1) Sudden

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The last day to their college after the farewell party there was something still left out for him to pack for himself. If not today then never, he knew.

"You've started liking me. Haven't you?" Vishal's eyes fixed like a hawk deep onto the calm cappuccino-sipping actions of Tasha whose hands had turned involuntarily uncontrollable already. Sitting opposite to Vishal, Tasha had been enjoying his silent company until his fired question revealed his intentions of confrontations today.

She had feared this situation from the day-1. But sooner or later everything arrives at its own pace. Like everytime she thought she would wash his mind off the topic. But until when??

The cup was her new found attention seeker since the question had been put infront of her. In return for lifting up her eyelids, she had to answer him something or the other.

And to her saviour, came the waiter," Anything more sir?"

"No! Please get us the bill."

"Try some brownie. They make good ones." On the seat opposite to hers, his smirk and intimidating looks made the day more difficult for her.

"Get us two; meanwhile we sort out certain things."

"Sure sir!" The waiter was away.

"Vishal when are you going to teach me playing cards?"

"You know well I hate hither and tither answers.",said Vishal as he neared his cup.

"We are just friends. You see..."

"Oh I see. Just friends." Hurt was evident from his features. "Lie me. Not to yourself. What's wrong if you feel for me? Let not your innocent emotions be suppressed." His palm over hers comforted her with a friendly gesture.

"You're getting it wrong Vishal."

"Is that so? Then why are we meeting even after I taught you completely to cook as I promised? Let's end this." The returned friendship band stayed on the table and Tasha saw him going away. Away from her forever. Yet she didn't stop him. She knew her heart couldn't afford him not another heart break.

"Ma'am two brownies. Where did sir go?"

"Away from me forever! That's good for him."

Keeping locked up all the emotions in her heart Tasha picked up her handbag and exited the cafe.


Two summers have been the passersby to Tasha's life. She hadn't realised it though until one fine day out of her busy schedule she met a person in black.

Waiting for Tasha at the parking a man in black formals was keen on something. As soon as Tasha held the door of her car to open, she heard her name.

"Hello Miss Tasha." She turned around to face the voice.


"I have something to offer you. I'm from Orient Services."

'What is it?'

"Over a cup of coffee please?"

'Okay.' She asked confused. He showed her the way to the nearest cafe. She walked ahead and at the back strode the man in black.

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