| Fifteen |

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Tweek's P.O.V.

"H-h-how do we get out of h-here?", I asked.
Kevin shrugged and sighed.
"I have no clue, dude."
Around us wasn't much space and we barely got anything. Two really hard beds, including pillows, stuffed with newspaper. Also one toilet and a sink. What caught my eye immediately was a tiny window, of course with bars, that was so high, nobody could even get near reaching it.
This really, really felt like a prison.
I shivered at the thought of hitting stones with a pickaxe at 4 a.m. and calmed myself.

"I can't.. I have to e-escape. There i-is someone, I w-want to see a-again", I cried.
Kevin hugged me and whispered in my ear.
"Don't worry, we'll get out of here. And yeah.. Me too."
"Say..", I mumbled, "what e-exactly do you like about Clyde? Don't y-you know w-what a horrible p-person he is?"
Kevin looked at the ground and smiled. His smile was broken and sad..

"I do know.. But I also know that he can do better than that.. I believe in him. You may have not seen as much of his personality than me. I was observing him since fourth grade and.. I know, all these years, this image of him wasn't fake. He is a wonderful, fantastic person and I love him for that.. Even if he rejects me, even if he's hurting others.. There's a much better person inside of him.. And I don't care if people tell me there isn't. I know for sure! I want to bring this side of him out and just show the world, that he's.. Perfect.
And if he still doesn't like me until then, I might as well step out of his life. My goal isn't going out with him, it's making him happy. I care about his future. Whether I'm in there or is unimportant."

I was speechless. This innocent, pure, nice boy was actually in love with Clyde Donovan? And this speech.. Damn, Clyde was really lucky.

"Kevin! W-wait! I.. Can't believe it.. My heart is beating.. ! When I got h-here my heart was silent, not a s-single beat. Craig.. Maybe Craig is coming to save me.."
Kevin stared at him and then laid his hand on his chest.
"Mine too, unbelievable.. ! But.. I don't know who my soulmate is.."
I stood there in confusion and asked him:"Clyde is not y-your soulmate?"

He stared around the room and played with his thumbs.
"Well, I don't know. There is a possibility. I mean, I really hope so, but I doesn't have to be true. Also, why would an amazing guy like him waste time on someone like me? Haha.."
I felt really bad for Kevin because he always made himself small and thought of himself as someone, who isn't good enough.

"Kevin, you're a-amazing too. Don't t-think of yourself that way. You're obviously worth rescuing! We'll get out o-of here together, p-promise. Also, Clyde is not as amazing as you think. Don't let him control you."
Kevin stepped closer to me and looked at me with a rather.. Angry look in his eyes.

"I like you, Tweek, but don't you dare talk that way about Clyde in my presence again.
He's not controlling me.. I'm protecting him because I want to. You have just seen the bad side of him. He's a much better person than you can imagine.. ", suddenly he began crying, ".. I want to see him.."
Then he fell on his knees and buried his face in his hands. I could see drops of tears falling on the hard, cold ground of this damn prison.
I couldn't help myself, I knelt down and gave him a long, tight hug, wondering how long we would stay stuck here.

Craig's P.O.V.

I was happy on my way to visit Tweek. When I knocked on his door, his parents greeted me.
"Is Tweek home?", I asked.
Mr. Tweak answered:"Huh? No. Yesterday he moved out. With a guy named Clyde or something. They looked so happy together!"
I shook my head in fear.
"What about my letters? Why did you hide them?"
"What letters? We never got any from you."
"I.. Have to go. Thank you, Mr. Tweak..", I said, slowly walking backwards into the snow again.

He waved me goodbye and I just walked and walked, didn't even know where. Many thoughts were running through my head.
I decided to check on Clyde in South Park, because I couldn't fully trust the words of this man.
Knocking on the door, I yelled his name.
Then someone rapidly opened the door.
"What do you want?! I'm currently not in the best mood, alright?", Clyde shouted.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Mr. Tweak just lied to me. He told me, you moved away with Tweek. Do you know where he is? And.. Why are you in a bad mood?"
He stared at the ground looking sort of.. Embarrassed?
"None of your business..", he said, "No. I don't know where Tweek is. By the way, I don't have time to deal with your problems. I have one too."

