Chapter 2: greatest hero, Asshole father

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 Damian P.O.V.

It turns out Rex is smarter than we think, he manages to outsmart us by putting the tracker device on his android. Which causes us to go on a wild goose chase not only that but we barely made it because it self destructed itself. Seriously what is it with people and self destruction things?

"Well that's a bust." Robin said. no shit dumbass

"Sorry guys." Superboy apologizes, I feel so bad for him for thinking that this is his fault which it's not.

"Jon this is not on you." I tried to cheer him up.

"Are you sure about that?" Robin asked as the batgirl nodded in agreement.

"Shut the fuck up." I hissed at them, and I turned back to Jon. "Rex is smarter than we think, there's no way of knowing he'll put this off."

"You right Dami, maybe we'll get that bald brat."

"Agreed but for now you need to go home and face your angry mom." I joked. Jon pales when he realizes how angry his mom will be when he comes home.

"Hey Dami, can I stay at the base with the team?"

"Sorry dude I made a promise."

"Crap, at my funeral please don't invite beast boy."

"Are you still mad at him dude?" I asked, Remembering what beast boy did and boy was Jon mad. It took me and Bart to keep him from plumbing Beast boy.

"We swore we would never talk about that, my god it was horrible I can never eat white frosting cake or vanilla ice cream again." Jon shuddered. I patted him on the back Dick looked at me in both concern and confusion. I mouthed 'Later' and he nodded.

"Sorry to interrupt the moment but we will give Batman the report." Robin said. Great, now I have to deal with my father being a asshole.

Time skip


All of us are in the Batcave giving Batman the report. Red Hood, Spoiler, Black bat, Catwoman and Alfred just to see Damian.

"So let me tell you straight, you lost him." Batman said.

"We made one mistake, Batman and we didn't lose him, we just got misdirected." I said. "Plus we have no way of knowing Rex built an android."

"You got sloppy Damian."

"And, not everyone is perfect, I learned that from mom."


"What no Wonder woman, what makes you think that bitch would be a mother."

"Watch it Boy."

"Or what." I am no longer gonna be a whipping boy to the people. "Why are you defending her abusive, sick, emotionless, most cold heartless bitch? I curse the day she gave birth to me, I cursed the day that she gave me to you."

"Dami, please calm down." Stephanie said.

"Like it or not, she is still your mother and just like I'm still your father." Batman said.

"The moment you wish I stayed dead, Is the moment you lost your son." I said. "Why make you think I want to come back here. To be a part of the toxic environment, to a family who gives no shit to their youngest. For fuck shakes I tried to kill myself because you, drake, todd grayson, and gordon. I always had Stephanie, Selina, Cassandra, Kate, and Alfred behind my back but I'm sorry it wasn't enough. I tried so hard to please you to the point where I got killed by my own fucking clone. When did end, WHEN DID END FATHER?"

"IT END WHEN YOU BEATEN THE JOKER HALF TO DEATH." Batman yelled, everyone was silent and shocked to discover what was the real reason for the fallout.

"Damian?" Jon asked for concern. I looked at him for a minute then I decided to tell the truth.

"It was after the celebration of our new team legacy. Me and Jon decided to create since the two of us wouldn't be enough so we rounded up a group of kids related to heroes or villains to come together for our first meeting. I call from Harley she was worried about her daughter. She like for me to check of her I agreed and with to her house, I found both of her adoptive parents dead on the floor and a message on the wall was suppose to be for batman. I went Imminently went to look for the joker, I found hiding in his old base then I interrogate him for answers but he kept whining that you wasn't there. I tried to get answers but he wouldn't budged unless you here but you that stupid mission with the Justice league. I was running out of time so I had to resorted to extreme measure."

"You tortured him." Batman snarled.

"A 8 year old was kidnapped by her psychotic father who wouldn't say anything unless his bat fetish showed up. What was I supposed to do."

"Call for help."

"Almost everyone was busy, so I started to form my team so they couldn't fight the joker. I had no choice. I wasn't proud of it but I got the location Lucy was hidden but I was sure that I could kid there fast enough so I called impulse to take me there. We made it to the location but we had to be careful because the joker rigged with Bombs, Impulse accidently set the countdown. We didn't have the time to disarm them so we grabbed Lucy and made our escape with her safe." I will explain. "What I did admit I took it too far but I couldn't let History repeat itself." I said as I looked at both Red hood and Batman.

"You didn't have to torture him." Batman said stubbornly

"You didn't hear what I said, I didn't have a choice." I said, for god's sake why did I have to be born to this family.

"Or you wanna be that monster like your mother and Grandfather." Batman snarled. Fuck this I threw myself at him then we wrestle on the ground throwing punches at each other. I am sick and tired of this family criticizing me over everything I tried to do. me and batman kept on fighting until a gun shot was fired. We pulled apart and saw Red Hood fire one of his guns then point at us.

"Todd if you point that gun at me you better be ready to use it." I said readying my bracelets.

"Who said I'm Pointing at you." He said. "You and superboy get on outta here."

"Jason you can't be serious didn't you hear what he just said." Tim said.

"What I heard is that the kid had the balls to do what he could to save a little girl. What I heard is that he gave the joker a taste of his own medicine, wishing I was there to help." Jason ranted. "What I heard is that the man who was supposed to be a father kicked his own blood son out all because he did what almost half of us wanted to do ever since we met that clown bastard."

"Dammit Jason there are lines we don't cross."

"Fuck you Bruce, like the kid said all did was prevent history from repeating itself. The only difference was is that the joker did it to his own fucking Daughter." Jason snarled. I was shocked that another one of my former brothers, Jon, told Dick defend me after he left.

"Bruce, as much as I don't like hearing what Damian did, I agreed with Jason. Damian had no choice. I just wished that I was there to help him find a different way. Sometimes in life we are faced with a difficult choice: Damian was ''Get the information out of him or let a little girl suffer and die." Dick.

"I agreed as well." Stephanie said.

"Steph, you can't be serious." Barbra said.

"Screw you Babs I met that little girl then saw what joker did was horrific, he did that to his own daughter and could have blown her up if he had the chance. What Damian did was to save a little girl from death. I know Damian made a tough choice and I'm sure he is not proud of it but he doesn't regret it."

"No I didn't, Bruce yes I made a dark choice but a little girl's life was stake if you don't then go fuck yourself because I'm no longer a member of the batfamily I'm an amazon and proud of it." I said, Jon , grab my hand for support. Thank the gods he was not mad or disgusted before left.

"Damian just because you're not a member of this family, doesn't mean you're still not our brother." Jason called out, and I turned and saw Dick, Stephanie, Cass, Selina and Alfred nodded in agreement.

"thank you guys." I smiled then left.

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