Chapter 27 - Electric Sparks and Simply Erik

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Well I can't draw but I thought I could at least try to recreate Rory as a Sim.  :)  I will probably do the same for my other original characters.  :)

Rory would probably tear a rut into the wooden planks of the floor at this rate. She just couldn't keep herself still. The more time that went by the more she worried over her brother. She kept clenching and releasing her fists in a dire attempt to keep herself from starting to chew at her nails. Oric had despised that particular nasty habit, and if she were completely honest so did she. She wished for the long feminine nails many girls had. Because she did traditional blacksmith work she had to keep her nails short for her craft.

Rory wouldn't openly admit that while she was a tomboy at heart she yearned to be more feminine. Their mother never really loved or doted on either of the twins. So having a motherly figure to guide her through the pros and cons of being a girl. She mostly grew up under the caring eyes and tutelage of the grandfatherly blacksmith, which wasn't all bad. There were occasionally times a group of girls her age would walk by the forge giggling and talking amicably. The silly giggling girls openly disgusted her with their candid juvenile girlish behavior. She would sneer after they passed, and give her brother an annoyed look. Inwardly, however, she wished she could have been more like them too.

She would never openly admit that her toes were polished a bubble gum pink. Nor would she admit that her belly button was pierced in hopes that she would attract some male attention. She played with the hem of her shirt as she remembered that the blonde neanderthal caught sight of her navel adornment. It was peculiar but every time she looked his way, and caught him looking at her a strange warmth would hit her navel where the piercing was hidden.

Laxus found himself glancing in the mysterious redhead's direction overly too often. She probably never realized that her cheeks inflamed the minute their eyes met. She often wore her hair in a tight braid but he found himself imagining how wavy and alluring it would be fanned out around her as she slept. She was now wearing the oversized nondescript tee. But the small hint of curves he saw as the tee had lifted above her waist... The memory of it was driving Laxus insane.

He talked himself out of the constant arousal he felt in her vicinity. He told himself he was merely curious about who she was. He was anticipating that she would be double crossing them at some point. That she was some dark guild's spy. Or worse yet a member of Raven Tail. His father's spy.

Those dark thoughts were always waylaid by this inward encouragement that she was no spy at all. This feeling in his gut that told him she was as far from a spy as she could be. This contradiction from one thought to the next left him overly curious about her.

He found himself envisioning the moment where her oversize tee had crept up her ivory skin. How the glint of the yellow gem reflected every light source in the room and seemed to shine it's own beam of light directly at him. He wondered about that glinting jewel that decorated her navel. When he thought of the dimpled flesh that housed said piercing his state of arousal made itself known once again.

Laxus was about to walk back upstairs to his private guild hall sanctuary when the door of the guild hall burst open. He watched as everyone in the guild hall turned to the direction of the doors.

A hush of silence permeated the room of the Fairy Tail guild hall as the three shadows that stood there crossed over the threshold. A gasp here, a whispered comment there. Rory didn't catch any of it. She only knew that Master Makarov and Kinana had brought an extra stranger into the hall.

Stranger seemed an apt descriptive adjective for the man too. He had spiky maroon hair, tanned skin, oddly pointed earlobes, and from his gait she could tell he was in top physical form. What held her captivated was the scar running across where his right eye should have been. Rory wondered mentally if he lost his eye in a battle or something. The stranger's eyes traveled to her. He smiled a peculiar smile and shook his head no as if to answer her inward question.

Laxus watched Cobra enter the room. He felt his own eyes squint as Cobra's left eye landed on Rory. A strong sense of possessiveness began to burn in his gut. His mouth clenched tightly and growl reverberated from the back of his throat. Cobra then turned his way and smirked for a moment, and then openly laughed out loud.

Every member of the guild was taken back by the merriment that seemed to be exuding from Cobra now. They had only seen him in battle before and this was quite the unusual site. Even Kinana seemed confused by his sudden mirth.

"So I hear that we dragon slayers must find our mates before we turn into fierce dragons. I also hear that there are gems called dragon gems that seem to have some impact on a dragon slayer's mates powers or something?"

Master Makarov pushed the comment away. "We will get to that all in good time."

Lucy got up from her seat next to Natsu and made her way to Cobra. She thought at him because she knew he could hear her. She shared her connection with Natsu also. If you do anything to hurt Kinana the entirety of the guild will hurt you.

"Understood." Cobra turned to Natsu. "Congratulations, salamander, seems you found the perfect mate, and you are about to be a father too. You don't waste time..." Natsu looked confused and was about to ask when Cobra interrupted. "I can't hear their heartbeats but I can hear their presence. It's a hard thing to put into words."

Cobra turned to Kinana. He sighed and considered his next step for a moment. Then he focused on the entire room as he said, "I want to turn over a new leaf. I want to help with this dragon gem quest. But most importantly, I want everyone to call me by my true name from here on out. Please, I am no longer Cobra. Call me Erik."

Suddenly the whole guild cheered. Mira proclaimed that it was time to celebrate. The transformation from silence to a wild cacophony was instantaneous. "You surprised me," Kinana said.

Erik reached down and wove his fingers through hers. "I surprised myself." He sighed, "You know it was you that changed me, right?"


"I wouldn't want to change if it weren't for you. I turned myself in to protect you. I—" He gulped back at the large lump that formed in his throat. He made sure to gaze directly into her deep green eyes. "I would honestly do anything for you."

"Anything?" She quirked her eyebrow at him. Her face transformed from innocence to one of temptation.

Erik gulped visibly. Then turned away from her to look out over the crowd. He felt a trickle of sweat drop down the back of his neck. "I think I need a drink." He walked over to the bar and heard Kinana's muffled laughter behind him.

Suddenly a metal tankard was flying across the room from approximately the same vicinity they had just vacated. All eyes turned back toward the door. "I thought you were all going to help me find my brother! It has been a week an a half! Nothing has changed! If you won't help I will save Oric myself!" The door rattled on its hinges as it slammed shut behind her.

A static charge rose in the room and a flash of light emitted from Laxus as he ran out of the double doors after her.

He caught up to her about a half mile down the cobble road. He was momentarily caught off guard by how fast she walked. He reasoned with himself that she was angry, and that was probably what had propelled her feet to flee faster then the norm.

Laxus snickered at her sight. The band that held her braid tight had must have fallen out during her tantrum because it was now unwinding. Her hair was becoming an unruly set of waves about her shoulders.

Rory turned when she sensed the electric charge to the air. He looked at her with a sense of wonder she had never seen before. Neither noticed the gray clouds as they rolled in. Suddenly the sky opened up and rain pelted down on the two of them. His spiky hair became a plastered cap against his scalp. Her waves now wet tendrils across her shoulders and back.

Laxus noticed how her loose tee was plastered to her skin. The fabric paper thin and bordering transparency. Her curves were no longer hidden quite as hidden. He had a new memory to replay now if he wanted to remember her seemly shape. He grabbed her hand and without word ushered her along the street.

"What the hell?! Where do you think you are taking me?!"

"We are getting out of this rain. I'm taking you to my place." His voice left no room for argument. But the lightning dragon slayer, even with his keen sense of hearing, missed the sound of her gulping in nervousness at the idea of being alone with him.

I hope you are enjoying the Laxory moments.  Don't worry we will get back to the other couples soon enough.  :)  Let me know what you think of Rory, the story, or even my SIm version of her via comment.  :)

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