Chapter Forty Two.

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XLII.                                             Heartbreak Weather

      The middle schoolers were touring the high school at West Valley. Nate tried flirting with one of them and failed miserably. Oliver and Grayson thought it was the funniest thing ever. "I swear, man, and Bert was standing behind him laughing." Grayson laughed harder while walking into the boy's bathroom.

Oliver followed behind him. "Oh, little kids. They have no game." The juniors stopped when they saw one of the younger kids touring the school. He was wearing  Cobra Kai shirt. "Whoa, Cobra Kai?" Oliver pointed at the shirt.

The kid looked his shirt. "Um, yeah?" He responded cautiously.

Grayson stepped forward, almost in a taunting manor. "What makes you think you can wear a shirt like that around here, huh?" He said to the kid.

"What are you, five? You look like you'd cry if I flicked you." Said Oliver and he scoffed a laugh.

The kid started to get nervous as the older boys walked closer to him. He took a step backward. "My–My dojo gave it to me." He stuttered.

"Have they started a kindergarten class?" Oliver continued with the taunting.

"Can't be. I don't see Kreese working with babies." Said Grayson.

The kid cowered in fear. He expected the worst. Grayson and Oliver stopped walking and looked at each other. Then, they bursted out laughing. The young kid now looked confused. Grayson clutched his stomach from laughing so hard and Oliver clapped him on the back. "Oh, we're just messing with you, kid. What's your name?"

"K-Kenny. . ."

Grayson straightened up and his face was bright red. "What's up, Kenny? I'm Grayson." He introduced himself and held his hand out. "This is Oliver."

Kenny slowly but surely shook his hand. "Hi."

"So, you're in Cobra Kai?" Said Oliver.

The kid nodded and lightened up a little. "Yeah, I just started actually." He said with excitement.

"Nice. We were in Cobra Kai too."

Kenny looked shocked. "Really?Why aren't you guys there now?"

Grayson shrugged. "Wasn't our style, we suppose." He partially lied.

"Yeah, our friends Odessa and Hailey were there with us too. You'll probably see them here along the way. They're usually together."

"Yeah, Hailey's a brunette and Odessa's a blonde. Which I know's not a lot of information, but, Hailey'll probably make fun of you and tell you to go away if you talk to her." Grayson informed and grinned to himself. "Odessa's nice, though."

Kenny gave them a curt nod. "Oh. Good to know."

"Well, we have to start getting to class. It was good to meet you, Kenny." Said Oliver and smiled.

"Have fun with your visit. If you're having trouble, find Odessa. She can answer any questions." Grayson added and the two of them exited the bathroom. They stopped and leaned against the wall. "Cobra Kai?"

"Yeah, the kid's screwed." Oliver sighed.

Meanwhile, Odessa stood at her locker with Hailey. The two girls were chatting when Kenny. walked up to them. "Hey, are you Hailey and Odessa?" He asked them. He'd made sure to zip up his jacket before walking up to them.

"Beat it, middle schooler." Hailey scoffed.

Odessa rolled her eyes. "Hailey." She looked at him and smiled. "I'm Odessa and she's Hailey. Don't mind her. She's in a bad mood cause one of her nails broke."

"Screw Oliver. I threw a punch at him at training and he grabbed my hand instead of my wrist." She grumbled and stared at the broken acrylic on her finger.

"My name's Kenny. Your friends Oliver and Grayson told me if I had any questions to come and find you." Kenny told them.

Hailey looked offended. "What did they say about me?"

"Uh, Grayson said you'd tell me to go away."

That made her smile. "That's my baby."

Odessa rolled her eyes again. "Anywho. . ." She looked back at the kid. "What can I help you with?"

"Um, how big of a deal is karate around here?" He asked with hesitation.

"It's a pretty big deal. I'm sure you heard about the school fight."

He nodded. "Yeah, I did. So, what happens when someone joins the opposite dojo?"

"You mean Cobra Kai?" She asked with furrowed brows. He nodded again. "Well, we haven't had the best experience with Cobra Kai. But them and the dojo we're apart of are pretty big rivals so when we compete in the All Valley, it gets pretty intense." She explained in detail.

Kenny took her words in. He was thankful that she was nice like the guys had said. He just left out of the part where he was already a Cobra Kai. He nodded and smiled at her. "Thanks."

"Is there anything e—" she started to ask but he had already walked away. "Aw, he was cute."

Hailey rolled her eyes. "Adorable. Anyways, are you coming with me to my nail appointment?"

