Chapter 4

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"Who are you talking with?"

"Uh nobody,"

"Didn't seemed like a nobody"

"Come on Shub it was just Mayank."


Ishan sighed watching how Shubman's face got all pouty as he laid down on the bed.

Ishan also jumped to the bed.

"Why are you sad? It isn't like he is going to take your best friend place." Ishan said pulling Shubman close.

Shubman didn't said anything but let Ishan pull him close.

"Come on Shub you just can't be mad with me talking with Mayank."

"Now I don't even have the right to be mad at you."

"Hey I didn't said it like that."

"But you definitely meant it like that"

"Yarr Shubi tere naa gf se bhi zyada nakhre hai,"

[Shubi you have more tantrums than a girlfriend]

"Nice way to make me feel better," Shubman rolled his eyes.

"Wait but why do I have to even make you feel better? What did I even do?"

"You asking me that? After ipl we had like a month for break and you went to spend it with Mayank so you were in Punjab but still you didn't came even once to meet me."

"I wasn't there for the whole time Shub, for a few day only and then I was at my house for the rest of the break."

"Still you could have came to meet me for once. Besides you didn't even spent the day with me today, we met after so long."

"It was our practice day and I am here with you, rooming with my best buddy."

"Best buddy? You mean you have other buddies? I knew it you are cheating on me!"

"Come on Shub," Ishan grunted shaking his head in annoyance.

"Yeah now you are annoyed at me. All I wanted to do was to spend time with you on the ground but you were too busy with the new physiotherapist to even notice my existence."

"Wait you are angry at me because I talked with Aarav for most of the time? Shubman he just joined the team so I was making sure he feel at ease." Ishan shook his head.

His best friend can be jealous over idiotic things sometimes.

"We could have talked with him together,"

"Then you could have also came to us instead of sulking."

"I don't sulk,"

"I dOnT sUlK" Ishan mimicked. Shubman huffed taking a pillow and whacking it right at Ishan's face.

"You didn't just did that," Ishan gasped.

"Yes I did," Shubman muttered whacking the pillow at him again.

"Now don't you dare back off because you woke up the devil yourself." Ishan groaned grabbing another pillow.

"Hey you can't take two pillows that's not fai—ack" Shubman groaned when Ishan smacked the pillow at him.

They both started swinging the pillows at each other. Dodging and blocking each other's pillows while trying to strike their pillow at the other one.

Slowly the pillows lost their shape and fluff flew around the room. The feathers sticking onto their hair.

Shubman and Ishan laughed as they finally stopped the pillow fight and laid back at the bed. The chuckled while staring and slowly the laugh died down.

Shubman stared at Ishan's lips for a second before pulling him in a hug.

"Let's sleep" He mumbled cuddling Ishan who nodded and scratched Shubman slightly at the back of his ear. He knew how much Shubman liked to be pet like that and Ishan liked his reaction very much. So he always petted Shubman.

Shubman hummed holding Ishan by his waist tighter as he closed his eyes and letting the sleep take over him.


The next morning was a better one for Shubman. They both were stretching together and practicing together as well.

Shubman stood beside Rahul who was wicketkeeping and Ishan was batting. Siraj was bowling.

Rohit and Rahul were the captains of the team decided by stone paper and scissor.

Ishan stood at the crease as the bowl came at his direction, he swung his bat just in time for a big six. But the six was so long that the ball went out of the ground and accidentally towards Aarav who was going inside the building holding the carton of supplies. He couldn't react on time as the ball landed  at his right arm as he groaned dropping the box at his legs making him hiss more at the pain.

Everyone quickly ran towards him in worry.

Kabir also ran towards the commotion seeing how Ishan was apologizing repeatedly.

"It's okay sir, I am not hurt much."

"Nonsense your arm looks really swolled and your leg as well." Kabir said inspecting him for any more prone  injuries.

"No sir its okay I am not hurt mu- ah" Aarav bit his lip at the sudden pain when he tried to get up.

"Don't move," Kabir said.

"No sir you don't have to— sir please I am really heavy." Aarav squealed as Kabir tried to pull him.

"You think I am lanky? Aarav I might not look as buffed as you but I am strong enough." Kabir scowled pulling the guy now in bridal style to show his power.

"Ohoo kammo itni takkat," Virat chuckled patting Kabir who smirked flexing himself while swinging Aarav in his arms who held his arms tighter not to get fallen.

