Chapter 1

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"Sis we need to talk." A tall white haired boy said staring at his petite, but red haired big sister. The small girl stiffened as she already heard this question before. Her dark green eyes lit with irritation and annoyance.

"If it's about 'that'. I already told you no!" She snapped her freckled face turned to her brother's smooth pale face. If it weren't for there parent's photo it would be hard to tell the two were related. The light blue eyes lit with fury as he glared.

"We don't belong here Angie! We are magi not mundane. We should return to the our world." He hollared in anger. "I'm tired of hiding and you should be tired of being a mute." Angie stiffened as the word mute rang through her ears. She was the unfortunate one to be born with powerful magic, but with the bracelet the Guardian gave them. It retain her power refraining her from her using it.

"We'd be breaking the treaty Coby, so no we won't be going. And if you mention it one more time I will have you clean the barn." Angie snapped as she buttoned her cafe uniform. She didn't remember much about war between Mundanes and Magi, but the people that got stuck in another's world would stay there for life. Her ginger hair was a unusual shade of cherry red with a bouncy curl to it with a reminder she wasn't mundane.

Magi were born with unusual features. Instead of typical blonde hair they would born with something wild like my brother who took after her beautiful mother. She threw her messy hair into a bun and glanced back at her fuming disappointed brother. "I can't believe you don't---." He gritted as Angie sent him a silencing glare. "I'll be home by three and breakfast is on the table, home schooling starts at 8."

She snapped her fingers and grabbed her keys. As the door closed behind them her eyes began to tear up. Coby was only hurting, but at the moment she needed to take care of him. Reality is a cruel and unforgivable nature that Angie faced as she raised her non-magical brother. He didn't know the discrimination and hate she faced going to school with mundane. She opened her car door and sat in the seat for two minutes watching her brother through the window. Dropping out of school at 10 was the only financial chose Angie had to raise her brother.

He's young and rebellious at the age 15. Angie pulled out of the drive way and started towards the cafe that was a mile away. Not knowing this would be the last she saw her young brother.

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