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IT had been three weeks since the horrendous date between Renjun and Yuyan. The Chinese lad was currently on step five of unloving someone fast. And this step was the hardest one for Renjun. Step 5: Break Contacts with Them.

He had tried to limit his contacts with Yuyan. He tried to not take the shortcut through the marketing department to get to his piano lessons, he changed his shifts at the gallery and he never sat foot on the soccer field again.

He deleted her number (which was honestly the hardest part of all) and unfollowed her on all social networks that they had in common. It felt weird, blocking her out of his mind and out his life—but ever since he started following the tips of that weird website, he felt better. He smiled more often and was more happy at work.

His co-worker Kim Yerim had looked at him one day and asked if he was moving on from somebody. With a bright smile on his face he turned to her and nodded. „It's liberating knowing I can feel like myself again!" He continued working and Yerim seemed impressed by how mature Renjun sounded.

Even Donghyuck was impressed on how well Renjun was taking this ‚un-love Xiao Yuyan' business. One day, the two of them were eating at a Korean BBQ, when Donghyuck looked over to Renjun. „How are you dealing with all this?" - „Actually pretty good", Renjun answered. „I'm glad I wasn't seriously in love with her, otherwise I wouldn't be able to move on so easily." Renjun laughed and Donghyuck nodded. „I'm proud of you, Injun. You look way healthier."

But even with all the compliments he was getting; at night, when he was lying in bed, he wondered what would happen if Yuyan never brought Mark along to their date. Would the two of them be girlfriend and boyfriend by now? Would they've already shared their first kiss? But whenever Renjun caught himself having these types of thoughts, he quickly shook them off and drank a bit of Oolong to calm down again.

He didn't want to think of the possibility of him and Yuyan being an item, when the woman clearly wasn't attracted to him.

Yuyan on the other side, felt miserable. Chunhei stayed away from their shared dorm for two whole days. Yuyan wasn't even able to speak to her best friend in school, since Chunhei kept busying herself with work.

Every night, Yuyan received spicy pictures of Mark and a text demanding an equally spicy picture as response. Yuyan felt dirty, but took seductive pictures anyways. She couldn't leave Mark Lee unhappy. She loved him after all.

But as soon as she send him a picture of her in revealing clothes—or her bra and panties—and provoking poses, she would delete them from her phone. She felt dirty and used whenever Mark answered with a fire emoji or a simple ‚Yuyan, you're seriously so hot!'.

She didn't want to be Mark's sexting partner for when he felt needy, but every time she texted him about something different or even school related, he would leave her on read.

On the third day after the horrendous date, Chunhei came back into the dorm. Yuyan was sitting on the couch, reading a text book, when the yellow-loving girl entered the flat and kicked off her shoes. Once Chunhei entered the living room, Yuyan closed her book and looked over to her best friend.

„Listen", Chunhei started, not telling Yuyan where she was all these days or why she avoided her in school. „I'm still not okay with that jerk-ish behavior you treated Huang Renjun with, but I'm still your best friend so I want your point of view of the whole situation." Yuyan's eyes filled with tears—happy tears since her best friend was here and ready to listen to her.

„But", Chunhei said and sat down her totebag before walking over to the couch. She sat down next to Yuyan. „If you start whining and crying about how wonderful Mark is, I'm moving out. Because of your undying crush on Mark this poor Renjun guy didn't have a chance to get to know you."

„Are you seriously thinking about moving out?" Yuyan asked and Chunhei nodded. „I spoke to my parents and they said I can move back in whenever I want. The bus trip from my home to the university isn't far." Chunhei said and crossed her legs. Yuyan gulped.

„I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable with my crush on Mark." - „It's not that your crush on Mark makes me feel iffy. It's how you put Mark over everything! You have no idea what Huang Renjun was thinking and how much effort he probably put in asking you out. And there you are shoving your crush in everyone's face, instead of telling Mark how you really feel and leaving bystanders, like Renjun, out of this." Chunhei ruffled her hair. „You're twenty years old, Yuyan. You can't be that dumb and not see how infatuated Renjun was with you."

