Chapter Seventy Three.

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LXXIII. Heartbreak Weather

      Odessa couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her mother as happy as she was now. Even when her daughter was getting her life back together or when her old friends came back into the picture, Thalia was happier now than she ever was and Odessa knew why. It was her father. Maybe he was making them both happy again. But Odessa couldn't help but think that it was weird.

It's been years since her dad left. Years since the last time she saw him, and maybe she was the last person to see him. Odessa had to get used to life without him, used to living life like he didn't exist because it was easier than admitting how much she missed him. And now he was back. As much as she loved the fact that he was back, it still felt strange. Was that a bad thing?

But her mom was glowing again. She was smoking bigger than ever. She was laughing more. The love between them never went away even after all the shit he put her through. In a way, Odessa understood. Eli put her through hell. But it wasn't Eli. It was Hawk. It took a lot of work for them to get back to where they were before but she was willing to do it because she loved him.

Walking up that morning, Odessa's sight was a more clear. The broken pieces of her life felt finally put together. She didn't wake up worried or anxious but she woke up calm. It was a new school year. Her senior year. Odessa hoped that she would finally have a year of school without any chaos.

When she walked out of her room, she didn't see her parents anywhere. Not in the living room or in the kitchen. Odessa walked through the living room into the kitchen and then she heard faint giggling. She took light steps toward the back sliding door and she peered through the glass. Her mom and dad were sitting at the table drinking coffee, her mom giggling at something he said. She felt the urge to go out and join them, her hand settled on the handle, but she slowly let it go. Odessa walked away, a faint smile on her lips.

When she walked out of her house, Eli was parked on the side of the road. Odessa smiled big and raced to the passenger side. "Good morning," she greeted joyously.

Eli grinned her way. "Morning, Beautiful." He said back and she climbed into the car. He leaned against the middle console and kissed her. "You look pretty today."

"Thank you," she replied sweetly. She eyed his new colored mohawk. "Aww, you did go with the blue." She said and gently touched one of the spikes.

"Yeah, I couldn't decide between the blue or the red."

"I wish you'd go back purple."

He pouted his lips. "Aww, I'll do purple next, okay?"

"You better." She giggled and he started to drive.

He held her hand on the console. "Okay, what are you most looking forward to this year?" He asked her.

Odessa thought to herself. She hummed. "I can tell you what I'm not most looking to." She replied.

"What's that?"


Eli glanced at her and laughed. "Why?"

"Cause getting older sucks," Odessa answered, "I barely survived high school. How the hell am I supposed to survive college?"

"Because you're Odessa Beaumont. You can survive anything."

She looked at him blankly. "You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend." She insisted.

Eli shook his head. "No, I'm not. I'm saying it as your best friend. You've been through hell and you always come out on top. College is just another thing, Dess." He spoke casually but he meant it from the heart.

Odessa found herself smiling. Yet another moment she remembered why she loved him so much. Eli always encouraged her. He was always her cheerleader and she was his. Oliver tried FaceTiming her. Odessa held her phone up to her face. "What's up, Slut?" She said loudly.

"What's up with you, Adulterous Whore?" He said back.

Her and Eli laughed. "I'm not even married."

"Well, you and Hawk are basically married, so," the red head shrugged. He held the phone close to his face. "Where the hell are you two anyway?"

"We're almost to the school." Eli answered while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Well hurry the hell up. Everyone's waiting." He moved the camera back and showed her everybody that was behind him. "Say hey everybody."

Chris, Bert, Nate appeared in front of the camera. "Yo, what's up, Dess?" He said loudly.

"Aye, Dessi. What's up?" Nate nearly yelled as if he was in front of her face.

"Hey, mom!" Bert said with a smile.

Odessa chuckled. "Hey guys." She pointed the phone to Eli. "Say hi, E."

Eli leaned over. "Sup Pussies!" He said loudly.

"Okay, move," Oliver shoved them out of frame his face returned on the screen, "alright, get your asses to school."

"Get your face away from the screen, I can see your nose hairs," Odessa joked.

"And I can see that unibrow that you're growing but you don't see me bitching about it."

She gasped and Olivia ended the call.

"You don't have a unibrow, babe. You have perfect eyebrows."

"Thank you." She said proudly and rubbed her sculpted eyebrows.

They walked into school hand-in-hand and were met by a group of loud cheers. "There they are!" Oliver announced loudly with his arm slung over Demetri's shoulder.

"Mr. and Mrs. Moskowitz." He followed along.

Eli detached his hand from hers and did his handshake with the guys. Odessa looked behind her and saw Miguel and Sam walk in. She gasped. "Hi, my favorite couple." She said giggly and went to hug Sam.

"I can say the same back," Sam laughed and hugged her back.

Miguel smiled at her. "Hey, Dess," he said as she came to his side and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"How's Robby?" She let him go and wrapped her hands around her backpack straps.

"He's good. Yeah, uh, he's in the office getting re enrolled."

"Really?" She said in slight shock. When Miguel nodded, she smiled. "Wow, that's really great."

