Chapter Forty Nine.

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XLIX.                                           Heartbreak Weather

      Odessa danced the night away with Eli. They were happy, something neither of them had genuinely felt in a long time. The music was loud, their friends were around them, and for a a day they could forget about the karate drama and just be teenagers. The music was cut low and the DJ grabbed the microphone. "Alright, alright, alright. Who's up first for some karaoke?"

"WE ARE!" Oliver and Grayson immediately shouted. They pushed past everyone and ran to the stage.

"They're not serious, are they?" Asked Demetri.

Odessa patted his back. "As a heart attack."

A minute after, I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Bots started to play. Odessa laughed out loud and the two boys stood with their backs facing everybody. "Yeah. You are my fire." Oliver started the song. He turned around swiftly and reached one of his hands out like he was reaching for the crowd. He was actually a really good singer. 

Grayson was not. He whirled around and ran one of his hands down his face dramatically. "The one desire. Believe when I say."

"I want it that way!" They sang together.

"Tell me why!" Oliver shouted into the mic and held it out to the crowd.

Odessa held onto Hailey and they screamed the lyrics. "Ain't nothin' but a heartache!"

"Tell me why!" Grayson sang the next line, holding his mic out as well.

Eli looked at Odessa and sang into his fist. "Ain't nothin' but a mistake!"

"Tell me why!"

Miguel wrapped his arm around Odessa's shoulder and they shouted together. "never wanna hear you say I want it that way!"

"Cause I want it that way."

When the song ended, Odessa and Hailey cheered as loud as they possibly could. Oliver and Grayson bowed and exited the stage, receiving multiple high fives and pats on the backs. "Damn, you guys are good." Miguel laughed.

"You should join us on karaoke nights. It gets really intense." Oliver said with deep and heavy breaths.

The DJ took the microphone again. "Okay, that's gonna be hard to beat. Who's next?"

Grayson stood behind Odessa and Hailey and because he was three feet taller than, everyone could see him pointing down at them. "These lovely ladies!" He shouted back.

Odessa's eyes widened and was about to tell him no, until an idea popped in her head. She smiled. "Dancing Queen?"

"Dancing Queen!" Hailey said back and they grabbed each other's hands.

"Oh, god." Eli uttered as the two girls ran to the stage

"Is it bad?" Asked Miguel.

"I've heard her sing it a thousand times. It's like a dying cat rehung ti hit Mariah Carey's whistle note."

Sam squealed when Dancing Queen began to play. "Oh my god, I love this song!"

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life!"

"Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene. Digging the dancing queen!" Demetri and Sam sang together.

Oliver raised his eyebrows. Demetri shrugged. "What? I'm an Abba fan."

"Friday night and the lights are low. . ." Odessa sang. Her voice was scratchy but entertaining.

"Looking out for a place to go. . ." Hailey went next and Grayson and Eli swayed side to side while singing.

"Where they play the right music. Getting in the swing. You come to look for a king."

Oliver held onto Demetri and they bursted out, "Anybody could be that guy!"

"Night is young and the music's high!" Miguel sang into his fist and he spun Sam around with the other hand.

"With a bit of rock music, everything is fine. You're in the mood for a dance. And when you get the chance. . ."

"You are the dancing queen! Young and sweet! Only seventeen!" The group of friends shouted together. Odessa and Hailey danced dramatically on the stage as they sang to the song.

"Feel the beat from the tambourine,oh yeah!"

"You can dance!" Hailey shouted, pointing at the crowd.

"You can jive!" Odessa followed.

"Having the time of your life!" They sang in unison. "Ooh, see that girl. Watch that scene. Digging the dancing queen!" The two girls finished and they grabbed each other's hands, holding them high in the air.

Everyone in the room cheered for them and the girls exited the stage, feeling completely exhausted. Odessa nearly collapsed into Eli. "Okay, I think it's time to go find a table." He suggested.

"Good idea." She breathed while waving her hand in front of her face to cool down.

The group moved through the crowd and found a large table. Eli pulling out a chair for her to sit down. "Punch?" He insisted.