Yuyan gulped. She didn't knew that Chunhei was this mature already. „For someone that's only nineteen years old and never had a boyfriend or a crush you're pretty mature", Yuyan said and Chunhei scoffed. „One of us has to be the mature one, because you definitely aren't. And now spit it out, what exactly happened."

And so Yuyan told Chunhei her side of the story. How she forgot to ask Renjun if he was okay with Mark tagging along; how she constantly flirted with the one year older male and how she more-or-less shooed Renjun away once they finished eating their lunch so she could spend more alone-time with Mark.

„I realized too late that it wasn't Renjun who was interrupting my date with Mark, but Mark who was interrupting my date with Renjun. But I was so flashed by how pretty Mark was that I completely forgot Renjun's existence." Yuyan bit her bottom lip. „And I even got cross at him for being a third wheel. I wished he would disappear." Tears threaten to drop out of Yuyan's eyes and she gulped.

„And now I haven't heard of Renjun for days." - „Obviously", Chunhei grunted. „You're a jerk... so why should he stay and give you a chance? Think about it Yuyan. Why would he want a second date, when he knows you can easily cheat on him with Mark." Chunhei stood up.

„Don't you dare to go and visit him at the gallery. You fucked it up so don't make this harder for him!" Chunhei warned. Yuyan nodded. But as the days passed and the Chinese woman didn't hear from him for three whole weeks, she secretly walked over to the Mosul Gallery.

Just this morning she had send Mark an almost-nude picture of him, to which he replied with a disturbingly and not-so-steamy selfie of him in his briefs. Yuyan wanted to barf. She never thought Mark was a fuckboy. And here she was feeding his fuckboyness. She hated herself for being weak and agreeing to his stupid favor.

Yuyan didn't even manage to tell Chunhei about her sending mature pictures to Mark. It was embarrassing. The fear of him leaking one of her pictures was too big.

With a sigh Yuyan entered the gallery and checked the receptionist. Behind the counter stood a beautiful young woman in a yellow dress skirt and a white blouse. On her shoulders was a yellow blazer and she wore thin and pretty necklaces in Roségold. She had a cute birthmark on her nose and cheek and had glitter on her eyelids.

This receptionist was gorgeous. Yuyan gulped and walked over to her. The Chinese lass quickly eyed the name tag: Kim Yerim. Said receptionist eyed her and lifted an eyebrow. „Can I help you?", she asked and her voice send shivers down Yuyan's spine.

„Ah... I'm sorry... I thought my ... friend... was working today...", Yuyan stuttered and Yerim pursed her lips. „Who's your friend?", she asked and looked Yuyan up and down. „Huang Renjun", Yuyan confidently spoke and Yerim cocked her brows and blew her cheeks.

„Are you that skank that broke his heart?" Yerim confidently asked and Yuyan widened her eyes. „Excuse me?", she asked and Yerim tilted her head. „You heard me, skank", she said. „I'm a customer and you're treating me like that?" Yuyan couldn't believe that woman.

Kim Yerim only chuckled. „Did I stutter? Are you the bitch that hurt our Renjun?" - „You know about... us?" Yerim walked around the counter and stood in front of Yuyan. Yerim was taller than her.

„There's no us", the receptionist exclaimed. „You hurt him and broke his heart. He's moving on." Yerim said and clicked her tongue. „Oh, and to answer your initial question, skank, he's not here. And it's not my job to tell you where he is, with whom he is and what he's doing." Yerim turned around and walked behind the counter. „I almost forgot... Leave him alone. He's better off without a bitch like you."

Yuyan looked at the woman, that was checking something on her computer and turned around. With tears filling her eyes, she left the gallery and walked back to the bus station.

How dare this chick call her a skank and a bitch! Yuyan was mad and angrily wiped the tears of her face. Why was she the bad one, when Renjun never declared that this date was romantic in the first place! Yuyan really believed it was platonic— it was a cheap excuse saying she didn't understand what Renjun was thinking, when it was clearly a romantic date.

She was pathetic. Running after a guy that was clearly moving on from her and the hurt she put him through because she couldn't get enough of Mark Lee.

Xiao Yuyan felt dirty, disgusting, used and pathetic. It was like that gallery girl said. She was a skank, a bitch, a stupid, pathetic and worthless piece of trash.

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