Chapter Thirty Seven.

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XXXVII.                                       Heartbreak Weather

      Hawk hadn't been doing okay since him and the Cobra Kaiz went to the park where the Eagle Fang's were at. He couldn't get the sad look that was on Odessa's face out of his head. It was heartbreaking. He missed her embrace more than anything. He felt like there was a constant emptiness around him. His heart hurt every time he passed her in the halls at school.  Every time their eyes locked, Eli would get lost in the blueness of her eyes. He missed her so much

Walking into the Cobra Kai dojo with his gi on, Eli's eyes spotted a familiar head of brown hair talking with Sensei Kreese. He felt a rush of anger. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Robby's head turned and met with the firey eyes of Hawk. Hemade his way toward him like he was going to do something but Kreese held his hand out. "Hold on there. Mr. Keene is our guest."

The two boys locked eyes. Hawk was glaring at him.  Robby knew exactly why he was angry and he couldn't help but give a small smirk. That only seemed to make him angrier. Their rivalry went way deeper than them just not liking each other because of karate drama. 

Hawk couldn't help but think of Odessa and he wondered if she knew that he was back. He wondered if they had talked. He wondered if she missed him like he missed her. It all just made him so angry.

Odessa sat across from her mom in the mall food court. She tried focusing on their girls day but ever since the encounter she had with Robby, he was all she could think about. So much time passed by since the last time she saw him face to face and she really missed him. It physically hurt. "Anything you want to catch up on?" Thalia asked.

"Robby's back."

The woman smiled sadly. "I know. Johnny told me. Have you seen him?" She asked.

"He showed up at Mr.  Larusso's the night after the council meeting. I left Sam and Miguel alone and walked inside the dojo and there he was. . ." Odessa trailed off while staring at her food.

"How do you feel about it?"

"Obviously i'm happy that he's okay. But, I don't know, it feels weird. I emailed him a lot and we talked but to see him out and in person, it's strange."

Thalia nodded again. "Do you feel like you'll get back together?"

"Uhh, I don't know." Odessa groaned and rubbed her face. "I didn't think so and then I saw him last night and now my brains all—" she circled her head and made a static noise. "It's so confusing."

"I loved you and Robby together," her mom told her. "He's a sweet boy. He's just had a really hard life."

"I know, that's what I said. But I also know how Miguel feels about him and I love Miguel. I wouldn't ever want to jeopardize our friendship."

"But, honey, you've gotta learn to stop putting your happiness below other people's." Said Thalia. "You were happy with Robby."

Odessa frowned deeply. "I know. But he hurt Miguel. He hurt me. How do I move on from that?"

Thalia didn't know how to answer that. She was a teenage girl once. She understood the feeling perfectly.  Christian was the love of her life. She dated a lot in high school but he was always the one she went back to. She understood how it felt to love someone so much. "What about Hawk? Have you guys talked?" She moved on.

She shook her head. "No. It's like every time I think we're taking a step forward, he takes it three steps back. It's so exhausting. I feel like an idiot for thinking he would change."

The woman grabbed her hand "You're not an idiot. You're just a girl with a good heart."

She smiled and then frowned. "Is it bad that I still love him? Love them both in some kind of way?"

"No, it's not. You can't control who you love. But you can control who hurts you and decide if you want them in your life or not." Thalia lectured. "It's all about following your heart, baby."

Odessa smiled sadly and nodded. She heard her phone go off and flipped it over to see the picture of her and Miguel wearing matching heart shaped sunglasses. "Hello?" She spoke into the phone.

"Dessi, you have plans tonight?" Miguel asked quickly like he was in a rush.

She looked at her mom with furrowed brows. "Um, probably just hanging out at Hailey's house. My mom's going to a party. Why, what's up?"

Her mom sipped her sweet tea and listened with curiosity.

"Sam and I are throwing a Christmas party at her house. Only it's not an actual party, we're trying to get Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang to join together. You in?"

She smirked instantly. "Hell yeah I'm in."

she couldn't see but he threw his fist up in the air happily. "Yes! Okay, tell Hailey and the others. See you tonight. Love you!"

