Happy tears

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    Heart connection

      Part - 15

Recap ( Raglak face off ...ragini misunderstanding...laksh confession...raglak lip lock )

Scene begins in raglak losted in their liplock forgetting the world , this is the moment they are craved for...but a small difference is  ragini from begining , laksh recently ... Its not pretty late though, still life is there for them to cherish loving each other.

If they got the privacy means  , atleast they tried to know each other unfortunately its never happen even after marriage too ... If swara never come inbetween them , may they ended up in marrying each other without problem . today or another day laksh would have fall for her in ragini charm she can do it but what to do its all destiny we can't change the past ,its one of the unchangable moment in their life...everything would have happen for a reason...after so much hate , betrayel  they found out their true love.....

Laksh takes her into his embrace to feel her near him after long days .....ragini too sticked with him like a kid... Their eyes were filled with tears its rushing down in happiness ...

Arjun whom trying to find out what's going inside near their door , mouli glared him and signaled to adhi...

He tore his ears and takes him near mouli...

Bro leave my ears its paining a lot...

Don't leave him adhi...how dare him to evedrops their conversation ?

Arrey bhabhi i can't hear anything from there...but if i go that side may i can...he said to her smiling sheepishly ...

Mouli beats him hardly...

Ouch bhabhi its paining...

Idiot arjun already they are together after so many days...you please stay away from them , don't be a third wheel inbetween them already they have enough mouli said in strict tone..

Bhabhi what i done ? I was just confirming its there any fight going there ?

Whether they are fighting , loving , hating and kissing each other ...its their privacy we can't disturb them get it into your mind first.

Bhaii and bhabhi you both are describing me like i'm the villain of their love story... For your kind information ...i Arjun hooda is innocent...

You are supposed to be not mr.Idiot Arjun hooda atleast for your job sake...adhi rolled his eyes...

I seriously doubt whom gave degree to you...tell me honestly you cheated in exam right ? Adhi asked to him made his eyes widen...

I too had that doubt adhi...

You both are too much...how could you suspect me...i even got dark circles when i studied those laws..

Both gave teasing look to him..just then they heared door unlocking sound.

Trio got alert....they are curious to know their decision...

But seeing them coming out holding each other hand made mouli happy...

You guys make up the things with each other ? Mouli asked to them to confirm once again ...

Ragini nods happily ...laksh just smiled towards them...

Aww my ragu got her love back mouli starts to jump in happy...

Mouli .....ragini and adhi shouts loudly to stop her doing crazy things...

Laksh stared the duo in confusion why did they shouting out of the blue...

Mouli are you mad how could you jump in this situation ? Ragini asked to her in angry...

She is right mouli you are often forgetting your state ?.

Why do they giving so much buildup here laksh is confused...arjun signaled him to saw mouli belly...

Now only laksh noticed mouli is pregnant...

Now he got why did they screaming on her...

Mouli pout....arrey i'm sorry can't you both forgive me for this time...i'm so happy for my ragu...i really mean it..

In this happiness how could stop myself from celebrating it ?

Laksh smiled seeing her happiness and care for ragini...atleast she is honest to ragini...

I'm forgiving you this time ...bhaii if she do like this again...let's stop talking with her ragini said in warning tone...

Ofcourse ragu...my sister word is my order... He said determined...

Ok stop this now...lemme give hug to my ragu first...she widen her arms for ragini...

Ragini too hugged mouli happily...im so so happy for you... You got your laksh...now i can see my ragu smiling whole hearted...ragini too nods in tears...

Stupid atleast now stop crying na? You got him right ? Ragini blushed hearing it...

Laksh just admiring their bond silently...

Now its my turn to congratulate my sister adhi said breaking their hug..... ...

Finally i will get my sister smile right? Ragini shook her head...he side hugged her...he wiped her tears and said i don't wanna see this crying baby anymore...

Ragini stared laksh quickly..he smiled seeing her...ragini blushed more remind how laksh addressed her as crying baby inside the room..

Laksh hope you won't be a reason for her tears anymore...adhi said to laksh...

I promise laksh said smiling...

Then bro give me a brotherly hug...now you are officially my brother in law...adhi said winking at him..

Both laksh and adhi hugged happily...seeing them mouli and ragini side hugged....

I must thank you both..i was worried for ragini whereabouts ? Morethen the people she gonna face... How will she stay alone? Where will she eat and what will she do next ? I have sleepless nights thinking about it ? But it seems i worried for nothing...she has a very good friend ...she can share anything with her...she even got a brotherly love through you adhi... Laksh smiled genuinely..

Ragini stared laksh in happy tears..she is so happy hearing laksh worried about her...

Morethen that...thank you so much for bringing ragini here .. I never expected this surprise from you guys...how comes you know that i'm laksh...

I'm the one informed this to bhaii arjun said proudly...if i fail to share that incident may you can never meet her...

Thanks bro laksh said to arjun...

No thanks....just gimme a treat instead

Ofcourse i will after all you gave back one precious thing to me...

Ragini just staring laksh without blinking...because he is giving back to back shock to her from the moment she met laksh...

Mouli noticed it and whispered to ragini ...

Stop seeing him he will melt in your hot staring... You are seeing him like your favourite candy...no one gonna snatch him from you..

Ragini glared her....mouli gave teasing smile to her...

Arjun hugged laksh and congratulated him...and he stared raginii...congratulation beautiful he about to hug her...

Ragini widen her eyes Mouli side hugged her while glaring him...but both ragini and mouli suppressed their laugh seeing his condition...

Already laksh pulled him back by holding his collar...

You are not supposed to hug your sister laksh said smiling...

What...ragini is my sister ? Not at all...i can't accept beautiful girls as my sisters ...arjun shrugged

You must accept her...laksh warned him in smile...

Ragini loving this side of him...adhi held arjun and said...i will take care of this idiot lawyer...you guys go and enjoy your time...let's meet back in our flat...adhi said taking mouli and arjun with him ...

Raglak waved bye to them...

Now raglak stared each other...

What next ? Laksh asked to her...ragini stared him blank...

He pulled her for an hug...ragini was surprised by his act...let's eat something first he said kissing her shoulder....ragini heart beats raised ....

Then we wanna talk with someone ..... He said kissing her forehead 😘

This guy will kill me with his charm ragini thought in her mind...

Screen frozed...

Precap : decision

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