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Im still busy so i cant update other stories rn so for the moment, plz manage with this


3days later-

It was the day of AvNeil leaving for Greece for avni's meeting
Neil booked a seat nearby to avni's in the same flight
They both had got the aisle seat so they exchanged glances at intervals

Soon the flight landed& neil checked into the same hotel as avni in a room near to them though always maintaining a safe distance so that vidyut doesnt suspect him or avni

(Vidyut hasnt met neil as yet- he just knows that AvNeil are gonna get married)


Time flew& initial days of the trip went well- avni used to return from the conference, keep pillows as if shes sleeping &then sneak into neil's room who used to keep food& some juice/liquids ready bcz he knew she wouldnt have eaten/drank anything since the meeting started

All this had given AvNeil the chance to spend time together- so what if only at night
Neil's love always gave her the strength to stand& fight against vidyut
Neil was proud of the fact that avni was standing against vidyut with full determination


Next day-

It was a sunday so AvNeil got time to spend together by site seeing &trying special cuisines after which they went to a beach
They were sitting& the cool sand was touching their exposed skin
Avni's head was resting on neil's shoulder& neil wrapped his arm around her back



A-thank you

N-for what?

A-for coming with me on this trip
Also for this beautiful day& most importantly- thank you for coming into my life

Neil smiled& pecked her forehead lovingly &after a while, they left for the hotel so that vidyut doesnt suspect avni

They reached hotel& avni told vidyut that she already had her dinner outside
Soon she went to neil's room they had their dinner by feeding eachother& then dozed off to sleep


Next day-

It was the same for the duo- he handled his cases& appointments via video calls while she went for her meetings



When avni returned, she looked pretty dull

N-kya hua jaan?

Avni hugged him tightly

A(pouting)-i will have to stay here for another week which means another week of facing that bloody womanizer
I dont know how will i manage

I feel disgusted everytime he sees me with his eyes full of lust- it boils my blood but i need to maintain my temper bcz of business partners& colleagues around us& he takes undue advantage of the same

N-dont worry
You are my lady don& i know that you will be able to deal with him
Now lets have dinner- i know  mice must be dancing in your stomach

Neil tickled her& she laughed
They had dinner& soon went to sleep- thankfully vidyut or his men didnt check avni's room at night &hence she was able to sleep in neil's room


Few days later-

The meeting was almost over& people had started leaving- only few members from higher authorities were in the conference room

Vidyut wasnt letting avni leave for the hotel by giving some or the other excuse
It was no doubt that he was doing this on purpose &avni had very well understood the same
They were alone in one of the confrence rooms when vidyut spoke-

V-ms mehta we have been working since past 3hour
Im sure you need a break along with a dose of energy
Lets have some coffee

A-no sir(doubting his intentions)
Im ok

V- oh cummon
You look tired& coffee is a great booster

A-ok sir
Let me make it

Before avni could proceed, vidyut already fetched 2cups of coffee

V-here you go

Avni could definitely not trust vidyut- it would be the last thing she would do on earth

She spilt the coffee smartly& acted showing it to be accidental
Vidyut felt angry on seeing his plan fail but maintained his calm- obviously he was upto something

And he was determined so before avni could say anything further, he immediately returned with another cup

A- no sir thank you
Im ok

V-wont you follow the commands of your boss?

Avni cursed her luck& unwillingly started drinking the coffee
After a while she started feeling dizzy

She kept the cup on the table
She started loosing her control the the laptop keyboard
Her eyes had started getting heavy& she wasnt able to keep them open

In no time, she leaned back on the sofa with a thud- losing conciousness
Vidyut smirked as his plan was now in action
He picked her up in bridal style& smarty escaped the office with her without anyone noticing him
He drove to an apartment he had there in Greece

He took her to his bedroom &started unbuttoning his shirt
He removed her clothes &took undue advantage of the situation



Neil was going berserk about avni- he was pacing back& forth in the room- thinking about all the worse possibilities
He had tried her phone uncountable nos of times& it only said out of reach
He understood that something was fishy& his only suspect was vidhyut

He somehow tracked avni's location& drove off to vidyut's apartment

Vidyut opened the door& neil literally barged into the house- searching for avni in each room while calling out her name

Finally he reached his bedroom &the sight in front of him shook him to the core
His body went numb, almost falling to the ground
His throat became dry

There she was- in vidyut's bed,just wrapped in a silk sheet- her clothes scattered on the bed
Now he understood why vidyut was shirtless when he entered his house


Avni slowly gained consciousness& held her head in pain
She was trying to decipher her whereabouts& the only word she uttered was "neil"

Reality dawned on her-
She was in someone's bed-all naked with her clothes scattered on the bed
She saw neil at the entrance of the room
His eyes had welled up in tears

1000s of questions were roaming in her mind- all at the same time
But according to the state she was in, her eyes widened in shock as she was able to assume what cudve have happened when vidyut came from behind
He was shirtless- now she could connect most of the dots

