Chapter 9 ~ Time Skip ~ Now 9 years old ~

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It was quiet. 

Too quiet. 

My eyes darted from left to right and back again, my senses were on high as I searched for the strange chakra signature. 

"Rin, can you find them?" Takeshi's voice drifted over the reciever of the headset I'm wearing. I mean, it's not like I can answer. Thank goodness he was smart enough to pair me with someone. He paired me with Itachi who was eyeing me carefully. 

Using my heightened senses, I searched for the enemy. 

"Rin," I glanced at Itachi. He frowned, sharingan activated. 


"Maah~ I'm so glad to be home!" Aoi grinned, raising his arms behind his head. We all nodded our heads in agreement. "So, Rin, what are you going to do after we report the mission?" The teal headed boys cheeks tinted the slightest pink, as per the usual. 

It happens whenever he talks to me, and it sort of creeps me out. But I pretended to ignore it as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Raising my hands the slightest bit, I began speaking with them. 

Go home.

I signed. It was really useful. It was strange. 

Kakashi was the one who brought it up a few years ago, saying it would be easier if we could comunicate another way besides having my sketchbook. He also said it would be valuable on missions. He even learned with me. 

It was surprising since he's usually not very motivated. 

"That's it?! Why don't you come hang out with me?" 

Yes, even the team learned. They can understand.... to a point... 

Sometimes they're clueless, though. Well, everyone except Itachi. 

He's always - somehow - been able to understand me. 

It's weird. 

I shook my head and sighed when he started pouting. He acts like such a child sometimes. 

"You three can actually head home. I'll do the mission report." Takeshi stopped and turned to us. "Just make sure Rin gets home safetly, boys." With that, he disappeared in a poof of smoke. 

I kept walking, and heard two pairs of footsteps fall in step on either side of me. "Come on, Rin! You should come with me! We can do whatever you want!" I glanced over at the grinning boy. 

"He's asking you on a date," was whispered in my ear, making me jump and clasp my hand over it as I glared at him. 

Itachi smirked, his dark eyes holding amusement as he watched my exasperated expression. My right eye twitched at the suggestion. I had to stop, my mind rolling over the notion, and actually trying to comprehend.

Aoi.... asking me on a date? 





He's nice, and he's a good friend.... but no. 

I glanced at Aoi, who's face turned bright red and he turned away. "Stupid Uchiha..." He muttered. I frowned and looked between the two boys as Aoi started glaring at the now impassive Itachi. I didn't understand why Aoi would glare at Itachi, when he only made a small comment. 

Why was he getting so worked up?

"Whatever, I'm leaving." Aoi scoffed and turned to leave. I couldn't help but watch before turning to Itachi with a confused expression. 

What was that about?

Itachi shook his head with a smile. "It was nothing, Rin. Come on, I'll take you home." He gently took my hand in his and tugged me in the direction we were headed. 

I slowly slipped my hand from his, noticing that he glanced at me for a moment as a sigh escaped him. 

All too soon, we were at the apartment. 

I stopped and stared at Itachi who smiled slightly. "I'll see you later," he said, right before his index and middle fingers met my forehead. I gasped slightly, though I knew it was coming, and covered the spot, glaring daggers at the raven. He just chuckled and turned to leave. 

It had become a sort of routine for us. He would walk home with me, then, he would poke me, and  leave with a smile. It was weird, but we've gotten closer because of it. 

Strange, I know. 

Slowly, I made my way up the stairs and into the apartment, where I closed the door behind me and turned to the silver haired man sitting on the couch. He was reading one of his books. Slipping off my shoes, I stepped further into the apartment. 

"How was the mission?" He asked, not bothering to look up. I huffed out a breath and dropped my bag on the floor beside the couch. "That bad, huh?" I nodded. "Well, I have something to tell you." He closed the book and placed it on the seat beside him before patting the other cushion. 

I followed the small instuction and eyed him carefully as I sat down beside him.

"I've already gotten the okay from Hokage-sama. I just want to talk to you about this though." He sighed, smiling beneath the mask. "Rin, I've already done the paperwork, and if you agree... I want to adopt you." 

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. 

"You've been with me for almost four years now," he continued. "And, I admit, I've grown attatched to you. So, Rin. What do you think?" 

Closing my mouth, the corner of my lips tugged into a smirk as I mouthed; 

I thought you were already my dad.



Gomen for the late update, I've been super busy. I'm going to try and update more often! 

Until next time, loves c:

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