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Riya's POV

Dad called Ayush as he wanted to talk to both of us at a time.

A couple of days passed we both didn't talk to each other at all.

I didn't call him on the phone after the conversation nor he came to the cafe to meet me.

A kind of painful silence embraced our relationship. I am hurt that he told Diya about our relationship.

While he is angry with me for not taking a stand for myself.

But what he is doing is unforgivable.

Ayush came in his civil attire and Dad welcomed him very normally.

Dad is not talking to me properly and it hurts me a lot.

Mom is talking to me in monologues where Diya is ignoring my presence.

"Good morning Uncle." Ayush greeted dad and he smiled back at him.

They both are sitting in his room while I am standing at dad's reading table leaning to it a bit.

"Ayush," Dad started the conversation looking at both of us one after the other.

"I came to know that you both like each other and......"He trailed off as he is feeling awkward to finished the sentence.

My heart sank at his words, at his actions.

I made him feel embarrassed again.

"Uncle, "Ayush spoke before dad could pick another word.

"Riya is my best friend and I love her with my heart and soul."

"And the sad thing is that she doesn't love me, She treats me like a friend." He heaved a sigh and looked at me with so much pain in his eyes.

I gulped down in pain.

Is that just friendship? I questioned myself.

Is he just my friend? I asked myself again.

Why I am so confused.


Yesterday I howled with him that he is a mere friend.

Now when he himself is admitting that he is just a friend to me I felt like slapping him.

He looked at me for a second and I noticed alone tear flowing over my cheek.

Dad stayed calm and nodded looking at me.

"Believe her Uncle, She didn't anything wrong."

"It was Peeyush who tried to molest her, She got fainted and I took her to my place to give her some rest."

"Nothing happened between us."

"She is your daughter."He said very confidently.

Dad smiled meekly and caught Ayush's hand firmly.

"It doesn't matter Ayush, I believe you both but it doesn't matter at all."

"It's about people and Society."

"She has faced and heard enough. I searched for someone who is worthy to hold her hand."

"And I chose you." He spoke slowly.

Ayush smiled broadly.

"I can understand uncle but she is not yet ready for this."

"I think she still loves him..." He swallowed those words before they could reach dad.

I looked at him in confusion and anger.

Why the hell he is talking about Arjun now? That too in front of dad?

Doesn't he know we both had different opinions on Arjun?

My relationship with Arjun created a rift in our bond.

Why do you make things critical?

Dad looked at me quickly asking the answer to his question.

I nodded slightly and lowered my head in shame and disgust.

One day I am going to kill this guy for sure.

I am very sure about it.

I stood composed trying to swallow the sob about to escape my mouth.

Wiping my tears gently I walked towards dad and kneeled down in front of him.

"I am ready for this marriage dad."

"I am ready" I turned my head towards Ayush and peeped into his eyes.

His eyes are holding pools of emotions.

He has evidently felt a pang of guilt and he looks so worried.

Is he hiding something from me?

I looked back to catch a glimpse at my Dad's face and my lips curved into a smile soon saw him shedding a few happy tears.

He quickly grabbed my hand and placed it in his hand.

I trembled at his touch and he looked unaffected.

Why is he behaving so weird?

He is not happy, his eyes are hiding some pain. If he loves me he has to be happy right? Why does he look so dull?

"Uncle, Both of us need some time for marriage."He broke the silence.

I crouched my eyebrows at him and saw him in utter amusement.

He smiled faintly and don't know why I wanted to hug him for a second.

I gulped down at my thoughts and stood up moving away from them.

"I agree but I want to make your engagement as soon as possible."

"I need to take care of Diya and convince Viraj's family too."

"Please understand," Dad said with a pleading look.

Ayush sat frozen without a word while dad sat looking at him for a positive answer.

"Okay dad, your wish, as you say .." I answered looking straight into his eyes.

He didn't stop me and nodded in agreement.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror opposite to the reading table I am standing at.

Who is he to me? Is he my friend or my fiance'?I asked myself.

But he still thinks I love him.

He told Diya about us and indirectly compelled me for this marriage.

Is he a good one?

Or I will be deceived again?

Several thoughts are running in my mind.

"I will talk to mom uncle, Please stay strong." He stood up and about to leave the place.

Dad just smiled at him with a pale face.

I walked behind him trying to meet his pace.

He didn't stop for a second.

I called his name twice still he didn't stop.

Why is he behaving so mysteriously?

What is bothering him?

I ran towards him and stopped hearing to Diya.

What the hell she is shouting my name.

Seems she is talking to someone on the phone.

What is she talking and with whom?

I can clearly hear her shouts from the balcony and some of her words truly surprised me.

For a second I stopped thinking about Ayush and focused my concentration on Diya.

I never thought Diya will stoop to low to marry Viraj.

To be continued...

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