Hailey and Grayson walked into the building, their hands also attached. "Ahh, so this is where the party's at." Grayson said with a smirk.

Hailey scoffed. "I wouldn't consider this to be an ideal party spot."

"Ahh, there's the Debbie Downer." Oliver said with a slight and he joined the group.

She gave him a look. "There's the Cocksucker."

"Damn straight."

Odessa slapped his arm while Grayson let out a loud cackle. "I'm an Adulterous Whore, apparently."

"But you aren't even married."

"That's what I said."

"You and Hawk will definitely get married first." Grayson declared. "Demetri and Oliver, then me and Hailey."

Hailey looked offended. "Why are we last?" She asked and crossed her arms.

He shrugged. "Cause Demetri and Oliver will probably elope or have a Vegas wedding a year or two out of high school."

Oliver smiled widely. "Yeah, that sounds like us." He looked over his shoulder. "Hey, babe!"

Demetri, standing in a circle with Eli and Chris, looked his way.

"Wanna get married in Vegas?"

His eyes went wide. "Why is that a topic of conversation?"

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Just say yes or no."

Demetri blinked multiple times. "Uhh, yes?"

Smirking, he turned back to his friends. "It's settled. You're all invited."

"Can I be the maid of honor?" Odessa asked.

"Can I be the best man?" Grayson followed along.

"Can I be the person to object?"

Oliver flipped Hailey off.

Robby's locker was ironically only three down from hers and when English ended, Odessa walked out of her class and saw him standing at his locker getting his books out. "Hey, are you new here?" She asked and walked towards him. "I've never seen you here before.

Robby smiled and turned to her, seeing her laughing. "Very funny," he chuckled and closed the locker door.

"For real though, I'm happy to see you back." Odessa said and held her books close to her chest. "Just try not to kicked out on your first day, please?"

Again, Robby chuckled. "I promise."

"Good." She gave him another smile and walked away. Odessa turned a corner down the other hallway and Eli stood there with Demetri. She smiled again, wider that time.

"I guess that's my cue to leave," Demetri announced upon seeing her and he walked away.

Furrowing his brows, Eli looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Hey, baby."

Odessa grinned and pushed him against his locker. She kissed him quickly, shocking him. "Whoa," he laughed when she pulled away, "what was that for?"

"I have my first three classes without you. Do you know how frustrating that is?"

"If it gets you like this then I love it."

She rolled her eyes and kissed him again. Eli's hand raised to her cheek. After another minute or two when they both needed air, Odessa pulled back slightly and he smiled at her. "You seem different today?"

She furrowed her brows. "Different how?"

Suddenly, Eli moved forward and switched them around so that she was pressed against his locker. He smirked. "I dunno. You're just look happier than usual. It looks nice on you."

Odessa smiled a little and her blue eyes traveled to his chest. "It's my parents." She answered him. "My mom's been happier ever since my dad got back and he. . . well, he's back." Her eyes lifted and looked into his again.

Gently, Eli brushed her cheek again with his hand. "He is." He nodded. "I'm happy to see you happy again."

"I've been happy, Eli." Odessa said softly and pulled him in for another kiss.

Odessa was more than happy that things between Tory and Sam were okay again but she knew not all was forgiven. They had too much bad blood between them for them to be friends right away when if Odessa has forgiven Tory. That's just who she was. But Sam was more head strong than her. They both were, actually.

She was training with her dad, Christian volunteering to help her with her punches. He held up the gloves and nodded with each hit she threw. "That's good. Your punches are sharp." He encouraged her. "You thinking about anyone's face?"

"Uhhh," she trailed and threw another punch, "not anybody in particular, no."

He smiled and out the gloves down. "Good. Your mom and I were thinking of having a pool party after dinner tonight. That sound like fun?"

"Yeah," Odessa nodded and blew strands of her blonde hair out of her face. "Can I, uh, invite Eli?"

"Of course you can. I need someone to play pool volleyball with." Christian joked and patted her on the arm.

It felt odd having a conversation with him like he'd been around for all these years, like Odessa was supposed to know that she could talk to him normally. But it still felt like she was talking to a stranger, a stranger that looked just like her.

"Chris!" Christian looked over and saw Johnny come into the backyard holding junk in his hands. He waved him over. "I'll be back, okay, Dess?" He said to his daughter with a smile and walked off.

Hailey came over and took his spot. "Damn, even I feel like it's weird having him come back. I can't imagine how you're feeling."

"It's just gonna take him, that's all," Odessa simplified, "I'm just glad he's back for good. I know my mom is."

"Oh yeah," her friend said with a smirk, "Mama Tal's in loveeee."

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Shut up." She said and shoved her shoulder.

"No, I'm happy for you," Hailey said and grabbed her hand. "I'm happy for both of you. You and your mom deserve this. Even if me and the others were against your dad for what he did, he doesn't mean we're not happy that he's back in your lives. We just want what's best for you."

"I know you do." Odessa smiled gently. She watched her dad and Johnny go into the dojo and she sighed under her breath. "I just want everything to go back to normal."

my sweeties are back <333

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