laksh hear ragini voice 😍

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   Heart connection 😍

     Part - 10

Note : guys its an short ss will end in few chapters ...i wished to thank all those who reading this ss 😍😍

Recap ( mouli ragini talk...laksh left mm...laksh in mumbai ..laksh adhi met in airport ...ragini shocked )

Scene begins in ragini praying to god mouli smiled seeing her...god i never asked anything to u yet...but i now i need big favour from you ...please bring her happiness in her life...i want ragini to be happy please make her happy always ...mouli prayed ...

Flower fell down giving good sigh but its unaware of mouli ...she tried to adjust it but mistakenly her hands hits the thaali...vermillion scattered on the air nd its filled ragini mang....ragini jerked hearing thaali sound...wt happened she asked ?

Mouli staring her shocked...ragini got suspicious...did something on my face she asked ?but mouli remaind silent

Ragini noticed vermillion stick on her fingers...she touched her hair line ...vermillion is there...her eyes brimmed with tears seeing its happening just opposite to her wt she prayed

Ragini prayer :

God i know my sin is unforgivable .....i ruined my loved one life for our selfishness , i know he is angry on me don't wanna see me again in his life prayer also same don't make me meet with him...i don't wanna give pain to him again showing my face to him...i am carrying this nuptial chain in his name that's enough to me ... But now i feel guilty for carrying it ...perhaps in these days he married to swara or engaged with her ...i don't know surely but i can guess ...i want them be happy so its wrong carrying the nuptial chain which is belongs to someone else...i tried hard to remove it from my neck but i couldn't ...give me strength to remove it ... After taking bath i didn't applied vermillion taking an step to get rid of my guilty...but i can't remove this nuptial chain...our marriage scenes kept flashing in my mind...i felt week pls help me to remove it..then only i can be live as ragini ...will try to forget laksh she said in tears....

Ragini came back to earth...i asked you to help me remove my nuptial chain but you filled my hairline with vermillion ...wt does it mean ? Ragini stared idol in confusion

Here laksh seems entering into big mansion... Hooda family name in  board ....

Laksh smiled finally reached on correct address he said pressing the calling of the servant open the door for him...

Sir who r u ? Wt do u want ?

Can i meet mr.arjun hooda lawer he said to him...

Yes sir come in...i will call him

Few minutes later arjun came there smiling wildely...hello laksh its me arjun he introduced him

Yeah...its me lucky ... He shook his hand with him finally i met sanskar lil brother lucky...u know lucky he always used to say about u to me whenever he met me...

Laksh smiled... Still i don't know the relationship between u guys he asked nd sanskar were best friend...i am his personal lawyer ..i dealed all his leagal  business papers...oh that's great laksh said...

Now i understood y sanskar asked me to take your help in this new business...nice to meet you bro laksh said...

Wow u r better then idiot sanskar...u mingled with me asap...

That's my character said laksh..

Soon his father Harshavardan hooda came there...laksh stared him in confusion...arjun introduced him as his papa...laksh took blessing from him...

Only you two r here laksh asked ?

No laksh mom went to attend family function , my brother adithya hooda nd my bhabhi mouli adithiya living separately in same city he said smiling

Laksh felt the name is similar to him ...he remaind his morning incident with adhithya...he brushed his thoughts...

Ok arjun did u found an place for me to live here... I badly wanna take some nap

Yeah man i found...

Where ?

He pointed upstairs of his r gonna stay here with me ...

Wt ? No arjun bro its ok...i will stay somewhere i don't wanna be a burden to u guys...

Lucky you called me as bro then how could i allow my brother to stay somewhere else  ...its also your house so u must stay here hena papa ?

Yes you must stay here by saying he left...

Laksh nodd without option... Arjun took him to his room...laksh informed to sanskar that he reached here safetly...

On the another side ragini is shown practicing guitar...mouli is with her staring her lovingly ...ragini felt lil strange using guitar instead of sitar....mouli i don't think it will work out ...i will work on my sitar yrr

Ragini here lot's of chance for these instruments then sitar yrr...y don't u underatand ...u must know atleast to play three instruments to stand in this without making trouble u learn it...

But mouli...she pout..

Shut it ...ragini sealed her lips...mouli invited her friend who is taking class for teach ragini ...

She asked ragini to choose any three instruments except sitar...she pout ...

Ragini gaze fell on piano...she drift into flashback...

After raglak marriage...laksh visited baadi with ragini there he saw ragini cleaning her sitar...he asked to her u know to play other instruments ragini ?

No laksh y r u asking ?

Nothing ...

She smiled...laksh do u interested in music ? Which instrument u like a lot ?

Nothing special...when i am sad i wanna hear slow music...when i am happy i wanna hear fast music...i prefer piano nd guitar  ....u know wt i wanna be a rock star in my childhood its joke to me ....

Ragini came back to earth when mouli tapped her shoulder...

I will choose piano , guitar ...

One more item ? I will sing mouli already i know sitar right ? Piano guitar is enough...

That's good teacher praised her...ragini smiled...

Ragini starts to learn it from teacher....her experience with sitar helped her to pick up guitar easily ......those strings are familar to her .......her hidden talent is coming out slowly slowly... Mouli admired her.......

While arjun called mouli...she smiled seeing his phone...both werr speaking each other ...ragini singing now...arjun mesmerised by her voice...bhabhi whose that ? Her voice is so sweet he praised her..

Mouli said she is my best friend u don't know her...

Really ...if she available he asked ?

Mouli understand her devarji thought....she saw ragini once
her happiness is always  laksh no one can't replace it...she informed her as already married...arjun pout.....

Laksh came there on that time arjun hand hits on loudspeaker...laksh shocked to hear ragini voice ......

Screen froze

Precap : Raglak at same place

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