Before she could say anything, he hung up the phone. "Everything okay?" Asked Thalia.

"Looks like i'm going to a party, too."

Oliver went through with Miguel's plan. He had been texting with Odessa since arriving at Sam's house. It also meant he had to lie to Demetri which he absolutely hated. Faint Christmas music was playing in the back and it was very quiet. He sat with Demetri on the couch and his arm leaned across the back of the furniture. "Well, this Christmas party's turning out to be Ho-Ho-Horrible," said Demetri.

"Yeah. Sam, I thought you said your parents were gonna be out for the night," Chris pointed out. "So, why aren't we throwing a rager?"

Sam met Oliver's eyes for a brief second. "There's a keg on the way. It's just gonna be a few more minutes." She told them.

"Yeah, so be patient and listen to sweet sound of. . . whatever Christmas song this is," Oliver added and furrowed his brows.

"Can we at least put on a Christmas special? I'd even watch that creepy one with the little elf dentist," Demetri suggested.

His boyfriend gave him an odd look.

"Yeah, i'm that bored."

Oliver quickly, but sneakily, texted Odessa and told her to hurry her ass up. After a few minutes, the doorbell went off. "It's here!" Sam announced and went to open the door.

Everyone turned around. She opened the door and in came in Miguel, Odessa, Mitch, Hailey, Grayson, and Bert. "No way!" Nathan dismissed as everyone stood up from the couch.

"Oh, hell no! You gotta be kidding me." Chris said in disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing here? This isn't a keg party," Mitch snapped. He ripped the hat off of his head. "I bought this hat for nothing!"

"Yeah, along with that sweater." Hailey remarked and Odessa nudging her in the ribs.

"Wait, you parent trapped us?" Demetri questioned Sam. He looked Oliver and saw the guilty look on his face. "And you knew about it? Why?" He gasped.

"Look, I know we haven't always gotten along, but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now to all of us," Sam stated.

"We think we'd stand a better chance against them if we joined forces." Miguel explained.

"Two dojos are stronger than one," Odessa quickly added.

The Miyagi-Dos shook their heads in disapproval.

"Look, I know we've all done shitty things to each other—"

"Yeah, like break Demetri's arm and beat the shit out of Grayson?" Chris said, glaring at Mitch.

Grayson threw his hands up. "Hey, if I can forgave and forget, so can you!"

"You started that fight." Mitch snapped at his old friend.

"After you almost got me fired!"

"God, I hate your stupid face so much!" Bert said to Nathan.

"If you died, I wouldn't even attend your funeral." The boy remarked.

Odessa gasped and wrapped her arm around Bert. "Hey now, too far!"

Oliver snorted. "That was actually pretty funny."

"This isn't going to work." Miguel muttered to Sam.

"It has to." She replied. "We have one last chance to make things right. Alone, we're nothing. But if we work together then we have a shot." She tried to reason.

Odessa nodded. "If we can't get over the past, the fighting will never end. We have to confront our enemies. This rivalry has to stop one way or another."

Grayson patted her head with a proud grin. "Look at you, our little motivational speaker."

She swatted his hand away. "Not the time, Hammy."

The Encino Valley Christmas party was beautiful. That was to be expected. Jazz music played in the background, waiters passing out food, and large Christmas trees were decorated around the room. Thalia walked in wearing her little black dress and she held her black clutch close to her. She hadn't been to a party this extravagant since the divorce. She looked around for sight of anyone she knew.

"Thalia Reid, look at you!" Daniel greeted the woman with a wide smile.

She smiled back. "Hi, Daniel." She said and have him a quick hug. "Where's Amanda?"

He pointed to the bar. "She's getting us some martinis. Did you come here alone?"

She waved her hand. "Yeah, you know me. I don't have time to meet a guy."

He scoffed. "I don't believe that. You were a catch in high school."

She smiled a little. "Yeah, well, I kept getting reeled back in by one." She replied.

Daniel nodded slightly. "I'm still really sorry, Thalia. You and Christian were my favorite couple in school." He spoke apologetically.

She looked at him and smiled. "And you and Ali were mine."

He laughed.

