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I would like to thank all the readers,  guess what ? We're here at the 50th chapter!!! Thanks to each and everyone guys

And thanks to our dear lovely shivika !!!💘 the sole reason for this very book this account  ,this app and everything!😍

S- annika this is unfair !

He screamed and pulled the duvet on himself  when she frowned .

A-   now I don't even have a thread of it on me shivaay  . I'll freeze then .

She gripped the cloth and pulled it forcely to snatch it and cover herself

Shivaay looked at his hardly covered self and exhaled deeply .

S- annika!

He groaned only to receive a nice glare from her .

A- what can I do ? This sheet is so small to even fit one , why didn't you bring one from home ?

S- annika I wasn't preparing myslef to go for a picnic  .

Listening to his statement , she rolled her eyes once and sighed.

A- we have only one option left now.

S- what is it ?

A- instead of lying  away, we  both have to  come close.  Tab bi bada difference nahi hoga , with this baby cloth but maybe both can share it to an extent.  What say?

As she popped her brows and questioned  , he already jumped to the centre of the bed and snatched the duvet for she soon crawled to end up close to him. Now both felt far better .

S- thank God.

Shivaay muttered silently which she didn't miss to hear .

A- wrong, thank annika for her brilliant idea .

He looked at her for once and then the ceiling again.

S- got to buy one . A big one .

A- means, you'll go shopping ? I'll come too ! It's been so long you know ? Don't deny saying   ' annika you've got a fractured hand , you can't come ' I won't listen . I'm totally

She stopped her words on sensing him to have turned the other side to show his back to her. Twisting her mouth to one side , she closed her eyes to invite sleep .

What can he even do ? Start a word and here , she writes an essay with it . He smiled.

But the main point has already been noted though ,he has to take her out for shopping .

Exactly after half an hour when both were into their deep sleep , shivaay opened his eyes in horror feeling a sudden weight on his thigh . Knowing  what could it actually be , he slowly looked back to mentally tick his guess as right .

She had wound her leg on his body , yes it wasn't his legs now rather up ,nearly close to his abdomen.  He turned to lie flat on the cot only to feel her crawling in sleep and comforting her knee such that it almost touches his stomach region .

Ok , this is new .

Shivaay could do nothing but curve his lips to leave a smile ,watching her sleeping figure. He deliberately stretched his arm and pulled her into his embrace that she ends up lying on his chest .


S- tumhe pyaar karna chahtha hoon annika , bahut...sara !

Leaving some light stamps of kisses on her hair randomly , he whispered

Maybe since long,  he had been carrying so much of feelings for her. But he was too naive and new to immediately call it as love . To get to be loved so truly , by a girl like her  ...indeed , he can't stop himself from falling for her

His love player had started playing

He should tell her ? Ofcourse he must . But what will she think ? She already loves you idiot ! Obviously she'll be so happy .

Then just make her happy !!! 

For the first time his mind and heart screamed the same thing . Holding her securely , he grinned  with all his heart .

She came to the kitchen where he was present.

A- good morning.

S- morning.

As soon as she fell on his sight ,  his inner voice began to run it's words .

' now ? Shall I say it now ...? Just go for it shivaay ! '

He cleared his throat and looked at her to only look away again . What's with this nervousness suddenly!! He blinked a few times , while she picked a bottle and drank some water standing near the counter.

S- annika 

She was baffled by the way he called her name fastly , like , in a hurry.

A- hmm ?

Still sipping the water , she responded with just that.

S- I want tell you something  .

Annika took a second to pass a full glance over him from top to bottom . She watched the way his eyes danced around everywhere in the kitchen .

A- kya ?

S- vo mein , actually I

Finding it to difficult to look at her and say anything  , he kept his eyes fixed somewhere else which happened to be the stove. She noticed this .

A- don't tell me ! are you going to ask me to cook today ? Got some work ? But I don't know...teek hai , I'll use YouTube.  But I can't cut or chop things with one hand so if you can atleast help me with that or I

S- mummy!!! Chup

He whined and pressed his finger on her lips.

A- par

S- ek dham chup , come on baito yahan.

Before she could say anything he gripped her hip on either sides and made her sit on the counter .  She gasped and pulled her stomach inwards as she felt his hands squeezing those spots when he lifted her like that . She fell silent until his hands stayed there while he mentally smirked appreciating his way of numbing her .

S-  hamare beech...shivaay is the cook , for life . Got it ?I wasn't going to ask you that , first listen and then react . Par nahi ! There's no word called listen in annika's world  rather every synonym of speak is what she knows to practise.

Annika chuckled when he recited this .

A- fine , tell me now then.

He nodded slowly and took a gulp when suddenly they heard a knock . Shivaay blinked hard let a deep sigh .