[Woah Kammo you are so strong]

"Come on leave me now." Aarav huffed and Kabir chuckled taking him aside.

He put him on the chair and pulled out the first aid kit.

"It's okay sir, the swelling will be gone in a few minutes."

"Shut up I am your senior so listen to me." Kabir said making Aarav purse his lips instantly.

He pulled garam patti on his hand after putting volini.

"Rest for a while. You don't have to check the new supplies I will tell somebody else to do it." Kabir hummed leaving him.

Aarav pouted trying to protest but the senior didn't let him.


It was lunch time so Kabir went back to Aarav to check on him.

The other staff was already out doing lunch together in the canteen.

Aarav was on his desk writing something in his notepad.

"Kabir sir, we were finding you only. Come on let's have lunch together with everyone. It's been awhile since you did lunch with us sir." The girl said and the two more girls beside her nodded their heads.

"Sure, are everyone going to be there?"

"Yeah sir, everyone at the wing does lunch break together only."

"Okay, let's go. Hey Aarav come fast," Kabir shouted making Aarav flinch at the sudden intrusion. He looked at them in confusion.

"Sir, Aarav is not going to do lunch with us together. He is not free rn,"

"But it's lunch break he can continue with his work later on. Stop working so hard Aarav," Kabir replied.

"Sir it's okay...I like to do lunch alone so I will be doing it in a while don't worry." Aarav muttered hastily closing the files and clearing out his desk.

"Nonsense, nobody does lunch alone. You will feel a lot better with us, come on." Kabir shook his head.

"Um sir..." one of the girl trailed off not being able to explain it nicely.


"Uhm it's not just about Aarav's discomfort...we didn't asked him to join us as well because a few people might not be comfortable around him."

"What do you mean?"

"Sir you know the rumor about hi—"

"So what? We don't judge anyone on the basis of their rumor now do we? He joined us just yesterday and we should be making sure he feels comfortable aroung the new work atmosphere instead of isolating him." Kabir furrowed his eyebrows.

"Sir its okay, it ain't their mistake. I myself don't like being around too many people and wan—"

"Shut up Aarav, I can clearly see who is at fault and if my subordinate are going to act like this then I am not going to let this go. I need to ensure all my subordinates are feeling secure in their work place. And you all can go and enjoy your lunch. I will be having lunch with my junior instead." Kabir retorted walking inside his office room.

"Aarav, in my office with your lunch within 2 mins" Kabir spoke as he held the door of his room before shutting it.

The girls scowled feeling guilty but it's not their fault they just wanted to be away from a potential criminal.


"I am hard,Ishan"

"Mayank what da fuck?!"

"What? Now I can't even share things with you?"

"Mayank ofcourse but you just told me you are hard as soon as you called me. What happened to hyy hello?"

"But Ish I don't have time for the formalities with you. I am hard,"

"Then jerk off?"

"I can't...whenever I try to jerk off I picture Sara...SARA TENDULKAR ISHAN SARA...what do I do...I feel like a creep to even think about her in that way."

"Then don't think about ger and jerk off?"

"Ishu what are you high on? If I could I would have done it already."

"Then just try to think of some turn offs."

"Already did...I am literally on blue balls and nothing is making me get rid of this hard on."

"Then think of some really big turn offs like your ass," Ishan muttered. He wasn't trying to be angry but it was almost midnight and he wanted to go and sleep. He literally had to come out in balcony to pick up Mayank's call only for this.

"Ishan why did you came out?" Shubman said groggily looking at Ishan then at the phone in his hand.

He took it from Ishan's hand who protested but Shubman being Shubman put it under his ear to tell the person on call to talk with Ishan tomorrow.

"Like your ass is the biggest turn to ever exist for me." Mayank scoffed in a sweet way trying to be sarcastic.

"Mayank you called Ishan at midnight to drool over his ass?" Shubman scowled.

"Uhh what? Shubman is it you? Where is Ishan?"

"Doesn't matter, he will talk with you tomorrow so till then keep your fantasies about Ishan to yourself only." Shubman grumbled cutting the call and then staring at Ishan.

Mayank whined loudly not wanting Shubman interfering in between.

He was really stressed out about his small crush which was budding out rapidly.

But Shubman doesn't care about anyons but Ishan...and how much did Mayank also wanted someone like Ishan, someone who would be whipped around him for every single day.



Her dedication lmao

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