Chapter 6

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"Raphael, you better have a good reason for cancelling my last check up with Jordan and passing me to an asshole of a nurse?!" I yelled, clutching the phone that was in my hand as I walked out the hospital doors and entered the awaiting car.

Fuck. I was super pissed off. First, I doll myself up for a man that was to serve as my distraction; then, instead of said man, I end up drawing in another perverted sadist that was supposed to be a civil servant, before I lost my gears and literally stabbed his ass with the pen he was holding. Damn. Could this day get any worse? Aside from humiliating myself like that, I don't think so. What I am thinking about is the reason why my plain-as-a-rock attendant was nowhere to be found and why Raphael was the cause of it.

"Woah, baby munch. What's got your panties in a bunch?" Raphael answered, his tone playful and teasing.

"You damn well know why. Why the hell was I examined by a different nurse upon your request? I was perfectly fine with Jordan. Mind explaining yourself?" I gritted my teeth in irritation, waiting to hear him explain himself. If he didn't give me a good reason, I swear I'll slice this pathetic excuse for a manager into pieces and feed it to the sharks in the ocean.

Nah. I don't even believe man-eating sharks could swallow something so disgusting and ugly. Definitely not.

"Eric, babes, calm down. Look, ya'll should be thankin' me I got that boy off for a day. He was nothing but a pain in the ass, specifically yours. Granted he did save you from that perverted doctor, so I'm nothin' but grateful for that." He answered, his words sounding muffled. He must've shoved something in that disgusting mouth of his and just went on talking like it was a normal thing.

God, I hope he wasn't in the middle of sex and decided it was okay to take a call. If thats the case, then I ain't going anywhere near his phone.

"You better not be in the middle of fucking, Raphael, 'cause I mean serious shit right now. You don't know what you did and how you affected my plans because of this little stunt you pulled! I'm seriously pissed with you." I looked out the window and glanced back at the hospital.

My bodyguard-slash-driver was the one that had to bail me out of that joint, bringing specific instructions from Raphael. I was thoroughly frustrated but I did want to leave immediately, so I sucked it up. And while he was busy fixing my stuff, I dressed up in the clothes he brought with him. Sure, I was glad I didn't need to wear that horrible piece of cloth on my body, but removing it was a sure sign that I was leaving and the mission I had set myself out to do was considered a failure without me even attempting anything. Yeah, pathetic, right.

I did drop by the nurse's station after I signed my release papers, using my angelic facade again as I asked where my bear was. Yes, my bear. That's the nickname I came up for him. Why? Because I fucking wanted to, that's why.

Wait. What was I talking about? Shit. I lost track of my thoughts again. This always happens and it riles me up so much. I hate when my mind wanders off to neverland whenever I think of him. It makes me lose my bearings and I can't afford that. Not if I wanted to succeed in getting him where I wanted him. Failure was not an option.

Okay, now where was I again? Damn.

"They told you that he didn't have any rounds today, right? The guy deserved a break after I dragged him to the police station regarding that matter with Sean. Besides, it was just one check up, Eric. It's not like it's the end of the world. And Jordan did say that it wasn't that big of a deal. What are you so upset about?" He chuckled, the sound of him swallowing something entered my ears. "And no, I wasn't in the middle of fucking. I was in the middle of blowing someone off when you graced me with this ridiculous call."

My eyes widened as I tore the phone away from my ears, staring at it as if it was showing me the picture of Raphael smiling at me with something on the corner of his mouth.

I cringed, utterly disgusted at his image and the urge to vomit was driving me nuts. Doesn't he know when to accept a call and when not to? You accept a call when you're doing nothing important like wanking yourself to death or sleeping. You DON'T answer a call while you're in a meeting, at someone's death bed, or having a guy violate your mouth.

That's the code for sex freaks, you dumb shit.

"Disgusting as always. Anyway, you better get to my place pronto because I got something important to tell you." I finally said, cutting Raphael off in his little ranting. "And disinfect yourself before touching my door knob. I don't want to catch any STDs you got from that man-whore of yours."

I slammed my phone shut before he got any chance to speak and pointedly ignored his incoming calls. Fuck. Raphael doesn't know when to use that tiny head of his. Now, how in the hell was I going to do this? With no Jordan around, who was I going to seduce?


Flipping my phone open, I immediately dialled the one person who could help me figure out this shit. Hell, she was the one who came up with this plan, so she should be the one coming up with ideas when stuff like this happens.

"Elaine, we have a problem." I started when she answered the phone with a meek 'hello'.

