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tagged by the lovely ahsokatanos!! (also if you have not read her works, please do, her writing is PHENOMENAL and so, so beautiful).

1. if you couldn't fail, what would you do?
i'd be more involved in more things, for sure, like the musical productions to just, anything! i wouldn't just be a girl who spends more time with fictional characters than real life people

2. who's your inspiration and why?
um, do fictional characters count??? because, i'd say ahsoka tano. idk, but seeing how she grows from a naive 14 year old kid in a GALAXY of war, to becoming an actual QUEEN who's so selfless and brave and respected by so many and a founder of the rebellion and who puts others before herself... idk, man, i love her from the bottom of my heart, she truly is a role model for me.
if not, the kim jongin. honestly i have never loved another man more. he inspires me so much, he's so hard working and whenever asked who is the most hardworking, the others always say jongin, especially their leader. he's so passionate about dance and he works so HARD and that inspires me to work the same for what i love. also, he calls out people for slut-shaming, RESPECTS girls (that one documentary when the MC called a girl fat and he was on him in an INSTANT), always stands up for them, encourages his fans to study because he CARES about their futures, and loves his dark skin in an industry where pale skin is preferred. seriously, he stands up against racism, colourism, and body shaming, and basically, he's an actual ANGEL and someone i truly look up to. 

3. favourite subject?
LITERATURE!!!! it's so much fun and i adore my teacher, she's the sweetest and i can really relate to her!

4. opinions on feminism?
i'm a feminist, hands down. i used to be so blind until year 11 and my literature teacher last year opened my eyes to how bad things were for girls in society. i won't ever deny i'm a feminist, and i believe it applies to every woman in the world and we should ALL be equal, no matter our gender, race, or ethnicity. we need to work to fight for the minorities in the world, we are all equal and beautiful!

5. most adored animated childhood movie?oh, i don't really remember?? i remember i was obsessed with spy kids as a kid, but i don't remember the animated movies i was into.... disney in general, i suppose?

6. favourite kind of weather?

when it's cold, and raining softly outside, when i can curl up in my jeans and thick sweaters in front of the fire with a good book, coffee/hot chocolate, with music playing softly in the background! i adore the cold

7. if you could swap minds with anyone in the world, who would you swap it with?
I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW???? um, maybe my friend, who's ridiculously smart??? i could use her knowledge when it comes to math tbh!

8. what was your career aspiration as a kid?
it's always been an author, from the time i was five years old! i've been writing basically my entire life and nothing brings me more joy!

9. how do you deal with meanness or confrontation?
not very well tbh. i'm quiet and reserved, so being confronted makes me back away and retreat further into myself. but i will find a way to put my word in!

10. what is your ideal way to calm down?
curled up under my bed, music playing, surrounded by my pillows and plushies, and either reading a good book or watching a movie/tv show with chocolate and a nice cup of tea!

11. what is something you'd tell your younger self?
you know those movies/books you hate now? harry potter, lord of the rings, star wars, marvel? don't. you're going to love them and those stories are going to consume your life, so don't hold it off! be brave, you're beautiful and strong and it doesn't matter if those two people bully you and make you miserable, you're going to be just fine and you're going to soar. you're going to find amazing friends on this website called wattpad who you'll be super close to, don't worry about it. read as much as you can. make more friends. be brave and smile and talk and don't be afraid to let your hair down! don't let people tell you off for what you love and be yOU. be you, not the person society wants you to be. love girls and boys with all your heart. form your own opinions and stand up for them. 

12. if you could choose what you dreamt every night, would you?
yES!!!!! at the first opportunity!!!

my questions!
1. what is your most treasured possession?
2. if you could describe yourself with a colour, what would it be?
3. the fictional character you can relate most to and why?
4. favourite disney movie?
5. what's the piece of advice you'd give to anyone?
6. coffee or tea?
7. if you could live in any fictional world, which world would it be?
8. would you rather be successful with no friends, or unsuccessful and be surrounded by true friends?
9. if you had only one wish, what would you wish for?
10. do you like wearing perfume?
11. do you like your name, or would you change it?
12. favourite item of clothing?

the sweeathearts i'm tagging:

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