[ahsoka tano is a queen]

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so i found this post on tumblr and just hAD to share it because everyone deserves to know how amazing ahsoka tano (aka my wife) is ~

(sadly, tumblr is being a butt and i can't open the link, but the original poster is frostytips)

Ahsoka Tano,

1. Held her own against General Grievous, someone who ate more experienced Jedi than her for breakfast, TWICE.

2. Also fought toe-to-toe with Asajj Ventress, the apprentice of Count Dooku himself, who even a Jedi master like Luminara Unduli struggled to fight alone.

3. Resisted the Blue Shadow Virus, which is essentially the Black Plague in space, for a whole day.

4. Helped destroy a massive Seperatist droid factory, and survived in the rubble long enough to repair an old line to signal for help.

5. Got her stolen lightsaber back before her master even realized it was ever gone.

6. Saved Duchess Satine Kryze from her own traitorous Prime Minister.

7. Took down Aurra Sing, one of the deadliest bounty hunters of her time, twice.

8. Survived the Citadel, a prison infamous for being nearly impossible to escape, and killed the warden.

9. Escaped a group of Trandoshians that attempted to hunt her for sport and killed their leader, while inspiring her fellow prisoners to believe in themselves and fight back.

10. Was one of only two people to not get captured during the battle of Mon Cala.

11. Helped take down the Zygerrian slave empire.

12. Escaped the clutches of a Mandalorian terrorist group and in the process of doing so, fought toe-to-toe with their leader, decapitated four of them at once, and stabbed one of them i the gut with a makeshift spear, all while dragging her useless idiot of a love interest around.

13. Stood up to three deadly criminals to protect her unconscious master.Helped a group of insurgents overthrow a corrupt king and take their planet back, acting as a mentor the entire time.

14. Protected six younglings from pirates, and later from Grievous.

15. Avoided capture after being framed for murder for what appears to have been a whole night.

16. Stopped Darth Sidious, THE most powerful sith lord of ALL TIME, from getting into a holocron vault.

17. Fought Darth Maul, someone who killed a jedi master, twice.

18. Was a major figure in the growing Rebel Alliance.

19. Took down two sith inquisitors without breaking a sweat.

20. And last but certainly not least, fought toe-to-toe with Darth Vader, the jedi killer, the chosen one himslef, in a collapsing sith temple, and lived - while sending him home limping and battered and broken and damaged.



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