"You better not be telling me you didn't succeed or I'll smack you so hard, you won't be able to use your ass for a long while." Elaine threatened, her irritation seeping to her words. "What's this about?"

"Plan: Personal Attendant was compromised. Test subject was unavailable due to manager. What should I do next?" I smirked, checking the rearview mirror for my driver's eyes.

Hey, she said to keep it low profile and that's what I was doing. Actually, I was quite proud of myself. That was smart and inconspicuous to those who decided eavesdropping was awesome. I never knew I could be so witty. Heh. I should do this some more.

"Why are you talking stupid?" She answered irritably. My smirk turning into a frown as soon as she spoke. Man, does she know how to toot a man's horn. "Please don't tell me that it was all a complete failure. Did he refuse you? What did Raphael do this time?"

I sighed, watching the streets through my window. I was deeply unimpressed, thinking that I was to go home empty-handed and how I had to explain to her the situation. What if there was no plan B? Was I going to go back to mulling things over?

"He cancelled my last check up with Jordan so I didn't get the chance to get to him." I frowned. "What now?"

"Jesus Christ! That little nympho is such a pain. You know what, I'll come over in an hour or two. Just stay put at home." Her phone clicked shut and I was finally left to my own thoughts.

There was only 10 minutes until I got home to my new living arrangement. It was a posh little house, larger and a bit expensive than my last one. It was understandable since I was in a rush to leave my old one. The thought of living in the same building as Riley's soon-to-be-husband was killing me and my heart couldn't take the fact that they were reconnecting as a family while I was left to suffer my broken heart. I mean, no man should know that pain and suffeing over an ex-lover. Ever.

Looking out my window, I glanced past iron gates to look at my house. I'd call it my home but it just didn't feel like one. I only ever went here when I needed a shower or new clothes, even then it wasn't enough time to appteciate the house.

As the car drove down the short driveway, I admired the structure. My country-french style home was breathtaking and it was a bit too much for one guy, but I loved it. It was encased with a mix of stone and stucco, and sported a steep mansard roofline and charming shutters. The porch was a small touch that gave respects to the old ranch homes, and was very inviting to guests for a bottle of beer or something like that. Not like I had any visitors. Or friends.

"Alex, please bring my stuff to my room. And also, don't breathe a word of anything you heard in the car to Raphael. God knows what he'll do if he catches wind of this." I said, stepping out of the car and combing my hair back as the breeze was carrying it everywhere.

Alex nodded at me, his black hair sliding past his cheeks before he made his way to the trunk. I took quick steps to the door and pulled it open, the elegant interior greeting me. It was a lovely place, truly. The only thing that was missing was the sight of a lover, greeting me with a smile while they wore an apron of some sort. Yeah, that was the life, like those typical mangas my sister used to read.

"Alex, I'll be in my room. Call me when it's either Raphael or Elaine at the door." I called out before slamming my door. 

My room was huge, it could even be rented as a flat in a condominium. I didn't really need to leave my room for anything as it had everything in there already. Perfect, right? Well, you can have my life. I'd rather be living in a rat hole with someone I loved than in this house by myself.


Okay, let's stop being stupid and emotional. I needed a nice hot bath and nothing was going to stop me from getting one, especially not my little emo ranting. Taking a quick sniff inside my shirt, I didn't reek but my body was a bit sticky. It was really uncomfortable. Slowly, I got rid of my clothes and walked in the nude to my attached bathroom. My personal bathroom was just like my room, huge and over-the-top. It had a really big bathtub and a glass shower, aside from the elegant toilet. 

"Really. To have such a huge home with no one but me in it is just sad. I really need a life." I muttered to myself, turning the taps so the water splashed in my large, rectangular tub. I got in as the water filled it halfway through and sniffed the suds that coated my sticky body.

I didn't know how long I had stayed there, soaking and listening to radio music from the mp3 station by the door. When I had gotten out, wearing nothing but a short bath robe that reached to my mid-thighs, I heard Alex's low voice call for me. I didn't get to hear who was out there but I couldn't care less. I was a model. Even if I went outside fully clothed, people would still know what my body looked like. With all the underwear advertising I did, you'd have to live under a rock not to know my body.

My robe loosely tied, hair dripping wet, and going commando was a lethal combination that was sure to stun an entire fleet of army soldiers. However, as I took slow steps and entered the living room, I was greeted by a pair of unfamiliar grey eyes. They were almost silver from the way the light flashed on them and they completely had me mesmerized. The look of boredom and complete disinterest pierced my heart, making me take a step back just to catch my balance.