V-you are her fiancé Neil Khanna, right?
Well i have a bad news for you man- i just marked her as mine so i was wondering if you  would still marry her or not
Well if not, then plz let me know
I will keep her as my queen- my mistress
After all, her life has already been similar to that of a prostitute
So im sure she wont mind
Neil shut his eyes in anger

N(in a cold tone)-get ready quickly
We have to go somewhere

Avni immediately​ dressed up& they left in neil's car
Vidyut just had a wild smirk on his face


Hotel, avni's room-

A- neil plz listen to me once
Believe me I didnt do anything
I dont know how i ended up there in his house- in his bed

N(angrily)-really avni?
Do you really expect me to believe you after what i saw in his house?
Your boss was right- i should reconsider my decision of marrying you

Saying this, neil left avni's room- leaving her sobbing inconsolably
She felt like someone snatched her heart out- leaving her lifeless, once again
She sat on the floor with a thud


Next morning-

Neil entered avni's room through the key which she had accidently left with him last night
He saw her sitting on the floor-leaning to the bed
He could surely tell that she had sobbed the entire night- her cheeks had dried up tears& eyes were puffy- all bcz of him
His heart ached on seeing her in this state but he couldnt do anything- it was the need of the hour
He woke her up& tried to explain himself about last night's argument

N-avni listen to me

A(angrily)-i dont want to hear anything neil
I was such a fool to believe you

You are no less than adwait- maybe worse than him
Im so angry at myself for believing you- believing in love

She continued bashing him& cursing herself for her stupidity that she trusted him

Few mins later, neil moved to the door& peeped through the key hole to check whether anybody was around or not
Thankfully, the hall way was empty which meant that vidyut's man had left

Neil turned back &smiled at avni
He opened his arms& she threw herself in his embrace

N-step1 completed jaan



AvNeil left vidyut's  home
Neil was driving the car while avni was worried about his response
Suddenly he spoke

N-avni i know what you might be thinking
I will clear all your doubts but for the moment, just listen to me carefully

I know you arent responsible for all this
And of course the master mind is vidyut-he has framed this scene so that we break up

Its all his plan
I had noticed the smirk in his expressions when i saw you in that position
Im pretty sure he will send his man behind us to see my exact response on this situation

I have a plan in mind so everything i do after reaching the hotel will be a play-to mislead vidyut so you will also have to behave accordingly
Just trust me

Avni noded

Flashback over

A-ab hum aage kya karenge neilu?

N-tumhara medical examination- aaj hi

Avni's expressions changed
She wanted to say something but wasnt able to form any words

A-neil i know its important to do my medical examination asap but its just that im...umm...im...

N-slightly uncomfortable?

Avni was surprised that he understood what was bothering her
She nodded her head positively

N-I know& i completely understand that avni-its obvious for any person who is in your place
But you dont need to worry at all
I will do it myself- carefully making sure that you dont face any pain

His words gave her assurance& she felt relaxed
N-nut before that, you have to answer my few questions honestly


N- did you freshen up since we came back from vidyut's house?


N-did you change clothes?

A-i did but yesterday's clothes are in the bathroom counter

N-did you brush your teeth?


Just wash your face once & dont freshen up
Also, carry your clothes with you- we will give them for forensic checking
Meanwhile i will do the medical arrangements

Avni nodded



Due to a past medical conference, neil had few contacts in a hospital in Greece so they did the necessary arrangements &allowed him to conduct the procedure
Avni's medical examination was conducted all by neil himself- just a nurse as assistant

He knew she was uncomfortable if anyone else touched her
Her clothes were also sent to the forensic dept for evaluation

The examination was done& the reports were to arrive by next evening
AvNeil had decided not to tell anything to the family until they get the reports


An hour later-

Avni woke up& smiled at the sight in front of her- there he was, sitting next to her bed simply adoring her

A-neil reports?

N-kal evening tak milengi
As of now, we can go back hotel




They returned& spent time together, though avni looked lost& little disturbed
Neil noticed this but decided to talk about it later, though he had guessed the cause
He told her to take rest
Though she was resisting initially, but gave up in front of hiis strictness
Once she slept, neil went out& called up Ali& DD 

He told them whatever vidyut did with avni in India& now in Greece
They said that since hes out of India rn so they cant take any action but once they return,vidyut wont be spared
Neil thanked them& then made another call to the hospital in India to grant him few days more in leave& they agreed on the condition of him working a little overtime
When he returned, he was shocked at the sight in front of him-

Avni was sitting on the bed- shivering, sweating trembling- all at the same time
Her breath was labored as well

He ran to her& made her drink some water while she was still shivering& hiccuped as well

He sat next to her& she hugged him tightly while he understood that she was probably suffering a fear attack- something which happened at his apartment as well

He knew it must be bcz of what happened in that pervert's house-she would be worried about the report results
His blood boiled upon thinking about him

He thought of using his official inhale-exhale treatment to divert her mind
After lot of efforts, avni was finally normal
She hugged neil tightly

Calm down jaan

A-im really tensed neil
What if reports come out as positive?
Will you leave me??

