eye-catching, just comfortable enough to slip on and off. My clothes were in the closet, ready to be worn, and all I had to do was get some underwear on and be off. I slid my robe off, checking myself out in my vanity mirror.

I heard my door click shut and looked up to catch a pair of unfamiliar eyes staring at me hungrily. Straightening myself, I slowly turned around and looked at the same make-up guy. It smelled like trouble and, judging by the rope in his hands, he wasn't going to take a 'no' for an answer.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, keeping calm and collected. If I panicked now, I'd get raped in an instant and I wasn't going to go down without a fight. Besides, I've been in worst situations like this and a rope was a convenient thing to use when tying up the suspect.

He kept quiet, his eyes roaming my naked skin like he couldn't get enough of it. His little budge from awhile ago was now raring to be used and I had a pretty good idea who was going to get pinned down.

"God, you're beautiful." He muttered, his voice raspy as if he hadn't tasted water in his entire life.

This was too easy. 

"Thank you." I said in a sickeningly sweet voice. Putting on my best seductive smile, I placed my hand on my toned abdomen, dragging it up slowly and sensually across the expanse of skin. He licked his bottom lip as he watched me caress myself.

Dragging my hand up, I brought it near my dark bud, flicking it hard as I moaned. His pants echoed in the room as he watched me repeat my action to the other, my other hand slipping down the G-string and pulling the garter of the cloth, making it snap loudly. He was seriously ready to attack me and all I had to was play my cards correctly.

"Need a little help?" I moaned, biting my bottom lip as I slowly made my way to him, my hips swaying erotically. Glancing above his head, I saw the time and internally grimaced.

 Fuck! Now I've only got three minutes to get dressed. Better wrap things up quickly. 

Reaching up to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, grinding my groin on his hardened appendage. He was big and ang hungry down there, maybe when I need a good time, I could call him sometime. A shudder ran throughout his body as he whimpered at the grinding. I slid my hands down his arms, my lips ghosting across his neck.

I wasn't going to kiss him or anything. He didn't deserve attention like that from me. A lowly fool playing with a god was only entertaining to the one who was blinded severely. In our situation, that 'blinded severely' thing was happening to him. As I reached for the ropes, he suddenly jumped to his knees, surprising me as he hugged my thighs.

"Tie me up. Shit! Just tie me up and take me." He growled, licking and biting my thighs hungrily. My eyes widened at his statement, my surprise threatening to break my seducing mask. 

Okay, so I wasn't the one who was going to get tied and taken, huh. Who knew a big guy like him enjoyed taking it up the ass. From his size, I thought he was the fucker, not the fuckee. 

Shaking my initial shock off, I smirked at him. I raised my knee in a forceful motion towards his gut and he doubled over face down, his pants growing louder as every second went by. I felt a smirk play on my lips as I watched him. A fuckee and a masochist, what a strange but amusing combination. I can't believe the stuff people do just for pleasure.

I laid him flat on his stomach, keeping my knee on his back as I held him down. Grabbing his arms, I tied them behind his back quickly and turned him around.

My smirk still in place as I licked my lips, his whimpers loud and raw made me want to puke all over him and I was certain he'd get off from that. I dropped my bottom on his stomach, giving him my entire weight, before grinding harder on him. Behind me, I let my hands unbuckle his belt and pull out his pulsing member so that it was leaning against his abdomen.

Whoa. Hello eager one. 

And yep, I was right. The guy was huge and heavy, I was sure a lot of people wanted to ride this bad boy. 

Glancing at the clock, I knew I had no more time to play so I got up and got dressed in front of him, letting him watch me the entire time. I ignored him the entire time, his begging and moans entering one ear and escaping the other. When I slipped on my sunglasses, I finally graced him with my gaze and a playful smile. I placed a foot on his chest, watching his member quiver from the touch.

"Sorry, bud. I'm a little busy so I can't play with you. Maybe some other time." Taking my foot off of him, I opened the door of my dressing room and took one step outside. I poked my head for a bit and gave him a devilish smile. "Oh, and I'll call someone to help you with the ropes. So stay put, alright?" 

I closed the door and started walking out the building, leaving the poor guy to his demise. He should've known better than to play with fire. Now, look who has a burn on their dignity. Because it certainly isn't mine. 

Passing by Raphael, I whispered that there was a gift waiting for him in my dressing room. I saw the smile he had and his hurried 'I'll meet you at the set' was my cue to leave in the waiting car. Driving off, I received a text from Raphael and smiled.

'Thanks for the gift, Eric! :D' 

Smirking, I rested my eyes the entire along the way. The traffic wasn't all that bad and I knew we'd be there in 15 minutes. It was a good thing I wasn't going to be late because of a little masochistic bastard. If I had ended up late, humiliating him like that wasn't going to be enough as a punishiment.

"Dress up, dress up. Handsome, we'll be doing a shower theme. So I suggest you slip on those thongs and we'll meet you back here." said the director as she handed me my clothes and led me to my room. Her perfume stinking up my breathing space that it made me want to push her aside and just walk in front of her. After all, I was sure that I smelled a million times better than this woman.