It was no secret that Miguel and Daniel's new found bond was getting to Johnny. It was written all over his face at the next practice. He could barely focus on their training session because he was too busy watching the pair out of envy. "A good day. You guys showed toughness." Johnny encouraged as everyone walked to the front. 

Oliver's arm was around Demetri's shoulder as he limped in pain. He was unfortunately the punching bag (Literally.) during today's practice. "You sure you're okay?" Oliver asked.

"Oh yeah, no, they're starting to turn back to their normal color." Demetri answered with a whimper.

"Diaz, you hungry? I'll make your favorite. Spicy manwich, side of steak fries." Johnny said to Miguel with a smile.

"Oh, I'm actually going with Mr.  Larusso. We're finishing my mom's car." Miguel responded.

His face fell at the answer. "Oh, okay. No problem." He said with a wave of his hand.

They began to walk away. "Sensei." Johnny heard Miguel say and be turned back around, thinking he was talking to him. He wasn't. He was referring to Daniel.

Odessa came and stood by Johnny. He saw his fallen expression as Miguel took off with Daniel. "I like manwiches too, you know?" She spoke.

In result, he smiled and ruffled her blonde hair. "Thanks, Dess."

Kenny walked into the Cobra Kai dojo with his gi on. "Look who made it." Kyler commented.

He said nothing. Instead, he walked up and stood between Tory and Robby. "What's up?" Robby asked when seeing his fallen expression.

He told them about getting picked on by some kids at school. When he told them that it was Hawk, that's when Robby got angry. "These older guys asked if I was in Cobra Kai too, but, they were just being funny. It was harmless." Kenny added.

"Who were they?"  Asked Tory.

"Said their names were Grayson and Oliver."

At the names, they all looked at each other. "Ah, yeah,  they used to be here. They quit cause they're pussies." Kyler said and let out an obnoxious laugh.

"I talked one of the older girls today, too. She told me about the rival dojos. Her name was Odessa."

Robby looked away at the mention of her name. It had been a while since he last saw Odessa, since they talked at Mr. Larusso's dojo. He found it hard to get himself to talk to her. He didn't know if it was out of embarrassment or how he knew if he stayed in contact her, his feelings for her would come back. Maybe they were still there. You don't just lose your feelings when it comes to a girl like Odessa Beaumont. 

Kenny noticed their faces. "She was actually really nice." He added.

Robby cracked a smile. "Yeah, she is."

Tory gave him a look he didn't quite understand.  Kyler stayed quiet.

Odessa sat in Johnny's apartment watching him make a pan of chili for the sandwiches. Her mom was at work and Grayson was with Hailey. Oliver was with Demetri. She was the only single person in their friend group. She figured she'd spend some time with Johnny. "I just realized we've never had a one on one with each other before." She spoke.

Johnny looked her way. "Huh, I guess no. Sick of me yet?"

She smiled. "Nah, not yet. I'm sure I'll get there."

He scooped some of the chili in a spoon and held it out for her.  "Taste that."

Odessa got out of the chair and walked over to taste it. She processed the taste and hummed, her eyes narrowing.

"Not manly enough?"

She shook her head. "Not manly enough." They took two packs of beef jerky and dumped it in. "Hey Johnny, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, kid. What's up?"

"I know you and my dad were best friends. That he had to sleep on your couch for a while," she began. Johnny had paused and looked down at her. "And I know you and my mom's friendship has gotten a lot stronger. I guess what I'm trying to ask is. . . How do you feel about me?" She was nervous to ask. Her father abandoned her. Her mom was out of it for a while after what happened. She felt as if she didn't have someone in her life to guide her, to love and protect her, until her mom starting getting her life together again.

Johnny was like a dad to her in a way. He was her Sensei. He protected her even when he didn't need to. She didn't want to lose that.

"I'm not good at showing how I feel. You obviously know that," Johnny responded after a minute of thinking. "You know how my relationship with Robby is. It's always been rocky. I wasn't ready to be a dad. I screwed that up. Then I met Miguel and things got better. And then you showed up."

She blinked a few times.

"I knew who you were the second you said your last name. You look exactly like your dad. In a way, I felt kind of obligated to take you under my wing. I didn't want to mess up again like I did with berthing else in my life," Johnny continued. "But I really do care about you, Odessa. You and Thalia. You're the only two consistent things I have in my life. Neither of you have up on me."

Odessa hugged him and his eyes went wide. "Thank you for being there for me. I really need my dad, but, you're close enough."

Johnny stared at the top of the girl's head and smiled. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. There was a knock on the front door. "One sec. Watch the chili," he told her and went to answer it. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see Robby. "Hey, Robby."

Odessa looked over her shoulder quickly at the sound of his name.