' sir ...? '

They saw the security waiting by the main door .

' sir you had called me '

S- haa yes , I actually wanted you to fill the tank . I hope you can drive .

' ji sir '

Shivaay nodded and took the wallet from his pant pocket .

S- annika can you get the car keys please?

A- hmm .

When she came out after fetching the key , she suddenly stopped by the way on seeing something.  She noticed the disappointed look on his face when he was counting the cash notes . If she's right , then it's  the last cash money in his hands . Very well , he can use his card but will he do that ? watching his face she can only say no .

' this is so over , his current bank balance  is out of his family business ,  par iss shivaay bhi kaam tho kiya na ! Ab ye stubborn banda ka kaun samjayega .' 

She gave the key to the guard while shivaay handed him some money.

The sceptical glance which he gave to his wallet irritated her .

A- tum kabhi sudroge bhi !?

He frowned .

S- what did I do ?

She glared at him for a second before pulling his hand and keeping her ATM card on his palm  , while all the time he looked at her in confusion.

A- pooch lethi na , but no !  If you still want to hold  your ego and refuse to use this , let's make a deal . You can return the money with interest afterwards , ok !

Within a few seconds,  she just disappeared into the room after giving him a earful.

He glanced the card in his hand when suddenly she came there again .

A- 1245

A few more seconds passed by before he could realize that she had actually spoke the PIN number now . The way she suddenly came out of nowhere and shouted the number , uff!!

It isn't about his ego . He just isn't used to seek anyone's help in such things,  so obviously a feel of hesitation tends to engulf him at times .

He saw her retreating figure and exhaled , not today .

M- so charu , what have you decided?

C- about what maa ?

She questioned and took a seat on the chair just next to her mother.

M- Rohan .

As soon as she heard it  , her reactions changed.

C- maa vo 

M - ek warning hai  . Don't even try to lie  , I know everything about what all  happened at the cafe .

Meena interrupted to give her declarative words when charu fell bewildered.  She didn't know what to tell her now .

M - we arranged everything  after knowing your willingness charu  , then why did you let us down at last ?

C - maa I didn't

M - being stubborn can take you nowhere charu , I...I thought my daughter was a determined girl inspite of being a stubborn one . But ...but you just ,

Meena shook her head in disappointment .

C- maa maa aise nahi , please don't think like that . Adi aur mein

M- your choice of Adi over Rohan is not what I'm speaking about . That's your decision  par , pehle hi bathana chahiye tha na tumhe . How will your papa face his friend now ? Teek hai , vo bi chod . Our daughter's happiness is more important than anything for us but kya iss decision final hai tumhari ?

C- maa?

Hurt , she looked .

M- rejecting Adi was your decision,  phir marriage with shivaay was decision,  Rohan was also your decision ,like you agreed when we asked about it . Ab tum hi bathao charu , how well did you hold onto your decisions till now  ?

Charu was tongue tied when her mother asked this . Somewhere , her mother was right about her . She does take decisions int haste and fail to even stand by it .

Meena watched her daughter quietly for a few seconds .

M- charu , please don't think that I'm taunting . I just want you to be happy , you're not like annika . Atleast she would speak,  tell what's her need but you just keep certain  things with you alone . That's what I fear of .

Charu held her hand when she was going to get up .

C- I'm sorry

Meena passed a light smile and caressed her hair before moving to the kitchen while charu smiled weakly.

Shivaay had a super happy face when he was returning back home for lunch . He had just signed a deal with his very first client. It was a resort construction project , he hadn't prepared much for it because be hardly knew that coming but he did please the client with his presentation which he had it instantly prepared then .

So many big deals , so many huge projects has passed through his carrier life but this one had every potential to make him feel joyous. Maybe something small , but he looked at it as a great spark for the bright days ahead.

A soul of confidence engulfed him and the only thing which he could think of now was to share this amazing news with his dear wife . He stomped the accelerator in excitement.

He was confused on finding the locked gate and there was no sign of the security even . Grabbing his mobile , he dialled for her.

' hello sir , mein security Raj bol raha hoon '

S- hello , aap kaise  ? annika kahan hai ? And why is the house locked ?

He questioned at once when he heard someone else's voice .

' sir vo annika mam slipped and fell by the steps a while ago , I have admitted her in the xyz hospital now '

Shivaay's eyes widened  ,  he blinked a several times amd tried  recollecting what the man certainly said now .

S- what !! aise kaise's she now ? Zyada lagi tho nahi na , what did the Doctor say ?

He pushed a rush of words in no time while handling the wheels .

' nothing to worry sir , annika maa is fine . I just spoke to the doctor now. Aap please tension mat lijiye '

S- mein , mein abi aaraha hoon . Tabtak uski saath hi rahiye aap.

