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I lay in the sun with my eyes closed enjoying the warmth and comfort of being content, "Judai your going to get sunburnt if you stay out here too long" the voice of my best friend Johan drifted through the air, I opened one eye and looked at him.

"What ever you say" I grinned and closed my eyes again, the grass rustled as he lay down beside me.

"Well it is the truth" he said "your going to go all red and then you'll be the one to come and complain" I gave a small laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, now shhh I'm trying to enjoy myself" we lay together on a hill that the sun beat down on, a tree was perched up at the top and offered shade but I didn't want to move into it, everything was perfect.

"Judai..." Johan started up "I have something to tell you" I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Go ahead" is started into his green eyes and felt myself get lost in them.

"Well you see...I really like you..I think I love you..." He gaze back into my eyes and I was left speechless, he leaned in and our lips met, I melted into his touch as he brought me closer, my eyes shut as I kissed back.

"I love you too..." He pulled away but when I opened my eyes to look at him I was suddenly back at duel academy facing Jun in a duel, "hey what the!?" I spun around and released the hall was empty "Jun how are you here!?" He rolled his eyes.

"We're duelling slacker, now continue! It's your turn!" He crossed his arms and waited for me, I looked down at my duel disk and drew a card, it was love letter.

"But I don't have this card" I looked up at Jun "what's going on here?" He face became flushed.

"I put that card in your deck, you see Judai...I love you...that's why I always want to duel you, I like seeing you so happy..." He walked forward and kissed me, my eyes widened and I pulled away.

"But what about Johan!" Maybe my memory was just acting up, if it was I didn't want to go around kissing Jun if I was in a relationship with Johan! Jun looked at me strangely.

"Who's Johan?" The world started to spin and I feel down to my knees and everything went black again, my breathing was soft and gave up little puffs of clouds, I was in the cold? Small light started to twinkle above me, I realised that they were stars, I also noticed that I was leaning against someone with their body heat keeping me warm.

"Judai we can go back inside if your cold" a voice that I knew from a different time whispered in my ear "I don't want you catching a cold" I turned my head to see a familiar crab haired figure sitting next to me. I was snuggled into Yuseis chest sitting outside under the stars.

"No I'm fine Yusei!" I squeaked, he looked down at me.

"If you say so" he turned back to look at the stars "it's starting" millions of shooting stars started to fall making beautiful streaks along the black sky, I let out a small gasp and gazed at the stars in wonder.

"It's amazing.." I breathed from the corner of my eye I saw Yusei smile, before I knew it his lips were pressed against mine, I leaned into his touch and he wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer.

"I love you Judai...stay with me?" He mumbled in my ear, his warm breath ghosted against my neck, I thought about Johan and Jun.

"Yes...ill stay with you" I whispered "I love you too..." The world spun again and Yusei disappeared, I looked around in the blackness and felt my eye lids getting heavy "no..I have to find them again.." I collapsed and heard a cats meow, it repeated over and over again till I opened my eyes to stare up at a tent celling.

"Meow!" A tabby cat peeked into my vision.

"Alright I'm up!!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes free of sleep "you don't have to be so demanding" Pharaoh lounged in my lap and I scratched behind his ears "I was having a good dream, why did you have to wake me up" I sighed, he purred and rubbed his head against my chest.

"Judai you have to wake up, we're going back to Japen soon remember?" Yubel appeared outside the tent sitting cross legged at the entrance.

"Yeah I remember" I yawned and stretched before sitting up "I can't wait to go see everyone again" suddenly my phone started to ring, I looked at the caller id and saw it was Johan. I started panicking, there's no way I can talk to him after the dream I just had! I let it go to voice mail and quickly texted him saying I was busy, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Also it's Friday so you might want to get ready for your date" Yubel said looking at me, I glared at her.

"It's not a date! He just asked if we wanted to meet up that's all!" I stood up and slipped my shirt on followed by my jacket and lastly my jeans "now I don't want you ruining this for me Yubel, I don't want to seem like a complete idiot"

"Judai you are a complete idiot" she answered back.

"And I don't care" I walked outside into the fresh welsh air and looked at the field that we had camped over night in, I saw the town in the distance and wondered if I should walk towards it, normally he found me before I found him. I turned back to the tent and grabbed my stuff from within and started to pack up.

"You know I can tell that your excited to see him" Yubel commented after I finished packing up the tent and putting it inside my ruck sake with my many other things.

"Well I'm always excited to see him, I can only meet him in Friday" I put the ruck sake over my shoulder and Pharaohs head poked out and meowed at me "now both of you can not ruin this for me" and with that I started to walk towards the town, off to see Yusei.


Legacy: well look at that! My first GX fanfic! Well Yuseis in it also so maybe it's a BBT fanfic? Who cares! Starshipping, Spiritshipping and Rivalshipping all in one chapter, trust me the writing will get better, I wrote half of this when I just woke up so I was half asleep. For the people wanting many of my books to update *hint* *hint* Xxfoodlover123xX *hint* *hint* they will be done soon, I just had this awesome idea and had to do it!

Judai: you make life for me so hard

Legacy: well I ship you will all of them so suck it up!

Judai: yeah but who am I going to end up with?

Legacy: well I actually don't know yet...but the readers can decide!

Judai: ugh, fine, also Legacy_Solider does not own Yugioh or any of the characters, she does own the plot though so don't steal it

Legacy: bye everyone!!

P.S: cover by heartofthecards

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