"What's going on? You wanna come in?" Johnny asked his son.

"Hawk and some of your students have been bullying this kid at school. Tell them to stop or there'll be payback." Robby bluntly informed.

Odessa felt her heart drop to her stomach at his words.  She moved from behind the kitchen counter and made herself viable to him.  Their eyes met.

Johnny scoffed. "Payback? What the hell is Kreese putting you up to?"

"He's not putting me up to anything. I'm trying to help this kid but if those assholes don't knock it off, I'll do what I have to do."

"Eli?" Odessa said and the hurt in her voice was clear.

Robby looked at her again. "Yea, Odessa, your boyfriend." He threw at her.

"Don't do anything stupid. You already got kicked out of school." Said Johnny.

His son glared at him. "Miguel attacked me. I was trying to stop the fight. He escalated it—"

The sound suddenly muffled. Her eyes darted around the room.  Hawk and some of your students bullying a kid. It replayed in her head. She didn't want to believe it. He was getting better. He was proving himself to everyone. Eli wanted to be better and he was trying to show everyone he could change. He was trying to be better for her, for their relationship. He wouldn't go back to his old ways, right?

"See that's the difference between you and me,"  Odessa heard Robby say to Johnny when she snapped out of it. "You put all your trust in Kreese. I don't trust anyone anymore." She caught the way his eyes looked her way when he said it. "I'm just using Cobra Kai to get what I want."

Her eyes turned sad. The relationship Robby had with his father made her heart break. Johnny was a great person but all Robby knew was that he wasn't there for him. When she saw him walk away, Odessa quickly followed him. "Robby, wait!" She called out.

He tried hard to ignore her. "Not now, Odessa."

"Robby, please." She pleaded.

It was like the sound of her voice was sewn into him and he couldn't help but listen to it. Robby turned around and faced her. "What?"

Her mouth gaped slightly. She suddenly couldn't find words. "H-How are you?" She stammered.

He breathed a small laugh. "I'm doing wonderful, Odessa. And your self?" He asked with sarcasm.

Her shoulders slumped. "I'm serious, Robby. We haven't talked."

He shrugged. "The phone works both ways."

"Don't do that. I tried returning your calls and you stopped talking to me." She said firmly. "What are you doing taking classes with Kreese? You know what happened with Cobra Kai and you want to put yourself through that?"

"Like I just told him, Odessa. I'm just using them to get what I want."

"And what is it that you want?" She stepped closer to him. "Revenge? Who is it that you want revenge with,  Robby?"

"I have a few people in mind."  He stated.

"Revenge gets you nowhere, Robby. I don't want to see you go back to juvie."

"Your right to care about me has been revoked." He said and turned around to walk off again.

"Robby Keene, why are you treating me like this!" Odessa shouted with pure hurt in her voice.

That lit a fire under him and he spun around quickly. He pointed a finger at her. "Because you left me for him! He was terrible to you Odessa. You came crying to me because of the way he treated you." He expressed with anger but also hurt. "I was great to you. I listened to you, defended you, and I loved you. All my life people have left me for someone else and you were the one person who I thought would always be there." He yelled at her and every emotion he tried so hard to hide now spilled all over the pavement.

"I'm here, Robby!"  Odessa exclaimed and her voice broke.

"No, you're not. You're there with him. You're with the enemy."

She waved her hands around. "There is no enemy. We're just people, Robby. We're kids! Yes, stuff happened but we're just kids. I'm here. I've always been here."

They stared at each other, blue and green eyes holding contact. His were angry but hers were sad. Robby's breaking heart was masked by his anger for the world. He hated how his dad left him for another boy his age, he hated how his mom was never around, he hated how everyone looked at him like he was a terrible person, and he hated how he lost the girl he loved to someone else. His life was filled with broken promises and she was just another one on the list. "Do you love me?" he asked with a quiet voice like he regretted asking it.

She blinked. "What?"

He took a step forward. "Do you love me, Odessa?" He repeated himself.


"Please. I need to know. I need to be able to move on." He begged.

Odessa thought about the time they spent together. The first time she saw him. The first time she felt something for him. The first time they kissed. First time they had sex. She didn't regret any of it. She loved Robby. . . but he wasn't him. She knew no matter how hard she tried, Robby would never be Eli. "I do love you, Robby." She uttered with tears in her eyes.

He sucked in a breath. "More than him?" He asked but he was scared to hear the answer.

Her eyes glossed over even more. Her chin wobbled from trying to hold back her cries. When she looked away from him, that was his answer. Robby closed his eyes for a brief second and he exhaled. He turned around and left without saying another word. That's when the tears came falling.

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