Chapter Two ~ Konoha

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After that night, Konoha Anbu came. I was stumbling in the center of a dirt path, covered in blood when they came across me. It had been a strange occurance, to say the least. They hadn't a doubt in their mind as they assessed me, head to toe, noting the sticky substance covering my quivering body. It matted my hair, ran down my face, and was splattered against my once pure white dress. 

"Get her away from here," one said. He seemed to be their leader, the way he spoke to them. But the others, they just stared at me. I couldn't see their faces. They were covered by strange animal masks I had only seen in the village. I didn't like them. The masks each had this look, like they knew. "Kakashi!" The leader re-directed his order. 

I watched through hafl-mast eyes as a silver haired man in a mask approached me. I instantly backed away, not wanting that mask anywhere near me. I didn't like it. 'Kakashi' held out his hands, palm up, as if saying he meant me no harm. But I didn't believe him. 

Why wouldn't he harm me? Especially after what I had just done? Why should I trust anyone here? 

"Hey," Kakashi turned his face to the leader, who in turn nodded. Turning back to me, he slipped the strange mask off his face, moving it to the right side of his head. "It's alright. I won't hurt you. We just want to take you somewhere safe." I simply shook my head, no believing him. "My name is Kakashi Hatake. What's yours?" 

I took a breath, and opened my mouth to speak. But nothing came out. I wasn't able to voice the witty remark I had thought of. His left eye was closed, seeming to be sealed with a scar, and a mask covered his mouth and nose from view, while his silver hair defied gravity. 

"She's probably traumatized." Another man in a mask and a green jumpsuit kneeled beside the still standing Kakashi, holding out his left hand to me. "I'm Gai." He said, moving his own mask to the side of his head. "We're friends. We're here to help you." I felt my mouth open the tiniest bit, as if to speak, but once again, nothing came out. He had big eyebrows that looked like caterpillars on his face. 

My eyes drifted back to Kakashi, only to find him now standing beside me. Gasping in surprise, I jumped back a little. He gave me a closed eye smile, I assume, as he kneeled down beside me, hand snapping out and grasping my wrist in a firm, yet gentle hold as I moved to run away. 

"Can you spell your name out in the dirt for me?" He asked, pointing down at the ground. I followed the direction, glanced at him once more and wriggled my hand against his hold. "Hey!" He pulled me back as I tried running, not caring that he still held my wrist. "All you need to do is write your name. That's it." I narrowed my eyes, looking straight into the lone, dark, open eye. There was no lie in it. 

I nodded once and kneeled down on the ground, my index finger moving against the dirt as I quickly wrote my name. 

"Rin." Gai said aloud. "What a pretty name for such a youthful girl!" He grinned, making me shudder and back away. Kakashi shot the man a glare and took a gentle hold of my other hand. 

"Rin, we're going to take you to our village, alright?" I frowned and shook my head rapidly. A grasp to my chin, and my closed eyes snapped open, meeting a swirl of red and black. 

Then I passed out. 

One year later

Its been one year since then. After I passed out, I woke to find myself in a hospital. Kakashi had been there as well, saying he was my 'caretaker'. I understood of course. Though I'm a child, the Hokage thought it strange that not one drop of blood that had clung to me, had been mine. 

So he put me under watch. 

That also included sending me to the academy where I've learned simple things, such as throwing shuriken, kunai, and small jutsu such as the clone jutsu. I find it amusing that some of the others can't do a single thing, while others are prodigy's. 

I, myself, didn't practice much with the class, since I've had prior training. Mother and Father both trained me in extremely complex justu that, they said, were difficult for even some Jounin rank shinobi. So things like this, they were child's play for me. 

"Rin, why don't you go practice with the rest of the class?" I looked up from my sketch, eyeing the instructor, who's name I have yet to learn, as he stared down at me with a fake kind smile. I simply shook my head and went back to my book, fixing a line that had become crooked due to the interuption. 

"Ah! Sensei!" A girls shrill scream sounded through the practice room, making me inwardly laugh. Upon looing up, I noticed she was pinned to the target, a shuriken stuck through the left shoulder of her shirt. Her face was priceless, as well. One of complete terror while the boy aiming at her - or the target, I'm not sure - just watched, laughing. 

