Chapter 7 ~ Home - A day off

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"That mission was too quick, sensei!" Aoi complained for the hundredth time since we left the Land of Lightning. Although I agree with him, I huffed out a breath in annoyance. We woke up this morning, and bam. We got the scroll and left. Of course, I'm happy that we're back.

"It was only a D-rank, Aoi. Nothing big." Takeshi sighed, eyeing the boy with a sympathetic look. Suddenly, he stopped. "You guys can head on home. I'm going to go file the mission report and hand in the scroll." I simply nodded and started off, ignoring the others as they stared after me in shock. 

I faintly heard the sound of rushing footsteps before Aoi fell into step beside me, followed by Itachi, who did the same at a much slower rate. "Hey-Hey!" Aoi suddenly shouted, making me flinch. "Do you think we'll get to participate in the Chuunin exams?" I sighed, and shook my head, but the action was ignored as Itachi answered. Unfortunately, I didn't pay attention. As soon as we came to the fork in the road by Ichiraku, I was off. 

"Rin, do you mind if I walk with you?" Glancing at the raven haired boy, I narrowed my eyes but shrugged. Itachi may be quiet, but around me.. he talks more than I've heard in the past year. It's strange, and makes me curious, but I don't pay much attention to it. "Takeshi-sensei said we have tomorrow off," he started quietly, glancing my way from the corner of his eye. "What are you going to do tomorrow?" I shrugged. He was quiet after that, after saying something about watching his little brother, or something like that. 

I glanced at him as I stopped, but turned and started up the first flight of stairs to the apartment. "I'll see you later, Rin." I heard him call. Turning around, Itachi was gone. I sighed, and started back up the stairs all the way to the top. Going to the front door, I grasped the nob and turned it, pushing it open. It was loud inside. I stepped in and closed the door behind me, kicking off my shoes and pushing my fringe from my eyes, making my way into the living room. 

It was crowded with Jounin. 

"Eh? Rin?" The only woman in the room looked up and smiled. "Welcome back." I nodded as all eyes settled on me. Kakashi smiled beneath his mask, Gai grinned, and Asuma smiled. I dropped my bag by the wall and, again, pushed my fringe from my eyes.

"It's good to see you again, kid." Asuma waved a little. I nodded and moved to the couch to sit with Kakashi and Kurenai. I climbed up between them and settled down, staring at Gai who was staring at me. "How was the mission?" I shrugged and shook my head. The man frowned, obviously confused. 

"Boring, hm?" Kakashi interpreted easily. The others stared at him in amazement as I nodded. "I see." His hand settled on my head, and I sat back. 

"How do you do that?" Asuma asked, but his question was ignored.

"We really need to do something about your hair, honey." Kurenai suddenly changed the subject as she picked up a strand of my long hair. I glanced at her, and frowned. "Can I brush it?" I shook my head, the action pulling my hair from her fimgers. "Why not, sweetie? I can put it up really pretty!" I shook my head again. "Please? I promise to take it down if you don't like it."

I pushed my fringe from my eyes and glanced at her. She seemed really determined. So I nodded hesitantly. Kurenai beamed as I agreed. Kakashi sighed and stood from his place next to me and left the room, probably to grab a brush. A few moments later, he was back, brush in hand and a couple rubber bands that have never been used. 

He handed the items to Kurenai and she patted at her lap, signaling me to sit there. I eyed her carefully before doing as she asked and settled down between her legs on the edge of the couch. Kakashi silently handed me my book, which had previously been in my bag, as well as my pencil before sitting down on the other end of the couch. 

I opened the book and started doodling. Gai, at some point, had kneeled in front of me, watching as my pencil flew across the paper in simple lines, leading to a seemingly complicated picture. "Your really talented, Rin." He commented. I felt Kurenai start pulling the brush through my hair, which made my head jerk back as the brush caught on a tangle.

"Sorry," she mummbled, repeated the action and words again and again as she continued to rid my hair of the tangles. I felt her part my hair as she spoke to Kakashi. "I'm going ot put her hair into pigtails. Just part down the middle," she trailed off. "Then take one of the parts." My head jerked to the side a little as she suddenly put one side of my hair up, and then layed the hair over my shoulder, and did the same to the other side. "There. And since her bangs don't have a part, we'll brush them off to the side." My fringe was brushed over my left eye, and I frowned as my sight got a little bit better. "Easy." 

"She looks so cut like that!" Gai gushed. Asuma nodded in agreement and I huffed out a breath, glancing over at Kakashi. He was eyeing me with a happy look. Wierdo. "But it still looks a little plain..." 