' teek hai sir '

Only when he watched her to have been sitting there on the white bed , all good and fine  , shivaay let a breath . A huge one.

He thanked god after scanning her from head to toe , no injuries . And all the while,  she just stared at him quietly.

Soon something fell on his sight which twisted his heart to bring pain.

Her wet tear stricken cheeks and that pink nose which shouted her cries . He sat next to her immediately and made her face him .

S- kaise huwa?

It just came out as a whisper since his voice was entirely blocked by the lump .

She squeezed her eyes to wipe around there before speaking.

A- mein ,.. I went... to the terrace.

S- kisliye ?

A- simply !!

She whined when he interrupted and he sighed , leaving a nod .

A- and when I was coming downstairs , suddenly my foot slipped and I couldn't balance tho...

Trailing the word , she sniffed and gulped while he just rubbed his thumb over her cheek softly.

A- that secondI , I felt terrible pain , haath pe . And then the gaurd came there hearing my screams.

The distance between the house and security booth wasn't just so close .If he had certainly heard her shouts and screams from there , shivaay couldn't even imagine how terribly she would have struggled with pain . He blinked slowly and looked away when she told this and crushed the end of his shirt's sleeve within her fist.

Sensing a long silence , she looked up to find him facing nothing in particular.  She noticed his totally shaken face and tear brimmed eyes .

She gulped down immediately and wiped her tears.

A - you can't just break my relationship with hospital you know ? Tumne mana kiya na , you stopped me from going to my hospital isliye kahin bhi jaoun tho hospital and this medicine smell tends to reach me somehow . Strong bonding hai hamari !

Shivaay smiled a bit still with that very sad face on .

S - is there even a single time when you can become serious about something  ? You have a comment and story for everything!

Her palm reached up to cup his cheek for a few seconds before she pulled back.

A- what did you get by being serious everytime ? These ...these tears in your eyes which so is not nice  ?Don't worry man , it wasn't a terrific fall like they show in daily soaps , from the last step and rolling rolling rolling! Just a slight slip . I'll be okay , I hope.

Those last words were just a low mutter , as the pain she felt was a blow. She almost ended up thinking that her arm just suffered another fracture when she fell down , such was the pain then .

He just stared at her ,when she gave him that  answer.  And within no time he leapt to pull her in a hug . A tight close hug where even she let herself on him entirely  , to seek some soothing feel in his embrace and let him wipe away her pain .

She closed her eyes and spread her arm around his neck when he kissed her temple , muttering some sweet nothings .  

' fracture kab huyi aapki ?'

The doctor asked .

S- before 2 weeks , ab koi problem nahi haina? Is she alright ?

Glancing her once , he faced  the Doctor again.

' Mrs. Annika , you're being very careless , you have to give time for healing par aap tho aise ...kitna close tha aapko pata hai? You could have actually suffered a shoulder dislocation . That's why you felt such a pain '

A- you're scaring me doctor .

The doctor noticed shivaay's reaction and chuckled lightly.

' your husband looks more scared now,  Mr. Oberoi  calm down, your wife is  lucky , but please be very careful . Annika, don't move your arm for anything , just forget that you've got a right hand for a few days '

A- this is really terrifying , as if you're going to operate and chop of my hand . Arey ek terrace pe fresh air lene gayi tho , such a big punishment for that ?!

She whined .

' what to do ? Then only patients tend to listen , will you lift anything hereafter ?'

A- no !

She shook her head in horror watching which shivaay smiled.

' will you be careful hereafter?'

A- yes !!

' deka ?  Fear helps , but no worries Mr . Shivaay . Just make sure she doesn't stress her right arm , and prescription follow kijiye , haan ?'

S- sure doctor , thank you .

When they came out  , both saw the gaurd coming there with some medicines.

' sir , ye medicines mam ke liye'

S- thank you so much .

Annika herself was taken aback when she saw him folding his hands to thank the man .

' sir please , kya kar rahe hain aap . Anyone in that place would have helped '

S- still, thank you . You really can't know what you've done for me .

She actually felt so many  emotions right at that moment , when he said that to the security. Without her own knowledge,  she had slipped her hand into his and gripped tightly.

S - I was so excited to open up a good news to you , but you just thrilled me with this you know?  How can you be so clumsy ! Seat belt lagoa pehle.

A- wait ! Good news ?

He then helped her with the seatbelt when she failed in her  attempts .

S- hmm, bathaun?

She nodded quickly . He was going to tell something when his mobile rang at the  very instant.

S- hello ?..... What ?!!

Annika stared at him when he shouted in shock .

Fall in love with someone who makes you glad to be different 💘


Annika tries to console a sad  shivaay .

Chapter dedicated to Suseesri   ❤

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