My breathing had stopped, like my lungs had ceased to function just from the sight of them. The way my heart rate increased alarmed me since it was too overwhelming, causing me to start taking deep and long breaths. I couldn't believe it. This man was in my house, literally in my house.

God, you son of a gun, I guess you really do love me. 

"There you are, Eric. It's a good thing you called me. I remembered something I needed your help with and thus, this big lump right beside me." Raphael's voice rang in my ears yet my eyes remained focused at the pair of eyes I had been thinking about. "You see, I brought Jordan here with me 'cause I proposed to make him your nurse. You're still sick and I really don't want to take any chances with you since your depression might get another relapse, and you kinda feel comfortable with this guy, with him saving your life and all. So, I thought what the hell, right? Although when I did ask him, he refused immediately. That's why I brought him here, so you can persuade him."

Raphael's arm wrapped itself around Jordan's larger one, coiling around like he was a snake or something. The stabbing pain in my chest started to burn, like I was being lit on fire. It was painful. I was seeing red, the anger boiling my brains to a mushy goo. Fuck, now what was my problem?

Was I getting worse or something?

"You didn't really bring me here. You dragged me here and I already gave you my answer. And no matter what he does or says, my answer will remain the same." His voice low and cool, uncaring at one point which made me clench my hands into fists.

Pulling his arm from Raphael's hold, Jordan eyed him with an unimpressed gaze before returning to me. I noticed his eyes shifted down my body and I felt my cheeks heat up. Why'd I get embarrassed just from him looking at my body? This guy is literally pulling my strings.

"You haven't talked to Eric yet. I'm sure he can get you to say 'yes'. Right, Eric?" I finally snapped from my dazed stupor and glanced briefly at Raphael, thanking him silently for bringing the tall man to my house.

"Of course." I looked up at Jordan, catching his gaze on me once again. I didn't care that I was still standing by the entryway to the living room, my feet stuck to the floor. 

"I'll leave you two be. Eric, honey, make him say 'yes'. Alright? Be back in an hour or so." With that, Raphael got up from the couch and made his way to the foyer.

The room was silent, my voice stuck in my throat as I eyed the other man that was sitting comfortably on my couch. The glasses that usually covered half his face was nowhere to be found, leaving me to stare into his gorgeous eyes. He was wearing a plain white V-neck shirt, showing off his toned chest a bit. His jeans having a few holes in them as a part of its style made me swallow loudly, the sight of his muscular thighs heating my body immediately. And completing his look was a pair of rubber shoes, old and dirty, but still amazing.

Damn. Feeling hot and bothered just at the sight of him. It makes me wonder who was seducing who.

"Are you going to get dressed or are you going to persuade me looking like that?" He asked, tearing his eyes away from mine as he wandered his gaze around. I think he was checking the house or something, either way, I didn't really care.

What I did care about was the nonchalant way that he told me off, like I was a sight for sore eyes. This man is really testing me. Did I really want him to be my personal nurse?

Yes. Yes, you do. 

Oh, yeah. Game face. Time to use my game face. 

I took a deep breath, and while he was still eyeing the grand interior of the house, I made my move.

My robe didn't need any more tweaking, as it would fall of my body if I had let it loose any more. Besides, I was fairly satisfied with the way it parted just a bit whenever I moved, giving anyone who was watching a sight to behold. And let's just say that I was smooth down there. And helping with my I was just in the middle of sex look was the drops water that fell on my shoulder from my wet hair. It gave me that sweaty sexy look and I loved it. 

Taking another quick look at him, I noticed that he wasn't at all paying any attention to me. It stung but I was well prepared that he wouldn't react like other people. Also, I didn't mind that he completely ignored me, even when I was already walking towards him. Just as long as everything went according to my plan, then I wouldn't even give a fuck if someone caught me riding him.

Sitting down next to him, I crossed my legs, making sure that my robe wasn't falling off completely but it was enough for someone in the right position to take a little peek. My right shoulder was bare from the cloth, probably because I had pulled it down slightly to let my skin breathe a little.  I leaned back on my two hands and put on the best smile I could come up with. 

I was caught off guard and wasn't able to prepare myself, so anything was better than nothing.

"I'm right here. Why aren't you looking at me?" I asked, my voice husky as I watched him staring at a particular spot in the house. "You know why you're here and yet, you won't give me a chance to explain myself. Why is that?"