"Shinobu!" The instructor turned, forgetting about me as he stormed over to the student, who had started throwing more shuriken. 

I felt a gaze on me as I lowered my head, only to peek past my fringe in the direction of a certain boy, who's name I learned from the squealing girls, was Itachi Uchiha, the prodigy of the infamos Uchiha clan. I found it strange that he watched me. Even at the strangest times, such as this. In the middle of academy training. 

"Alright! That's enough for today! Tomorrow is the graduation exam, make sure you study!" The instructor yelled, making his voice echo through the room. I grabbed my bag, and tucked my sketchbook in my arms, holding it close to my chest as I stood from my spot on the stairs, and began my journey to the door that lead outside. 

It was a nice day outside, and it almost made me curious why we had stayed inside at all. The thought had come and gone as quickly as a the leaf that flew past my head as I started down the path to the forest. But, as much as I would have loved to be left alone, my wish went unheard as a gentle tap was delivered to my shoulder. 

I turned my head, glancing in the direction it came from, but not saying a word, though my eyes slightly widened at the face. Itachi Uchiha. 

"Hi, I'm Itachi." He smiled a little, his dark, onyx eyes searching for a response. I nodded once, making him frown the tiniest bit, but brightened once more. "Your Rin, right?" I nodded again, stopping as we approached the fork in the road. "Would you mi-" 

I heard him cut himself off, obviously not noticing that I had begun down the path again, turning to follow the right path in the fork, the one that lead to the forest. I was extremely greatful when I didn't hear his footsteps following me, or rushing to catch up. I didn't want to 'talk' to him. 

He gave me a strange feeling whenever he looked at me. It felt... like he was curious. But at the same time, cautious. I don't understant it, and I probably never will, since I don't plan on speaking to him anytime soon. 

I reached the forest in no time at all, smiling to myself as I sat down beneath a tree in the grass, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear as I layed my sketchbook in my lap, pulling out a pencil. I use these since they're easier to correct mistakes with, and I find that it's harder to use a paint brush with ink. I suppose that's just me, though. 


"Good morning," The instructor greeted the class as he stepped inside the room, sliding the door closed behind him. With a once over around the room, he closed the distance between himself and the desk in the front, center of the room. "Today is the graduation exam. Each of you will be called into the next room to complete the test. If you pass, you will be given a head band and are free to leave." 

Another once over around the room, and he cleared his throat, fist in front of his mouth as he did so. "Let us begin. You will be called in alphabetical order. Feel free to visit while you wait." The instructor pulled a clip board out of nowhere and called a name. A student stood a rushed down the stairs, nearly falling on his face as he did so. 

I watched as he followed the man into another room for the test. As if that were the que, everyone seemed to get up and change seats, sitting with their friends and talking about the exam, or teams. I just sat there, turning my head to stare out the window. It was a nice day, and I could tell it would be a great day to draw. 

"Rin." I jumped a little at the sound of my name. Slowly, I stood and made my way down the stairs, following the instructor as he lead me inside a dark room, lit with a single light. "All you need to do is make a clone." I raised an eyebrow and lifted my hands into a handsign, making two shadow clones. "Very impressive, Rin." He praised in his gruff voice. "Your the first to graduate at six, except Kakashi of course. Here." I took a hiati-ate and stared at it for a moment before bowing and leaving the room. 

As soon as I was outside, I started toward the forest, hoping to get some drawing time in. Unfortunately, I was stopped, again. Just like yesterday. I turned, and came face to... stomach? with Kakashi. The silver haired man kneeled down in front of me, a sort of soft look in his visible eye. 

"You passed?" He pointed down to the hitai-ate hanging loosely in my right hand. I lifted it up, looking down at it, then held it out to Kakashi, who chuckled. "Want me to put it on?" I tilted my head to the side, lips slightly parted as if to speak as I nodded. "Alright." Taking the hitai-ate from my hand, he opened the cloth and the ends in each hand as he reached around my neck, and tying it in a knot. 

I stared down at the thing, not sure if I liked the feeling of having the strange cloth around my neck. After a moment of thought, I nodded, pleased with the place. I glanced up at Kakashi and watched as he stood, holding out his hand. 

