Chapter 1

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I mindlessly scroll through the replies of thirsty boys replying to my story.

It's the usual.

The same old "HMU", "Yo"'s, and endless amount of heart eyes.

Those are the boys that I make sure to leave on delivered.

If they're cute I might send them a thank you back, but once they try to start up a conversation, that's when I go ghost.

On the other hand, the very few girls that do swipe up, always get a reply.

I feel my eyes roll after getting another set of heart eyes from a random.

I'm thankful for all the compliments I get. But it just feels, repetitive?

"No way you're bitching after posting that sexy ass pic." My roommate, Essence says as she rubs my back.

"I'm not bitching. Just... Bored?"

She starts laughing as she holds out her hand for my phone. Handing it to her, she starts scrolling through my DMs. "You have a waiting list of niggas, and you're bored?"

"I don't know. It's like none of that shit feels real to me, you know? Half the fuckers in here are the same ones who used to talk shit about me in high school."

"They're noticing the glow-up." She hands me the phone back. "Talk to one of them. See what they on."

"I've tried. Every time I take the chance to get to know one of them, they end up clingy ass shit and want a relationship. That or they just want to fuck."

"What's wrong with fucking?-Wait-What's wrong with wanting a relationship?"

I feel my face scrunch in an unsure manner. "Nothing. It's just I don't want a relationship right now. The most I'm looking for is friends with benefits." I toss my phone down and walk towards my vanity. "A boy bestie that won't catch feels but treats me well and I can be myself with."

Essence unlocks my phone and starts reading DMs out loud. "Kamryn." She says. "The messages the two of you have are endless meaning you've spoken more than enough to get to know each other. But suddenly, you stopped replying. Why?"

"Kam was... sweet. I just know I'm not right for him, he deserves someone better. Someone who wouldn't entertain other niggas while being with him."

Essence looks at me and shakes her head. "I can say this shit because I'm your best friend, but you're kind of a hoe."

"A hoe?"

"Yeah," she shrugs casually. "You said it yourself. You entertain multiple guys, ghost them if they want something serious, and only look for someone to fuck around with for a while. So it's either a hoe or an attention whore."

My eyes narrow. "If you were anyone else I'd beat your face in for saying that. Real shit, Ess."

"But I'm not. And because I'm not, I want you to take my words into consideration."

"I have," I say. "And you're wrong."

"Well, tell me your viewpoint on this. No way you see nothing wrong with it."

"I see it as me protecting my fucking heart, Essence." Aggravation began to show in my words. "You don't know who you can trust in today's generation. You can't believe anything anyone says anymore without making yourself look stupid in the process. It's either be the player or be played. And you gotta be out of your fucking mind if you think I'm gonna let myself be played again."

"So, you decide to break hearts before anyone else can break yours?" She chuckles. "It almost sounds like you're scared of commitment."

"I wouldn't call it heart-breaking..? And I'm not. I'll know the right one when I see him." I stick my nose in the air in the opposite direction from her.

Essence sighs. "You know, if people saw this side of you as much as I do, that "Princess of Broward" title would be taken in less than a second," she jokes.

"I didn't ask for that stupid nickname anyway," I retort.

"Princess of Broward." A name I was given by my father that somehow made its way onto the streets of Broward.

He always said that if Broward was a monarchy, I'd be the Princess, no doubt.

People agreed and it stuck.

They respected me because of my mouth and honored me because of my looks.

I say what I want, whenever I want because I can. And who's gonna be there to tell me I can't?

I also happen to be very pretty and I use it to my advantage.

Females tend to hate me because of it; my "pretty privilege" and how arrogant I am when it comes to myself.

They say that I believe that I'm better than everyone and need to be humbled.

And they're absolutely correct.

But at least I'm self aware, right?

However, the person I am around Essence and the person I am to be outside are completely different people.

Outside, I portray myself as this heartless, nonchalant brat who acts and talks as if I'm self-righteous.

Essence knows it's all a façade. In fact, she was the first one to call me out on it. That's how we became friends.

And that's also how she became my only friend.

"We're going out tonight." She says abruptly.

I sigh and flip back onto the bed. "Don't feel like it."

"Funny how you think you have a choice," She retorts almost immediately.

A pink body con dress lands next to me. "This would be cute on you."

I tilt my head at the pink dress I purchased on Shein almost a year ago. Hasn't been worn, the tag's still on it. "It would..." I get back to my phone. "Still don't wanna go."

She goes into my closet and hands me some heels to match the dress. "Hey, you love a good competition, don't you? Let's make this a challenge. You're gonna go to this party with me tonight, and you're gonna get at least one guy's number. And I'm giving you a week."

"A week?" I place my phone on my chest and slightly turn my gaze towards her.

"A week. Seven days to talk to the dude. Get to know him and go out with him at least once."

This time, I chuckle. "You know I hate link-ups. What if this dude is a complete weirdo anyway? I'm not gonna talk to some weirdo for an entire week."

"If he's weird cut him off and the challenge restarts. Simple. It'll continue until you find the right match."

I take a moment to think about Essence's words. I know she isn't forcing me into anything, and yes, I do love a good challenge.

The competitive Aries in me can't resist.

"And what's in it for me?" I ask. "Say, I do talk to this dude or whatever and get to know him. After seven straight days, what will you do in return for your L?"

"Hm," she hums. She looks at me for a good moment before answering. "If you actually manage to win this little game, I'll take you to Rolling Loud. That sound fair?"

My eyes widen. "Really?!"

"Mhm," She confirms.

I tilt my head, "No bullshit?"

"No bullshit," She confirms. "But there's one rule."

I roll my eyes, "What's the rule?"

"You absolutely can not fake out this game. If you pick a random guy tonight and talk to him for the week just because, the tickets are getting sold."

I laugh a little. "How would you even know if I was lying?"

She raises an eyebrow as if the answer's obvious. "I've seen you in love before. I know all the signs of interest you give off. Fuck with me if you want and watch where these tickets go."

I groan and get out of bed. Flipping her off as I grab my dress.

She watches me with a smug look on her face. "In a week you'll be someone else's problem. So I'll take that."

"What does that mean?" I pull it over my head and adjust it around my thighs. Looking in the mirror, I check my body out from different angles, making sure I look presentable.

"It means in seven days, you'll have a little talking stage that you'll be in love with."

"Tuh," I smile. I apply a layer of lip gloss to my lips and rub my lips together to blend it in. After running my finger above and below for any access gloss, I sit next to Essence on the bed.

"I think you're forgetting you fucking with an exclusive ass pimp. Hearts and feelings? I eat that shit for breakfast. What makes you think I would catch any of that?"

"Just saying," She smiles at me that's followed by her usual little chuckle. "You catch feels quick. That's the reason why you cut niggas off before it can get to that point."

She isn't wrong. "You're wrong," I lie. "I just feel as though it's wrong to entertain someone I'm not interested in."

"Forgot Ms. Nonchalant here puts others' feelings before her own." She snorts sarcastically.

"What can I say?" I tug on a heel and laugh. "I feed off feelings and attention from the heart. Almost like some sort of parasite. I'm just trying to keep them safe." I respond, just as sarcastic.

"So, you're a heart-eater?" She jokes.

"Heart-eater," I repeat. "I like that."

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