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Neil was driving to the place where he usually goes on finding himself surrounded with avni's memories to get peace. On the way he found a flower stall and bought two bouquets of red roses and drove off to the place.

He reached the place and was walking fast only to stop at the one of the corners of the place where a shrub and a cremated stone were only present. He walked to the them and greeted them saying "Good Evening!!My Lovely Ladies..." 😊 (A/n: Any guesses)


A: Neil, why did you bring me here? And what's with this sapling!!

N: I've heard somewhere that in certain part of our country the people there plant a sapling when someone has died in their remembrance so I want you to plant this sapling in remembrance of neela ma here near your Ayesha ma so that the two of the most important people are always available to you whenever you visit Ayesha ma...

Avni was just silently listening to all that neil was saying and felt so lucky that she has neil in her life who is their by her side always..!!


N: Good Evening!!My Lovely Ladies...

N: So see as I've promised I bought the bouquets of red roses and I've a lot of things to say to both of you and not to forget many complaints as to how and how many times your daughter was invading my senses...

N: So nothing special as such today mother-in-laws..!!The routine was like every day but today your daughter was totally invading my senses making the day very much emotional for me which is not at all done...

A lone tear escapes his eyes thinking of the circumstances earlier resulting in the formation of some unshed tears blurring the sight in-front of him...

N: I know that it was my fault that I was not able to reach the spot in time due to which avni left me but she is not doing the right thing now by invading my senses all the time. After avni has left me the only thing I've wished for is to get a glimpse of her but your daughter my mother-in-law's is really troubling me by not giving a glimpse of her but no problem as I consider this as my punishment for not rescuing her and I accept it but please will you both just request her for my sake as not seeing her is taking a toll on me and I don't think I'll be able to live for longer as I keep on getting thoughts of dying as my life is worthless when she is not in it as she is the one who gave me a new life by rescuing me after the bomb blast and since then my life is in debt for her and now since she is not there I think this is useless and think to end my life but I again step back from that decision as I get the thought that if the decision angered her as she left the responsibility of her happy family on me while still I don't know for how many more days I'll want to live and please do request your daughter...And finally, on my behalf of me milady's I hope you'll scold your daughter for troubling me...he said smiling through tears... and neela ma please scold her more as I don't know how much she listens to Ayesha ma sorry Ayesha ma but don't get angry on me please because if you also get angry on me then with whom will I share my routine...So milady's that's it for today and meet you soon as I might be out of town for a few days and don't at all worry as I will take care of myself.. 😊😊

Saying so neil left for his home thinking about avni, and about the church thinking to talk about it with kk and he called it night.


Avni was waiting for the show 'Woh Lamhe' to start but unfortunately was greeted with disappointment as the show continued with another RJ and turned the radio off thinking why neil did not come to air the show and became sad as this was the only possible way for avni to listen to neil's voice daily and then it struck her what if neil is unwell and is hospitalized as it never happened that neil skipped his show.

Many what ifs were going through her mind when a thought arouse in her mind that could help her in finding about neil's whereabouts and by being fully alert she made her way to the landline in the hall and rung up to Khanna mansion.

While in the mansion, bebe and Shweta were thinking of neil and avni when the landline rung up and it was bebe who picked the call and was continuously saying hello hello but their was no response from the other side and here avni was already in tears hearing bebe after 10yrs and was just clinging more on to the receiver. Then after that Shweta took the receiver and started saying things like if she is a girl and follows neil's show then she should turn on radio instead of ringing here and was discussing marriage plans for her son and many things while bebe was irritated avni was totally silent just taking in the feeling of hearing their voices after such a long time due to which automatically tears streamed down her eyes.

After totally losing her patience bebe tool the receiver from Shweta and said to the person at the other end to not call again and if she has just phoned to listen to neil then its best that she listen his show and also apologises on behalf of Shweta and cuts the call.

Avni was totally in tears now and her fears about neil's health were long gone when she heard bebe and Shweta talking so joyously and she also called it night...

Both of them, neil and avni slept peacefully not knowing what's in store for them as the next few days were going to make their life turn tipsy-turvy...!!


First of all sorry for making you wait if you think so and do tell me how it turned out mainly neil, Ayesha ma and neela ma's convo as I found it really difficult to write and I thank her for helping me.

Finally, I hope I still have all your interests on this... 😊😊

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