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     Jimin didn't contact Y/n in any way he wanted to straighten up his thoughts first before making a decision. And now that he made one he wanted to talk to his father.

     He knocked on his father's office door and waited for his reply. "Come in." His father yelled. "Jimin? What are you doing here?" His father frowned upon seeing his presence. "I want to talk to you about my engagement. "Jimin walked in and sat in front of him on the other side of his desk. "Yes?" He asked while continuing to place his signature on some papers.

     "I-I want to cancel it." Jimin stuttered, already knowing that his father wouldn't agree with it. "What! Why!." He shifted his interest to Jimin. "Because I don't love her father. I told you that I would give my best in trying to have feelings for her but it still is the same as before." He looked down, ready to get a burn.

     "I can't accept that, you know it's for the company, Jimin. Don't worry the feelings will come eventually. Just give it some more time. Your mother and I went through the same thing." He smiled, continuing his work with a confident attitude.

     "And yet you married another woman." Jimin sounded mad. "I can't stay alone forever, Jimin! She was the one who left me in the first place! His father raised his voice at him. "You didn't even try to search for her. Do you even know where she is?" He stood up smashing his hands on the desk.

     "No, I didn't. Don't change the subject. As for your engagement, we aren't canceling it!" His father really began to sound annoyed by Jimin's stubbornness. "Why can't I marry a woman that I love?" Jimin really sounded frustrated by his father's reasoning.

     "Why do you want love so bad? Isn't being rich and popular enough for you?" He shook his head, not believing that Jimin isn't going to change his mind. "I'm not like you, father! I don't need that. I just want to be loved and start a family." He had enough talking with his father who isn't going to change his mind.

     "Krystal loves you very much, son!" He also stood up and yelled for Jimin to hear. "It's not the same!" Jimin yelled back and before he closed the door he heard his father yell again. "You WILL marry her!"

     Y/n was working from home today because Yeon-Hwa didn't have school today. Hobi came by because they needed to talk about the upcoming new line. She was making some coffee when she heard him scream.

     "Oh my!" His eyes locked on the television screen. "What's wrong?" Y/n ran into the living room, worried. "Did you see the news?" He shifted his gaze from the TV to Y/n. He sounded surprised. "No, why?" She walked closer to see the screen. There she saw Jimin and his fiancee walking next to each other, greeting people.

      "I know her!" Y/n said squinting her eyes when looking at the woman. "I helped her on the runway. Was that his girlfriend?" She was shocked upon realizing it. She sat down not believing the other reason why they were on the news.

      "Apparently they have a date set for their marriage. It's within 2 months." He increased the volume a bit. "I thought Jimin didn't want to marry her?" She looked puzzled. "How would you know?" Hobi asked curiously, waiting for her reply. "Look at his smile. That is not his smile. This one is forced. And he mentioned to me that it wasn't his choice but his father."

     Hobi looked more confused on how she knew these things so he asked her. "When did you meet him?" He talked louder than the TV, making sure she heard him. "Last week, when he stayed over!" She yelled back but soon covered her mouth with a hand. "Oh shit, I screwed up." She thought to herself as she was cursing.

     "What!" He jumped up looking at her with wide eyes. He stayed over? When? Did you two?" Hobi had a lot of questions to be answered but he was more frustrated because she didn't tell him.

     "Don't worry. We did nothing. The moment you left with Yeon-Hwa, he showed up drunk. He wanted to talk but ended up falling asleep on the couch." She chuckled thinking back at that scene.

     "That's all?" He crossed his arms, hoping she didn't lie. "Yes! That's all! But I found out about something very odd." She leaned back on her couch. "What? Tell me." He said with frowning eyes, eager to know. "Well, he thought that I left him, that I was dead after breaking up with him." She said looking at the ceiling, thinking about why Jimin thought that.

     "Are you kidding me? He was the one who left you." Hobi sounded annoyed. "I know! But I think there is more going on that we don't know about."

     Meanwhile Jimin has invited Krystal to talk to her. He wanted to tell her the truth. He didn't want to play with her feelings and give her high hopes. He poured a glass of water when he heard the door opening. He was obligated to give her a spare key. Dad's orders.

     "Hi honey!" She came around the kitchen counter and hugged Jimin. Jimin removed her arms around his neck and walked away from her. "Krystal we need to talk." He said while putting his glass of water down after taking a sip.

     "Ok." She said with a smile not aware of what's to come. "I want to cancel our engagement." Krystal's smile faded immediately. "Why? Don't you love me?" She walked closer to him but Jimin stopped her with a shake of his head. "You know I don't. You know it's all arranged by our fathers.

     "But why do you want to cancel it now? Just before the wedding?" She said with teary eyes. Jimin looked down, knowing that it will hurt her by saying this but again he wanted to tell her the truth. "I love someone else." He turned around but soon he felt Krystal's arms around his waist.

     "No! I want to be with you! I don't want to cancel it. I will never!" She squeezed him so hard, almost bruising his ribs. "I'm sorry Krystal." He released himself from her grip. Krystal's feelings were having a conflict with each other. First she was sad but now she feels angry. She grabbed the glass of water and threw it hard on the floor. "Do you really want a marriage when I don't love you back?"Jimin said trying to convince her that their marriage isn't a good thing.

     "I don't care! As long as I am with you!" She started crying again. "Who is she?" She added. "An old friend of mine." Jimin saw how heart broken Krystal was but it's better to say it now than after they got married. Right? "She can't have you! Understand! If you are going to break up with me you will regret it!" She walked in a fast pace out the house and slammed the door shut behind her.

     "I'm sorry Krystal but I can't go through a marriage with you. I hope one day you will understand." He shook his head and cleaned up the mess that Krystal made before heading to Y/n's office.

     First he stopped by her company but they told Jimin she wasn't in her office so he left a message for her, hoping she would call him back.

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