He kissed the top of her head and went with Grayson to the punch bowl to get the girls drinks. Demetri and Oliver plopped down in the chairs across from the. "I just heard that the after party got canceled." He stated.

Hailey's eyes widened. "What?" She almost yelled.

"Yeah. Apparently Logan Wang's little brother got in some middle school fight." Said Demetri.

She threw her hands up. "Well, great, my plan is ruined."

"Not entirely. Maybe someone will throw one at the last minute?" Odessa inquired.

"Or maybe we can go to Hammy's and raide his dad's liquor cabinet." Oliver said with a shrug.

"You know he keeps it locked up tight, right?" 

He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a key chain with one key on it. Hailey narrowed her eyes.  "Why do you have that?"

"Grayson always gives me copies of his keys."

The two boys came back with cups of punch in their hands. "Here you go our queens." Grayson announced.

Odessa took the cup from Eli's hand and examined in.  "Does anyone know if it's spiked?" She questioned.

"We're about to find out." Hailey replied and downed the cup. Her face scrunched up. "Yeah, definitely is."

She giggled before her blue eyes trailed behind Demetri and her smile dropped slightly when she saw Robby and Tory walk in, dressed to perfection. Hailey noticed too and gasped. "No fucking way."

They all followed their glances and gasped. "Well, that was unexpected." Grayson whistled.

"But damn, they look good." Oliver added,

Eli glared slightly at Robby and his hand automatically went to Odessa's knee. She noticed his discomfort and grabbed his hand. "Wanna dance?"

He looked away from Robby and grinned. "Do you even need to ask?"

She led him to the dance floor just as a smooth jazz song began to play. Eli wrapped his arm around the her waist and pulled her closer to him. One of her arms circled around his neck and the other held his hand. They swayed side to side. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?" Eli muttered.

Odessa shrugged. "Only about ten times since we got in the limo." She replied with a playful smile.

He hummed. "Well, it's true. I think you're beautiful all the time."

She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you." Eli repeated softly and layed his head on hers as they continued swaying the music.

Oliver and Demetri watched them from their seats at the table. He held his hand out. "Will you do me the honor of dancing with me?" He asked properly.

Demetri scoffed. "Of course. Careful though, don't want to upstage you with my moves."

"Okay, wise guy."

The jazz song that was playing ended and Ordinary People by John Legend started playing. Hailey gasped. "I love this song. Dance with me." She said and took Grayson's hands

He grinned as she dragged him to the dance floor. "Yes, ma'am."

Odessa gasped as well when she heard it. "Aww, I love this song."

"Funny you say that, cause I love it too." Eli remarked and grabbed her hand, moving them farther into the crowd. His hand wrapped around her waist again the other enclosed around hers.

"Girl, i'm in love with you. This ain't the honeymoon. We're passed the infatuation phase."

She smiled and she placed her forehead on his shoulder.

"We're right in the thick of love. At times we get sick of love it seems like we argue every day."

Eli pulled away from her and twirled her around twice, the bottom of her dress flowing around her. She was like a shot of espresso. Like the first day of Summer. A stream of colors that you couldn't help but love. The sound of her laugh could make angels cry. He took her hand back in his and pressed the other to her back, dipping her.

"I know I misbehaved. And you made your mistakes. And we both still got room left to grow,"

Odessa felt close to the song. It represented her relationship with Eli perfectly. They made their mistakes but they were young. Their souls had more room to grow but their hearts were already so contained with each other. There wasn't two people who loved each other more.

"And though love sometimes hurts, I still put you first. And we'll make this thing work. But I think we should take it slow."

Eli would always put her first. She was the shining star amongst the entire galaxy and no matter how slow they wanted to take it, he would always be there by her side. He spun her around again and her back pressed to his chest. Odessa tilted her head back and leaned it against his shoulder. "Oh, so you got moves now?" She teased.

He shrugged, smirking. "I might have watched La La Land once."

"Ooh, good choice."

He spun her out again and turned her to face him, interlocking his fingers with hers and pushing her out and toward him. She leaned her forehead against his, beaming. "We're just ordinary people. We don't know which way to go." she sang to him. Eli ignored how her voice was off pitch.

