Chapter 2

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11 march, 2022


"Such a good boy,"

"Aaah I can't...I can't anymore,"

"Just a second love,"

"Fuck fuck, I am coming"

"Wait a bit let's cum together Ish,"

"Ahh Shub...Ahh I can't hold it in,"

"You can baby, just a second,"

"But I'm close,"

"Just hold on a little longer, I want to feel you release with me,"

"I can't...I need to let go,"

"Okay, let go now,"

"Oh yes...oh yes...ohhh, Shub stop"

"Just a second love...hnng"

"I love you so much,"

"I love you too, Ish"


Shubman jolted awake while rubbing his ear which was hurting now.

He looked to his side only for his sister Shahneel to give a sickening smile.

"Who were you dreaming about?" She wiggled her eyebrows and Shubman widened his eyes at the realization.

He didn't just had a wet dream about Ishan.

"Tell me? Are you really having those kind of dreams for Sara now?" She smirked.

"Shut up," Shubman bit his lip. His mood spoiled after hearing Sara's name.

Don't get him wrong. He really like Sara. She is a very good friend of his. He has been trying his hardest to like her but there is something which doesn't seem too much appealing to him.

"Should I tell mom that her 23 years old son is going to make a scandal soon?" She snorted.

[23 as they r in 2022 currently as mentioned the date above]

"Shut up dii, please leave. I have to get ready for my flight," Shubman scoffed getting inside the bathroom leaving her sister shocked for a second at the sudden rude tone.


After getting ready Shubman thought of videocalling Ishan. He might be awake by now.

Welp, he should have known by now his sleeping habits. Because Ishan was sleeping a log.

Mayank and Ishan ended up sleeping at 3 am so they both were asleep at that moment. And when Shubman called the first ring went deaf on both of their ears but at the sudden ring Mayank woke up grumbling. He wanted to throw the phone but halted seeing it was Shubman.

So Shubman decided to ruin his sleep early morning? He will take his revenge.

Mayank looked at Ishan who was sleeping profoundly while cuddling a pillow.

'Time to ruin your morning Gill' Mayank snickered taking the pillow away from Ishan and pulled him towards himself. Ishan made a small noise but cuddled Mayank, too engrossed in the sleep to care about his surroundings.

Mayank accepted the videocall while making sure the camera angle focused on Ishan's face on Mayank's shoulder.

"Good morning Ish— oh hey Mayank," Shubman's facd faltered watching them.

"Good morning Shubman, sorry Ishan was sleeping so I had to pick up your call." Mayank gave a sarcastic smile while petting Ishan's hair.

"Yeah I can see, I thought of calling him before taking the flight."

"Well Ishan is asleep. We had a quite rough night you see, so it would take atleast a few more hours for him to wake up." Mayank shrugged.


"Yeah, don't worry though. When he will wake up, I will tell him you called."

"Sure and sorry for disturbing your sleep,"

"It's okay, have a safe flight." Mayank grinned and Shubman hummed cutting the call.

Mayank chuckled looking at Ishan who was all cuddled up with him now.

"Oye apni side jaa, main tera pati nahi jo mujhse chipak rha hai," Mayank said giving him back his pillow.
[Bro go back to your side of bed, I am not your boyfriend who you can get close with]

Ishan whined giving a kick to Mayank sleepily and going back to his side now cuddled up with two pillows.

Ishan was quick to sleep back making Mayank shake his head at his always sleepy bestfriend.

Mayank also snickered going back to sleep not before taking a look at the message notification on Ishan's phone

How many time do I have to tell you to stop disturbing other people? I put up with your cuddles doesn't mean everyone will 🙄  I told you naa to cuddle the pillows or the bear I gifted you to cuddle whenever you sleep.


"I am really tired now. I need a junior physiotherapist, it's not bearable to manage everything alone now that the asia cup is starting soon. All the members are practicing here. " Kabir sighed out in front of the HR.

"I am really sorry Kabir, but we are trying. From all the applications we got till now nobody is suitable for the position. I know it's difficult to handle everything alone as Asia Cup and World Cup are happening soon but we need to find a qualified candidate. It's about Indian cricket team."

Kabir groaned. Everyone were practicing way more than required. How was he supposed to look after the 20 members alone without any help?

"Isn't there anything else we can do? Can't we promote someone capable for this position? It's been months since the last physiotherapist resigned. I am sure the team must have checked out all the members who were suitable for promotion." Kabir muttered.

"Actually there was a person we chose for promotion but after the background  check we can't promote him."

"Background check? If that person is already an employee and have a criminal record then did you not looked into their profile before?"

"He don't have any criminal record...he just had a case in the past. While appointing him as kkr's physiotherapist we looked into his profile and he didn't had any criminal record. But while considering him for the promotion to junior physiotherapist we got to know about a case, he was defamed but still we can't risk it."

