First Aid 10

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Most burns can be prevented. Take special care with children:

- Do not let small babies go near a fire.

- Keep lamps and matches out of reach.

- Turn handles of pans on the stove so children cannot reach them.


To help ease the pain and lessen the damage caused by a minor burn, put the burned part in cold water at once. No other treatment is needed. Take aspirin for pain.


Do not break the blisters.

If the blisters are broken, wash gently with soap and boiled water that has been cooled. Sterilize a little vaseline by heating it until it boils and spread it on a piece of sterile gauze. Then put the gauze on the burn.

If there is no vaseline, leave the burn uncovered. Never smear on oil or butter.

It is very important to keep the burn as clean as possible. Protect it from dirt, dust, and flies.

If sign of infection appear-pus, bad smell, fever or swollen lymph nodes-apply compresses of warm salt water (1 teaspoon salt to 1 liter water) 3 times a day. Boil both the water and the cloth before use. With great care, remove the dead skin and flesh. You can spread little antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin. In several cases, consider taking an antibiotic such as penicillin or ampicillin.


Burns that destroy the skin and expose raw or charred flesh are always serious, as are any burns that cover large area of the body. Take the person to a health center at once. In the mean time, wrap the burned part with a very clean cloth or towel.

If it is impossible to get medical help, treat the burn as I described before. If you do not have vaseline, leave the burn in the open air, covering it only with a loose cotton cloth or sheet to protect it from dust and flies. Keep the cloth very clean and change it each time it gets dirty with liquid or blood from the burn. Give penicillin.

Never put oil, hides, coffee, herbs, or feces on a burn.


Any person who has been badly burned can easily go into shock because of the loss of body fluids from the oozing burn.

Comfort and reassure the burned person. Give him aspirin for the pain and codeine if you can get it. Bathing open wounds in slightly salty water also helps calm pain. Put 1 teaspoon of salt for each liter of boiled (and cooled) water.

Give the burned person plenty of liquid. If the burned part area is large (more than twice the size of his hand), make up the following drink:

To a liter of water, add: half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda.

Also put in 2 or 3 tablespoon of sugar or honey and some orange or lemon juice if possible.

The burned person should drink this as often as possible, especially until he urinates frequently.

It is important for people who are badly burned to eat foods rich in protein. No type of food should be avoided.


When someone is badly burned between the fingers, in the armpits, or at other joints, gauze pads with vaseline on them should be put between the burned surfaces to prevent them from growing together as they heal. Also, fingers, arms, and legs should be straightened completely several times a day while healing. This is painful but helps prevent stiff scars that limit movement.

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