"Cause we're ordinary people. Maybe we should take it slow. Take it slow, oh-oh."

""I love you." Eli whispered to her.

"I love you more."

When the song was over, Moon walked up to the mic on stage, tapping on it and getting everyone's attention. "Okay, now is the time to announce the prom king and queen!" She announced and the crowd cheered loudly.nShe held up two cards, the names of the winners written inside. Moon opened the boy's first. "And our prom king is. . ." She read. "Oliver Benson!"

"Fuck yeah!" Grayson shouted loudly and everyone erupted in cheers.

Oliver frozen when he heard his name called. Demetri's jaw dropped and he gave him a small shove. "Go up there, tiger." He encouraged with a large smile.

When he snapped out of it, he grabbed Demetri's face and kissed him before making his way through the crowd and to the stage. Bright lights blinded him. Moon greeted with her usual cheery smile and he bent down to the height. She placed the crown on top of his red hair and he faced the clapping crowd. "That's what i'm talking out!" He hollered and then cheers got louder.

"Alright." Moon laughed and stepped to the mic again. She opened the second card with the girl's name. "And our prom queen is. . . Yes! Odessa Beaumont!"

Odessa let out a choking sound and took a step back. Eli looked at her with wide eyes and a gaped mouth. "Yeah, baby!" He cheered.

Everyone searched for the girl and they clapped. Others cheered really loud. Her friends hollered her name from where they were. The thought it was a joke at first. Eli gave her a small push. "Odessa, babe, go!" He urged her, still smiling.

Odessa blinked her eyes and realized a spotlight was over her. Everyone cleared a path for her and she shakily walked through them. She tried to smile but she was in too much shock. She surely thought she was going to trip but she gripped the sides of her dress to ensure that she wouldn't. Moon and Oliver were waiting for her on the stage with glowing smiles. "Yeah!" He cheered and lifted her up, chasing her to squeal.

When he put her down, Moon placed the crown on her head. Odessa looked up and pointed her finger upward. "There's not a bucket over blood up there, right?" She asked over the loud magic.

Moon giggled. "No, of course not!" She replied. She handed her a large bouquet of flowers and cupped the girl's face. "Congratulations!"

Odessa faced the crowd again with the crown sparking on her head. The flowers felt heavy in her hands. She spotted her friends through the bright light shining in her face and she smiled, her white teeth glowing. Oliver came and stood by her and he grabbed one of her hands and held it tightly.

Miguel and Sam were cheering, Grayson and Hailey were hollering like crazy, and Eli looked incredibly proud as he smiled the largest smile he could. But then she saw Demetri. He was clapping with a large happy smile on his face. He was happy for the both of them but his eyes wouldn't leave Oliver. Odessa glanced at her friend on the stage who was soaking in the spotlight. They loved each other. She was proud that Demetri was able to come out when he met the right person and Oliver was the right person. He didn't push Demetri to do anything he didn't want to do but he would also fight tooth and nail to protect him.

She turned to Moon and motioned to the microphone. The girl looked confused for a split second but handed it to her. "Um," she began to say and cringed when she heard her voice. "I-I know I don't have to say anything, but. . ." She took a small pause. "This doesn't feel right."

Everyone looked confused. People started to whispers Oliver looked her way with furrowed brows. "Dess, what are you doing?" He asked her.

She held her hand up on his direction. "I know somebody who deserves to be up here more than me," she continued into the microphone. "Thank you to the ones who voted for me and I've thought about being up here for a long time since I was little, especially with my best friend," she looked at Oliver when she said it. "But things are different and Oliver deserves this more than anyone. So, I want him to have the best night."

While he felt flattered, Oliver was fill confused as was everyone else in the room.

"Demetri, come up here, please."

The spotlight dawned on Demetri and everyone turned to look at him. His eyes nearly widened out of his head. Eli, who was standing by his side, patted him on the back. He walked to the stage and met Oliver's confused eye. Odessa grabbed his hand and pulled him to the middle of the stage. She took the frown off her head. "Bend down, please."