"Show me his profile," Kabir said and she rumbled her desk a bit before giving him a big file.

Aarav Kazir.

Kabir hummed as he skimmed through the pages. He was a 24 years old guy, father of a 2 months old daughter.

Aah here is the case. His girlfriend charged him for a rape case. But it was proved that he had been defamed. His girlfriend was charged back for the defamation and their daughter's custody was given to him.

Kabir checked his profile a bit more.

There were a few letter of recommendation on his profile. Many appraisal as well. The guy was pretty good on his job.

"He has the required experience and according to his profile the quality of care and treatment he provided his clients are upto the par. And for the case he was defamed. He doesn't have any criminal record. What's the problem?" Kabir looked at her.

"If we add him to the team then other people might feel uncomfortable around him,"

"He already had a tough past and he is so young for god's sake. Now if we will not give him the chance he deserves then we are also doing injustice with the guy."

"But Kabir you are not understandin—"

"No you are not understanding. Aarav Kazir is innocent and deserves this opportunity. I am going to talk with the management and reconsider him for the position." Kabir said getting up from the seat.

The HR sighed but let Kabir do his thing.


The next day came pretty fastly. Kabir had talked with the management and they had called Aarav today. They were going to give him a chance to prove himself.

He would be the junior physiotherapist on a testing base for one month. If there would be any problem relating to misbehaving from his side then he would be removed from the position immediately.

Kabir didn't paid much heed to the clauses knowing Aarav was a grown adult and wouldn't do anything like that obviously. He was happy that he finally had some support for managing the team.

Don't get him wrong. He loves his job and also really like the members of Indian cricket team but sometimes they can be a bit handful.

He could really use some helping hand to manage the chaotic ict.

Kabir hummed a soft tune as he entered the building. He had been extra grumpy to everyone nowadays because of the work pressure. When it will all be done he will apologize to everyone sincerely.

"These boxes looks heavy. Should I help you?"

"Ah no thanks," The girl said while slightly moving away from the guy.

Kabir furrowed his eyebrows at the commotion near the lifts.

Wait wasn't the guy Aarav? Yeah it was him.

And he was trying to help the girl who was clearly having a hard time holding the two big boxes. Still the girl refused and moved away from him.

Aarav awkwardly took a step back as well.

The whole department must be knowing about him. Poor guy. It was his first day and the cold shoulder must be discouraging for him.

Kabir walked towards the lift as both of them got aware of his presence as well.

"Kabir sir, it's a relief you are here. I couldn't handle these boxes alone. Can you help me please?" The girl pouted.

Kabir nodded his head taking the boxes  from the girl.

"Woah sneha, they are really heavy. I won't be able to manage it. Oh hey you! Can you help us?" Kabir turned towards Aarav who nodded his head eagerly.

He took the boxes from Kabir and held it easily.

"Where do I have to take them?" Aarav asked as they entered the lift.

"To the storage room. They contain fragile items so be cautious," The girl replied curtly.

"Okay. But I am new here so I don't know where the storage room is," Aarav muttered being a bit embarrassed.

"It's alright, Sneha will show yo—"

"I am sorry Kabir sir but I just realised I have some really important work so can you show him the storage room instead?" 

"Sure," Kabir said knowing well the girl was lying.

It seemed like Aarav knew that as well because his mood changed as well.


Both Aarav and Kabir walked out of the storage room.

"Thank you so much sir," Aarav bowed in front of Kabir.

"Hey hey don't makes me feel old. And what are you thanking me for? I should thank you for helping me with the boxes."

"The boxes weren't even that heavy. You might look lean and not that muscular but I am sure you could hold them easily as well. You just wanted to make me feel better by letting me help. Thank you for it,"

"It's not like tha—"

"Please sir, it's okay. I know you also know about this freak. I mean everyone here knows, I already heard them and mentioning me as a freak. I really don't mind about it though," Aarav said.

Kabir bit his lip as he watched him walking away. Wait why was he walking towards right?

"Where are you going? Isn't your department downstairs?" Kabir asked.

"Yes it is but I have to take my card and other things from the HR office. Oh and btw I am going in a hurry without talking much. I don't want to be late on my first day," Aarav said.

"There are still 15 minutes before the office timings start." Kabir said looking at his watch.

"I know but I don't want to take any chances. I heard my senior is a grumpy man. I don't want to create a bad impression in front of him by even being a minute late,"

"Grumpy senior?"

"Yeah...the people here call him a grumpy old fox. I am not sure how much true this thing is but still I don't want to take my chances,"

"It's okay, you can go. Can't let your grumpy old fox wait," Kabir gave a lopsided grin as Aarav thanked him and  sprinted towards the HR office.

Grumpy old fox? Seriously is this what his team calls him?


A/N -

COTD [Comment of the day]

Please tell me I am not the only one to find this funny.

Also to unlock next chapter - 40 votes

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