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Riya's POV

I am standing in front of the Cafe with a calm face. It has been two days since I met Ayush and accepted Rishi's uncle's offer.

In these two days, I kept myself busy with works at the cafe. I liked this place and job instead, This one is keeping me engrossed in work all the time.

I literally fell in love with this place.

Today it's my third day at work and hell tensed. I got a handful of plans to renovate this place.

Out of blue, I started feeling alone and ignored.


Maybe I am missing Ayush! I tried not to think about him for a while.

Especially after Arul's warning.

After breaking up with Arjun and losing him I relied on friends and family for emotional support.

I relied on Ayush for almost everything. It happened without my notice and now after learning a few things from Arul I became alert and alone all again.

It's my fault, completely My mistake. I have to be strong and I need to be aware of the consequences before relying on him for emotional support.

I took a deep sigh and walked into the cafe. I know Rishi uncle well, Ayush is his nephew and has seen him many times at Ayush's abode.

"Good Morning Riya" Rishi uncle greeted me with a broad smile soon I entered the Cafe.

"Morning Uncle," I spoke trying to smile back, His smile intrigued me too much.

He looks so happy, But Why?

Is he going to sell this Cafe?

Yesterday he told me he wants to sell it as he is in desperate need of money and searching for a suitable buyer who will offer him that fancy amount, he expected.

"Riya" He tried to break my chain of thoughts with his very own pleasant smile.

"Uncle," I tried to smile at me who got myself engrossed in reading his face, the reason for his happiness.

"Riya, I have something to tell you, Come" He walked to the kitchen and I followed him behind making hefty steps to match his pace.

He is checking the arrangements for the Morning Coffee and breakfast.

Though it is a small cafe, Breakfast is also available in the morning times.

"You look so happy, it must be good news." I smiled at him who is busy looking at the chef and food items.

"Yes Riya, Someone, one of the best businessmen in the town is ready to invest money in our cafe." He said with pride.

"He said he will be our sleeping partner and will invest a whopping amount of money. He even wants us to open a new branch in this next month." He continued with the same smug smile.

"Oh great, !" I nodded trying to think about the consequences of this new deal.

"You brought luck to me Riya, "

"You brought luck with you, If it's not you then who else?"

"Riya beta, I wish you all your wishes come true."He spoke with a broad smile.

"You are like my daughter" He caressed my hair.

I smiled at him without a word.

Who is he?

What exactly he wants?

Why do I feel something so odd about this deal and businessman?

I looked at Rishi's uncle's face for a second and dropped the idea of inquiring him.

He looks so happy?

Who is he and why would he invest in such a small stall whose reputation got damaged because of an unfortunate fire accident happened at this place before six months.

If he is a businessman then he won't invest in this Cafe.

According to my estimation, it takes half a crore to repair the building.

I walked to the Cash counter and started thinking about his words.

Anyway, I felt happy for Uncle.

He is a selfless man, he deserves this happiness.

But a part of me is worried that I am going to lose my job if anything bad happens.

The thought took away my peace I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.


"Why do you look so tensed?"I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and looked around to see Ayush standing in front of me with a bright face.

"Ayush" My lips instantly curved into a smile soon I saw his enchanting smile.

"Riya!?Not a single call?Not a single message? Is everything okay?" He asked me with concern, dragging me away from the counter.

We occupied a table at a corner.

He ordered a coffee and waved at his uncle with a beam on his lips.

I looked at him for a second and noticed that he came in a civil dress.

He looked so happy and I looked at him crouching my eyebrows.

He looks so different today?

"I have great news to share with you Riya" He caught my hand so suddenly almost making me flinch.

"What is that?" I gulped down in a kind of fear mixed with excitement.

"You are free Riya, you are free......" He said constantly smiling eagerly looking into my eyes, he didn't pay much attention to my flinch.

"What? What are you saying"I fumbled with my words.

"Arjun postpartum reports came and it was proven as a suicide."

"They failed to gather single evidence against you, so think the case is over."

"You are free Riya, you are absolutely Free." He said rubbing his hands and taking aa bit of Sandwich into his mouth which he ordered.

"Oh great!" I frowned and tried to smile.

"Aren't you happy Riya?" He caught my mood and gently took my hand it into his.

"Yes" I gave a simple reluctant nod.

His face fell off and sat looking here and there avoiding my grumpy face.

"Riya."He leaned forward, caught my shoulder, and shook it.

"Hey Baby doll, Say something? Why are you so silent?"He looked straight into my eyes this time making my beat almost stop for a second.

I can't look into his eyes and a tear escaped from the corner.

He looked so worried and wiped it away in time quickly.

"Relax Riya"He gently pressed my hand and I yanked at his touch.

He got offended by my action this time and hastily took away his hand with a sulky face.

"Is everything okay Riya?" He asked me in a very serious tone.

Now he needs my answer.

"No. ...." I shook my head and said  squeezing my eyes shut.

"Is that a Suicide?"

"Are you hiding anything from me?" I cooed expressing my doubt.


"What are you asking?" He got shocked by my words and almost shouted.

"Don't you believe me? It hurts whenever you reject me or distrust me."He stood up and said heaving a sigh of disappointment.

"Why so suddenly?"

"Why do you think so?"

"It's a suicide and no doubt in it, "

"I am going Riya" He sprung up from a chair, grabbing his phone.

I lifted my head and looked at him.

"I am afraid, I am afraid of trusting anyone, including myself Ayush."

"I am worried to rely on someone for emotional support, What if he breaks my heart and trust the way Arjun broke them?" I passed swallowing a sob and continued.

"I am not ready for it, "

He gulped down in pain audibly and stood impatiently pursuing his lips, closing his eyes

His clenched fist is enough to tell me he is angry and I feel extremely sad for hurting him.

I am a fool, I always hurt him.

"You never trusted me Riya, you never."

"Whenever I tried to come near to you, you either pushed me away from your life or ran away from me."

"When will you see my pain?" He mumbled.

"Wht did you say? Relying on me for emotional support?"

"I am your friend, you are more than to me, you know that."

"Good, then don't do it. I won't disturb you again. Don't forget one thing, What I need is your happiness." He said gritting his teeth and walked away without looking at him for once.

I slumped there on the floor and cried bitterly. Whatever it is?

I am not ready for another heartbreak, but this is much worse than that.

To be continued.

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