I shrugged.
"We can maybe help each other?"
Clyde looked at me for a minute and then crossed his arms.
".. Okay."
"What is your problem? You know, you have to tell me", I smirked.
He flushed red and I knew, it was something really important to Clyde. What was it?
"Someone in my life is missing.. He's just not there anymore. I need to find him."
I tilted my head to the right. Clyde Donovan cared for someone that didn't carry the name 'Pip'?

"Who is it?", I poked his crossed arms.
"Is that i-information necessary?", he sulked.
I quietly nodded, but was clearly amused.
"Kevin.. Kevin S-stoley, maybe.. ?"
I put on hand over my mouth signalizing I was totally surprised. Then I smiled:"I see how it is.. !"
He just punched me.
"Shut up, Tucker! Don't tell a-anyone!"
I had to stop myself from laughing out loud.

We stepped outside and talked a bit, walking around South Park, while memories flooded through my head. I missed South Park.
"So..", I coughed, "is Kevin your soulmate? Because if yes, I have a plan to find them both."
Clyde just shrugged.
"As if", he laughed.
I rolled my eyes.
"We can try. There is a possibility, right?"
Clyde sighed and stared into the distance. It was a dark, cold night, we could see only snowflakes.
"Yeah, I guess", he said.

"This might sound cheesy, but we have to follow our heart. Literally. Our heartbeat is going to lead us to them. Pack your things, Donovan, we are going on a trip. It can take some time."
He nodded.
"We'll go tomorrow morning."
When I was about to turn around and go to the nearest hotel, he grabbed me by my shoulders, making me quiver.
"We will go today."
I brushed his hand of my shoulder and said:"It's 10 p.m."
I could see him gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. There was seriously something wrong with him today.
"I know. I just want to see him..", he said, running away, wiping away something in his eyes.

At 11 p.m. someone tapped me in my shoulder. It was Clyde with two bag packs.
He threw on to me and the other one, he put on.
"Let's go, Tucker."
"It's kinda funny that we're using our hearts as a compass or navigation device, haha."
"You think so?", Clyde mumbled, "I think it's.. Weird."

"So.. Do you like Kevin?", I asked.
He looked over to me and gave me a 'do-I-look-like-that'-look.
"Quick change of the topic, haha. Don't tell him, I think he really grew on me. We spend the last few days together and at first he was really annoying but somehow I got used to it and eventually found his presence very calming. Now that he's gone, I'm really worried and lonely. I.. Miss him, I guess."

"You like him so much, you just cried for him one hour ago."
"I didn't cry, idiot!", he screamed.
We talked till around midnight. It was very fun, I really missed spending time with him. Even if he's a completely different human now, he was still Clyde. And he was not faking his whole personality until now, there was still the Clyde I knew in there.

"Clyde.. Clyde wait!"
"Shit, do you feel it too?"
"My heartbeat got faster."
"Mine too."
"Let's go in that direction."
"I will find you, Kevin.. No matter what."
"Tweek.. I want to see your smile again.. I'm coming to save you."

We ran into the direction out heart lead us to.

Author's Note☕

Thank you SO MUCH, shiverfawkes
for clearing up a plot hole I missed. Thank god, I fixed it now. It was that suit in chapter.. 8, I think.. Tweek's father gave it to him to support him and in the recent chapter, he's hiding the letters. Doesn't make sense, yeah.

Happy new year and merry Christmas! We almost reached 100 followers🌟

Also, please read my sister's story, it's so cool! It's also a Creek Fanfic and totally worth clicking on it! She's a much better writer than I am.. ll4nce

I am going to finish the story soon so you better check out my ALIVE story, it's about Craig being a robot, learning to love lol

I can't wait to write the Stolovan Story!🍰

Also, sorry for making it so confusing or letting it drift away from the whole soulmate thing. It's really hard to make a soulmate thing this long and I guess at some point I just forgot lol
Since this story is going to end soon, I don't think it really matters anymore though, rip😥

Thank you so much for supporting me. I am super happy to read all your comments, reactions and criticism! I hope it continues like this. Thank you for everything!❤

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