Chapter 1: Olivia Rose

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" Olivia Rose! Get down here now!"

I groaned and rolled out of bed, long chestnut hair falling over my eyes.

My name is Olivia Rose, but I prefer Olive.

" Your gonna be late for school! Olivia Rose get down here now!" mom yelled.

I stretched, I cracked my fingers and ran down the oak stairs.

" The bus is gonna be here in five minutes, you only have three to get ready!" mom shrieked.

And apparently I'm over dramatic

I rolled my eyes grayish blue eyes, and ran back upstairs to my room.

I grabbed the door knob, before I heard a loud crack!

Jesus that hurts!

I gripped my wrist and held it for a second.

I let go, and grabbed two blue fingerless gloves.

A small sapphire and ruby necklace, I felt the cold metal pinch my skin.

I grabbed a blue and pink striped shirt, and jeans.

And got dressed quickly.

I just wanna get Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby now!

I slammed my door shut, and ran down the oak stairs again.

I grabbed my book bag, tennis shoes, and I was gone.


" Olivia, pay attention!" Mrs. Hayes shrieked.

Sorry, thinking about the new game idiot

I rolled my eyes, and pressed my chin against my desk.

Long day Olive, long day

Mrs. Hayes curled her lip," Where are the Sharp kids?!"

Two black haired kids raised there hands; Nate and Marcus.

Nate was the one with the two ear piercings, one small black ring in each ear.

Marcus was the one with all the detentions, and a horror lover.

Mrs. Hayes sighed," Where is you're homework?!"

Nate raised his hand first," It's in my locker, can I go get it?"

Mrs. Hayes narrowed her eyes," You can turn it in tomorrow, it'll be twenty points off!"

There was a long silence before Mrs. Hayes spoke up again.

" Marcus, where is you're homework?" the bossy teacher asked.

Marcus smirked," It's Nightmare, and I didn't do it."

Mrs. Hayes took a deep breath," You're name is Marcus, and always will be Marcus. And you'll be getting a detention for lunch."

Long day


I stood in the lunch line, bored out of my mind.

Marcus had gotten detention, Nate on the other hand was getting a lecture about forgetting things.

My best friend Scarlett on the other hand, was sick today and I had no one to sit with at lunch.

I just wanna go to my house with Marcus, Nate, and Scarlett. And watch; Pokémon, The Mega Evolution Special!

I wanna see Steven and Metagross! Alan and Charizard!

I grabbed whatever this slop called lunch was called, and went and sat down at a table in the back.

I shoved the tan tray away from me, and layer my head on the table.

" Hey Olive."

I looked up and saw a familiar black haired boy.


" H-hey.." I answered nervously.

" Bored?" he asked softly.

I nodded," Yeah. I wanna go home and watch The Mega Evolution Special!" I whined.

I out my arms on the table, and buried my face in the cloth of my shirt.

Nate laughed quietly, he took his glasses off and cleaned the lenses with his sleeve.

The black haired boy out his glasses back on," Are you exited to get Alpha Sapphire or Omega Ruby?" he asked, smiling brightly.

I nodded almost immediately," More than excited Nate! I've wanted to get the game since I saw the advertisement on TV!"

I squealed, and did a small happy dance.

Nate rolled his eyes playfully," Well, it's been released about two hours ago, my mom said she would take, me, you, and Scarlett after school."

" That's sounds amazing Natty!" I squealed and threw my arms around him.

" Ca-can y-you le-let g-go? You-you're chok-choki-choking m-me?" Nate asked awkwardly.

" Oops! Sorry Nate." I let go of him, the black haired boy looked like he was gonna pass out.

I giggled as the bell rang, and Nate and I ran off to class.


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

" You fought well, I hope to see you again."

A brown haired trainer nodded, and ran off.

A sigh escaped my lips, I had challengers come in every few minutes. Waiting to battle me.

Yes, my name is Steven Stone and I am the Hoenn region champion.

I don't really bragging about it though, I just want to be known as Steven Stone.

I rubbed my forehead, and walked out of the Champion's Chambers.

Brendan was pretty tough to beat, but I admit, he was a good trainer.

I placed six pokéballs on a healing bench, and waited for about five minutes.

I picked them up, and placed the pokéballs on my belt.

Some blue hair fell in front of my eyes, I ignored it and exited the league.

The fresh air hit me straight on, I sighed in relief.

Nice day out

I smiled lightly, it was a nice day to try and find some rare stones.

I felt something buzzing in my pocket, I grabbed the crosstranceiver my father had given me.


" Hello Brawley."

" HEY! I think I found something you might wanna check out!"

I raised an eyebrow," Oh really, what is it?"

" There's some sort of mural or painting whatever you call it, it's in Granite Cave is Dewford. I was thinking you might wanna come check it out." Brawley said calmly.

I smiled," That sounds interesting, I'll be there in about three days. I'll see you then Brawley."

" You can come visit my gym whenever you wish, I'll see you when you get here Steven."

" Thank you again Brawley, and maybe I'll come by the gym for a moment." I closed my eyes for a moment then opened them.

" I'll see you Dewford, later Steven." Brawley laughed quietly.

" Goodbye Brawley."

He hung up, I put the crosstranceiver back in my pocket.

What could the possible painting mean? Could legendary Pokémon be involved?

" Alright. Dewford, here I come."

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