(19) Apologize

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Seven days.

That's how long it has been since I have talked to Valerina.

One excruciatingly long week.

"Do you really think I don't notice it?" My mom asked.

We were currently at my house. My mom was discharged from the hospital two days ago and now she is back at home.

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb.

I haven't told my mom about my fight with Valerina yet. She was so happy that she was being discharged from the hospital that I didn't want to ruin the atmosphere.

"Don't play dumb. Something happened between you and Valerina, didn't it?" She asked. "Tell me the truth."


"I knew something was up between you two. You haven't talked to her ever since I was brought back home. She doesn't call you. You don't call her. I am pretty sure she doesn't know that I am back at home." My mom stated the facts.

"We got into a fight." I stated, not in the mood to talk about it. But this is my mom we are talking about.

"About what?" She urged. I continued on to tell her the whole story.

"Dear, she was just trying to help." My mom sighed.

"I know. But I don't want her to pity me." I argued.

"She does not pity you. I can see it in her eyes. It's not sympathy. It's empathy." My mom stated. And at the back of my mind, I knew she was right. And that I had messed up by blowing up on Val.

"I just wish she had told me." I sighed.

"If she would have told you that Dr. Parker is her aunt, would you have let her help you?" My mom asked.


"Exactly. And I knew that Dr. Parker was her aunt." My mom informed me.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes. One day, when you were busy with your job, she came to the hospital and asked if it would be okay. She also said that she would ask her aunt as a last option, when no doctors would be available." My mom stated.

"Oh. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I asked.

"She told me not to. And you can't blame her for helping you. If she hadn't helped, I would be dead by now. Six feet below. And you would be sitting at my grave." My mom sadly smiled.

"Ma! Please don't say things like that. You are not dying anytime soon." I said as I wrapped my arms around her. She just hugged me back.

"Well, it seems that you have some apologizing to do." My mom stated and I couldn't agree more.


I kept staring at his message. That message was sent a week ago. And now it has been two weeks since I last talked to him.

Did I want to talk to him?

Hell yes.

Was I going to forgive him?

Definitely not.

I shouldn't be shouted at just because I tried to help. My heart shouldn't be broken because I helped. It's not my fault.

And if he thinks that sending me a 'hey' after a week will make me talk to him, he is wrong. Very wrong.

But I miss him. Very much.

I miss how he used to blush whenever I used to kiss his cheek.

I miss how sometimes he would say some witty things and smirk at me, making me blush.

I miss our stolen kisses and bear hugs.

I miss our talks and I even miss our awkward silence.

I miss him.

My thoughts were thankfully interrupted by the doorbell. I made my way towards the door, only to come in front of Ryder's parents.

"Hey dear. Ryder is here, isn't he?" His mom asked.

Of course Ryder is here. He has been staying here for two weeks. And it has turned out to be the best decision for both of us.

He kept me away from the thoughts about Christian while I helped him with Alex.

"I'm sorry. But no. He isn't here." Ryder told me yesterday that he was not ready to face his parents yet, so there was no way I was going to tell them the truth.

"Val. Who's at the door?" Ryder's voice followed by the sound of his footsteps, climbing down the stairs.

Of course. He has to come now.

"Val? What- Mom? Dad?" His eyes went wide and I could feel him tense up. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Son. We want to apologize." His dad started, "It was very wrong of us to act the way we were acting. We are your parents and you should always come first. We have always been keeping work as our first priority and it was very wrong of us. You should be able to talk to us about anything and everything, not be scared of us or feel uncomfortable with us. And when you finally got the courage to oppose us, I- I hit you. I am really sorry."

"We understand if you hate us. Even I would hate us. But I really hope you can forgive us. You are our son. And you will always be our son no matter what." His mom sadly smiled.

Ryder immediately stepped out of the house and hugged his parents.

"You are my parents. I could never hate you." He stated.

That's when he seemed to notice something. One of his dad's hands was bandaged.

"Dad, what happened?" He asked.

"I hit you. I just wanted to punish myself." His dad sighed.

"Dad!" Ryder engulfed his dad into another hug.

"I am really sorry son." His dad apologized.

"It's okay." Ryder stated.

"And you should have told us about your scholarship. We didn't know you played football so well to earn a scholarship." His mom told him.

"You would know that if you came to any of my games." Ryder sadly said. His parents had never come to any of his football games.

"We know that. And we are really sorry. And we would try our best to come to each and every game of yours in Ohio." His mom gave him a small smile.

"Ohio? I can actually go?" Ryder asked.

"Of course. We have been very bad at this parenting thing. We would be even horrible parents if we would not allow you to follow your dream." His mom stated.

"Thank you!" Ryder hugged his mom.

I was about to walk inside to give them their space but his mom called out to me.

"Valerina. Thank you for taking care of him and being there for him when we weren't there." His mom said.

"He is my best friend. I would always be there for him." I smiled. His mom smiled back and said another thank you before Ryder came towards us.

"See. I told you they would come around. Don't lose hope. It's the only thing that keeps the world going." I smiled at him. He just hugged me.

"Well, then you should also try texting Christian back. Give him a chance to apologise." Ryder said.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Practice what you preach, sweetheart." Ryder chuckled.

I came back upstairs into my room. Ryder left with his parents, who insisted on meeting Alex. I sat on my bed and unlocked my phone.

Time to practice what you preach, Valerina!



Hey guys!

I hope you liked the chapter!

Only two more chapters to go!!

Also, I did two updates this week! So, please check out the previous chapter as well, else you would be confused...

QOTD: Do you think Val should forgive Christian? If yes, should she forgive him easily or should he have to work for it?

Until Next Time...

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