| Seven |

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Craig's P.O.V.

At lunch, I sat with Token and we both looked around for Clyde, seeing him with Tweek on a different table, trying his best to cheer the little blonde up.
Was he sad because of me?
Bebe did promise me, to eat lunch with me, but I think I saw her making out with Wendy outside.
Of course, it hurt like hell, when she was doing something like that, but right now, somehow, I was more concerned about Tweek's condition.

I hope, he understood, that I was just doing that for her..
Glancing over to him, I saw he was slightly smiling at Clyde's stupid jokes.
Rolling my eyes, I turned around again and ate the salad, that tasted like 10 year old cheese.
"Dude.. Are Clyde and Tweek best buddies now, or what?", Token asked, having a small, annoyed tone.
I gave him a fast shrug and continued to gag at the smell of my 'food'.
Over and over I gave them both a small glance and I always saw Tweek and Clyde having to much fun together.
I didn't like it.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed and I took it out, it was a message.

Tweek☕: Craig

Me: ya

Tweek☕: I literally hate you rn

Me: im so sorry, rly. lets talk about it later?

Tweek☕: .. Yeah. I want to tell  you something as well.

Me: what is it?

Tweek☕: surprise. Meet me at 10 pm. at Stark's pond.

Me: see ya

What did he wanted to tell me?
The curiosity killed me!
Seconds were as long as hours, minutes were as long as days, when I looked at my watch.

Then finally, school was over.
I ran home and again, looked at my watch.
4 pm.
Why did he wanted to meet up this late anyway?
I jumped on my bed, closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Waking up with big yawn, I immediately checked my watch.
It was 3 am.
Shit, shit, shit, I wanted to meet Tweek 5 hours ago!
Putting on my blue skinny jeans and a T-shirt saying 'idfc', I opened my window, jumped out and nearly broke a bone.
Though, I screamed in pain, I didn't think, I woke someone up.
Sighing, I ran to Stark's Pond.
Why though, he wouldn't wait 5 hours on a damn bank anyway.

Arriving, I saw some blonde hair waving in the wind. It was all over the mess.
I ran and ran, till I was just 5 meters apart from him. Nearly tapping him on the shoulder, he stood up, before I could even touch him.
He was clenching his fist and I could hear loud sobbing and that he was trying to swallow them in.
Then, he let out a small, fake laugh.
"Why did I even think, he would come?", the boy whispered.
Before Tweek ran off, he threw a bouquet of roses into the pond and then wiped away his tears with the sleeve of the suit he wore.
It was extremely clean, new and it looked expensive as fuck.

As he ran off, I could see just a little bit of the pants. They were black and perfect with the outfit.
The thing is, the pants, also the shoes were covered with melted and not melted snow, telling me, he sat there long enough.

My shoulder slumped down and I sighed, put my hand on my forehead.
Should I apologize?
Why would he dress up like that anyway?
And the bouquet?
"Argh, fuck this!", I screamed, while kicking the snow, realizing, how much my foot hurt.

Tweek's P.O.V.

"D-dad? Do you h-have like.. A s-suit? I really n-need uhm.. s-something like t-this right now, I w-want to meet up with s-someone.."
My dad interrupted his reading hour and put the newspaper to the side.
His head turned around and he smiled.
Mr. Tweak put two fingers on his chin.
"I actually think, I do. Let's see if it fits you."

"Son, it's perfect, you look stunning! Why do you want to wear it though?"
I smirked at the thought and chuckled:
"I w-want to c-c-confess today."
My dad patted my back and yelled:"You go, my son!"
Turning red, I thanked him and quickly left the room.
It was now 9 pm. and I decided, to go first and be a little bit early.

Before I left the house, I grabbed the bouquet of flowers and hugged them.
I bought them just for Craig. I never confessed in my life and I thought, It may be a little over the top, but I was going with it! He was a little bit mean to me with the coffee, but I was sure, he did that because of Bebe and if that made him happy, I guess that's how it should have been.
But now was my moment, my moment to confess. We did so much together and I practiced, what to say.
I took a glance on the piece of paper in my pocket.

Craig, I really like you and I want to cherish you for the rest of my life. I promise you, to make you forget about everything, that's hurting you and I want to help you with things, that are not perfect in your life. I want to make you happy and I'll try my best, to be there for you forever.
(You can do it Tweek!)

I blushed at the little note at the end I fold it again.
Excitedly running out of the house, I tripped five times, but I tripped in a way, that only my hands touched the ground. I didn't wanted my suit to get dirty!

Arriving, I sat on the bank and put the bouquet next yo me.
Staring at the glitter in Stark pond's water, I smiled.
It was time.
10 pm.

I took a deep breath and looked at my watch.

10 pm. and 10 minutes.

Yeah, Craig wasn't the type of guy, that would come fast, I was sure, he would come any second.

11 pm.

One hour, huh? I still believed in him.

12 pm.

It was midnight and the stars were brighter than usual. I was sure, Craig would come.

1 am.

Quite late, I decided to hum a little song.
It was called 'Stargazing' [Guys, this song is damn good, listen to it, please :D].

2 am.

Craig was.. Late. But since I prepared to much, I wanted to show him and still sat there. Again, staring at the sky, I wondered, if Craig would even come.

3 am.

Okay, I was done. 5 hours.
I couldn't wait any longer. Tears began to form in my green eyes and I was angry and sad at the same time.
Throwing the roses in the pond I whispered, that I was pathetic for thinking, he would show up anyway.
It was true, I was a jerk believing, he would actually like someone like me.
He was just playing with me, the whole time, to make me feel this miserable.

"Haha.." I laughed.
I ran and ran, till my feet brought me to my house.
Opening the door, my parents welcomed me, but wondered, why I came home so late.
My dad gave me a look that said 'you-two-fucked-and-I-know-it'.

Weeping, I stumbled up the stairs and hugged my pillow.

It was always me.

I hated myself, for believing, he liked me.
I hated myself, for thinking, he would come.
I hated myself, for getting too attached to him.

I hated myself for still liking him.

Craig's P.O.V.

Scratching my head, I went home again and jumped into my bed.
I started my phone and quickly opened SpMessage.

Me: Tweek?

Me: Tweek, goddammit.

Me: answer spazz

I threw my phone at the wall and screamed into my pillow. Yeah, he read them all, but didn't answer.
Could you be a bigger bitch? No.
I was just trying to apologize and he was being to damn annoying again.

You know what? His own fault.
I tried.

Author's Note☕

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I have a big test tomorrow, so I'm sorry for not updating! :(
I will update next week 2 chapters, I hope.
Also, there's a special! :)

I drew the outfits of Tweek and Craig on their amusement park date!
It's going to be posted next week though.

Yeah aaaaaannd..
Sorry for making Craig such a huge bitch😂
There's going to be a much bigger bitch in this story, promise😓

This will go on for a while, so stick with me through maybe.. 20 chapters or something😏


Thank you for so many reads and votes💕

(I felt so bad for Tweek while writing this)

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