"You should head home. You were out last night, right?" I frowned. "You know you can't be out late like that." I pulled my book out of my bag and wrote down a response, then held up the written side to him, narrowing my eyes and pointing to the page. 

But it's better at night. 

"Rin, your only six." I shook my head, crossing my arms over my tiny chest, making the silver haired man... raise an eyebrow? "Come on, let's get you home." He wiggled his outstretched hand a little and I sighed, tucking the book under my arm and placing my small hand in his. I sort of like the way his large hand enveloped mine. It was nice. "Let's go." He said, lightly tugging on my hand, leading me away from the academy, just as others began filing out and parents began walking up. 

I watched them, my heart feeling numb in my chest as I watched, even the Uchiha, meet his parents. "Rin, you alright?" I peeked up at Kakashi through my fringe, before staring straight ahead and nodding. "Why dont we get something on the way." It was more of a comment than a question.

I shrugged, not caring at the moment. Kakashi seemed to notice as well, and practically dragged me to a dango shop. I blinked, not really surprised at all. We sat down in a booth, Kakashi across from me. The table came just below my chin and I glared at it. There was a low laugh and then a booster-like seat appeared beside me. I glared at that too. 

Why do I have to be so small?!? 

"Come on, Rin." I peeked up at Kakashi, watching as he moved the seat closer to me. I huffed out a breath and turned away, crossing my arms over my chest. "Suit yourself," He chuckled, leaving the seat beside me and taking his place in the seat across. I turned back, eyeing the thing as a waitress came up with a pencil and pad. 

"Hi, what can I get you?" She smiled. She was young, maybe around Kakashi's age, which I have no idea what exactly that is... As soon as her eyes landed on me, she sqealing. "Oh my goodness! She's adorable!" She giggled, the sound making me want to vomit. "So pretty, just like a doll!" I think my eye twitched at that comment. 

"Two orders of dango." Kakashi held up two fingers as he spoke, just barely gaining the girls' attention. 

"Of course," She smiled politely, taking her hand off my cheek. Once her pinchy fingers let go, I was rubbing the sore skin, glaring daggers at her back as she retreated back to the counter. 

"Well..." Kakashi eyed me carefully, watching as I mentally murdered the poor girl. Though he had no idea what was going on in my head. My sharp gaze turned to Kakashi and I raised an eyebrow, daring him to say something. He knew about my temper. It was one of the strange reasons we got along so well. He knew not to make me angry. 

The silver head raised his hands in a surrender gesture. But his eye was screaming that he had something to say. "Here you are." The girl was back, setting two plates of dango on the table. I watched as Kakashi took one of mine and placed it in one of the bags she had brought. "Do you need anything else?" 

"No, thank you." I noticed an evil gleam in that lone, dark eye, and I narrowed my own mismatched. "You could sit with us if you like." He offered, watching as my eyes widened behind my fringe. 

"Is that really alright?!" The girl seemed thrilled. And let's just say... I was not on board with this idea. Kakashi nodded, and the girl moved the booster seat to the floor, scooting in beside me and smiling. "Thank you so much!" 

"It's no problem at all." The girl squealed with delight, and turned to me. 

"What's your name? I'm Maia." She was eyeing me with big baby blues that looked so innocent... it made my heart ache a bit in my chest. "How old are you?"

"Her name is Rin and she's six." Kakashi answered for me, pushing my book toward me, along with my pencil. "Go on, Rin, answer any question she has." Turning to the girl, he smiled. "Sorry, she doesn't speak."

I scowled. "So, she's a mute?" Maia asked, glancing down at me. 

"I guess you could say that." 

"Alright." Maia's attention was once again on me and she was smiling brightly. "So, Rin," She started. I can't wait for this to be over with. "Are you in the academy?" I shook my head and pointed to the hitai-ate around my neck, also writing a small response. 

I just graduated today.

"Wow! You must really be talented to graduate at six!" Her eyes gleamed, and I knew this was going to be a long discussion. And somehow, I knew that I wasn't going to like it. 

Ayame: WELCOME TO THE FIRST OFFICIAL CHAPTER!! I hope you enjoy it, I'm already getting alot of ideas for this story! Anyway! Comment Vote and Eat Dango!

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