i wrote an email

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I wrote an email to you today. I wrote it more for myself than for you. You have stopped replying. I hope you're alive, pardon me for being crude, I'm simply being practical. Are you ok, I ask into a void. I hope you're. I hope you're healthy too. I hope you're happy sometimes.

I scroll down our thread of emails, a time capsule of my life. I've written to you of my first job, my first heartbreak, my move to a new country and some more. I have not told you other things but it's alright. Interesting isn't it, that we never met and that we never will, yet here I am telling it all as if we have.

I'm happy. I hope you are. I'm healthy. I hope you are. Not everything is roses but I know I'll get through them(especially this part). I hope you do too.


An online friend

[Here's to online friends you've never met but you tell all your life and that you were close to at a point of time but no longer have a phone number or an address. you just assumed you would meet in person in the future but that future never came. Now, you send emails because they've deactivated their accounts. Email is reliable like an old landline number. You write, you press send and you hope they see it. You hope they know that you wish only the best for them.]

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