Finally his eyes slanted down a bit, the cold stare pierced through me and the shiver that coursed through me excited me. I wanted more, so much more from those eyes. And all was not in vain, as I observed. This man did have desires for me, just not as strong as other people. And he had amazing self-control for someone who was around me all the time. Although, I could see a flicker of something pass through his eyes as he studied my appearance.

I made sure to pout my lips just a bit, making sure it wasn't obvious because it'd just be embarrassing if he pointed that out. My eyelids drooped a little as I tilted my head, showing him the expanse of skin that covered my neck and collarbone. And if he looked a little closer, he'd see my chest and the perky little buds that stood in attention.

Damn, were they happy to see him or what?

"Seriously?" I quirked an eyebrow at his disbelieving tone. "You really plan to persuade me looking like that? You look like you just had sex, shouldn't you be embarrassed at the slightest?"

I brought a hand up and combed my damp hair back, watching him carefully as his eyes sharpened at my gesture. His body had stiffened, like he had somehow turned into a rock as he watched me. Slowly, I slid my hand down my neck, my fingertips grazing my skin softly.

"What? It's not like I was doing anything indecent when you guys arrived. I live here alone so it's impossible with your theory. Besides." I stopped with my hand in the middle of my chest, just hovering there as I poked my tongue out to wet my bottom lip playfully. "You just caught me coming out of a long and hot bath. That's all."

He was silent, deadly silent as he kept his eyes on me. The way he was looking at me reminded me of all those other people that begged to be in his position right now. If he were a normal man, he'd have succumbed to this much temptation. I guess he was just that good in keeping his desires in him.

"You are unbelievable." He finally said, breaking the tension in the room. I was seriously getting bothered myself and I was just waiting for him to make a move. To want this man as much as I wanted him never happened. Not even with Riley. 

He was different. And now, I was sure.

I want him.

"Look, you know better than I do that a relapse is possible. I don't want to be rushed to the hospital again, creating a huge spectacle of myself. I'm already hot in the news even if I just stood in a corner." I dropped my hand and lightly touched his bare forearm. 

The hairs on his skin tickled my fingers as I slid my finger up and down slowly, revelling in his warmth. He must have a high body temperature for his warmth to pass right to my finger and travelling in my entire body. I watched as his eyes dropped down to where I was touching him, eyeing my hand like it was going to hurt him.

"I need you, Jordan." I whispered, leaning closer to his shoulder. Man, this guy was huge even if he was just sitting down. I only reached up to his chin and it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. "You can name your terms and I'll provide them. Every. Single. One. Of them. Please, help me out here."

Another shiver shot up my spine as I heard him hum softly, like a cat purring to a gentle pat. This guy was adorable, extremely adorable. And the urge to own him was eating my entire being.

"I can name any of my terms?" He asked, grabbing my hand that was touching him. He pulled me towards him roughly, making me straddle his lap as he kept a death grip on my arm. I smirked inwardly. I didn't think it was going to be this easy. Hell, I thought he'd be more of a challenge.

What a disappointment.

"Yeah." I answered.

My bottom sat snugly on his lap, the robe had parted completely and I was bare to him. I wasn't bothered though, the thought of him and me getting it on was something that heated my body thoroughly and I never really knew how much this guy had affected me. However, to my utter disapointment, he wasn't really paying that much attention down there. His eyes were completely trained on my own pair and it felt like he was studying me.

"Fine." He said, tilting his head up so we were no longer doing this intense staredown. He grabbed me by the shoulders, pushing me back a bit. I watched him, confused as to why he'd destroy such an awesome fizzle between us.

"I need a place to live in since I'm broke. If you can provide me with food and shelter, that'd be great. As for the salary, you can just pay me like the hospital does." He pushed me off him, me stumbling as I tried to regain my balance. "I'd like Sunday as my rest day and that should be about it. The rest is all up to you."

I took another step back as he stood up, the both of us standing so close to each other that our breaths mingled. He stared me down, his eyes wandering all over my face as if he was trying to get ahold of himself.

"Oh yeah, one more thing. Next time, don't leave yourself so vulnerable. Just because I saved your ass from getting raped, doesn't mean I'm made out of stone." 

Quickly, he grabbed my chin roughly with one hand and pulled me in, his lips smashing unto mine. The electricity that bolted through my entire body left me stunned and wanting more. I never knew such intense desire and it was amazing. However, when I was about to answer him with my own fevered kiss, he pulled away and shoved me back.

Without looking back at me, he made his way to the door and left me. I cupped my lips dumbly, not believing he had just did that.

Damn, this man really knew how to play the game.

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