He listened and bent down to her height. "Uh, Dess, usually I don't question you but this time I have to. What are you doing?" He asked as she placed the crown on his head.

"I've had this school's eyes on me for years. I thought winning Queen would make things better, but, it doesn't feel like I thought it would." She explained and started to smile. "I can't think of two people more deserving than you guys."

They grinned at her. "Thanks, Odessa." Said Oliver.

She smiled at them again and stood off to the side. Now, it was just Oliver Demetri. The room was silent as they waited for one of them to say something. Oliver took the microphone from Odessa. "Uh, well. . ." He began to say. He looked at Demetri, who stood with his hands behind his back and the crown perched on his head. He started to smile again. "All I have to say is," he continued and grabbed Demetri's hand. "Love whoever you want bitches!"

The whole room roared in cheers when Oliver pulled Demetri into him and kissed him passionately. Odessa laughed and put one of her hands over her heart. It was time for the king and queen — now king and
king — and the two boys walked down the steps of the stage to the middle of the dance floor. Look After You by The Fray started to play. "He are so on point with the songs tonight." Oliver said with a laugh.

Demetri nervously placed one of his hands on his shoulder. Oliver's hand rested on his torso and their other hands interlocked.

"If I don't say this now, I will surely break. As I'm leaving the one I want to take,"

They stared swaying side to side. Oliver smirked. "You look so cute with that princess crown." He teased.

Demetri rolled his eyes playfully. "Leave it to Odessa to stick me with you more than I would like." He responded with sarcasm.

He gasped quietly. "Don't act like you don't love it."

"I can neither confirm or deny."

"Oh, I bet you can't." Said Oliver and he pulled him closer to him.

The nerves that Demetri had from everybody's eyes being on them slowly began to vanish the more they danced. Suddenly, it was like they weren't even there. With his hand in Oliver's, it was like they were the only two people in the room.

"Forgive the urgency, but hurry up and wait. My heart has started to separate,"

Oliver attempted to twirl him but it didn't exactly work out. "I'm too tall!" Demetri laughed.

"Hush, i'm trying to be romantic." He said with a chuckle.

"I'll look after you,"

"Absolutely not."

Odessa found her friends standing together and they smiled at her with admiration. Eli took her by the hand and pulled her close, kissing the side of her head. "That was really nice of you, Dess." He said with a sweet smile.

She waved her hand. "It's no big deal. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to win." She spotted Hailey trying to hide her smirk. She narrowed her eyes. "Hailey?"

They looked at her. "What did you do, Hailey?" Asked Grayson and he furrowed his brows suspiciously.

"I might've voted for Odessa once. . . Or twice."

Odessa moved and stood in front of her. "How many times?" She questioned.

Hailey grinned. "About a hundred."

Her blue eyes turned soft. "You did that for me?"

"Of course I did. You deserve it more than anyone. Crown or no crown, you're still my favorite person." She said with a soft and pretty smile.

Odessa's bottom lip wavered and she wrapped her arms around her neck. "I love you."

Hailey smirked and hugged her back. "I know."

"It's always have and never hold. You've begun to feel like home yeah. What's mine is yours to leave or take. What's mine is yours to make your own."

The couple continued to dance in their own little world. Their foreheads were leaning against one another. "Can I tell you something?" Demetri muttered and he opened his eyes.

"Anything." Oliver answered.

"I love you. Like really love you. My life has not been the same since I met you. I thought I was going to end up alone. Be a loser for the rest of him life. I never even imagined someone like you could ever love somebody like me. Sometimes, I still don't believe it. But after that fight you got into with Kyler, I knew. You make living in a shitty world just a little bit better."

His words soaked in Oliver's bones as if he was sponge. He took them in and felt them in his heart. Demetri wasn't the type to express his feeling very often but when he did, it was beautiful. He was awkward and dorky but he was almost beautiful. Oliver's life felt balanced with him. He kept his head in his shoulders. He loved him. "I am pretty amazing, aren't I?" He teased.

Demetri's shoulders fell. "Don't ruin it."

"Sorry." He laughed. He grabbed the boy's face and pulled it toward his, warm lips meeting his. "I love you, ya poet."

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