Chapter 5

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     Emerson paced back and forth nervously, having realized his wife was no longer following the pack.

     "Where could she be?" he asked, worried for her safety.

     The other Cuddle Pups looked around frantically, but couldn't find Ambrosia anywhere.

     "Mama! Mama, look! Look over there!" a young Cuddle Pup yipped, jumping around in joy. Her mother looked up, spotting Ambrosia approaching from off in the distance.

     "Ambrosia! She's back!" she yelled out, everyone else turning to look as well. They were all so excited to see her returning safely, they didn't even notice the little blue troll dangling in her jaws.

     "Are you all right?" one Cuddle Pup Mama asked, all of them running over to greet Ambrosia.

     "I'm fine. Really." she assured, her voice muffled with the toddler hanging from her teeth. "It's just... I got a little...sidetracked." She gestured to Branch, everyone finally noticing him, their eyes widening in shock.

     "Well... isn't that just... um... well... it's so..." one Cuddle Pup mama said, confused by what this creature was, and why Ambrosia had brought it here.

     "It's just so... so..." said another.
"It's freaky-looking, okay? That's what it is," said the young Cuddle Pup who had spotted Ambrosia returning.

     "Terk!" her mother scolded.
"Well it is!" the young Cuddle Pup said, not seeing what she had done wrong. "I mean... what the heck is that thing, anyway?"
"He's a pup," Ambrosia replied, placing Branch on the ground for Terk to sniff.

     Branch was a little nervous at first, but was soon laughing, as Terk sniffed at him, tickling him with her nose.

(Drawing by littlekitty1346)

     The little Cuddle Pup giggled, licking Branch on the cheek, before looking back to Ambrosia.

     "So where's his mama?" she asked.
"Well... I'm going to be his mother now," Ambrosia informed with a sweet smile.

     "You know... he's not so bad once you get used to him," Terk laughed, jumping all over Branch, playfully knocking him to the ground, as the toddler laughed with joy.

     "Stop... stop it..." Branch laughed. "It tickles!" But Terk just kept licking him, until Emerson pushed his way up to them.

     Terk froze, a little frightened by the leader of the pack.

     "Ambrosia's gonna be it's mother now," Terk said, moving away from the baby, with her tail between her legs.

     "Emerson... I saved him," Ambrosia explained, seeing the disappointed look on her husband's face. "He was lost and scared. I saved him..."

     The leader of the pack sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Ambrosia... it won't replace the one we lost," he said sadly, knowing exactly why she brought the child here.
"I know that, but he needs me," she responded, licking Branch lovingly, before helping the child up to his feet.

     "But it... it..." He sighed again, giving his wife a serious look. "Look at it! It's not our kind. You have to take it back."
"Take him back!?" She seemed offended by the suggestion. "But he'll die!"
"If the forest wants him, then..."
"I want him!" Ambrosia interrupted, blocking Branch from Emerson.

     Branch looked around terrified. All he could hear was barking and growling, but he knew they were arguing about him.

     "I can not let you put our pack in danger," Emerson said sternly.
"Does he look dangerous to you!?" She gestured down to Branch, who was hugging her leg tightly, whimpering silently in fear.

     Finally, after a moment of silence, Emerson sighed.

     "Was it alone?" he asked, his tone softening a bit.
"Yes," Ambrosia replied.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. There are no others."

     Emerson looked at the toddler for a moment, and then back at Ambrosia with a sigh of defeat.

     "Then you may keep it..." he said softly.

     Ambrosia smiled, nuzzling Branch to calm him down. To let him know he was safe now.

     "I know he'll be a good son," Ambrosia said to her husband with a smile.
"I said he could stay," Emerson said with a firm voice. "That doesn't make him my son."

     He looked at the rest of the pack, and then the sky. It was getting rather late.

     "We will rest here for the night," he stated, walking off to start the dog pile, everyone else quickly going to join.

     Terk walked over to Branch, who smiled, seeming much calmer now, as he pet the Cuddle Pup's head gently.

     "So... um... whatcha gonna call it?" she asked curiously, looking up at Ambrosia.
"I'm going to call him Branch."
"Branch? That's a weird name, but... he's your baby."

     "All right little lady, come on. It's way past your bed time," Terk's mother said, picking her up by the skin on the back of her neck.

     "Aw, mom!" Terk whined. "Can't I stay up a bit longer?"
"No," her mother replied, carrying her daughter towards the dog pile.

     "Five more minutes?" the pup begged.
"No," her mother replied.
"Two more minutes?"
"One more minutes?"

     Ambrosia chuckled slightly, and then lifted Branch off the Ground by the strap of his overalls.

     Branch whimpered softly, as she carried him towards the pile of sleeping Cuddle Pups. He was a little scared of them. Especially the big one who was growling earlier.

     "Oh... oh no..." Ambrosia said softly, noticing the child's fear. "Shh, shh. Don't cry. Come on, I'm here. I'm right here."

     She looked down at him, smiling slightly, as she began to sing softly.

     "Come stop your crying, it'll be all right. Come take my hand. Hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you. I will be here, don't you cry."

     Ambrosia gently placed him into the pile, licking his face lovingly, as she cuddled up next to him.

     Branch smiled, feeling safe with his new mother. With a sigh of content, he hugged the Cuddle Pup Mama, as he slowly fell asleep.

     "For one so small. You seem so strong," she sang softly. "My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm. This bond between us can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry."

     "'Cause you'll be in my heart. Yes, you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forevermore."

     "You'll be in my heart. No matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart, always."

     She kissed the sleeping child one last time, as she finished her song.


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