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MP then made to Seiko's apartment and knocked on her door and after a few minutes the front door open with seiko holding a sleepy sucy in her left arm.

Seiko: Ohh hey M-kun.

MP: Hello seiko-chan so sucy asleep?

Seiko: Yep just about to put her in the crib come in.

MP entered seiko's apartment, when MP sat on the couch in the living room and seiko went her bedroom and put sucy in the crib, then seiko went to sit on the couch as well.

Seiko: Wow sucy was a handful she really missed me a lot and also kept playing with my hair it was adorable.

MP: Aww that sweet to hear but more importantly is it okay if I stay at your place seiko?

Seiko: Sure I was about to ask you that why?

MP: My dorm is no longer safe mikan somehow broke in and now she is officially crazy.

Seiko: (Angry) What did she do!!!!

MP: Well I don't want you getting more angry, but I was taking a quick nap and when I woke up she was uhh uhhhh.

Seiko: (Confused) What?

MP: When I woke up she was completely nude and telling me about making her my future wife.

And like that seiko slams her right hand through the coffee table in half.


MP: (Scared) SEIKO CALM DOWN!!!!!

And then crying was heard from the bedroom, seiko then heard the noise which stopped her anger but went in there to pick sucy who was crying. MP then went to see if she's okay, when he did MP saw seiko holding sucy im her arms to calm her down.

Seiko: Shhhhh sshhhh i'm soo sorry sucy I didn't mean to scare you.

MP: Hey you okay?

Seiko: I'm sorry M-kun just why would she do this to us mikan just wants you all to herself but now she's crossed the line.

MP: And worst is that my dorm isn't safe so this is my safe spot.

Seiko: I'm sorry for yelling like that and-

MP: No its my fault I should've never said it and make you angry.

Seiko: M-kun I don't want Tsumiki tearing us apart we need to do something.

MP: But what worries me is that she somehow followed me I now need to avoid her at all cost.

Seiko: Yes but more importantly if she finds out about sucy who knows what might happen.

MP: Hold on a second where was, OH NOOO!!!!

Seiko: (Worried) Do you mean sucy she's in the room. What's wrong M-kun?

MP: It's Mitarai, I didn't see Mitarai at all.

MP then opened the front door and closed it and began running towards the dorm area, when he made it there he had to check around to see if mikan was here. Then MP went to the stairs and ran up to the 4th floor to run towards his dorm room to see it closed.

MP: Okay if she still in there I need to book it like before.

MP then checks the door to see still unlocked, he turns the knob slowly and see light from the window to shade some light. MP looked around the room to see no trace of Ryoto and mikan, MP notice his desk had no laptop that ryoto had meaning he must be at his apartment but mikan however was not here. MP checked the bathroom, his closet, and under his bed with no sign of mikan meaning she's gone as well but this dorm is no longer safe because her but one question remain where is ryoto? MP then ran out amd locked his dorm room and began running towards ryoto's place but noticed that the front gate was unlocked and went right through.

MP: I hope he's still okay.

MP made to ryoto apartment room to check that the door handle was broken and opened it slowly to the room was a mess, there was a smashed shelves with anime movies on the floor in pieces, ryoto's laptop was missing but most of all he's gone meaning one thing.

MP: Damn it all junko must've been here and took ryoto but where?

In a secret location

Junko: Sempai wakey wakey.

Ryoto: (groans) ohhhh huh Enoshima??

Junko: Helllooooo how you've been?

Ryoto: Whaaa how, where are we????

Junko: I'll explain but first let's make a deal.

Ryoto: (scared) What deal???

At the hospital

We see a vast parking lot with some cars still around and from an elevator opening it's revealed to be Lee, the doctor who helped sucy when she was the hospital as he was walking to his car he was then grabbed by the collar and slammed to a wall.

Lee: (groans) What the hell!!

...: About time.

Lee: Huh who the hell are you?

...: No time to explain but first where is this child currently in?

The mystery man then pulls something from his pocket and shows lee a picture of sucy.

Lee: Sorry but that's something I won't tell you.

...: (sigh) Fine I was gonna spare you but now not anymore.

The mystery man then punches through Lee chest and his fist came through the other side.

Lee: (coughs blood) wha, how, who are you?

Lee drops dead with the mystery man standing there.

...: (sigh) Why must it always end in blood shed.

The mystery man then pulls out a black cube from his pocket and sets up a timer to 3 minutes and places it down to the ground. And like that the man walks away.

Seiko's apartment

Seiko was with sucy who was awake and started pulling her hair.

Seiko: oww sweety don't pull mom's hair.

Sucy: oop oop.

...: (thoughts) It's cute isn't it.

Seiko then stops and begins talking.

Seiko: What do you want?

...: (thoughts) It's simply really let's talk about mikan.

Seiko: (angry) What gives you the right to mention her right now!!!!!

...: (thoughts) Well you did let her see who you really were back then.

Seiko: (angry) I told you that wasn't me after what happened.

...: (thoughts) Ohh but it was you and  just had to be the soft one who won't have any fun like a normal life especially with M-


...: (thoughts) But why not can't we just get along like what we had before after I am you after all

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