Who are you????

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Haiiii guysss its me Anju. Here is the next part of Heart connection . please read it at  your own risk because it's contain lot of grammatical and spelling mistake . If  you  are  a grammar freak please avoid this story  😛😛😛😛😛 (short update)            🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈

Laksh room

Who are you???  What is the relations between us ???, why are u torture me???,plzz just leave me...???????????
This question blast my head ..................
How can you ragini?????how can you hate ur laksh ...........

Baadi,Laksh  take care ragini the whole night and propose her by holding her hands .

Laksh: say something ragini I can't tolerate this silence its kill me plzzz I know u too love me then say that you too love me.

But ragini's face is expressionless.He is crying but this time his tears, words,promises can't change her mind because she is determined

Ragini: Take back ur hand...
Laksh:uhhhaaa what???
Ragini:I say take ur hand and leave from here before my father come
Laksh :no I don't care who will come I need my answer
But she is silent
Laksh : Is this silent is yes( he is smiling lightly)
Ragini:NO...its a NO from my side
Laksh : rag...ragini...u..u r joking right I know you are but not this time .I really love you ragini plzzz understand me
Ragini: I m serious laksh . I really don't love you better to say I JUST HATE YOU, I HATE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD...😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬
He feel he just want to die this moment his mind is totally blank...
He wish what ever he hear want to be a lie
Ragini : plzz laksh plzzz leave me I really don't want u anymore in my life I'M DONE WITH YOU......
Laksh: No ragini plzz plzz don't say anything like that I don't say this because you save our family...
Ragini: corrections laksh its ur family .I'm not your family member ur just brother in law of my sister
Laksh: really ragini do you think there is no relationship between us????? Then you are wrong (he place his hand on his left chest) we are connected through here💗💗💗💗
Not u no one can change this truth... I don't know anything about rebirth and seven birth but in this birth ragini is ONLY FOR LAKSH and laksh is also ONLY FOR RAGINI
We are just made for each other
Ragini: I m a Characterless girl, I m a cheater, I m a BL***y minded girl.
This words are not mine but urs then how can we made for each other????
Its u who divorce me.its u who betray me by showing ur fake love for ur revenge ...this much of happen still how can u except that I still love u
Laksh: ragini but.....

Enough laksh..... Stop it....

Who is the third person??????

Guyssss plzzz vote and comments if u like .......
All comments are acceptable (positive or negative)😘😘😘😘😘

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