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I just want to grab your hands and be like, You are mine!



His left hand lightly tugged at her, as he continued to drive effortlessly with his right hand.

Her sudden fallen face and continuously looking outside made him confused. Feeling her gaze on him, he turned his face a little towards her and then tilted the mirror glancing at her through it.

"Everything is fine?" He asked, unknowingly holding her right hand in his which was resting on her lap and caressed it with his thumb making her shudder under his touch. It made her feel nervous as she gulped.

"Yeah." She said looking at his hand which was interlocked with her hand. Surprisingly, it felt as if she was used to it rather than making her uncomfortable. The combination of rough and big hands against her delicate and small ones felt so overwhelming.

His gaze fell on their interlocked hand making him surprised as he tried pulling his hand back but much to his shock and happiness, she interlocked their hands back giving him a smile in return.

Stopping by the place where the cocktail party was arranged, Ishaan pulled out the key and opened the door. Jogging towards her door, he opened it like a gentleman making her smile.

"You didn't need to do it." Giving her hand in his, she said coming out as she checked her face into the rear mirror straightening her skirt. He smiled goofily at her as he swayed his hands through his hair only to make her scowl at him.

"Your gelled up hair got messed up." She said pointing at his hair as a pout adorned her face. A surge of desire passed through him as he looked at the beauty standing in front of him. All he wanted to do at that moment was to corner her to a wall and taste those soft plumpy petals of her. That was another different thing about her. Rather than thin lips, her lower lip was a little thicker making her all the more irresistible.Hisi Adam's apple bobbed as he shook his head acting to do his hair but the frown on her forehead increased as he messed them up more.

"Wait." She said and went towards him, in his close proximity and raised her hands correcting his messed up hair whereas he was observing the minute details of her face trying to capture it all in his heart. And at that moment he accepted, he was insanely attracted to his fiance which was more than the teenage crush he usually had. It was much stronger and beautiful. The realisation made him smile wide. His hand etched to trace her waist and feel much more of her skin but he refrained his desires by fisting his hands so as to not scare her.

The proximity with a girl was new for him. Even though, girls practically swooned over him but he never dated Or something which usually made his friends tag him as Old minded but somewhere he wanted his every first with his wife. He saved his everything for the girl who will have rights over his heart,his mind, his soul and finally his body.

"It's perfect now." He came out of his thoughts listening to her loud voice as she grinned ear to ear in appreciation for herself. He smiled at her giving her a thankful smile making her swoon over his look. She for the first time noticed how close they were and her eyes widened a little. She looked enviously at his thick eyelashes and mentally rolled her eyes at her own eyelashes. She observed every single detail about him like how he had dark pink natural lips and how his right cheek digs when he smiles forming a single dimple or how perfect his stubble is or how sharp his jaws are.

"He had such good features." She wondered looking at him only to get startled by his cough, precisely a fake cough.

"Done checking me out?" Mischievously, he asked with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips making her gulp as she looked away from him, embarrassed at being caught red handed.

"I was just.." She started only to be cut off by Ishaan who to her surprise pulled her a little closer by her upper arms such that her upper chest touched his clothed ones making her breathing labour.

"You don't need to explain. You have all the right in the world to check me out, Fiance." He whispered in a low husky voice which was quite dangerous for her sanity as she kept her hand on his chest pulling herself away from him, breathing heavily. He smiled at her flushed red face tugging at her chin.

"You look cute while blushing." He spoke, his breath fanning over her face making her gape like a fish as he left her the other moment stepping back.

She gaped like a fish wanting to say something but nothing came out of her mouth. She was a talkative person. It was surprising that she went all silent in his presence, when it's physically because on voice calls, she usually blabbered about everything and nothing.

He held her hand interlocking her fingers with his and went inside.


"Finally the best friend of the groom arrived." Smiling with a mocking look, Vivaan said engulfing Ishaan in a manly hug who chuckled as Akanksha excitedly hugged her cousin sister.

"I didn't even think that my sister would be arriving with my fiance's best friend as his fiance. Time is such a player." She said grinning at them, making them chuckle as they looked at each other.

"And you look absolutely hot, Aanvi. Seeing you like this after a long time." Akanksha said, holding Aanvi's hand as she checked her from top to bottom, making her blush.

"Thankyou." She whispered winking at her taking Ishaan , surprised at her playful nature.

Spotting her brother and sister-in-law looking stunning as ever with her best friends Adya and Alayna along with her brother-in-laws Advay and Aayush.

"Let's meet my friends." He said, grabbing her attention. She nodded but a sudden fear engulfed her, the fear of being judged. She may sound too confident but even she had her own problems to deal with. She didn't have that usual milky colour, rather she was tanned though she had a clear skin but still a fear surfaced her heart.

"Come." He said pulling her by hand as he made his way towards a group where three girls and two boys were standing along with Vivaan.

She made a mental note to smack someone who will comment bad about her. She was not weak and this outer beauty meant nothing to her. What mattered to her was the heart of the beholder. But still, this world is too cruel. More than the beauty of heart, people search for a beautiful face. Not knowing each face is beautiful and created by the same eternal power.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do vote and comment as it encourages writers like me:)


Thankyou ♡

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