Kurenai didn't seem to like that. "She looks beautiful, don't be rude, Gai." She sighed. "But," Suddenly, something was tied into my hair. Reaching up, In felt a silky like texture. A ribbon. "There. Now your good to go." I was still drawing, and I was hardly paying attention to anything that wasn't the new weight on top of my head. It felt wierd, but I kind of liked it. 

"Do you like it?" A mirror was held up in front of me, showing the smiling woman behind me, and myself. I took a brief look in the mirror, which appeared from nowhere, and nodded. "Rin, next time Kakashi's on a mission, your going to stay with me, alright?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow and shook his head, probably rolling his eye. I puffed out my cheeks and shrugged. "We'll go shopping and get you a new outfit too, okay?"

Pursing my lips, I placed my book on the couch and hopped down. "I've taken her shopping, but she won't get anything herself." Kakashi sighed, watching as I grabbed my book and started down the hallway to the bedrooms. 

"You did good for being a guy, but she needs a womans opinion." I heard Kurenai say. I walked right into Kakashi's room and climbed up onto the bed, falling over onto my stomach. I let out a yawn, and closed my eyes, feeling tired. It felt like I had been surpressing my sleepiness for awhile. And now it's hitting full force. 

A weight dipped the side of the large bed, and I peeked an eye open. Kakashi layed his hand on my back, rubbing in small circles that only made me sleepier. "Are you okay?" I nodded subtly since my cheek was smushed against the bed. A hand made its way to my cheek. "You feel a little warm, do you not feel good?" My answer was a yawn, making the man chuckle. "Alright, go to sleep." The soothing circles on my back never stopped as I slipped into a dreamless sleep. 

~The Next Day~ 

This morning had gone by uneventful to say the least. I got up after Kakashi, he did my hair just like Kurenai showed him yesterday, we ate, he went to see the Hokage, and I went to the forest for some drawing time. Which is where I am now. 

It's quiet, and peaceful. 

That is... until someone decided to interupt my peaceful time. 

There was a rustling in the bushes to my left, and I stopped drawing to look up, just as a certain raven haired boy appeared. Itachi had his hands behind his back and a sort of curious, but serious look on his face.

"Hello, Rin." He greeted, waving with one hand, keeping the other behind his back. I nodded once in response, eyes narrowed. My silent question hung in the air, but I doubt he understood since he's not Kakashi. "I don't know why, but I thought I might find you here. Do you mind if I sit with you?" I tilted my head to the side but shook my head.

Sitting beside me, he suddenly brought his hand from behind his back. Between his fingers, was the lilly I had seen in the flower shop. The red lilly. "Here," he held it out to me. I frowned, shaking my head. "It's yours," he said, smiling slightly. "You seemed a little down when you were looking at it the other day, so I was hoping it would cheer you up." 

My eyes widened in slight surprise, and I met his gaze. His eyes held no lies. My eyes slid down to the flower in his hand and I carefully took it, pushing my bangs from my eyes as memories filled my mind. I tried my best to supress them, but it was hard. I let out a small sigh and glanced at the boy from the corner of my eye to see him watching me carefully. 

"I was going to give it to you sooner, but we went on the mission." Itachi commented quietly. My eyebrows furrowed together as I opened my mouth as if to speak. "I wanted to," my unspoken question was suddenly answered, even though I had yet to think of it myself. My gaze snapped to his and I stared blankly. Suddenly, I stood, and started walking away. "Rin-?" I glanced down at the flower as I reached the place where the forest met the fields. 

Dropping to my knees, I placed my book beside me and used my free hand to dig a small hole. When I deemed it big enough, I placed the stem of the lilly in the center and began packing the dirt in to keep it stable. When the flower could stand on its own, I stood and dusted off my hands, picking up my book as well. "I see," Itachi stood beside me, looking down at the flower. "Only someone with a good heart would do something like this." He smiled. The comment surprised me to say the least.

 Biting the inside of my cheek, and turning away, I began walking, holding my book close, as if it would stop the aching inside my chest. I entered the village, keeping my eyes down, I tried to rush home, hoping to be able to rid myself of this feeling. I don't like it. But I have to live with it.

And I know that it probably won't ever go away. 


Okay, I was wondering whether or not Rin's eye colors have been revealed yet? 
Anyway, also! I'm going to start on the next chapter right now! 

Adorable Itachi to the side (or above if your on a phone/tablet/ipad) >>

I don't own Naruto.

Love ya~


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