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Ash's POV

"Ash?" Serena muttered as she opened her eyes slowly. I inhaled sharply.

"Oh my god... Serena, how do you feel?" I asked concerned.

"Tired with a huge headache," she groaned and closed her eyes again.

"Do you.. remember anything?"

"No not really, the last thing I remember was being on some table. Then everything went black. And now here I am in your arms," she answered with a slight blush creeping on her cheeks. I frowned. I should tell her what really happened, but I know that'll only upset her.

"Well, you're safe now. Everything is ok now," I spoke softly and hugged her. Serena was too weak to hug back, but she pressed her head against my chest in affection. A paramedic came up to us and asked to take Serena to a nearby center so they can make sure she's alright. Reluctantly, I let them take her. Before I went to the center, my brother and I helped clean up the area and made sure everything was ok with Zygrade. It took a little while, but soon enough half of the city was cleaned up already. I told Red I was gonna head to Pokemon Center to check on Serena, and he joined me to see how she was.

 After waiting for about an hour, we were told that Serena was in pretty much perfect health, just she hit her head really hard so she has a small concussion that'll go away in a few days and since all her energy was drained, she need lots of bed rest. I took her back to her home and explained what happened to her mom, minus the parts where Serena was mind controlled. Just that she was kidnapped, beaten up a little, and I saved her. Afterwards I went back home with Red.

"Ash... you realize mom wasn't there right?" Red asked with sad eyes. I nodded. While cleaning up Lumiose, no one came across her. 

"You think... she died?" I asked, holding back a cry.

"No no I don't think she died. If anything, she's in a different city or even a different region. We may eventually hear from her; just gotta hold on to some faith." My brother looked at me with soft, worried eyes. I could tell he's just as upset as I am. Just then, my cell phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hey uh it's Lysandre... just wondering if you're ok after... all that happened," I heard Lysandre mumble in the call.

"I'm alright. You make it out ok?" I asked politely.

"Yea yea, no scratches. Also heard something about Serena being caught up in this. Tell her I send get well wishes please?"

"Of course. Not a problem."

"Cool cool. Thanks. Bye," he hung up. 

"Who was that?" Red questioned.

"Just this kid named Lysandre. Asking if everything's ok," I answered. Red nodded in understanding. For the rest of the day, Red and I just stayed home and kept ourselves busy with cleaning and getting things ready for tomorrow. I had one last day of school before winter break. Of course, Serena won't be able to go, but I'm sure it'll be ok. The way that time flies is crazy; just a few days it felt like we began school, and now it's going to be paused. The seasons have changed from a warm Autumn to a cold Winter. And in that process... I feel as though I've had a change of heart. An epiphany of sorts. I believe it's from Serena. Maybe that prophecy is true, and she did melt my so called 'heart cold as ice'. Who knows. All I know is that whatever storm comes our way, we'll face it.


You guys have no idea how long it took me to think of how to start ending this book. The next two chapters should be the last I think. I'm really sad to end this story, but I know it'll end on a happy note. Sorry it took so long and the chapters short, but with getting smacked around writers block, I'm going to try my best! Also thank you guys for nearly 15K reads! Its awesome! See you next time!

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