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Riya's POV

Ayush left the cafe leaving me alone to my tangled thoughts

I was so eager to tell him a few things that happened last night.

He truly doesn't have any idea but I drenched my pillow with tears.

I wanted to tell him about Diya's marriage and inform him about Peeyush.

But Ayush looks extremely angry with me for my dimwit, for my words.

He never talked to me this rudely ever in my life, Why? Why now Ayush? I wanted to apologize to him.

I shouldn't have asked him about Arjun's death, Why can't I keep quiet for a while.

If he wants to tell me anything he will do it by himself, he is not a guy who hides things from friends, that too from me.

He must maintain a few secrets because of the profession, How could I forget it.

Even if Arul warned me out of concern and love I shouldn't have told this to anyone, not even Ayush.

Why do I always commit mistakes and brood over them again and again?

Why? Why always me? I felt crying again.

I picked my phone and called Ayush immediately realizing my mistake.

For the first time, I felt a different feeling towards him, it's not mere friendship.

It's something more than that.

Is that what Arul warned me about?

Not to fell for him soon?

I am confused, tangled in my thoughts.

But remembering Ayush's face, I feel like my soul moving apart from me.

Wiping those tears rolling over my cheek unknowingly, I dailed Ayush's number with blurry eyes.

He didn't lift my call, Is he busy or still angry with me?

Even if he is angry with me he won't stop lifting my phone.

I slumped on the bench and looked around in despair, I always hurt him.

I hurt people around me by making the wrong choices and saying wrong words.

Why is my life so complicated, Why?

I felt a need to pray god.

Don't know how much time I sat there looking at my phone and thinking about Ayush.

Jeez! I saw him again, the person with a mask.

The person whom I collided with before an hour.

He winked his eye removing his goggles.

His dark sharp orbs are observing my every move.

"B*st*d" I muttered under my breath and he smirked at me with spiteful eyes.

What is he doing here? Why is he still here? Hasn't he left the place? I thought to myself and shunned his presence.

Avoiding his gaze I walked past him to reach my counter.

I heard his chuckle and his fingers tried to touch my waist.

How dare he is? Tears brimmed in my eyes and yanked at his touch.

I lifted my hand to slap him.

"No" He blew air on my face and murmured over my ear.

Taking this opportunity, he removed his mask and caught my hand in time trying to tickle my wrist with his long fingers.

His touch is so disgusting and I felt like ants and spiders crawling over my body.

"Riya" He spoke slowly making me shudder at his voice.

I looked around for someone to help me.

"Riya, Talk to me." He shouted my name, gazing at me from top to bottom.

He eyes are roving over my body, Such a disgusting soul, I wish Arjun have killed him on that day.

Who the hell is he to shout at me? Why is he shouting at me? I glared at him but he smirked in response.

This irritated me more.

"Stay away from me," I muttered and tried to walk away from the counter.

"Riya, Riya....." He came my behind shouting my name in front of hundreds of customers.

Why is he behaving like a maniac?

Why? I pushed him aside and faltered like a kid.

"Don't dare to push me."

"Even your dad liked me."

"I learned you promised your parents that you will marry the groom whom they choose for you."

"They chose me dear."

"Now I am your groom, Riya" He whispered in my ear.

"I have all rights to talk to my fiance'"

"B*sta*d" I can't stop myself from cursing him.

"Peeyush, Get used to this name."He is laughing richly.

"Mrs.Riya Peeyush, This will be your new identity."

"You will be my mistress officially soon after you get married to me, in front of everyone, just imagine our wedding b*tch." He said stressing every word in vengeance, stabbing my heart with his words.

He looked like a demon who is eagerly ready to crush my future.

His eyes are so eager to see my pain.

I never thought Arjun's one silly mistake will turn Peeyush into a monster.

Maybe he is a monster by birth, Arjun just triggered the beast in him.

Why this mad fellow is after me for vengeance even after Arjun's death.

Isn't he worried about Arjun's death? Why? He is a good friend.

I squeezed my eyes shut in disgust.

Diya? Why would Diya recommend Peeyush as my groom?

Just because he is Viraj's elder brother or she wants to ruin my life?

The way she fought with me last night made me suspect her intentions behind it.

She is so keen to introduce this guy to me and wants my parents to meet him.

But Peeyush is someone else in real, he is exactly opposite to Viraj.

Viraj is a gem, while Peeyush is a complete jerk, a womanizer, a psycho.

"No way, I will talk to dad, I can't marry a jerk like you." I declared throwing daggers at him.

"Say it again, I want to listen to your voice."He said smiling me with a teasing smirk on lips.

His smile, his smirk irritated me to the core.

"Go away otherwise...." I lifted my phone.

"Otherwise you will call your lover...Ayush." He raised his brow.

"Arjun. Did you forget my best friend completely?"

"So quick.....?"He widened his eyes.

"Not even a month hardly you hooked up with this cop."

"Such a b*tch you are! That's why I wanted you in my bed..." He smiled wickedly.

Tears are flowing over my cheeks uncontrollably.

I closed my ears in disgust, how can he stoop so low.

How could he?

For god sake, he is a doctor by profession,
A well-educated guy, How can he talk like this?

Where are his morals? Where are his ethics?

I clenched my fist, gritted my teeth in anger

Finally, I mustered all my courage to slap him and I did it, did it twice, thrice.

"No...I said No.." He caught my hand after two or three slaps.

His eyes became red and he stood holding my hand firmly, hurting my wrist.

"Leave me" I cried.

"Mark my words Riya, Mark my words carefully. I will marry you by hook or crook."

"I will make you my personal w*ore, my  m*stress."

"You can't even imagine what will I do with you?"He said in a dangerous tone making my heart flinch.

I got a panic attack and felt much suffocated to breathe.

I called Ayush and this time he lifted my call thankfully.

To be continued...

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