She felt a hand touch her back and Johnny came out from behind her. "You look great, Tal." He told the woman with a smile.

"Thank you, Johnny."

Daniel and Johnny stared at each other intimidatingly. Thalia looked between them and suddenly felt awkward. "Okay, I think I'm gonna try one of those martinis." She announced and patted Johnny on the shoulder. "Y'all have fun."

She headed to the open bar and wondered how many martinis she would have to down to get thorough tonight.

After getting everyone to calm down, Sam and Miguel had everyone sit on the couch and listen to their explanation. "I don't know how to say this any plainer. Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do have to work together." Sam pointed her hands between the two dojos.

"Even if we wanted to team up, it'd never work," Chris stated and looked at his former Cobra Kai teammates. "We were in Cobra Kai. Their style mixes with ours like. . ." He paused.

"Oil and vinegar?" Nathan suggested.

"No, not salad dressing."

"Oil and water?" Said Odessa.

Chris shook his head again. "I would say like the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation."

"They were friends, dipshit." Mitch intervened.

"Not at Wrestle Mania Three, Penis Breath."

He shifted in his seat. "Okay, you can't call me Penis Breath. Only they can call me Penis Breath!"

"Why are you okay with anyone calling you Penis Breath?"

Hailey rubbed her head. "This is giving me a headache."

"You know what? Screw this!" said Mitch. He nudged Bert. "Come on. Let's go."

Him and Bert started to leave when Demetri slammed his hand on the table. "Hey, pussies!" He shouted.

They all looked at him with wide eyes.

"This is exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want. Since you were one of 'em, you're sort of an asshole too," he continued before pointing at the others that used to be in Cobra Kai. "And so are you. And so was I. Well, at least I wanted to be one—"

Oliver shook his head at him. "Don't ruin it. Just keep going."

Demetri nodded. "Right. But now Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley ran by the king of all assholes. So if by merging with Eagle
Fang—" He pointed at them. "—Weird name by the
way, can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it!"

Odessa smiled and everyone looked at each other, taking in what he was saying.

"I'm sorry for all the assholes. I usually take pride in my grandiloquence, but. . . I've been around Oliver too much and it's an emotional time."

Oliver winked at him.

Mitch and Bert looked at one another and sat back down on the couch. Demetri grinned, feeling proud of himself. "Now. . . where do we start?" He asked Miguel and Sam.

"God, I love him so much." Oliver whispered to Grayson.

Grayson smiled patted him on the back. "I know, buddy."

"Should we go find my husband and his boyfriend?" Amanda mentioned when neither Daniel or Johnny were back yet.

"Knowing them, they're talking at karate as usual," Thalia answered and they stood up from their seats. She spotted them talking to a woman with blonde hair by the bar. She squinted her eyes before widening them. "Ali?" She breathed out.

Ali Mills looked away from the men and at Thalia, her eyes going wide as well. "Thalia Reid?" She said, equally as shocked.

She walked faster to the woman. "It's been years!" She exclaimed. They embraced into a tight hug. "Oh my gosh, you look amazing!"

"Me? Look at you! Beautiful as ever!" Ali beamed.

Johnny and Daniel looked at each other, getting the same thought. It was just like high school. "Ali, this is my wife, Amanda,"  Daniel introduced his wife as he handed Amanda a drink. "Amanda, this is Ali Mills-Schwarber."

"We went out in high school,"  Ali added with a wide smile.

Amanda chuckled. "Oh! I cannot wait to talk to you."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"And it's actually just Mills now. Not Schwarber." She said to Daniel. 

Thalia gasped.  "You got divorced, too?"

"Parted like the Red Sea."

"So, have the man-boys filled you in on the whole mortal enemy karate dojo battling  for the soul of the valley thing?" Amanda questioned while swirling her drink.

"You know, that would be would a great name for a video game." Thalia pointed out.

"Whoa, wait. You both have karate dojos?"  Ali asked the men. When they didn't respond, she added, "How's that going?"

Thalia and Amanda gave each other a look. The married woman nonchalantly sipped from her drink. "We have a lot to catch up on,  Als." Said Thalia.

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