Chapter 5

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A young man is seen exiting a luxury grey car. He comes and stands in front of a building named 'Coorg Coffee Plantations'. The people greet him and his pa comes to him and starts to explain the schedule for the day. The man asks his pa to bring the files of all the meetings going to be held on the day and proceeds towards his cabin. The cabin is large room painted with black on its walls. It is well furnished and at one side contains accolades which the person has acquired for the company with which there is a photo of a boy and a girl standing next to each other. Like everyday he goes near the photo and admires the girl in the photo and scolds her for leaving him, his family, and neil.!! He is none other than Ali...

Ali after avni's death went to Coorg as in the past long time ago he got an offer from the Coorg coffee plantation to merge with them but he denied it so now he went to them and started working as an employee in the company. Now he is the CEO of the company all because of his determination and hard work. He visits Mumbai twice a year, he is also friends with kk but has never met him personally.

Ali's pa arrives and he tells him that the board has taken decision to start a new branch and is willing to open it in Mumbai so he should go to Mumbai and start the work. Ali was happy and was excited that he will be able to meet his family and give them a surprise. The pa informed that the tickets are for tomorrow and he will have to stay for two months in Mumbai to complete all the paperwork and return.



All the children were sitting in a group around neil, kk, dd listening to kk with utmost concentration about how neil and avni fought the goons and rescued them. The story completed and all the children were all praises for neil and mogwli was so excited that he went and hugged neil and termed neil as superman and was very happy. All of them dispersed.

Avni and sunheri were in kitchen preparing for lunch when daisy came and said to avni that she wants a story book which is kept in the box on the almirah. Avni takes a stool and climbs upon it to reach the top of almirah but was not able to reach so she moves a bit forward and stumbles but balances herself. Here neil is passing through the hall when daisy called him for help as avni is not able to reach it. Neil comes inside the room but is refused by avni to help and was about to leave when avni stumbles again on the stool and extends her hand to catch something to balance herself but ends up clutching neil's shoulder and neil also loses his balance as too much force was applied and was not ready for such a situation so both end up falling on each other with avni on top of neil. They both share an eye lock which lasted quite a few minutes and, at that time, both were trying to search something in the other's eyes but were only greeted with loneliness and pain. Their eye lock was broken by daisy both stood up and apologized to each other by not making eye contact but both of them again ended up sharing an eye lock as they were surprised seen the other apologizing. Avni went off to the kitchen. Neil then climbed the stool and took the story book from the box and handed over to daisy and left to talk with his family.

Neil called his family and talked to his family but did not tell anything about avni to them. Here kk also phoned to his mom and explains all the things which happened and tells the reason for them to not return today. (Kamini-Kk's mom)

Kamini: You are alright know kk and what about neil and dd...Are they alright? And, why didn't you people return with the team.

Kk: Mom relax!! We are alright and nobody is injured and as to why didn't we come back, the children here in the sukoon house insisted us to stay for today so we agreed.

Kamini: About whom are you talking about? (Ps: Kk only mentioned about neilanjana but not about the orphanage)

Kk: Oh! Sorry I forgot. The lady who helped neil in saving me, neilanjana, she owns an orphanage and is very king and generous in nature. We were shooting in their house only which is called sukoon ghar.

Kamini: Oh! Okay...!!! When you are coming back bring with you the people of orphanage also as I want to thank them and since your birthday is also day after tomorrow. Invite them for the party okay. Ask her and tell me what she said?

Kk: Okay mom.!

Kk (still in call) spots avni in the hall and goes to her.

Kk: Mam, will you come with us to Mumbai. Actually, my mom wants to thank you and has also invited for my bday party going to be held on day after tomorrow.

Avni: Sorry Mr.Kk but I will be not able to leave the orphanage and come. Extremely sorry.

Kk: the members are invited. Please you have to come has it would make my mom happy.

Avni: No Mr.Kk we cannot come. I'm extremely sorry.

Kamini was listening to their conversation and asks kk to give the phone to avni.

Kamini: Good evening, Ms.Neilanjana. I am kk's mom Kamini. Is their any specific reason for you to deny my invite?

Avni: No nothing special as such but all the children are affected by the series if events happened and are also tried that's it.

Kamini: As you said all the children are affected by the series of events so it would be better for them if you visit to our place and this will be a cause for change for them. It's just a matter of two days. Please...

Avni: It is nice of you mam but sorry we cannot come.

Kamini: Okay.!!! Thank you for saving my son and helping neil. It would've been good if you were present to celebrate his bday and homecoming. Bye. Pleasure talking to you...!!

Avni hands the phone to kk and leaves. Kk also leaves. But two people were overhearing their conversation. One from those two decided to convince avni to go to Mumbai and the other just went off after listening to the convo. The people were sunheri and neil.

At night

All the people were eating supper when mogwli bought up the topic of kamini's proposal and insisted avni to agree for it but she refused. Then all the children started requesting her to think about the proposal as now they are free and can go anywhere without fear and started listing out reasons like they will behave properly, they will not fight with each other, they will study nicely etc...etc...

Finally, sunheri came up with asking avni as to why she is denying the invite. Avni was mentally cursing sunheri for supporting the children and understood that sunheri might have over heard and told the children to convince her.

The situation was not at all good and all the children were requesting avni mouthing different reasons to convince her. Seeing no escape avni accepted the invite and said to mogwli to inform to kk.

Kk, dd, and neil who were busy talking about the recent incident as how it should not go to the ears of media when mogwli came.

Neil: Arrey mogwli.!!! Come inside...What happened any problem...?

Mogwli: No problem superman but I came to inform that we are also coming to Mumbai with you all...!!! I am excited superman as I will get more time to spend with you and will be able to meet your family also. I am excited...

Kk: I'll call mom and tell. Excuse me!!

Neil and dd were shocked that avni accepted the proposal and asked how she accepted it. Mogwli went on describing about how they all convinced her and neil left out a sigh as he realized that she agreed for the children and will again leave him.

Kk returned from the call and kk and dd went to their respective rooms to sleep seeing off neil and mogwli. Neil asked mogwli to go and sleep when mogwli insisted that he will sleep with him. Neil was about to protest but was left with no option but to accept as mogwli took the handcuffs on the table and cuffed them together.

Neil and mogwli laid down when mogwli requested neil to tell a story and neil narrated the story of lion and mouse concluding with the moral that he should always help the people in need. With that mogwli drifted to sleep and soon neil also slept.

Avni came searching for mogwli as everyday he sleeps with her and finally found him sleeping with neil but she did not disturb as they both were looking like father and son and were also looking cute. She admired his sleeping form for few minutes and went off to sleep hoping everything goes as she expects when she is in Mumbai. (Ps: Neil is not the biological father of mogwli)



In Coorg, ali headed to the airport to board the flight to Mumbai.

In Kashid, avni, sunheri, tara, sitara, saayesha, all the children except along with kk, dd boarded the traveller bus while neil, Samrat and mogwli came in kk's car with mogwli on the backseat and Samrat on the passenger seat.


Sorry for not updating as I have to go to my village where the internet is not good and after coming back I was too lazy to write it but now onwards I'll try to update regularly. Extremely sorry once again.!

Do comment and tell your views about it and I am going to give a double update today so stay tuned...

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