"And here's your dressing room. Your stuff's in there so you can go ahead and get ready." She opened the door and directed me inside with a smile. I returned the same gesture and started removing my clothes when I heard the door open. "By the way, where's your manager? Raphael is it?"

I rolled my eyes. Well, duh. You're the director, I'm sure you know what my manager's name is. Stop playing stupid games and get on with your intentions. Knowing the name of THE Eric Giordanio's manager is a must and a little stunt like asking what my manager's name was just screamed suspicious.

Putting on a smile, I turned around, my shirt in hand while my pants' zipper was down. Her gaze slid down my entire frame, the scent of her arousal clouding the room. I didn't need to be blessed with a strong sense of smell or be a supernatural werewolf to know what kind of pheromones she was emitting at the moment.

"Yep, Raphael's the name. And ah, well." I faked a chuckle, sounding cheery even when I wanted to stab her stupid face with the comb on the vanity mirror. "He'll be a little late. But,  he'll be here. He was just caught up in a little something."

I swear I could see an idea literally pop in her head with the way her eyes glowed. The gears in her head rolling and clicking as she slowly closed the door behind her, swiftly snapping the lock on it. She slowly started unbuttoning her shirt and I knew I had another situation to deal with. 

She wasn't ugly, per se. Actually, she had a cute side to her and if she wasn't in the middle of stripping herself bare, she'd have given off a lady-like demeanor. But I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. Especially one that was starting to slide off her pants.

"I see. Well, that's pretty convenient, don't you think?" She whispered in a voice that was meant to tickle my balls when all it did was make my skin crawl in disgust. If this was her attempt in seduction, I was afraid to know how she told people off. "You know, we're a bit ahead of schedule. With you coming 15 minutes earlier than expected, the set hasn't been properly fixed. So while we wait, do you want to fool around for a bit?" 

She was trying to desperately hard to get me in the mood, even taking off her underwear to show me a set of balloon-filled breasts and a crotch that was meant to look like a woman's dick. God. Was she using that like she uses the bathroom? With anyone and anything?

I quirked an eyebrow at her in amusement, hiding the fact that I was more inclined to take bullet to the brain than watch this sorry attempt of getting in bed with me. 

"Ah, I see. Well, it's a waste if we don't take advantage of your current 'situation'." Wait, what was her name again? I know Raphael had told me that bit of information before he ran back to my dressing room earlier.

"Lisa. You can call me Lisa." She said, making her way to me. Her hips swayed from side to side like she was dancing to some music. "I've been wanting to sleep with you ever since I first laid eyes on you. God, you are one hot piece of ass."

And yes, I am one hot piece of ass.

"Lisa, huh. What a pretty name." I brushed a lock of her brown hair from her face and tucked it behind an ear. She shivered at my touch and it made me want to bring out a pair of gloves and wear them before touching her again. I mean, come on. Was I fucking made out of cold ice or something?

"I'd love to play with you right now, seeing as how wet and ready you are for me. But, I have to decline such an irresistible offer." Grabbing her chin with the same hand that tucked her hair, I raised her head to meet my gaze evenly. "I'm a professional, Lisa. Being paid good money just to fool around goes against all my principles. So, I'm sorry 'bout that. How about I call you the next time I have a day-off?"

She immediately deflated, her cheeks reddening at the combined embarrassment and shame I was sure she was feeling right now. I knew she would've lashed out if I had declined her differently, but years of experience dealing with the same type of shit taught me that as long as you tickle her tits with compliments, they'll calm down.

I let go of her chin as she backed away quickly, donning her clothes before vanishing behind the door. How rude. The least she could do was be professional and apologize for her little stunt. But, I guess her manners didn't exist when someone like me is involved.

Glancing at the mirror, I stared at my glorious reflection. My toned bronze chest and washboard abs made me so mouth-watering that even I wanted to sleep with myself. No wonder I'm always chased by lunatics like that. Will I have to encounter another poor attempt of getting in my pants at the next locations?

Time to work, Eric. 

I sighed exhausted at the thought of doing the same thing at the next location. Couldn't they be just satisfied by watching from afar? Did they really have to touch? Removing the rest of my clothes, I let my hand glide across the smooth expanse of skin. Damn, I really admired myself. Why did God create such a perfect being like me only to get my heart torn in two?

 At the back of my head, I could hear little voices screaming 'maybe, he's not the right one' and ignoring them was the best solution I could've come up with. I didn't want to think that we weren't made for each other. We were so in sync that every thought that went through his head would always find its way to mine. 


A knock on the door woke me up from my brooding, almost making me jump in surprise. This wasn't the time to think such depressing thoughts. Only I would get hurt in thinking too much and that wasn't fair. It just wasn't.

Putting on the robe, I took one final appreciative glance at my reflection before heading to make-up. I needed distraction and working myself to the bones was one way of getting it. Eric Giordanio is not one to brood over a broken heart.

Not one to brood.

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