Chapter 4

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Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! I had trouble writing this chapter so I asked my awesome best friend and she of course had all the answers as usual. So she wrote most of this as well as chapter three. She's awesome. Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter!
Btw I'm sorry for my lame author's notes in the middle. Most are pretty much irrelevant so you can skip them but if you're reading this fanfic then you probably don't have anything better to do anyway. For sure you don't if you are one of the few people that actually read these things at the top. :P
(After School)

Ally's POV

I walked down the school buildings into the library where I said I'd meet Michael. The library was completely empty so I sat down at an empty table so Michael would know where to come. It was exactly 6:00, but I couldn't expect him to be right on time. I pulled out my phone and started play Two Dots. A while later I glanced at the clock, 6:23.

I got up and walked over to the bookshelves to find a good book to read while I waited for Michael. As I moved further along the bookshelves I heard giggling. I peaked through the shelves to find Michael with some blond girl in a really short skirt sitting on his lap. They were whispering to each other and kissing. How could he? I thought we had something special! I guess not. The hot tears spilled down my cheeks as I quickly escaped the scene. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door along the hallways. I didn't know if Michael saw me and I really didn't care.

I walked passed the music room when I heard a guitar softly playing along with some singing. I could recognize that voice anywhere. I opened the door and saw Calum practicing the bass. He turned around. "Ally? What are you doing here? What's wrong?" He put his bass down. I ran over to him and pulled him into a hug. I started crying really loud and hard. He held me tighter.

Calum's POV

After a while I let go and put my hands on her shoulders. "Ally what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I said as I wiped away some of the tears running down her face. "I was *sniffle* going *sniffle* to see Michael in the library," she started to cry again, "but I saw him kissing this other girl." She cried even tighter and pulled her into a hug again. "I'm so sorry Ally. He's stupid. Any guy would be lucky to date you." I said to her trying to comfort her. I felt really bad for her. I knew that Michael guy was a jerk. I pulled her down and we sat next to each other on the floor of the music room. "Thanks Cal." she said. She was curled into a little ball and I put my arm around her as we leaded again the back of the couch in the room. After about twenty minutes of staying like this she had pretty much stopped crying.

Ally's POV

Eventually I stopped crying but my eyes were still puffy and red. "Calum what were you doing when I came in?" I asked him. "What? Oh nothing. I was just practicing playing my bass." he said. "What song were you singing?" "Just this song I wrote but the person I wrote it for doesn't feel the same so I'll never show her." he said looking down. "Can I hear it?" "Umm no" "Why not? It's not like I'm the girl." "Umm fine ok." he said walking over to his bass. He started to play. "You call me up..." (Insert the rest of Heartbreak Girl. It bugs me when people put the whole song in their fanfic. Like yeah I know how the song goes, you don't need to tell me. Anywayyyyysssss, back to the story.)

After Calum finished I just stared at him. Was that song about me? "Calum?" "Yeah?" He asked. We were sitting next to each other again. (A/N How did he appear their again even though he was standing with a bass just seconds before you might ask. Well because I do what I want! I'm punk rock! Lol jk I'm so not I get straight A s and do ballet. But whatever. I'm just to lazy to come up with how he gets there. :D) We looked each other straight in the eye. "Umm we should probably get going." he said looking down, breaking eye contact. "Could I come with you? Michael was my ride. I don't really feel like going home." My dad left when I was young and my mom doesn't care about me or what I do. "Sure." he said.

We stood up and I hugged him again. We walked to Calum's car and got in. The drive to Calum's house was silent. Soon we got there and got out of the car. "Mali and my dad are in Scotland visiting my family on my dads side so only my mom is home." he said. "Oh, ok." I replied. Calum opened the door and we walked inside.

"Mom I'm back!" Calum yelled. Joy walked into the room. "Hi honey. Oh hi Ally. It's nice to see you again." she replied. "Umm Ally had a rough day today. Is it ok if she stays?" Calum asks his mom. "Oh course! Ally dear you are always welcome." she said smiling. "Ok mom. Well we will probably hang out down here for a while." Calum said. "Sure. I have some chores to do upstairs anyways. Have fun you too." she said before walking up the stairs.

"What do you want to do?" I asked. "We could watch movies on the couch." he replied. "Ok that sounds good." We sat down next to each other on the couch after Calum put the first movie in. It was (Insert name of movie you like here. It can't be horror. Well I guess it could but it wouldn't really go with the story. Whatever. Your choice.) Calum had his arm around me during it. After a bit of the movie I looked up at him only to see that he was already looking at me. I leaned in and smashed my lips against his. I could tell that at first he was surprised but he quickly kissed me back. (A/N This story will not have smut people just to let you know. Sorry if like you're disappointed or something . Anywayyyys back to the story) After around 20 seconds I pulled away. "It was about me wasn't it?" I asked him. He nodded and looked down. I pecked his lips and we continued watching the the movie.

omg what happens next....???? lol read on to find out

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