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     Min Y/n, a girl who used to go by another name. She changed her name due to some private matters that you soon will come to know.

      It's Friday night and the week was really hectic. New cliënts, new projects and new promotions. Y/n is the CEO of a big jewelry company. She worked herself all the way up to the top and couldn't be more proud of her own achievements. But as a CEO it asks a lot of responsibilities and at the end of the week she is tired out.

     She took a nice warm and steamy bath to relax her sore muscles and after that she dropped down in front of the television. Putting on her favorite tv-Show. Suddenly she heard little footsteps approaching with a little sob.

     "Mommy." Yeon-Hwa said while rubbing his left eye with the back of his hand and in the other one holding his favorite teddy bear.

     "What's wrong, honey?" She walked to Yeon-Hwa and lifted him up. He leaned onto her shoulder while little sobs were heard. Y/n patted on his back softly to comfort him.

     "I had a nightmare again." He sniffed up his boogers that were running out of his nose. "My poor baby. Let me clean your face first." She ran towards the kitchen taking some kitchen roll paper. She tore some and cleaned her son's nose. Yes, her son. He is 4 years old and she had him when she just graduated from high school.

     Father you say? He isn't in the picture. She raised him as a single mom and he never saw his father. Y/n never had any other relationships, she was too busy raising him and making her company grow.

     "It was just a nightmare. It was not real." Yeon-Hwa was yawning since he was still sleepy. Y/n softly carried him upstairs and put him back down in bed.

     When she covered him back up he asked a question that she hoped he would never ask. "Mommy? Why don't I have a daddy? Doesn't he love us?" He looked at her with sad eyes. "But you have Hobi hyung. You know he loves you very much." She sat down, patting softly on his tummy with a smile.

      Hobi is Y/n's best friend and is the CEO assistant of her company. They grew up together but they see each other only as good friends and nothing more. Hobi loved Yeon-Hwa as if he was his own son.

     "I know, I love him too, he is so funny." He chuckled with a smile already forgetting about his nightmare from earlier.

      "Tomorrow we will visit Hobi hyung if you like. Now go back to sleep." She tucked him better in. "Yes mommy." He turned on his side, closing his eyes. She gave him a little kiss on his forehead and left the room. It was already getting late and since she was tired, she crawled in her bed as well.

     Next morning Yeon-Hwa and Y/n went out to the park. They were meeting Hobi there just to have some fun. It's been a while since they saw each other. As they arrived Hobi was already sitting on a bench waiting for them.

     The moment Yeon-Hwa saw Hobi, he let go of Y/n's hand and ran towards him. "Hobi Hyung!" Yeon-Hwa yelled and Hobi smiled upon seeing them. He put his arms out, ready to give Yeon-Hwa a big hug. "Good morning Yeon-Hwa. Did you sleep well?" He looked at him showing concern.

      "I had a nightmare again." Yeon-Hwa looked down, pouting. "Poor boy." Hobi patted him on the head. "You want to play with me?" His attitude changed so quickly. "You want to go on the slide?" He put him down. "Yes!" Hobi took his hand and guided him towards the playground. Meanwhile Y/n was looking at her phone. Scrolling down, reading the news. As she was sliding the screen down she saw a big head line.

     "Successor from the big cloth company announced his engagement."

      She felt her heart breaking into a million pieces and her eyes became teary. She quickly shrugged it off and wiped the tears away with her sleeve. "I hope you found your happiness." She faked her smile.

      "Mommy! Look!" Yeon-Hwa yelled from afar, waving at her while he stood on top of the slide. He went down the slide all by himself and was so proud of his achievement. She clapped in her hands and gave him a thumbs up. Proudly he got off the slide and went up the stairs again.

     After a couple of hours playing, they went home for Yeon-Hwa's nap. She put him in bed and soon he fell asleep.

     "He was so tired." Hobi smiled. "You did play a lot. He was so happy to see you again. He likes you very much, you know." She poured him a drink and put it down in front of him. "I love him too, he is such a nice kid." He took the glass and sipped from it.

     "Have you heard the news today?" Y/n asked Hobi but he shook his head. "No, not yet why?" He looked at her frowning with curiosity. "Jimin is engaged." Y/n looked down, again giving a fake smile. "That jerk, first he got you pregnant and then he left you. I really hate him." He puts the glass down with force. Making a loud thumb and spilling water on the table.

     "He didn't know I was pregnant." She turned towards the kitchen, grabbing some snacks, hiding her tears. "I didn't get the chance and before I knew it he left me." Hobi heard her sobbing and stood up. He turned her around and gave her a big hug while she cried her heart out again. All the feelings she once forgot all came back up.

     After she calmed down, Hobi dried her tears. "You want to grab some dinner tonight? Just us 3. My treat." He smiled. "What would I do without you?" She smiled, feeling calm again. "Thank you Hobi, for staying by my side. You are always there when I need you." She broke the hug and grabbed the plate full of snacks. "That's what best friends are for. " He patted slightly on her shoulder.

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