She sniffed& soon, her sniffs had turned into heavy cries

I wont leave you ever jaan
You know im always there for you, right?
Dont think about all that

Avni nodded positively, though still sniffing

N-now have dinner& sleep
You need rest

Though avni was refusing, neil fed her dinner followed by her medicines& then made her sleep
She snuggled in his embrace& slept off while he caressed her back
Soon he too, fell asleep


Next evening-

Avni was in the hotel, pacing back& forth- waiting for neil to return with the reports She was hell scared
As soon as neil entered the room, she looked pat him with questioning expressions
Her eyes had only one question with a single word answer

With eyes facing the ground& a heavy heart, neil said- reports are positive

N-vidyut took advantage of your unconsciousness
Avni fell to the ground in shock
Her body became numb
Eyes failed to blink- just streams of tears ran down her cheeks

While avni was sobbing, neil kept his ear on the door& heard someone speaking

P-sir kaam hogya
Vidyut had a wild smirk& he cut the call

Neil peeped through the door's keyhole& saw that vidyut's man left
He smirked& then turned to face a broken avni
His eyes immediately softened& he took her in a bone crushing hug, caressing her hair

Stop crying
We did it jaan- as much as i guess, he has fallen into our trap
The reports i showed you are fake

Avni looked at him

N-yes jaan
I knew that vidyut will try to tamper the reports to break our relationship &to avoid any confusion, i re-tested everything on my own- all the samples we got& my doubt was right- he did got the results changed

A-thank you for trusting me& not falling into his trap
But what if it was true& he had actually...

Neil hugged her& caressed her back

Dont think about all this
Our priority is to continue this drama for the moment

Avni nodded

They have dinner &then lay in bed
Avni snuggled into neil's arms

A-i love you neilu

N-i love you too jaan
You need rest so dont think of all this& sleep

Avni smiled& holding onto him, she slowly went into deep slumber as he was caressing her hair &was thinking about how to deal with vidyut

He knew that though right now avni hasnt reacted much to what vidyut has done, she wont be able to bare this shock& might recreate the walls around her again& he couldnt let that happen at any cost
But for the moment, he just kissed her forehead lovingly &soon slept off


Next morning-


Neil woke up& smiled on seeing the most endearing sight in front of him- his love peacefully sleeping in his arms, clinging onto him like a baby
Her head was on his chest while an arm& leg around his stomach& waist

He too, had his arm around her shoulder
He couldnt believe that they had come so far in their relationship where there was no place for misunderstandings
There was only trust, truth& love due to which she wasnt uncomfortable by their close proximity

He admired her for a while& then kissed her head, making her snuggle more into him

N-jaan get up

A-i dont want to get up right now
Let me sleep for some more time
My personal mattress is very comfy
You also sleep

N-i love you jaan

A-love you too(mummbles)

Neil smiled& caressed her hair, making her fall asleep within seconds


India, 10:30 am, Khanna mansion-

Bebe, shweta, prakash &neela along with some of mehta family were discussing about the preparations regarding the wedding

(They are aware of what vidyut did with avni in the 1month when neil was away but they are still unaware of what vidyut has done in Greece)

Sh-neela& ayesha ji men janti hu ke aap dono ke mann men kahi na kahi iss baat ka darr h k kahi avni ko phirse un sab takleefo se na guzarna pade
Aur office incident ke baad toh ye darr aur badh gya hoga jo puri tarah se jaayaz h par mera yakeen maniye, waqt k saath avni apna pura dard bhara ateet bhul jayegi
Tillu ka pyaar usse wo sab bhula dega

B-pehli baar madam madonna ne pate ki baat kari h

Shweta pouts

NM-men janti hu shweta ji
Men toh khudko kos rhi hu- kese mene uss adwait ko pehchaanne men galti kardi
Agar 7saal pehle mujse wo bhool na hui hoti toh aaj avni esi na hoti
Aur na hi usse wo 7 abortions jhelne padte
Men& puri mehta fam apke aabhari h k aapne avni ko uski itni badi kami ke bawajood bhi pure dil se apnaya
Ayesha agreed

B-jaane de puttar
Ateet men jo hua so hua- hum usse badal toh nahi sakte par apne aane wale kal ko khoobsurat zrur bana sakte h na?
Aur phir avni k saath jo bhi hua, wo hua toh uski marzi k khilaaf hi na?
Sabse badi baat ye h k iss sab ke baad bhi wo kitni strong headed h

P- sahi kaha apne bebe
Sabse bada gunhegaar toh humara ye system h jo itna dheela& peso ka bhooka h- jisme sirf pesa bolta h- sach ya suboot nahi
Dono ko hmesha peso k bojh k neeche daba dia jata h
Aap sab bilkul fikr na kare
Aur apne parivaar se bhi yahi kahiyega ke avni ab humari bahu nahi, beti h

Neela gave a faint smile
Mehtas were very happy that ther daughter was being accepted with open arms despite everything she faced in life

Thats all for now
Will update next chap too, after editing

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