Now We're Only Falling Apart [ PART 5 ]

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Here it is, ladies and gents! The final part of Now We're Only Falling Apart. It is D O N E. Please enjoy to your hearts content!
Thumbnail art: somewhere on the r/stevenuniverse subreddit
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Rose Quartz could not get that shocked look off her face as she witnessed the ruby and sapphire fuse in front of her. Well, not in front of her, but close enough anyway. Her pearl beside her nudged Rose wordlessly, and Rose was suddenly aware of the surrounding topaz and amethyst. She lifted off the ground and they escaped in a flurry of petals.

"I still can't believe it. Only on Earth don't you think, only on Earth where anything can happen?" Rose pressed Pearl as they trudged through the wondrous forest. Pearl looked at her leader questioningly. Rose lifted her hands in emphasis.
"A fusion, of two completely different gems," Rose breathed. Pearl stared at her with bright, listening eyes.
"Can all gems do that?" Rose continued. "How have I never heard of this?!" She cried. "I've only ever heard that it's... unheard of." She paused for a breath.
"Can you imagine what that must feel li-" Rose sputtered as the the ground beneath her seemingly rose.
Cold hands connected with her feet as she was hefted into the air. "Wooahh!"
"Fusion activate!" Cried Pearl suddenly, who was underneath Rose and had lifted her up. Rose lost her balance as quickly as she had found it, and the two tumbled into the rose bushes around them with a loud clutter.

"Oh," said Pearl guiltily as she reached out her hands to cover her mouth. "I thought: if a ruby and a sapphire, but you're a diamond..." she removed her hands to grasp the sides of her head. "Forgive me," she stuttered. "What am I doing? I-I need to be replaced immediately!" Rose thought Pearl looked as though she might throw up; it was a human thing. Rose nevertheless widened her eyes in surprise. "No," she gasped.
Pearl looked up at Rose helplessly, and for the first time, Rose noticed Pearl's sky-blue blush stretching across her pale face.
"But I've been imagining things,"she began, and Rose lifted her eyebrows, urging her silently to go on.
"Even when you haven't asked me to, I imagine that I ran away and met you here on Earth," Pearl managed to tumble out. "A Rose Quartz..." Pearl's blush now covered half her face. Rose started to feel rather warm herself.
"-and I'm not yours," Pearl continued, mouth quivering, "but I make you so happy anyway" -she clasped her hands together and laughed; a laugh of desperation and love- "isn't that ridiculous?" She looked up with swarming eyes. "Tell me to stop!"
Rose grabbed Pearl's shoulders impulsively, her cheeks filled with a new strange pink hue. Her eyes sparkled. "Please don't ever stop," Rose gasped.

And then she felt it. For a second, a spilt second, as she leaned in, she felt as though she had never been alone. She was not two though, but a single entity, a whole being of true purity. She felt new, but not in an alarming sense. It was a warm kind of new. It was fusion.

Rainbow Quartz opened her eyes, and disappeared.

Pearl and Rose landed awkwardly on top of each other. They separated hastily. Rose stared at Pearl, whose hands were clutched at her chin.
"This is very not allowed," Pearl said stupidly. Rose realised something. She gasped in horror.
"That fusion!" Rose cried. "Oh, we never should have left her there with Blue..." guilt leeched into her conscience. "Who knows what sort of horrible punishment-"
There was a rather loud rustle in the bushes behind Pearl. An intruder.

Pearl marched leaving Rose behind her, sword in hand. Rose saw Pearl stop, stare at something with wondrous disbelief over a nearby rose bush. Rose impatiently waited for Pearl to announce who was here, but then she heard a voice. A familiar voice.
"O-ouch," it said. Followed by "Aaaah!" Rose stood up and parted the bushes where Pearlwas standing away.
"We didn't mean to fuse," the newcomer said wearily. Rose scanned the areas for the source of the noise.
"Well... we did this time."
Rose suddenly spotted the fusion she had abandoned lying on the soft grass before her. Pearl's sword was drawn towards her in vain.
"We'll unfuse," the fusion spluttered. Rose walked shakily towards Pearl. The fusion stared disbelievingly as Pearl turned her head. "W-We'll...w-we'll..."
"No no," Rose urged in awe. "Please."

"I'm glad to see you again."

"Before Garnet," said Pearl, sitting beside Sapphire and raising an arm in understanding. "Rose was only fighting for Earth, but Garnet changed everything." Pearls eyes grew heavy, and she drew a hologram. Sapphire could she herself and Ruby as Garnet cheering in the arms of their former leader in its milky depths.
"Rose wanted to fight for her, she wanted to fight for gems." Pearl looked down at the ground. "Maybe she was foolish," she started, clenching one of her fists, the other hand wrapped around her neck, "and selfish, but she was-"
"-following us," Sapphire offered for her, knowing the answer. Pearl looked at Sapphire. "What?" She said vaguely.
"This whole time, we thought we were following her, but... she was following us." She looked at Pearl and smiled. "How could she not after you swept her off her feet?" Pearl looked disbelieved.

"W-what? Me?"
"Are you kidding?" Steven chirped in quickly. "You took her on this whirlwind tour of Earth and then she wanted to live here with you forever!" Steven saw remnants of a thousand-year-old blush on Pearl's face. Sapphire smiled more warmly, and the fountain's melting ice heated even more.
"That's just how I felt when I came here with..." she paused, a look of dread invading her features as she gasped.
"Ruby!" She stood up swiftly. "Oh no," she cried. "We have to get back right away!"

The stream of warp pad quickly evaporated to fill the room full of gems.
"Ruby?" Sapphire called out to a dark room. "I'm so sorry.." she looked around. "Where are-" she spotted a piece of paper on the ground:
"...oh no..."

** end of pt.5 **

• • •
So... Already What's Your Problem? Is underway. Also... a cliffhanger ... 0.0 (like we've never seen that before...) i hope this was thoroughly enjoyed. There's a possibility I may not publish the next chapters until someone asks me later, or it gains more popularity b/c I don't know whether anyone likes it or not yet :P

A small note for the next few epi-stories (i call them that now) is that there may be short chapters. This is because i originally wanted to separate each episode into 3 parts. Some episode will definitely be worth writing less then that, and I don't want to stretch it out too much. Instead of uploading less parts, each part may have less words. (It's easier for me to have the same amount of chapters each ep)

....and... five! That's it. One more thing, I've heard ppl like to call their fans something; (like bye my blueberries, or hello my muffins) those r bad examples, but imma do it too. Soo bye bye my....
Rubies! Yup. I'm using roobs to buff up the ranks. Tell me if you don't like it ;)

Thanks y'all, and get ready for next round:

You heard it folk! She's the Ding Dong Sunshine Future! Don't mess with her!!
Bye fellow Rubies, 'till next time!

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