(10) Stalker

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I stepped out of my jeep with flowers in my hand.

It has been four days since Valerina stayed at my house.

And today, she finally agreed for our second date.

I rang the bell and anxiously waited for someone to open the door.

I was nervous. No doubt about that. But this time, I felt a little more confident in myself.

And I am pretty sure Valerina is the reason.

The door opened, revealing two identical looking boys, a little older than me.

They must be her brothers, Nathan and Justin. Though I don't know whose who.

"Who are you?" One of them asked.

"What are you doing here?" The other asked.

"Are you here for our sister?" The first one narrowed his eyes at me.

"What do you want with her?" The second one narrowed his eyes at me.

"Are you dating her?" The first one glared at me.

"Why is she dating you?" The second one glared at me.

"I don't like you." They both stated together.

I just stood there, stunned. What the hell just happened?

Thankfully, my response was saved by Valerina.

"Nathan! Justin! Stop troubling him." She shouted as she walked towards the door.

And she looked beautiful! She was wearing a simple baby blue off shoulder jumpsuit which reached her knees. Her dark brown hair flowed down her shoulders. The heart shaped locket she always wore shone as the light fell on it.

"Where are you going?" One of them asked.

"I am going on a date. I told you that yesterday." She stated. "And no. I am not going to listen to you." She continued when she saw both of them open their mouths to say something.

"Okay. Just stay safe and come back before the curfew." Jonah, who had suddenly appeared, said.

"But-" The twins started but Jonah pushed Valerina towards me.

"You guys go and enjoy. I'll handle them." Jonah smiled at us.

We both chuckled as we walked towards the jeep.

"This is for you." I handed her the flowers.

"You didn't have to." She chuckled.

"I take it that Jonah likes me." I raised my eyebrows as I opened the door for her.

"He approves." She smirked as she sat inside.

"What can I say? I am very likable." I smirked as I sat in the driver's seat.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes as her lips twitched upwards. "Where are we going today? And don't you dare say that it is a surprise."

"Someplace I hope you will like." I smirked as we drove off.

"I told you not to say that it is a surprise." She whined.

"And I didn't say it was a surprise. I just said that it is someplace I hope you will like." I chuckled as she rolled her eyes.

As soon as she saw where we were, she had tears in her eyes.

No. No. No. No. No.

Tears are a bad sign!

Oh god! I messed up. She doesn't like it.

I was taken off guard when she wrapped her around me and hugged me.

"Thank you for bringing me here." She said.

I guess she likes it?

"This was a place my mom and I used to come. I haven't visited this place since she died. So, thank you!" She smiled.

Her mom. I really wanted to ask more about her. But I knew it was a hard topic for her. So, I didn't ask any questions.

"I'm glad you like it." I smiled.

"Come on! The animals are waiting for us!" She chuckled as she took my hand and ran towards the entrance, pulling me with her.

When I was thinking of a place to take her for our second date, searching google was my first instinct. But then I remember how wrong google was during our first date. And I didn't want to mess up this second date.

So I started thinking about all the places Valerina would like to go. And a fancy restaurant was definitely not on the list.

Then I remembered how when we were small, every year for fancy dress, Valerina would always dress as an animal. Every year, the first day after summer, she would tell her friends how she had gone to the zoo on her birthday.

Yes. I was a stalker. But it paid off, didn't it?

And that's why I decided that the zoo would be a really nice place for a second date.

To see how her eyes lit up every time we walked to a new animal was all the satisfaction I wanted.

"I told you about the cheer tournament right?" She suddenly asked me.

We were sitting in one of the restaurants in the zoo, happily eating our pizza. After walking for about two hours, we had decided to take a break.

I was actually surprised that Valerina actually walked for two hours. But then again, she was a cheerleader. That and her excitement.

We both agreed on Pizza and now, here we are.

"Yeah You did." I answered, curious what she was going to say next.

"Well, they are also having a football game. One has to enroll and then the participants are going to be split into two teams. They will practice together for a month and then they will play. It's a pretty new concept but there are going to be college scouts at the game." She informed me.

I didn't like where this was headed.

"You should enroll. You might even get a scholarship from a good college and-" Before she could continue, I cut her off.

"Val. I am not going to college. I don't want to. I want to stay here with my mom." I stated.

"I know. And I understand that. But if you get into a college and the state has a better treatment for your mom? What then?" She hopefully asked.

"And what if I get into a college and that state doesn't have a good treatment. And I don't want my mom to travel in her condition." I stated, my voice having an edge to it.

Valerina never tried to pry into my personal life. And now that she was doing it, I was not liking it.

"But-" I rudely cut her off.

"I am not going to college." I rudely stated.

Without saying anything more, she continued eating her pizza, looking anywhere but at me.

"Come on! Eat fast! I don't want to miss the dolphin show! And we also have to feed the elephants!" She told me.

She had just finished eating and now she was telling me to eat fast.

Our argument was long forgotten. But I had slowly started regretting the tone of the voice I had used.

She was just saying that because she cared about me.

"I'm done!" I chuckled.

I paid the bill and Valerina pulled me towards the dolphins.

After watching the dolphin show, I was dragged to the elephants.

I literally feel like I am roaming with a kid right now!

A very cute and 17 year old kid whom I like very much.

The elephants were standing in a shallow river while we, the humans, were standing on the bridge over the river.

Valerina was smiling like Chesire cat as she was handed two bananas from the instructor. He gave me two as well but just when I was about to say no, Valerina interrupted me.

"Take them. If you don't want to feed the elephants, fine. I'll do it. More for me!" She excitedly said.

I just chuckled and took the bananas.

"Here you go, Miss Valerina Mathews." I chuckled. She more than happily took them. 

"I had a lot of fun today!" Valerina told me.

"I'm glad." I smiled.

We just sat in the car, staring at each other, both of us having a smile on our faces.

My gaze slowly dropped to her lips and then back at her.

Did I want to kiss her? Heck yes!

Was I experienced? Heck no!

I was just scared that my inexperience in kissing will make her dislike me and-

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt her lips on mine.


Hey guys!!

Happy Easter!!

Who was fooled by my April Fools Prank? hehe

So here is the actual Chapter 10... I deleted the prank chapter...

Game Time!!

"No. I'm Valerina. You already know that."

This is line will be coming in the upcoming chapters... Let's see who finds it first!!

This chapter is dedicated to Naomi100112 

She has been supporting me throughout the whole book and as a thank you, I asked her to choose Valerina and Christian's date location on discord... She selected 'Zoo' and there you have it...

I hope you liked the chapter...

Until Next Time...

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